Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by notarose Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:06 pm

The "lifestyle" topic is interesting.  It was once more typical to have one or both spouses working locally but now more people have work that involves greater & more frequent travel or work where an employer allows for employees to work in their homes for a part of every week.  Both of the above bring a different dynamic into a relationship.  
For a person who wants a spouse nearby, marrying someone who's job requires a lot of travel would be stressful.  You would have to omit people in most of the entertainment business, professional speakers, some architects, truck drivers, tour guides, professional athletes, off-shore drillers, pipeline workers, politicians, ... well, that's a short list of travellers. If you love them enough you have to love that they love their job too and adapt.
In Nikki's case, she is a shift worker which means she won't always be there to care for her future children or attend social functions, during her long shift cycle there could have very little daytime with her future spouse, and as a someone who works with death-threatening illness as it relates to children needs a companion who can handle heart wrenching stories from time to time.  Some men wouldn't be able to handle that.
And yet, shift workers, travellers, and those who work at home have a history of successful relationships just like those employed in what was may be interpreted as traditional environments.

from an empty moment something arrives

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by stuckinsc Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:16 pm

notarose wrote:The "lifestyle" topic is interesting.  It was once more typical to have one or both spouses working locally but now more people have work that involves greater & more frequent travel or work where an employer allows for employees to work in their homes for a part of every week.  Both of the above bring a different dynamic into a relationship.  
For a person who wants a spouse nearby, marrying someone who's job requires a lot of travel would be stressful.  You would have to omit people in most of the entertainment business, professional speakers, some architects, truck drivers, tour guides, professional athletes, off-shore drillers, pipeline workers, politicians, ... well, that's a short list of travellers. If you love them enough you have to love that they love their job too and adapt.
In Nikki's case, she is a shift worker which means she won't always be there to care for her future children or attend social functions, during her long shift cycle there could have very little daytime with her future spouse, and as a someone who works with death-threatening illness as it relates to children needs a companion who can handle heart wrenching stories from time to time.  Some men wouldn't be able to handle that.
And yet, shift workers, travellers, and those who work at home have a history of successful relationships just like those employed in what was may be interpreted as traditional environments.

 Good Post I agree word 

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by bleuberry Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:19 pm

glazedover wrote:
IrishGal wrote:So JPG was an asshole to two of his final 3 and that's ok because he deliberately decided to be an asshole to make it clear to them he wasn't into them? what universe is that acceptable? Not mine!

I didn't say it was okay.....but I have to say that I view this show as kind of a sick joke anyway. Everyone behaves in abnormal ways because it is an abnormal situation where there are people all around you encouraging you to do and feel things you would never in the real world partake in. It truly is a "bubble" or like being down Alice's rabbit hole. Some people can navigate through it without too much going awry (but not many) and some people crash and burn. I don't really look at any of the cast as being who they normally are while they are on the show. Hopefully, it is a learning and growing experience for all of them by giving them the opportunity to examine how they behave under these kinds of stresses. JMO

Nailed it. Personally, I also think JP handled several situations badly on the show, but did we expect anything else? That's what happens when you combine this totally weird concept + editing + a guy who hasn't seen the show before who lacks filter at times + 30 women who HAVE seen it and know a heck of a lot more than you about how to 'act' the part.

Sometimes I think WE'RE in our own bubble of what we expect to happen and how well the lead usually navigates the situations. This was the first time I felt, almost happily, that the Bachelor just isn't working, and I wonder if that might actually be a good thing laugh out loud

Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 6rj59l

In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Linds911 Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:27 pm

Chajoy wrote:
Sable wrote:I will admit that I started out the season not being very excited about Juan Pablo as the bachelor, but I watched anyway.  I actually started to like him more and more as the season progressed.  I started to feel slightly sorry for him with the edit he was getting from TPTB.  The only thing I really took issue with was the way he treated Clare.  I did not like how he treated her with the whole late night swim in the ocean, and I did not like the comment he made to her in the helicopter ride.  I also didn't like how he treated her at the FRC.  I get that Clare said some things to him that he didn't like, but he did not have to make the comment that he was glad that he didn't pick her.  I think the F2 at any FRC (in any and all seasons) should be cut some slack for having been led on, so if they say some things that the lead doesn't like, then they should just let it go.  I actually didn't mind the whole situation with Andi and how he reacted to her leaving.  I think he was just trying to tell her that it was okay that she was leaving and that if she (or anyone else) wasn't feeling it, then they should just leave.  I also don't think that Andi would have gotten a rose at the F3 rose ceremony so there was probably some relief on Juan Pablo's part that he didn't have to be the one to let her go.  I think the whole thing was just setup to give Andi a storyline into being the next bachelorette.

