Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by CHO Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:35 am

Alexxxx wrote:It was a bad idea to tell the guys her little secret about The Bent One's return. She didn't have to. IF JP is her F1, and IF she's done with The Bent One and has moved on, and IF she told JP on his 1:1 date, and IF JP is cool with that -- why tell the other guys at all? IF all that's true they're all MOT guys anyway. So what if they see it on TV? It didn't affect their experience one way or the other if it was always only about JP and his opinion is the only one that matters.

Unless JP's opinion isn't the only one that matters.

Exactly ! And why is she upset after telling the guys - she is worried about the reactions of one of them ! (Ben )

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Post by sjcaligurl Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:37 am

ironcat wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:Well, certainly in the eyes of the remaining bachelors ~ Bentley
left of his own will. He took himself out of the *competition* early on,
while they were still in L.A. It was his choice. He did not want to be

Now however, they are hearing from Ashley that Bentley is back. This is
nothing short of a bombshell going off in the room. Already I'm sure that
many of them feel that Ashley has been emotionally unavailable ~ it is
obvious to us as viewers. To learn that he is back because she didn't feel
she could openly move forward until there was some sort of closure, has
made every relationship appear insignificant. These men have already had
to do everything possible to stand out from the crowd, and did not know they
were *competing* with the ghost of Bentley. It has got to be humiliating to realize that they have opened their hearts, laid it all on the line,
and discover that Ashley's thoughts have been consumed with 'what might
have been' with Bentley. They are all left looking the fool, and feeling the
fool. With her obvious connection with JP, I can imagine that there is not
one bachelor there who realistically feels he has a snowballs chance in hell
with Ashley. I'm surprised they didn't all walk out! hmmm

If you are competing for a prize that everyone wants to win badly, giving it your all, and you find out that the rules have been tampered with, decreasing your chances of winning said prize, you of course will be outraged. This scenario does not describe what is happening here. IMO, most of these guys are not really interested in the prize and are just playing along, enjoying the free travel. If they are angry because they feel they have been made to look like fools, that's their egos talking, not their hearts.

I think the ego is the same thing with Ashley. She was doing fine with the guys until Bentley started playing games and ultimately left. I don't think it's a heart issue. It's about wanting the one thing that seems inaccessible. If you are a shoe freak and go shopping for shoes, you pick out 10 pairs, start trying them all and then there is one pair they don't have in your size ... if you are Ashley you are going to get obsessed with the pair that isn't there, go home and start scouring online trying to find the one pair that you couldn't have even though 9 other pairs basically fit and looked pretty good on your foot. It's irritating but it's a pretty human trait for a lot of folks.


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by jlccaz Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:41 am

CHO wrote:
Alexxxx wrote:It was a bad idea to tell the guys her little secret about The Bent One's return. She didn't have to. IF JP is her F1, and IF she's done with The Bent One and has moved on, and IF she told JP on his 1:1 date, and IF JP is cool with that -- why tell the other guys at all? IF all that's true they're all MOT guys anyway. So what if they see it on TV? It didn't affect their experience one way or the other if it was always only about JP and his opinion is the only one that matters.

Unless JP's opinion isn't the only one that matters.

Exactly ! And why is she upset after telling the guys - she is worried about the reactions of one of them ! (Ben )

I'm a Ben fan. Putting aside spoilers, I'm happy to hold out hope for him. But that said, I reiterate that I suspect fear of Mutiny on Her Bounty (giving rise to bad TV, reputational harm, tabloid yuckiness) motivates her emotional state, as much or more so than loss of potential husband material.

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Guest Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:42 am

I think I saw somewhere (here? not sure?) that Ali said she saw the next 2 epis and sympathized with Ashley - she had had some of the same fears.... so it seems there's more angst yet to come....? ie not quite smooth sailing post-exorcism of the Bentman...??

I get how people are saying Ash is between a rock & a hard place.... but I still think she's got a bit of an issue with temper/impatience.... should make for an interesting match with JP and his self-admitted similar issues...


