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: Nick Viall Bachelorette 10 - *Fan Forum* - *Spoilers* - Discussion - Thread #8 - Page 64 Empty Re: : Nick Viall Bachelorette 10 - *Fan Forum* - *Spoilers* - Discussion - Thread #8

Post by isittrue Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:36 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:
isittrue wrote:
nutty1 wrote:I think the lesson from this season is:

1. trust social media clues, especially the little ones that are not so "in your face".
2. trust screencaps - they don't lie.
3. DO NOT trust the edit.

It was all there this season, clear as day, that Josh was F1.

Yes.  Especially #3! was not clear to me..well, yes, unless if we were to believe she was in Meryl Streep league with her acting...laugh out loud

1. im still undecided about it...Nick has given us subtle clues...dunno whether its part of his then wish for full closure..or...a way of TPTB to punish him due to the video  :shocked!: 

Yeah his SM has got me wondering too. I go back and forth on both theories. I lean with TPTB being more involved only because of some of the pictures they sent out to coincide with Nick's: him holding a baby, tweet of Andi holding baby later on by CH, similar pictures of them by the window looking down in Venice, tweeting a picture of his BFF as a bride and CH sending a picture of Andi looking at bridal magazines.


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Post by nutty1 Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:40 pm

I have recorded Access Hollywood, Access Hollywood Live and ET for today,and GMA for tomorrow. Anything else?

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
"You're my person" - Lauren

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Post by isittrue Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:41 pm

Longhornfan wrote:
mimitalks wrote:
isittrue wrote: Great post.  Yeah, I was really disturbed by how much she kept reassuring him while he gazed up at with those adoring eyes.  I think this may be my final Bachelorette rodeo too.  This one sucked the life out of me.  I did not know Andi since I skipped Juan Pablo but something about Nick drew me in and I am thankful I had the chance to watch him at least. I just hated to see my love story was all a delusion.  Andi is one cold, calculating cookie and I am thankful she is off my screen.  

Bolded mine. The following is just my opinion. I've been perusing the posts, and your statement I bolded really hit me, enough to post something after what I watched Monday night. I don't want to believe it was all a delusion, and I do want to believe she had feelings for Nick. Nobody wants to see someone crushed like that. It does make me question whether TBTB were thrown for a loop themselves during filming, or if it was obvious from the word go that she wanted Josh. So much we don't get to see. I guess I hoped it was Josh she was going to see, but I didn't deep down believe it. It seems to me that the consensus of opinion is the distaste on not her breaking it off with Nick, but on how she did it - with half answers and seeming coldness. I re-watched three scenes off of a blog site this morning - the "breakup", the extra Wisconsin filming, her explaining to Nick at ATFR that she didn't love him. I don't know what Andi truly went through. It is hard to imagine the gamut of emotions a woman or man goes through in a situation like that, and we are not privy to their real feelings normally (except maybe in the case of Sean, who couldn't seem to help himself saying he loved his F2). We see only what the TBTB want or allow us to see. We saw a tired, emotionally spent Andi at times (Josh's words were similar to that) and a defensive one and one who was caught up in the bubble herself at times (I believe) and one who thought she was falling in love. We (at least some on this thread) wanted it to be with Nick - to believe she wanted the something deeper we felt we saw promised. Yes, it is a cheesy reality show and highly edited, but this season showed us raw emotion and glimpses behind the scenes. It is like the fourth wall (I believe they call it that, maybe I'm wrong) was broken. Fakeness (is that even a word?) was exposed by Eric, who dared to be "real" in an unreal situation and was allowed to have it shown. Gut-wrenching tears were shown, as the cast and crew dealt with the death of someone who had just recently touched their lives.

The thing is (and I really didn't start this post off to defend Andi) that Andi now has a new relationship to live out in the public eye and media storm (whether she would want that or not), and I believe she felt that she needed to close the door on the old one to successfully do that. How she did it is what most people are focusing on, I think. The jolt of being told by someone directly they don't love you (especially if they never said those words in the first place) must be immense, but I do feel it is closure. In a weird way it is kinder, really. I don't think she planned to say it that way (just my opinion), but she was prodded to do so. Only she knows the truth of that. I believe a person is much more likely to start healing and be able to move on - after the initial shock of it. Yes, I believe he will carry the hurt for awhile - the sting, the feelings of humiliation. A person can only take so much, but it seems that Nick is being surrounded with friends and family who can ease him through this admittedly hard situation. It takes a strong person to cope with destroyed hopes, but a person's own strength is not enough. I do hope a genuine woman will be in his future, but before that can happen he needs to heal. I am troubled by the fact he is agreeing to interviews, but I'm not him (obviously). Each person chooses the way he/she deals with situations, but he, too, must live out this situation in the public eye and media storm - whether he wants to or not. I wish him the best.

Mimi, I will admit that for me it WAS Andi's frosty cold demeanor and lack of even a shred of sympathy or compassion for Nick at the AFTR that bothered me the most.  She only showed up to have that conversation because she was required to do so.  As much as she enjoyed the way Nick chased her during the filming of the show (which just fed into the huge EGO that she developed), it was obvious from the moment she walked out on that stage that when she is done with someone, she is DONE.