Then Juan Pablo completely lost me at the  ATFR show.  I get that he was upset, but he acted like a petulant child, and in the process he totally and completely disrespected Nikki and their relationship.  The fact that Nikki seems to be okay with the way he acted does not excuse his behavior to me in the least.  There were other bachelors that had an even worse experience than he did (Brad 1.0 and Jason come to mind) and yet they did not act in the disrespectful and angry manner that he did.  This show has been on for umpteen seasons, and as the lead of the show, you better make darn sure you know how the process works before you sign up to do it.  The fact that Juan Pablo didn't know enough about the show and how it works is his fault, no one elses.  Juan Pablo was actually on Des's season and made it to F6.  If he didn't watch his season while it was airing, he should have at least watched it after he was approached to be The Bachelor so he could get more of a grasp and a handle on how everything works.

As for Juan Pablo and Nikki, it seems like they are trying to make it work and both seem happy for now; however, I honestly I don't feel like what they are living now is "real life" though.  To me, It's just not real to work 3 nursing shifts in a row and then travel all around the country going to various events together and then repeat the whole process again the following week.  To me that just does not seem to be a feasible real life scenario.  I don't know how anyone can financially, emotionally or physically keep up that type of situation long term.  Real life will be when they live in the same city and truly start merging their lives. I feel like Nikki would have to be the one to move to where Juan Pablo lives because of his daughter.  But when that happens, is Juan Pablo still going to be jet setting across the country leaving Nikki alone most of the time?  If Juan Pablo's life style is traveling so much, then perhaps that is the reason he is still a bachelor?  If it is meant to be, I hope everything works out for them.  I just want to note that I love Sean and Catherine, and they are my favorite couple from the franchise, but I don't feel like they started living a "real life" until they got out of Hollywood and away from DWTS and all the media appearances.  Once Juan Pablo and Nikki are out of the media spotlight a little bit more and start leading a more settled life will be the true test if their relationship is meant to be and if they will make it for the long term.

I am a little bit surprised that Juan Pablo and Nikki went to the taping of DWTS given how angry Juan Pablo seemed to be at everyone related to The Bachelor, ABC, DWTS, etc.  It seem like Juan Pablo was mad at TPTB that he didn't get the gig of being on DWTS.  If he should have been mad at anyone, it should have been at the producers of DWTS, so that is why I was so surprised that he went to the taping of the show.  Perhaps he is trying to make amends now?

I just hope that Nikki knows what she is doing and doesn't end up getting hurt in the end.  I do feel that Juan Pablo has been showing Nikki how he feels about her since the show ended, but I still can't get past how he treated her on ATFR.  It would be terrible to see her get her heart broken after investing so much in Juan Pablo.

Thank you to the mods for opening up this thread for discussion!

Well said, Sable  clapping! 

 :yes: I was nodding my head while reading this. Exactly my thoughts. They seem happy so whatever works for them, wish them all the best.

I know we can reach the stars, You've already hung the moon  PINKHEART
No, I never knew a love like this, Now we're picking purple irises  Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 1f49c

Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 8367-910 Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 I_got_13 Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 E5kqdm15 Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Father11

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by notarose Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:42 pm

bleuberry wrote:
glazedover wrote:
IrishGal wrote:So JPG was an asshole to two of his final 3 and that's ok because he deliberately decided to be an asshole to make it clear to them he wasn't into them? what universe is that acceptable? Not mine!

