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NO SPOILERS - LUKE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - NO Spoilers*

Oh you guys are sweet, knowing which teams you are for, thank you! Wishing you both the best of luck your guy wins JoJo's heart. group hug

Ok, finally rewatched-

Any clue when this VO was done? It was said right before and as Luke is taking Jo over to the heart-

VO-Today was a pivotal day for me, and if this is anything like what life looks like together-I'm excited about it. (Luke)-I've got one more surprise for you. VO-I want her to know that I'm falling in love with her-those are powerful words and I haven't said that to her yet, and I feel like now more than ever it's time to say that to her. We get their Dan + Shay song over that whole scene to the end like it's supposed to mean something, why play that particular song again if it's goodbye? It's about building a life together.

He obviously doesn't say it to her then, why? Perfect setting, he said earlier he was ready, why would he hold back? Was he not feeling secure in how she felt? He did mention that at the hangar. She posted this in her People blog-

Watching back and hearing Luke speak about our relationship with his family I almost wish he could have been so open with me. Hearing him say he was falling in love with me in interview but not saying it to me at the end of our date killed me. I remember thinking, "If you're so confident in a future, why aren't you as confident in your feelings?" When I started to cry, it was because I was so terrified that this wasn't feeling as right as I expected it to feel. And everything I saw for me and Luke's future started to crumble in my mind.


Jo has been hearing, I love you’s, I’m falling in love with you’s from the other 3…she doesn’t equate ‘you have my whole heart’ as a meaning of true love, so she just kind of shut down when she didn’t hear those 3 words she was wanting so badly to hear on that date.

Then as he arrives at the RC-
VO-Tonight's a big night, I hope Jojo (Luke)-knows that I am falling in love with her. VO-I haven't said that to her yet specifically and that's all I've been able to think about. I want her to know how much (Luke)-excitement I have about what our future looks like. VO-I can't wait to tell her I'm in love with her.

No telling when those VO’s were actually said, some things just don’t add up for me.

In her blog, why call him ‘my cowboy’ if he’s not now? Why say in first person ‘this is the kind of future I dream about’ if it’s not really the future she’d supposedly have with Jordan if he was her F1? She watched the episode back and it ‘killed her’ that Luke didn’t share that he’s falling in love with her as well. She was terrified because it wasn’t feeling as right as she expected it to feel. Why be terrified if she wasn’t planning a future with this guy? So at this point she has 3 left that DO share those I love you’s, she thinks she’s somewhat secure in their feelings, so in her mind over much anxiety about it she decides to let Luke go.
I was ready to make this painful, but in my mind, right decision. That is, until Luke pulled me aside.

So Luke FINALLY says those words she’s been dying to hear. She’ll either keep him and commit to him or let him go and move on with Jordan. Sorry, don’t think Robby or Chase stand a chance with these other two in the mix.

I’ve always wondered about the fire overlay in that season preview, could mean their romance ‘went up in flames’ or it’s saying he’s her F1 and their romance is going HOTT and strong now, they always had the passion/chemistry going for them. Strange they’d single out Luke to put an overlay over, the only one in the whole preview unless it means something.

by Guest
on Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:49 pm
Search in: THE Bachelorette - Season 12 - All Non Spoiled Threads
Topic: NO SPOILERS - LUKE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - NO Spoilers*
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Views: 11487


Yeah Litta, I couldn't be positive because of how windy it was. That lighthouse photo is what got me intrigued by the dresses in the first place, because it reminded me of her dress at the FR podium as she's walking toward it. The sunset one where she's walking along the beach, looked different and maybe flowed the opposite way than the beaded one. I don't know.

Trying to think this through, the one rose by Robby is the only thing making me wonder about things-another scenario:
Robby is supposedly at the FRC because of the one rose-he is next to Jojo with a blurred out background. Jojo is in the beaded dress. Later we see her say she let a guy go she loved-in the beaded dress… up by the palms. So Robby goes home. Figuring Chase had left at F3, so that leaves Jordan, since we see him with the ring.

Why blurred out, some think the real FRC was on top by the palm trees/grassy area with the real looking Thailand deco. Jojo is in a different dress up there, it’s smooth on left side-her beaded dress is pleated all the way around. (Maybe this dressed Jojo is actually in the other location, it ‘looks’ like palm tree Thailand, but maybe it’s in Calif. or Texas ;) or some other coastline. OR still could possibly be somewhere in Thailand, just different day.

I agree with Mia on the FR podium not looking as authentic…the only thing there that looks similar to the palm tree area is the yellow flower? garland, like she said, why no statues there? They had plenty in the other area.

Does she let all her F3 guys go in Thailand? Maybe that’s why she had the panic attack, because she didn’t fall in love with them like she had another guy, her F4. So what happens after with the other FR area, who is it that’s F1? Does she ask someone to come back? Does someone ask to come back, maybe in that note?

She seems upset in the blue dress, whoever that guy is (Luke or Jordan I assume that left or was let go) could be the answer.

by Guest
on Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:34 pm
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Replies: 916
Views: 52683


Lost17 wrote:So I'm thinking, 2 different locations, 2 different tables (or whatever you call them) 2 different roses and 2 different dresses. (Probably why we got such a funky edit) Possible scenario-Robby & Chase make it to Thailand, both let go there. We see what we think is Jordan with a ring box, so is he let go in Thailand too? Or possible he went to the other location? OR could Luke show up in that scenario? Luke or Jordan was let go after HTD's I assume, will she let one go and does he come back? Does she let all her 3 in Thailand (assuming that's Jordan in Thailand) go and does Luke ride in on his unicorn! #keepinghopealive  :cutesmile!:
 photo Podium_zpskvogsg2e.jpg