I also believe that if that plane video had not surfaced, if it had not been made public, that PERHAPS things might have gone a little differently at the AFTR for Nick.  But, I am now convinced that both Andi and Josh watched it, and it was all downhill for Nick from that point forward.  Andi does not take any kind of criticism well.  That was apparent from her time on the Bachelor last season.  Didn't Andi say in a recent interview that Nick did not have any nice things to say about her?  For her to say that, then she MUST HAVE watched the plane video, and she was pissed when she was forced into having to see and talk to him.

So, IMO, Andi refused to talk to Nick privately, out of spite.  How dare him say anything negative about her!!!  She showed up at the AFTR - because she HAD to.  She looked like a stone cold Bit*ch to me.  And she arrived there with what seemed like a huge chip on her shoulder.

I also think that Nick needs to heal first, before he can move on.  I don't know if Sharleen is a viable love interest for Nick, but I can certainly see her as someone who could help Nick in the healing process.  She, after all knows Andi from TB, even though I doubt that they are really that close friends in real life.  Sharleen, though, might be someone who could help Nick work through what was real and what was producer driven in the filming process, to help Nick move past the grief and hurt that he is now feeling.  She could be a very valuable friend for him to have right now.  So, I hope to see that relationship formed, whether or not there is a love connection between the two of them.  I just want Nick to be able to get over Andi, as quickly as possible.

Yes to all of this. I also saw through Andi's SM that she may have been holding a grudge. She made sure to never post pictures of Nick in any of her posts about the show, even HT dates, all the other 3 men were shown and just a solo of her in Milwaukee. In the meantime, she went out of her way to praise Josh in addition to Chris and Marcus. She also sat and let her BBF tweet nasty tweets about Nick during the show including that he was a stalker. She was very angry with Nick and I honestly don't think the airplane video was that bad compared to what he really could have said.


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Post by Carolinagirl1864 Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:43 pm

Can anyone tell me the EST for these shows...or have I missed them.GMA I know the time but not the others.


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Post by Carolinagirl1864 Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:43 pm

Can anyone tell me the EST for these shows...or have I missed them.GMA I know the time but not the others.


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Post by Baseball Mom Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:44 pm

nutty1 wrote:I have recorded Access Hollywood, Access Hollywood Live and ET for today,and GMA for tomorrow. Anything else?

Nutty, that's all I know for now  giggling 

You say that you love rain but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadowy spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your window when the wind blows. This is why I am afraid when you say that you love me too. -unknown
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Post by Guest Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:45 pm

Baseball Mom wrote:
Cecilia wrote:
Baseball Mom wrote:Guys, I haven't posted all season but wanted to let everyone know that Nick is on with Billy Bush now!

Can you watch this online?  If not, can you post what he says?  I dvr'd it at home.

They only showed a small portion of the interview, called it a "teaser" and said the full interview would be shown tonight. Also, that Nick would be on GMA tomorrow morning. The portion of the interview that they showed, Billy asked Nick if he regretted asking the question. Nick said, in hindsight, he may have been a little more sensitive but it was waying on his mind and it just sort of came out.  Billy also asked if he was prodded by producers to ask the question and Nick said no, he takes 100% responsibility. I am paraphrasing a lot of this, of course!

thanks for filling us in, BBmom! im looking forward to the full interview!  Praying 


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Post by nutty1 Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:47 pm

Carolinagirl1864 wrote:Can anyone tell me the EST for these shows...or have I missed them.GMA I know the time but not the others.

I just looked them up on my TV Guide on my TV, by names of shows.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
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Post by SueSt Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:49 pm

Longhornfan wrote:
mimitalks wrote:
isittrue wrote: Great post.  Yeah, I was really disturbed by how much she kept reassuring him while he gazed up at with those adoring eyes.  I think this may be my final Bachelorette rodeo too.  This one sucked the life out of me.  I did not know Andi since I skipped Juan Pablo but something about Nick drew me in and I am thankful I had the chance to watch him at least. I just hated to see my love story was all a delusion.  Andi is one cold, calculating cookie and I am thankful she is off my screen.  