I didn't say it was okay.....but I have to say that I view this show as kind of a sick joke anyway. Everyone behaves in abnormal ways because it is an abnormal situation where there are people all around you encouraging you to do and feel things you would never in the real world partake in. It truly is a "bubble" or like being down Alice's rabbit hole. Some people can navigate through it without too much going awry (but not many) and some people crash and burn. I don't really look at any of the cast as being who they normally are while they are on the show. Hopefully, it is a learning and growing experience for all of them by giving them the opportunity to examine how they behave under these kinds of stresses. JMO

Nailed it. Personally, I also think JP handled several situations badly on the show, but did we expect anything else? That's what happens when you combine this totally weird concept + editing + a guy who hasn't seen the show before who lacks filter at times + 30 women who HAVE seen it and know a heck of a lot more than you about how to 'act' the part.

Sometimes I think WE'RE in our own bubble of what we expect to happen and how well the lead usually navigates the situations. This was the first time I felt, almost happily, that the Bachelor just isn't working, and I wonder if that might actually be a good thing laugh out loud

 I agree 

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by whit90 Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:52 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:
Isabel123 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:

That's what happened, isn't it? He burst her (Bachelor) bubble by spending their alone time complaining about the show, etc., instead of showing interest in her is my impression of what happened. She ended her Fantasy Date furious and quit, right?

The way I saw it, she complained all JPG talked about was himself all night. He wasn't interested in her at all. He didn't ask questions about religion or future or whatever. He OTOH thought it was a great night,they talked and laughed. She tells him she wants to leave, he doesn't even know what Religion she practices, he says its okay, he understands, well, for some reason, it's not okay.  Suspect

You are right GA, JPG is not into her and vice versa. JPG is OK about it but Andi took an exception for the lack of interest.[/quote

Yes, that would be the episode edit, but she expanded and said he also complained about production when she told her story at the WTA.  

The MAJORITY of Juan Pablo's suitors called him out for bad behavior during the WTA. Could very well be his ill behavior isn't representative of who he really is today, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace who he was during the show. Why white wash?

Yes! I forgot about that. These are my opinions. That was all part of the plan. They didn't like him, viewers didn't like him, TPTB knew that. By the time the WTA came around, that was their only chance to show the viewers they were on their side. They threw him under the bus, because he would not cooperate. CH said it well in the interview that was posted recently, "he didn't give himself to the producers".  Suspect 

When Andi said that on national TV that he didn't cooperate, it was so obvious to me, she was coached, just like she was during her exit. She sounded like a school girl tattling on him.

He couldn't pretend to have interest in those girls, he couldn't pretend he was in love with two women, he couldn't be devastated that Andi or anyone else wanted to go. Sure go ahead was his attitude, he understands, that if someone wants to go, then they shouldn't be there. There is not one lead that I could remember that reacted the way he did when someone wanted to go. They all fall apart, and there's so much drama. There's a lot of acting, and IMO he couldn't do it, because it wasn't honest. These are just my thoughts.

JPG was not a fit for this gig at all. He couldn't act, he didn't do what they wanted him to do, he said weird things, his English is not good at all, he didn't understand half of what those girls were saying to him, it was difficult to understand him, they obviously gave him English lessons, which made him look even less educated, everything went over his head, because he didn't get it, he wasn't going to propose, and that whole conversation with Clare is not any different than Brad/Chantal  -even Emily was convinced he was in love with Chantel while she watched on Monday nights, Chantel slaps Brad for all the things he said to her. Sean/Lindsey,  Sean tells Lindsay she's the best friend he's been looking for and could see her as his wife down the road.

TPTB didn't realize he was so opposite of what they thought, after CH repeatedly says the viewers loved him, so they choose him, covering their butts.  No one takes responsibility, they just crucify them on National TV.

I like this couple for two reasons, because they are truly happy, and I give him a lot of guts for taking all this crap for doing what he felt was honest. He has been the same person before the show and after.

I don't have any favourites. I just want to see the love story, and figure it all out while watching every epi. Even Ali who I didn't care for, I was happy to be part of a sleuthing bunch that figured it out and that she indeed, chose hunky Roberto.  beatingheart

GA: I totally agree with what you said in this post.....

