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Search found 1 match for beating

Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - Spoiled F2 - FAN FORUM - **SLEUTHING SPOILERS**

@limoncello That's what I'm thinking too.
My first thought is it is a play on words (from last night's episode) for the idiom "Kicking a** and taking names"?

ETA: won't let me link to Urban dictionary because it sensors out azz laugh out loud laugh out loud

Explanation to the phrase "Kicking azz and taking names"

Phrase used in reference to someone or something that is having multiple successes in succession. kicking azz - Kicking someone or something's azz, beating, defeating an opponent at a task. taking names - Recording a list of future contestants who will have also be beaten or defeated in the defined task.
Aunt Betty-Joe was kicking azz and taking names at bingo last night.

source: Search phrase in Urban Dictionary
by dee
on Thu Jun 13, 2019 4:03 pm
Search in: Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - FAN Forums
Topic: Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - Spoiled F2 - FAN FORUM - **SLEUTHING SPOILERS**
Replies: 959
Views: 74441

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