Bolded mine. The following is just my opinion. I've been perusing the posts, and your statement I bolded really hit me, enough to post something after what I watched Monday night. I don't want to believe it was all a delusion, and I do want to believe she had feelings for Nick. Nobody wants to see someone crushed like that. It does make me question whether TBTB were thrown for a loop themselves during filming, or if it was obvious from the word go that she wanted Josh. So much we don't get to see. I guess I hoped it was Josh she was going to see, but I didn't deep down believe it. It seems to me that the consensus of opinion is the distaste on not her breaking it off with Nick, but on how she did it - with half answers and seeming coldness. I re-watched three scenes off of a blog site this morning - the "breakup", the extra Wisconsin filming, her explaining to Nick at ATFR that she didn't love him. I don't know what Andi truly went through. It is hard to imagine the gamut of emotions a woman or man goes through in a situation like that, and we are not privy to their real feelings normally (except maybe in the case of Sean, who couldn't seem to help himself saying he loved his F2). We see only what the TBTB want or allow us to see. We saw a tired, emotionally spent Andi at times (Josh's words were similar to that) and a defensive one and one who was caught up in the bubble herself at times (I believe) and one who thought she was falling in love. We (at least some on this thread) wanted it to be with Nick - to believe she wanted the something deeper we felt we saw promised. Yes, it is a cheesy reality show and highly edited, but this season showed us raw emotion and glimpses behind the scenes. It is like the fourth wall (I believe they call it that, maybe I'm wrong) was broken. Fakeness (is that even a word?) was exposed by Eric, who dared to be "real" in an unreal situation and was allowed to have it shown. Gut-wrenching tears were shown, as the cast and crew dealt with the death of someone who had just recently touched their lives.

The thing is (and I really didn't start this post off to defend Andi) that Andi now has a new relationship to live out in the public eye and media storm (whether she would want that or not), and I believe she felt that she needed to close the door on the old one to successfully do that. How she did it is what most people are focusing on, I think. The jolt of being told by someone directly they don't love you (especially if they never said those words in the first place) must be immense, but I do feel it is closure. In a weird way it is kinder, really. I don't think she planned to say it that way (just my opinion), but she was prodded to do so. Only she knows the truth of that. I believe a person is much more likely to start healing and be able to move on - after the initial shock of it. Yes, I believe he will carry the hurt for awhile - the sting, the feelings of humiliation. A person can only take so much, but it seems that Nick is being surrounded with friends and family who can ease him through this admittedly hard situation. It takes a strong person to cope with destroyed hopes, but a person's own strength is not enough. I do hope a genuine woman will be in his future, but before that can happen he needs to heal. I am troubled by the fact he is agreeing to interviews, but I'm not him (obviously). Each person chooses the way he/she deals with situations, but he, too, must live out this situation in the public eye and media storm - whether he wants to or not. I wish him the best.

Mimi, I will admit that for me it WAS Andi's frosty cold demeanor and lack of even a shred of sympathy or compassion for Nick at the AFTR that bothered me the most.  She only showed up to have that conversation because she was required to do so.  As much as she enjoyed the way Nick chased her during the filming of the show (which just fed into the huge EGO that she developed), it was obvious from the moment she walked out on that stage that when she is done with someone, she is DONE.

I also believe that if that plane video had not surfaced, if it had not been made public, that PERHAPS things might have gone a little differently at the AFTR for Nick.  But, I am now convinced that both Andi and Josh watched it, and it was all downhill for Nick from that point forward.  Andi does not take any kind of criticism well.  That was apparent from her time on the Bachelor last season.  Didn't Andi say in a recent interview that Nick did not have any nice things to say about her?  For her to say that, then she MUST HAVE watched the plane video, and she was pissed when she was forced into having to see and talk to him.

So, IMO, Andi refused to talk to Nick privately, out of spite.  How dare him say anything the she perceived as being negative about HER!!!  She showed up at the AFTR - because she HAD to.  She looked like a stone cold Bit*ch to me.  And she arrived there with what seemed like a huge chip on her shoulder.

I also think that Nick needs to heal first, before he can move on.  I don't know if Sharleen is a viable love interest for Nick, but I can certainly see her as someone who could help Nick in the healing process.  She, after all knows Andi from TB, even though I doubt that they are really that close friends in real life.  Sharleen, though, might be someone who could help Nick work through what was real and what was producer driven in the filming process, to help Nick move past the grief and hurt that he is now feeling.  She could be a very valuable friend for him to have right now.  So, I hope to see that relationship formed, whether or not there is a love connection between the two of them.  I just want Nick to be able to get over Andi, as quickly as possible.

I don't think Nick said anything so onerous in the plane video. The guy was hurting. Andi should have shown him compassion either way, understanding he was speaking in the heat of the moment, after feeling terribly betrayed and gutted.

I don't know if Andi didn't speak with Nick before the live show out of spite or out of her commitment to Josh and her new life. Either way, her heartless and cold performance on the ATFR is one for the books.  no no 

I think having seen and spoken with Andi will help Nick move forward and quickly now...  :yes: 

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Post by happygolucky Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:50 pm

Reading through pages and pages, articles and interviews ... many comments still describe Nick as a creep ... yes, I finally write the whole word down ... because I finally got the meaning of it,
I kept asking myself why people try to insult him with the word that has no connection to reality of facts, but now I know ... it was a compliment all along:

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Post by sdmom Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:50 pm

One thing for sure: Andi doesn't take criticism well. Good thing she didn't choose Nick.

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Post by Carolinagirl1864 Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:51 pm

nutty1 wrote:
Carolinagirl1864 wrote:Can anyone tell me the EST for these shows...or have I missed them.GMA I know the time but not the others.

I just looked them up on my TV Guide on my TV, by names of shows.



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