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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by eliza3 Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:02 pm

JBF wrote:
Muslady wrote:
brittany44000 wrote:I can't help but think that even if brooks stayed( I realize I'm in the minority even among some chris fans) she still would be with chris! Those last days were crucial in determining ok who can I see a future with? Father of my children? Who is in love with me and will adore me forever? Who can this actually work with in the real world? I would like to think the answer to all of those would have Been chris chris chris chris and chris and she still would have gave him the speech about be blinded for a while but then realizing he was what she needed! I could be soooo wrong and we will never find out!!! Regardless I support chres and im glad they are happy and in love now!
I believe Chris was always F1 because of his dates and strategic roses (group date).  Even if he weren't Des would have realized she was doing all the work in the Brooks relationship and all her crises were solved and dealt with by her rock, Chris. She also would have realized how much easier her relationship flowed with Chris vs Brooks and Drew.  I'm really happy for Des and Chris and I love them together!
They also needed a show to produce. Also she may have needed to go-through-the-motions of "heartbreak" on screen to prove "something" to her skeptical family. In other words... Nate = Chrystie (Ashley Hebert's sister), Brooks (but good edit) = Bentley (bad edit), Chris "her rock" = JP "her rock", etc.

I also wonder if the James drama in Barcelona cast some new doubts and insecurities she needed to get over. I found it interesting how Brooks' sobbing was voiced over James' head-shots in the May previews, as if something happened while James was still there that Brooks and Des discussed in Antigua... and added to the closure she claimed to have by ATFR. Don't even ask me what it could be because I don't know. We all realize now that each season sports both A Story For The Screen and A Hidden Backstory that is none of the public's business and needs "smokescreened" by all of the other drama.

Below is the transcript of the proposal scene starting with the moment Des interrupts Chris. I underlined the one line that continues to jump out at me.


Des: I need to say a few things…
Chris (shocked): Don’t say… OK. (looking away semi-upset and sighing)

Des: I have a few things to say too. (OK) I do want to be completely honest with you and I do want to explain to you where my heart has been this entire journey and where it is today.
I said goodbye to Drew earlier this week because, when I was with him, I just knew he wasn’t the right one for me… and, so, you are the only one here and you’re the only one who met my family.
The past couple weeks in Antigua have been incredible… sorry (that’s alright)… you know, I was torn apart by Brooks leaving. I loved him and, um… y’know, throughout the journey, I was torn between the two of you… and, um, I… I feel like it… I feel like… I hate it, but at the same time, I feel like I was blindsided by my feelings for Brooks that I couldn’t see that the one thing that I always needed was right in front of me. Sorry. (That’s alright)
Um… you have been by my side from the very beginning. You’ve never lost sight of what we could be… and for that, I am so grateful. I thank you every day for never giving up… and… you mean the absolute world to me. I’ve (muffled) loved you. I love you so much.
(kissing) Of course, I want nothing but to satisfy you.

Chris (hugging): Thank you
Des: I love you.
Chris: I love you too.

Chris: I have something to say. (OK) And I’m confident in saying this 100%. And I love to say it (I know) and there’s a lot behind it. It is not just a yes or a no. Do you want to grow old together? Do you want to share experiences with me together? Can I share mine with you? Do you want to start a family? We’ll have kids. So… (bending down)
Desiree (middle name inaudible) Hartsock, I want to be your first and I want to be your last. Will you marry me?

Des: Yes, that was the entire… (kissing frequently) I want to grow old with you and gray and wrinkly… and I promise to tell you everything. (Thank you)
(ring scene) My finger is shaking.
Chris: That’s OK. Mine is as well. It looks beautiful on you.
Des: It is gorgeous. (after more kissing) This is still the best.
Chris: Yes, I agree. You’re beautiful.
Des: We made it. (muffled line of Chris following with a possible “Oh Jesus”)
While hugging, she says “I’m so stupid”

(after montage)

Des: I do have one last thing. It joys me to say this… Chris, will you accept my final rose?
Chris: With all my heart.
Des: Will you grow old with me forever?
Chris: I will
Des: I’ll hold you to it.
Chris (correcting her): What’s that?
Des: Hold ME to it.
Chris: Hold you to it.

