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Bachelor 23 - Potential Lead - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

sosleepy wrote:Honest to God, I’m bouncing if it’s Colton. I’m a 35 year old woman. I want to see maturity, not this high school virginity schtick. That is neither attractive or compelling to me. Seriously, peacing out on this one.

And no one wanted Ben. Ben 2.0 isn’t looking too horrible now, is it? laugh out loud Hell, I didn’t want Jason, but he looks like Don Juan next to Colton. No seriously, a handful of true contenders this year (which is rare) and they go with the over produced virgin? Seriously. I’m out. 

See ya next summer. Peace. laugh out loud 


#same  Bummed I could only like this once.  Seriously, have they ever had a lead where overwhelming amount of people (per all the #hashtag tweeting numbers and polls I am seeing and entertainment writers very tight with the show and podcast hosts) were all like:  Seriously, #anyonebutColton.  This article by Kristen Baldwin and poll really got my attention:    
8.1K votes so far; I honestly do not know enough to know if that is "a lot" or not in a few hours??
Colton has 5%...that's right...5% only 1% higher than "Someone else" at 4%  
Even as a big Blake fan who definitely wanted him, little shocked he is that much ahead of Jason, honestly.  But, YAY anyway!  

Isn't Kristen Baldwin pretty connected to the show and someone TPTB have had a good rapport with?  I remember Amy Kaufman saying she used to be tight with them and then she got banned when she wrote something she overheard/saw about Courtney Robinson and Elan on a "commercial break" at the WTA for Ben F's season.  Then she wrote that tell all book "Bachelor Nation", I think?  I was just wondering if her publicly being so against Colton being the Bach would affect her relationship with them and access she receives in the future?

Then I found this glamour magazine article where cast members said if they thought Blake or Jason would make better Bachelor.  Interesting that Colton was not a choice.
(It could be no one said Colton when asked about one of the 3...LOL but maye he wast no a choice)

I think this might be a season where lots of viewers do skip this season, and I think the ratings will be down.  All my family and friends and students (as I teach high school) have literally been griping about all the Colton and Tia mess since night 1 of the BIP.  Most of them have quit watching bc it was annoying them so much.  It's just tooooooo much!

IMO, this has been in the "works" for a really long time, and what's messed up is that IMO pretty much everybody can see that..even the casual viewer who doesn't participate in a forum like this.  Again, my students and friends who don't really know how this show works at all really...have overwhelming said  that this is so fishy and they could tell it was a set up the minute he revealed he had a "date weekend" with Tia.

TBH, I started to get pretty nervous when Becca came to BIP to talk to Colton.  It was so fake and forced.  I thought it was so odd bc they had never done anything like that before.  Then, you had his OTT crying scene that also seemed really forced IMO.  Anyway, I thought to myself:  "Well, they're pulling out the "big guns" for a guy in Paradise who went home F4...Interesting..."  That's when:  "Don't tell me it's Colton" creeped in my head just a tad, but then I would snap myself out of it and convince myself there is no way that would give us 3 seasons of Colton in a row.  So, I dismissed really quickly.  

Uggghhhhh....I want him to be the decoy soooooooooooooo bad!  So, yeah...I'm out, too, on this season.   ALL JMO
by Frymama
on Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:58 pm
Search in: Bachelor 23 - Colton Underwood - Contestants
Topic: Bachelor 23 - Potential Lead - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 945
Views: 61572

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