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Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion

^^^You make great points. I don't know if Bryan would try to actively get her away from them, necessarily, though, he seems to like some of them fine enough, but it is very clear, imo, even from watching their season of the show-- he does sit back and read what's going on around him and assesses things and then tries to avoid insanity and steer clear of drama-filled situations and messy people. Makes it his business to do so, really. So, maybe he would. Idk.

But where I do agree, though, I do get the vibe that whatever's going on right now, he's probably seen and knows enough to know that Rachel needs to extricate herself from it/the people involved, whatever it is.

And I agree, I almost think it would be difficult to argue that he wasn't singling out whoever/whatever sparked this issue-- if it was just Demario or if it was Demario and whatever part of the squad she's fighting with, because he all but said in his post... Those people don't matter. His hashtags and comments could not have been more clear, imo. I love you. Stay focused. Nothing else matters. We're living dreams. Making money moves.

His whole comment basically read like: Hey, hey! They're busy being pressed and don't have going for them what you do, they're irrelevant, they don't matter, let's stay focused, okay? OKAY? O K A Y? Lmfao.

That was the connotation of his whole show of support, imo. Rachel > Demario/Squad. But... he did it with tact- at least to me.

In fact, I wonder now if that may have even been the issue - noticed the squad all hanging in LA for the Labor Day weekend maybe Rach passed especially (with DM there at some point) and that's what caused the issue?

I don't think it has to anything to do with LA, and Rachel opting not to be there, and Bryan being why, etc.

Rachel couldn't go to LA because she was booked on one of the ESPN networks. That had nothing to do with not going due to Bryan, so they couldn't blame that on him.

And she's booked on ESPN on Friday in Dallas, too. She's back at it. So, she needs to be circling Texas closely right now, especially because she's still got cases and is practicing law and she's taking on Harvey cases for free, as well. The Good Sis is a litttttle busy, she has got money and appearances to make along with juggling her charitable efforts. As Bryan said #makingmoneymoves. What's an LA, right now? Where? Who? Lmfao.

She can't be dropping everything to party in LA and all else, Bryan said she's making moves, she is. And none of those things can be blamed on Bryan, I don't think, and it would be crazy for the squad to be pressed with him, over any of that, because he's legit beaming as she gets these opportunities, which is-- if you're a friend-- what you'd want from their man. LA was never going to be an option for her this weekend.

So while Rachel's booked on ESPN on Friday, again, doing her thing, the squad can keep doing what they're best at. Whatever it is.

Either way, who cares -...

Preach! Someone else said it in this thread, but it was truth, the best thing that can come out of this is that Rachel extricates herself from people who were probably not going to be long-term good matches for her anyway and that she goes on to slay the game in a way she's honestly much more well-equipped to do, given she's got tons of skill sets, beyond #model #fitness #workoutguru #yogaspecialist #cheerleader or evs. No shade to those skill sets, just saying, Rachel's skill sets include a ton of tools that are very... different. That provide her much different opportunities, I'm going to imagine.
by likeashipblown
on Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:50 pm
Search in: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - General Discussion
Topic: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion
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