(more montage)

Chris: Are you ready to start a life together?
Des: Yeah… are you? (Uh hmmm!) OK. Starting right now.
Chris: Starting right now.
(to the cameras) This girl right here almost gave me a heart attack. I’m, like, talking with her, y’know, telling her how much I love her… all of these sweet things, I think… and these memories we shared… and then she STOPS me as I’m getting down. (Awwww) Oh gosh, this is terrible. I really (muffled) really hard. That was hard. (Sorry) It’s beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
To a new beginning. (Very fitting) I liked hearing you say ‘I love you’ back. That was very nice. (Cheers to that.)


That underlined line is the "key" to why the two are so relaxed during the interviews bringing up Brooks, despite how hyper Ryan Seacrest and others get listening to their answers. Chris never felt Brooks was a threat any more than JP thought Bentley was. (JP in Hong Kong: "I thought he was going to pop out of the woods somewhere.")

Also... again, it is NONE of our business and we can't assume anything when we know little about their relationship histories, but I think these Bachelorettes still have various "walls" regarding "physical intimacy" (remember how Ashley was with Brad on their South Africa fantasy date commenting on the mosquitoes, not that anything too "dirty" would have necessarily happened had Brad gotten to second base with her). I mean... Des telling Chris she wants to "satisfy" him doesn't sound like she is thinking of Duncan Hines recipes... and he is reassuring her they will have kids. Let's face it, she wore a lot less clothing on Chris' dates than Brooks, regardless of all of the "finish line" talk. Heck, even Bryden got more action in the hot-tub the same episode Brooks played bridegroom... and what Bryden got hardly compared to what Chris got in Antigua.
I also think the bolded speaks to his not wanting her to think that he "had to (contractually) propose" There as been discussion here that the final two have to sign a contract saying they will propose. If that is true, then I think he wanted her to know this was from his heart and not a piece of paper.

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by JBF Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:09 pm

This is why I like posting this stuff, because I know I will get more "angles" to it from fellow Eagle Eyes and Ears.

AND... the whole James drama was about "being the next Bachelor" which Chris stated on screen he was 100% not thinking about.

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by KCCasey Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:25 pm

Regarding the underlined, I've listened several times and I think she says, "I promise to tell you every day." I assumed that was in reference to saying "I love you" every day. It doesn't matter here nor there, though. I absolutely think she told him everything. And I don't think he flipped out at all, which is why he is fantastic. He just doesn't care. But seeing it in screen is different than being told what happened, so he hasn't watched. Can't say I blame him, but I absolutely don't fault him for that. I instead give him absolute credit for having confidence and self control.

For those of us who have been around a while, Brooks and Des were a lot like Ian and Meredith. Ian never wanted to be the last guy standing, but he didn't have the courage to bow out. I'll never forget his brother discouraging him and telling him there were more fish in the sea. That in comparison to Brooks sister telling him that what is best for Des will be best for Brooks, even if it is painful at the time. Imagine putting another person's needs ahead of your own. The world needs a little more of that.

Overall, one of the best seasons ever. A great lust story versus a great love story always makes for a lot of discussion. Like many others on this board, I'm sure, I've had a Brooks and a Chris in my life and I'm so happy that I chose the love story. I wish them all nothing but the best.


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by jupi Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:41 pm

JBF, thanks for the transcript! I think she said "I want nothing but to spend the rest of my life with you" though and not "satisfy you". But ITA on your point regarding the underlined line

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:45 pm

KCCasey wrote:Regarding the underlined, I've listened several times and I think she says, "I promise to tell you every day." I assumed that was in reference to saying "I love you" every day. It doesn't matter here nor there, though. I absolutely think she told him everything. And I don't think he flipped out at all, which is why he is fantastic. He just doesn't care. But seeing it in screen is different than being told what happened, so he hasn't watched. Can't say I blame him, but I absolutely don't fault him for that. I instead give him absolute credit for having confidence and self control.