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by eliza3 Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:53 pm

whit90 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:
Isabel123 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:

That's what happened, isn't it? He burst her (Bachelor) bubble by spending their alone time complaining about the show, etc., instead of showing interest in her is my impression of what happened. She ended her Fantasy Date furious and quit, right?

The way I saw it, she complained all JPG talked about was himself all night. He wasn't interested in her at all. He didn't ask questions about religion or future or whatever. He OTOH thought it was a great night,they talked and laughed. She tells him she wants to leave, he doesn't even know what Religion she practices, he says its okay, he understands, well, for some reason, it's not okay.  Suspect

You are right GA, JPG is not into her and vice versa. JPG is OK about it but Andi took an exception for the lack of interest.[/quote

Yes, that would be the episode edit, but she expanded and said he also complained about production when she told her story at the WTA.  

The MAJORITY of Juan Pablo's suitors called him out for bad behavior during the WTA. Could very well be his ill behavior isn't representative of who he really is today, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace who he was during the show. Why white wash?

Yes! I forgot about that. These are my opinions. That was all part of the plan. They didn't like him, viewers didn't like him, TPTB knew that. By the time the WTA came around, that was their only chance to show the viewers they were on their side. They threw him under the bus, because he would not cooperate. CH said it well in the interview that was posted recently, "he didn't give himself to the producers".  Suspect 

When Andi said that on national TV that he didn't cooperate, it was so obvious to me, she was coached, just like she was during her exit. She sounded like a school girl tattling on him.

He couldn't pretend to have interest in those girls, he couldn't pretend he was in love with two women, he couldn't be devastated that Andi or anyone else wanted to go. Sure go ahead was his attitude, he understands, that if someone wants to go, then they shouldn't be there. There is not one lead that I could remember that reacted the way he did when someone wanted to go. They all fall apart, and there's so much drama. There's a lot of acting, and IMO he couldn't do it, because it wasn't honest. These are just my thoughts.

JPG was not a fit for this gig at all. He couldn't act, he didn't do what they wanted him to do, he said weird things, his English is not good at all, he didn't understand half of what those girls were saying to him, it was difficult to understand him, they obviously gave him English lessons, which made him look even less educated, everything went over his head, because he didn't get it, he wasn't going to propose, and that whole conversation with Clare is not any different than Brad/Chantal  -even Emily was convinced he was in love with Chantel while she watched on Monday nights, Chantel slaps Brad for all the things he said to her. Sean/Lindsey,  Sean tells Lindsay she's the best friend he's been looking for and could see her as his wife down the road.

TPTB didn't realize he was so opposite of what they thought, after CH repeatedly says the viewers loved him, so they choose him, covering their butts.  No one takes responsibility, they just crucify them on National TV.

I like this couple for two reasons, because they are truly happy, and I give him a lot of guts for taking all this crap for doing what he felt was honest. He has been the same person before the show and after.

I don't have any favourites. I just want to see the love story, and figure it all out while watching every epi. Even Ali who I didn't care for, I was happy to be part of a sleuthing bunch that figured it out and that she indeed, chose hunky Roberto.  beatingheart

GA: I totally agree with what you said in this post.....

I have always wondered if the women/men at the WTA/MTA are coached. It seems convenient to me that there is always some drama especially since they have all been out of the "bubble" for awhile. Personally I don't think ANYTHING that we see on our televisions are totally honest and real.

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by whit90 Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:07 pm

eliza3 wrote:
whit90 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:
Isabel123 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:

That's what happened, isn't it? He burst her (Bachelor) bubble by spending their alone time complaining about the show, etc., instead of showing interest in her is my impression of what happened. She ended her Fantasy Date furious and quit, right?

The way I saw it, she complained all JPG talked about was himself all night. He wasn't interested in her at all. He didn't ask questions about religion or future or whatever. He OTOH thought it was a great night,they talked and laughed. She tells him she wants to leave, he doesn't even know what Religion she practices, he says its okay, he understands, well, for some reason, it's not okay.  Suspect

You are right GA, JPG is not into her and vice versa. JPG is OK about it but Andi took an exception for the lack of interest.[/quote

Yes, that would be the episode edit, but she expanded and said he also complained about production when she told her story at the WTA.  

