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Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Lee goes back inside the mansion and goes to Michelle R (the one he danced with). He says he wants to dance again with her (camera pans to Jozaan) and so Lee takes her outside and they waltz again together.

Jozaan in ITM saying she doesn't like it that Lee and Michelle R are dancing. She says "I was like, sit down please". She seems kind of bitchy and rude imo  Suspect  Jozaan says to one of the other women that she won't interrupt because it would be rude for her to say "hey stop waltzing I want to talk to you". Well, at least she owns it that its rude!  Topics tagged under stunning on 1f611 

Michelle R says in ITM that she felt grateful and that Lee gave off a sense of kindness and welcome. A gentleman. Can overhear him talking about luckily he travels (so she must have asked him something in that regard?). They get interrupted (because of course they do, it's the bachelor laugh out loud )

Lee says he feels bad for the ladies having to try get time. Also at the same time it's difficult to get to know the ladies better since there's not much time (it really is crazy how much limited time they spend together, just minutes really the first night). 

Jozaan finally interrupts and he says he will be back. Jozaan has a LOT of ITMs this episode. She says that the women are interrupting each other a lot which is shady. Um, girl you just interrupted another woman  Rolling Eyes Pot meet kettle. Jozaan in VO saying "I am getting impatient. I have never waited this long for ANYONE". She sounds like a spoiled princess. Not warming to Jozaan at all  hmmm 

What's interesting is all this is in ITM or VO or conversation with other women so Lee would never see this side of Jozaan until he watched this. Crazy!!  dizzy 

Lee comes back with a blanket. Jozaan talking about her hobbies and family. Michelle D comes up to interrupt. Lee says that he actually has to go do something really important - First Impression Rose!?

Women talking about/reacting to/about FIR: Jozaan, Gina, Milisha, and Jacqui in VO saying her heart is sinking as she didn't think it would happen so early. Jozaan is shown and she looks befuddled as to why the rose isn't hers laugh out loud  dizzy

FIR goes to Michelle R (yellow dress, waltz, Belle of the ball for sure)  rose

Gina reacts more positively. Jozaan acts peeved about not getting the rose. Jozaan in VO again. Jozaan has had so much camera time, ITMs, VO. It's like the edit want to see her reaction to everything. If Jozaan is F1 then they are painting her as jealous early on  question
by AllAboutLove
on Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:13 am
Search in: Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Archived
Topic: Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
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