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Bachelor 21 - Nick Viall - Media SM Vids - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #4

GuardianAngel wrote:Why would Raven be described as fascinating?

Personally I find her fascinating.
She has the kind of 1-liners that make me curious as to if they are regional or if she thinks them up.  Also when she says things like Corinne not being right for Nick because she has a nanny it's unclear if she is being sarcastic or serious. Also, her breakup story was vivid and unfiltered, makes me wonder about her in general and why her mom would give her car keys by way of a solution.
Plus she has built a successful career from the ground up at a young age which is atypical.

Considering membership in #teambettywhite.  Are there t-shirts?

Oh, the shirt Nick is wearing is the same from an earlier round of interviews - not last week.
by notarose
on Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:37 pm
Search in: Bachelor 21 - Nick Viall - Media SM Vids
Topic: Bachelor 21 - Nick Viall - Media SM Vids - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #4
Replies: 948
Views: 65232

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