The MAJORITY of Juan Pablo's suitors called him out for bad behavior during the WTA. Could very well be his ill behavior isn't representative of who he really is today, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace who he was during the show. Why white wash?

Yes! I forgot about that. These are my opinions. That was all part of the plan. They didn't like him, viewers didn't like him, TPTB knew that. By the time the WTA came around, that was their only chance to show the viewers they were on their side. They threw him under the bus, because he would not cooperate. CH said it well in the interview that was posted recently, "he didn't give himself to the producers".  Suspect 

When Andi said that on national TV that he didn't cooperate, it was so obvious to me, she was coached, just like she was during her exit. She sounded like a school girl tattling on him.

He couldn't pretend to have interest in those girls, he couldn't pretend he was in love with two women, he couldn't be devastated that Andi or anyone else wanted to go. Sure go ahead was his attitude, he understands, that if someone wants to go, then they shouldn't be there. There is not one lead that I could remember that reacted the way he did when someone wanted to go. They all fall apart, and there's so much drama. There's a lot of acting, and IMO he couldn't do it, because it wasn't honest. These are just my thoughts.

JPG was not a fit for this gig at all. He couldn't act, he didn't do what they wanted him to do, he said weird things, his English is not good at all, he didn't understand half of what those girls were saying to him, it was difficult to understand him, they obviously gave him English lessons, which made him look even less educated, everything went over his head, because he didn't get it, he wasn't going to propose, and that whole conversation with Clare is not any different than Brad/Chantal  -even Emily was convinced he was in love with Chantel while she watched on Monday nights, Chantel slaps Brad for all the things he said to her. Sean/Lindsey,  Sean tells Lindsay she's the best friend he's been looking for and could see her as his wife down the road.

TPTB didn't realize he was so opposite of what they thought, after CH repeatedly says the viewers loved him, so they choose him, covering their butts.  No one takes responsibility, they just crucify them on National TV.

I like this couple for two reasons, because they are truly happy, and I give him a lot of guts for taking all this crap for doing what he felt was honest. He has been the same person before the show and after.

I don't have any favourites. I just want to see the love story, and figure it all out while watching every epi. Even Ali who I didn't care for, I was happy to be part of a sleuthing bunch that figured it out and that she indeed, chose hunky Roberto.  beatingheart

GA: I totally agree with what you said in this post.....

I have always wondered if the women/men at the WTA/MTA are coached.   It seems convenient to me that there is always some drama especially since they have all been out of the "bubble" for awhile.    Personally I don't think ANYTHING that we see on our televisions are totally honest and real.

I am sure some of them are just to convenient that every season there is drama at the WTA/ MTA . It seems to come down to she said/ he said but most of the time we never will know who is telling the truth. Just like Juan/Clare / Andi and Sean / Ashlee . There have been more than those too...

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by soccermom333 Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:44 pm

Linds911 wrote:
Chajoy wrote:
Sable wrote:I will admit that I started out the season not being very excited about Juan Pablo as the bachelor, but I watched anyway.  I actually started to like him more and more as the season progressed.  I started to feel slightly sorry for him with the edit he was getting from TPTB.  The only thing I really took issue with was the way he treated Clare.  I did not like how he treated her with the whole late night swim in the ocean, and I did not like the comment he made to her in the helicopter ride.  I also didn't like how he treated her at the FRC.  I get that Clare said some things to him that he didn't like, but he did not have to make the comment that he was glad that he didn't pick her.  I think the F2 at any FRC (in any and all seasons) should be cut some slack for having been led on, so if they say some things that the lead doesn't like, then they should just let it go.  I actually didn't mind the whole situation with Andi and how he reacted to her leaving.  I think he was just trying to tell her that it was okay that she was leaving and that if she (or anyone else) wasn't feeling it, then they should just leave.  I also don't think that Andi would have gotten a rose at the F3 rose ceremony so there was probably some relief on Juan Pablo's part that he didn't have to be the one to let her go.  I think the whole thing was just setup to give Andi a storyline into being the next bachelorette.

