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Bachelorette Russia - Olga Buzova - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

She is a very classy lady and he is a VERY patient man... :fanningfan
Can’t wait till Sunday...and hopefully pictures of them finally TOGETHER !

THANKS @natik for the lovely pictures and the hot video.

Here is the last post that Olga put On IG.

buzova86Where did this popular favorite phrase go to the masses: "Nobody owes anything to anyone?" This is a disgusting statement. Deceitful in its essence, for man is a social being. And entering into a relationship of any kind, you become a must. Because he gave hope, promised, sealed or sealed. Because there is a conscience in the end. You let a person into your surroundings, you allowed him to enter your life and entered into him - with this you assumed obligations. Obligations to him and to himself. From a certain moment, you don't care what happens to a person - you are in a bundle Imagine yourself a mountaineer, and how you shout to your partner, coupled with you: "Hey, friend, I hesitated, tired. I disconnect you - I do not owe you anything." I must. We owe our children because they did not ask us. We owe our parents, because we didn’t ask for them, but we live and enjoy life. We owe friends, because we did them so, we owe those whom we said: “I love”, and even when we didn’t say but they entered into a relationship with a person. And there is no free relationship. This term is for those who have responsibility okho (now or in general). The word “relationship” suggests that you didn’t just make a quick contact with a person, you came into close contact, the protective shell melted - and you are responsible for protecting this vulnerability. If you are my friend, I answer for not rushing to the train, if you told me about your misfortune. I answer exactly fifty percent. And I will answer one hundred percent if I say: “Do not load me, you have enough of your worries.” If your woman is crying, maybe not because she is hysterical, but because you hurt her. Her guilt is that she takes this offense, yours - what you said or did. Being in a relationship, we inevitably influence each other. Therefore, should be responsible for this influence. "We are responsible for those who have tamed." And the implanted ideology of individualism leads to the destruction of relationships. Instead of a friend, a psychoanalyst, instead of love, sex, instead of genuine intimacy, 148 channels of cable television and the Internet. When nobody owes anything to anyone, it’s easier to live. Debt and responsibility require mental work. #mood

I hope it means good things between them. Some people made comments to the effect that he doesn’t owe her anything or vice versa. That’s bull of course and she states it very eloquently. #values
by Astrobach
on Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:41 pm
Search in: Bachelorette Russia - Season 1 - Olga Buzova - Archived
Topic: Bachelorette Russia - Olga Buzova - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 719
Views: 22783

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