Ok, enough sleuthing for me! :crazed

I am quoting myself from a previous post:

".....I think there were 2 different FRC set in Thailand with F2 and 1 in LA with the F1....and here is why.....

in the video of Jojo walking on Thailand beach, you can see 3+ large fishing boats out quite a distance in the water. The water is calm. The sand by the water is very smooth and wet, not a lot of foot prints. I believe this is really Thailand.

in the video fo Jojo crying in Thailand she is standing on grass with palm trees around her. In one shot she turns her back to camera and you can see that the grassy area is above the beach, it overlooks the beach. There are statues and pots and flowers in the shot. There is a hanging decoration, like something you might stand under for a ceremony. I think this is really Thailand. And I think this is the location of the FRC in Thailand---on the grassy knoll. (This is really starting to sound like a conspiracy theory now, right? laugh out loud)

in the video of Jojo walking barefooted onto the wooden planks to a wooden FRC platform, you can see that there is ocean, sandy beach, then wooden planks. The sandy beach is very foot-printed, the ocean waves look a bit rougher, there is a visible rock in the water towards the right side. And there are 3 boats in the water, in a similar location of the shot as in Thailand, BUT those are NOT the same boats! They are smaller boats, different shaped boats, and they are not too far off of the shoreline. There are also 2 boats on the beach off to the right side of frame. I think these were all put here to stage the shots like they took place in Thailand, but that they really look place in LA. is more all of the clips of Jojo and the man/men in the blue suits, we cannot get a good look at what is in the background of them. Almost all of the background color is light blue/grey/white. This is the case for all SC and preview videos when the blue suit is in them. They want to make us believe that both FRC took place in the same location. BUT, if you look at the one where she is crying with blue suit, behind her right shoulder, you can make out what looks like a vertical structure, like a's a tree trunk! If you look at the video of her on the grassy knoll, you'll see that there are many thin trunked palm trees on the grassy knoll overlooking the Thailand beach. Therefore, the clips of her crying with blue suit were taken in Thailand from the vantage point of the grassy knoll. They were NOT taken from a wooden platform located on a sandy beach just feet from the ocean with NO TREES behind her!

I think Jojo freaked out so badly when she let F2 go, that she couldn't continue on with the FRC. I think she asked for more time with her F1 to really make sure she had made the correct decision. The F1 may have also wanted to delay the FRC/rose/proposal himself. I think they went back to LA and some time later they set up some wooden platforms on the beach, decorated in a Thai theme, and she picked her final guy not in Thailand, but in LA (or at least NOT THailand).

call me crazy, but check out the video yourselves and tell me what you think. "

LOST, I, too, think there are 2 different FRC step ups. And your 2 tables SC is even more evidence pointing towards that. I originally thought the life guard cabin had something to do with it, but it doesn't. But we have several things now that don't match up.

I am also convinced that the video clip of Jojo in her FRC dress very calmly saying "I fell in love with a man who wasn't able to love me back (paraphrased)" was a pick up video. She is speaking so sedately. I do not think it is from the same day as when she is hysterical crying, not even later on that same day. She also looks heavier in the face and body in that clip than in the other one where she is crying. As we have seen in some clips, her face ha gotten fuller as the season has progressed, but why would there be a diff between the fullness of her face on the exact same day!?

I think the real FRC was delayed and took place a diff location. In the video of her walking onto the wooden planks, there is a cliff to the right, and there is a single tree on top of cliff. It is not a palm tree. It is a diff type of tree. If we can figure that out, we might get a clue as to the beach of that FRC. Like I said above, the 3 boats in the water are diff boats in the 2 videos. Well, you could say that she was walking along one beach and got boats A,B, and C filmed in one shot and then the wooden planks video was shooting from a diff angle or diff beach completely and therefore got 3 diff boats in it. BUT, the 3 boats in the wooden planks video have no distinguishing features that make them look like authentic Thailand (fishing/sailing) boats. These 3 boats look like your typical outboard motor boat - something that isn't specifically associated with Thailand. They could have easily been placed there by tptb to be a quick trick of the eye to viewers. There is also 2 wooden boats beached to the right that appear to look more like authentic Thailand style boats. BUT, why are they leaning together, propped exactly to the side of the frame? They, too, seem like they are placed by tptb to be a quick trick of the eye to the viewer. Why would 2 fishing/sailing boats be pulled up on the sand like that, but other smaller boats be anchored out in the water? Something does not seem right to me. Until I see more of the landscape shown in videos with the wooden planks, I will not be convinced that they are on a (or the same) beach in Thailand. This new conspiracy theory splits this thing wide-open. Meaning ANY of the guys could have been summoned back for a delayed FRC....Luke, Chase, Robby, Jordan....evan Chad Bear. :tinfoil
by MiaHawk
on Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:51 pm
Search in: THE Bachelorette - Season 12 - All Non Spoiled Threads
Replies: 916
Views: 52683


So I'm thinking, 2 different locations, 2 different tables (or whatever you call them) 2 different roses and 2 different dresses. (Probably why we got such a funky edit) Possible scenario-Robby & Chase make it to Thailand, both let go there. We see what we think is Jordan with a ring box, so is he let go in Thailand too? Or possible he went to the other location? OR could Luke show up in that scenario? Luke or Jordan was let go after HTD's I assume, will she let one go and does he come back? Does she let all her 3 in Thailand (assuming that's Jordan in Thailand) go and does Luke ride in on his unicorn! {#}keepinghopealive{/#}  :cutesmile!:
 photo Podium_zpskvogsg2e.jpg

Ok, enough sleuthing for me! :crazed
by Guest
on Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:55 am
Search in: THE Bachelorette - Season 12 - All Non Spoiled Threads
Replies: 916
Views: 52683

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