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by CHO Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:47 am

She was obsessed with Bentley - so doesn't that mean that she had not fallen for JP completely (or anyone else for that matter)? She tells JP and we can assume that he was ok with it. Now the other guys should know that she could be obsessed with any one of them - and she is not sitting each of them down and explaining how obsessed or not obsessed she is with each of the other guys - right? So I don't see it as her not being honest or open with them. She doesn't need to tell them where they stand - until it's time to go and she has made her decision. Rarely do any of them get an explanation of what went wrong - what about them didn't seem right.
She doesn't have an opportunity to tell Ben (one of the final 2) so it is necessary to tell all the guys except for JP - she has already informed him. But she is upset with their reactions - and then Mickey leaves to boot. Now in my way of thinkiing - if JP is the one she has fallen for - why would she care - why would she be so upset with the guys getting mad? I think she is concerned with how Ben will feel about this.

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by chaslom4 Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:19 am

CHO wrote:She was obsessed with Bentley - so doesn't that mean that she had not fallen for JP completely (or anyone else for that matter)? She tells JP and we can assume that he was ok with it. Now the other guys should know that she could be obsessed with any one of them - and she is not sitting each of them down and explaining how obsessed or not obsessed she is with each of the other guys - right? So I don't see it as her not being honest or open with them. She doesn't need to tell them where they stand - until it's time to go and she has made her decision. Rarely do any of them get an explanation of what went wrong - what about them didn't seem right.
She doesn't have an opportunity to tell Ben (one of the final 2) so it is necessary to tell all the guys except for JP - she has already informed him. But she is upset with their reactions - and then Mickey leaves to boot. Now in my way of thinkiing - if JP is the one she has fallen for - why would she care - why would she be so upset with the guys getting mad? I think she is concerned with how Ben will feel about this.

Wasn't Ben on the group date? Why couldn't she pull him aside for some 1:1 time and talk to him about it then? IMO she did have an opportunity to tell Ben but she didn't.

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by anders Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:28 am

She had an opportunity to tell each of them individually and didn't take it. It would have been tricky for the group date participants, but ambushing them at the cocktail party wasn't a wise decision. Especially if it comes out that JP already knew and everyone else was in the dark up to then. If it were me, I'd wonder why she told JP on his date and not me (if I were a guy) and that would irritate me and let me know she's most interested in JP and doesn't care about anyone else.

Last edited by anders on Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by ironcat Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:29 am

I don't think Ashley has the type of attitude where she could blow off a roomful of angry guys and not get upset about it. She's too much of a people pleaser.


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by bing2262 Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:34 am

Check out the article on Bentley's casting interview and the extended previews.

Last edited by bing2262 on Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Guest Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:35 am

anders wrote:She had an opportunity to tell each of them individually and didn't take it. It would have been tricky for the group date participants, but ambushing them at the cocktail party wasn't a wise decision. Especially if it comes out that JP already knew and everyone else was in the dark up to then. If it were me, I'd wonder why she told JP on his date and not me (if I were a guy) and that would irritate me and let me know she's most interested in JP and doesn't care about anyone else.

Especially Lucas. His date was the same day of The Bent One's return.


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by black_tears Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:35 am

bing2262 wrote:

Lamest grapevine preview ever! It's all stuff we've already seen. Suspect

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by anders Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:39 am

Alexxxx wrote:
anders wrote:She had an opportunity to tell each of them individually and didn't take it. It would have been tricky for the group date participants, but ambushing them at the cocktail party wasn't a wise decision. Especially if it comes out that JP already knew and everyone else was in the dark up to then. If it were me, I'd wonder why she told JP on his date and not me (if I were a guy) and that would irritate me and let me know she's most interested in JP and doesn't care about anyone else.

Especially Lucas. His date was the same day of The Bent One's return.

I haven't been able to watch the previews yet since I'm at work, but I assume she doesn't tell them when she actually saw Bentley - that it was before any of the dates??? I would hope that in all this honesty she's decided to come clean about that she's 100% honest and isn't just picking and choosing what's she's deciding to be honest about. Whether these guys are there for the 'right reasons' or not, they at least deserve that much.

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