For those of us who have been around a while, Brooks and Des were a lot like Ian and Meredith. Ian never wanted to be the last guy standing, but he didn't have the courage to bow out. I'll never forget his brother discouraging him and telling him there were more fish in the sea. That in comparison to Brooks sister telling him that what is best for Des will be best for Brooks, even if it is painful at the time. Imagine putting another person's needs ahead of your own. The world needs a little more of that.

Overall, one of the best seasons ever. A great lust story versus a great love story always makes for a lot of discussion. Like many others on this board, I'm sure, I've had a Brooks and a Chris in my life and I'm so happy that I chose the love story. I wish them all nothing but the best.

Your post was spot on, especially the bolded! I said from the beginning that I could see Des and Brooks having a fun summer romance based mostly on physical attraction. I have seen Chris as the complete package from day one. Her statement regarding wants vs needs made so much sense to me at the end of all of this. I also remember at least one person saying that it's not over until it's over. So true!
I can say that I have personally had a Brooks and Chris. I worshipped the ground that my "Brooks" walked on. I later realized he didn't love me. I believe that I truly loved him at the time. It was only a week between my break up with my "Brooks" and meeting my "Chris" who is my husband and I really found out right away what love was supposed to be like that what I had with my ex was not love. I fell in love with my husband fast. We were engaged 2 months after we met. Married for 14 years.

Last edited by 2boys3girls on Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:50 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Pia1 Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:46 pm

Thank you JBF for posting the finale almost verbatim as I missed most of what they were saying. I believe they are way too relaxed in interviews because they know the truth and that's all that counts.

Last edited by Pia1 on Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by JBF Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:53 pm

jupi wrote:JBF, thanks for the transcript! I think she said "I want nothing but to spend the rest of my life with you" though and not "satisfy you". But ITA on your point regarding the underlined line
When you go back and forth with the muffled lines, you really don't know what you are hearing. Perhaps I shouldn't have made my Duncan Hines comment if we aren't 100% certain... LOL!

Speaking of muffled lines, did anybody catch Desiree's middle name in that proposal?

BTW... I went ahead and added a question mark to "satisfy"... also he may just say "Oh geeez" at one point, rather than getting religious on us.

Last edited by JBF on Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by jupi Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:09 pm

JBF wrote:
jupi wrote:JBF, thanks for the transcript! I think she said "I want nothing but to spend the rest of my life with you" though and not "satisfy you". But ITA on your point regarding the underlined line
When you go back and forth with the muffled lines, you really don't know what you are hearing. Perhaps I shouldn't have made my Duncan Hines comment if we aren't 100% certain... LOL!

Speaking of muffled lines, did anybody catch Desiree's middle name in that proposal?
I know what you mean, I had to turn the volume way up to try and catch everything, but I still can't make it all out lol

I think he said Aileen/Eileen (no clue which one's the right spelling)


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by brittany44000 Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:16 pm

I think he said desiree umm hartsock and then she laughed an I did too!

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by JBF Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:20 pm

I don't think anybody here will complain about re-watching and re-listening the whole proposal and making an updated corrected "transcript". You can just use mine as a "preliminary guide" until all of the exact words get pinned down. *chuckle chuckle*

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:26 pm

JBF: Chris: I have something to say. (OK) And I’m confident in saying this 100%. And I love to say it (I know) and there’s a lot behind it. It is not just a yes or a no.

He said. I have something to say. And I'm confident in saying this 100%. And I'm not just saying it to say it and there's a lot behind it...

I agree that it might have been to let her know it wasn't part of his contract.

Desiree Eileen Hartsock during the proposal.

ETA: She said she wants nothing more to spend the rest of her life with him.. though I would have preferred satisfying him. giggling :uptonogood 


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 16 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by bleuberry Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:28 pm

There was a part after the proposal where she's snuggled into his chest, I finally figured out that she said "I just want to stay here." That one was bugging me!

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