Then Juan Pablo completely lost me at the  ATFR show.  I get that he was upset, but he acted like a petulant child, and in the process he totally and completely disrespected Nikki and their relationship.  The fact that Nikki seems to be okay with the way he acted does not excuse his behavior to me in the least.  There were other bachelors that had an even worse experience than he did (Brad 1.0 and Jason come to mind) and yet they did not act in the disrespectful and angry manner that he did.  This show has been on for umpteen seasons, and as the lead of the show, you better make darn sure you know how the process works before you sign up to do it.  The fact that Juan Pablo didn't know enough about the show and how it works is his fault, no one elses.  Juan Pablo was actually on Des's season and made it to F6.  If he didn't watch his season while it was airing, he should have at least watched it after he was approached to be The Bachelor so he could get more of a grasp and a handle on how everything works.

As for Juan Pablo and Nikki, it seems like they are trying to make it work and both seem happy for now; however, I honestly I don't feel like what they are living now is "real life" though.  To me, It's just not real to work 3 nursing shifts in a row and then travel all around the country going to various events together and then repeat the whole process again the following week.  To me that just does not seem to be a feasible real life scenario.  I don't know how anyone can financially, emotionally or physically keep up that type of situation long term.  Real life will be when they live in the same city and truly start merging their lives. I feel like Nikki would have to be the one to move to where Juan Pablo lives because of his daughter.  But when that happens, is Juan Pablo still going to be jet setting across the country leaving Nikki alone most of the time?  If Juan Pablo's life style is traveling so much, then perhaps that is the reason he is still a bachelor?  If it is meant to be, I hope everything works out for them.  I just want to note that I love Sean and Catherine, and they are my favorite couple from the franchise, but I don't feel like they started living a "real life" until they got out of Hollywood and away from DWTS and all the media appearances.  Once Juan Pablo and Nikki are out of the media spotlight a little bit more and start leading a more settled life will be the true test if their relationship is meant to be and if they will make it for the long term.

I am a little bit surprised that Juan Pablo and Nikki went to the taping of DWTS given how angry Juan Pablo seemed to be at everyone related to The Bachelor, ABC, DWTS, etc.  It seem like Juan Pablo was mad at TPTB that he didn't get the gig of being on DWTS.  If he should have been mad at anyone, it should have been at the producers of DWTS, so that is why I was so surprised that he went to the taping of the show.  Perhaps he is trying to make amends now?

I just hope that Nikki knows what she is doing and doesn't end up getting hurt in the end.  I do feel that Juan Pablo has been showing Nikki how he feels about her since the show ended, but I still can't get past how he treated her on ATFR.  It would be terrible to see her get her heart broken after investing so much in Juan Pablo.

Thank you to the mods for opening up this thread for discussion!

Well said, Sable  clapping! 

 :yes: I was nodding my head while reading this. Exactly my thoughts. They seem happy so whatever works for them, wish them all the best.

Hi Linds!   I was nodding my head while you were nodding your head.   :yes:  LOL.  I also agree that this thread was needed.  Thanks Mods!  

Like Linds said, they seem happy and I hope it works out for them.  Smiley 

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Isabel123 Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:06 pm

This is a hilarious video parody of JPG and Andi's fantasy date. Enjoy viewing it.....

The Roots – The Bachelor Recap : Andi’s Bombshell

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Isabel123 Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:14 pm

Another parody of Bachelor S18. Enjoy reading it .......

The Bachelor Meets The Ladies of Downton Abbey

What happens when post-Edwardian-era ladies find themselves in the hit reality TV series dealing with a man looking for love? See for yourself with's "brilliant" mashup of Downton Abbey and The Bachelor. If you love it, share it! Share it on Twitter (#TrueBrilliance) for a chance to win a cool pair of diamond earrings or a gift card from
Exciting? Bizarre? Unexpected? You bet.

Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Bachelor-downton-abbey

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 10 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by notarose Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:16 pm

Isabel123 wrote:This is a hilarious video parody of JPG and Andi's fantasy date. Enjoy viewing it.....

The Roots – The Bachelor Recap : Andi’s Bombshell

One omission however, I so-o-o wanted to see the "picky picky" eyebrow scene re-enacted :yes: 

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