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Bachelorette 19 - Gabby Windey - Rachel Recchia - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

A few “Bachelorette” spoiler notes that are covered in the first 15 minutes of today’s podcast:

-As we know, Rachel and Gabby’s final four were released a couple weeks ago on my socials, and neither of them had any of the same guys. What I was told was that at rose ceremony #3 is where the men had to make the decision of who they were going to date going forward. Basically, right before travel started to Paris, Belgium, and Amsterdam at rose ceremony #3, Rachel and Gabby gave out roses to who they were interested in, and those guys would either choose to accept or not. I was told Rachel was rejected more than once. Now, I don’t know if that meant those guys automatically went in Gabby’s group (because what if Gabby wasn’t into them?) because I don’t have all the details on it, but I just heard Rachel passed out a few roses that were rejected. Because in the first two episodes, the guys got to know both women and were on dates with each and spoke with each. Wasn’t until that rose ceremony where they had to make their decision.

-I got confirmation that Tyler Norris and Johnny DePhillipo are home. And since we know that the final 3 person stays in the final location til all of filming is over, clearly Tyler (Rachel) and Johnny (Gabby) were eliminated at the final 4 rose ceremony.

-I still don’t know who was Gabby’s 4th hometown. Yes, I was sent the picture of Justin Budfuloski’s sister-in-law’s IG page that he was in on Mothers Day. So it certainly looks like he wasn’t her 4th hometown. It’s why I wasn’t sure when I posted him and told you I only had circumstantial evidence it could be him. Well now it looks like he wasn’t since he was in that pic last Sunday and Johnny was already eliminated as Gabby’s 4th. So I assume Gabby took 3 guys down to Mexico and we know Jason Alabaster and Erich Schwer are two of them. I have not been told Gabby only had 3 hometown dates. I believe she had 4, and one of them just never got out publicly. Still don’t know who that third guy is.

-Your “villain” this season is Hayden Markowitz. And I use that term loosely because as we know, this toxic fanbase has a real issue with villains where they basically try and make their lives miserable. But from what I’m hearing, Hayden got caught saying his ex was hotter than both Bachelorettes. And while that may be true in his mind, you let that known publicly and other guys in the house hear that, not only will they jump on you, so will the audience. So I don’t know in what setting he said that or how/why he shared that info, but he did, the other guys found out about it, and it’s not gonna go over well as you could assume. Also heard that when Hayden chose Rachel over Gabby, how he chose to inform Gabby he was into Rachel didn’t go quite smoothly either. So in this world, that makes him a guy that the others have an issue with, hence the “villain” status.

-As I reported in my 4/21 podcast with the Game of Roses hosts Chad and Lizzy, final rose ceremony is this Saturday down in Mexico, then we have basically 2 months before the show begins airing on July 11th. I’m sure info will come trickling in over the next two months just like today’s info did, so I will keep you updated on what I hear.
by bluwavz
on Thu May 12, 2022 10:32 am
Search in: Bachelorette 19 - Gabby Windey - Rachel Recchia - Misc
Topic: Bachelorette 19 - Gabby Windey - Rachel Recchia - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
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