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Post by jcrbil Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:06 pm

They'll be okay- and they'll learn to deal with the adoring crowds. I do think Josh has endless amounts of energy for all the requests, and he will learn where Andi's boundary is for that and I do think he'll love protecting that boundary because that seems to be the kind of man he is.

Frankly, I think civility has gone by the wayside. Just because Andi and Josh are in a public place that is not a time to "meet and greet". They are entitled, just like everyone else in the world, to eat a meal in a restaurant and not be bothered by "fans", and enjoy a family member's birthday party in a public place without having to pose for pictures with strangers. Frankly, Andi may have been reacting more to the idea that they seemed to be the center of attention when it was really Stephanie's day. I know how difficult it has become to have a birthday on 9/11- my oldest child's is also 9/11- they made the trip to Augusta to make the day special for her and then the focus was on them (at least in part).


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Post by Maggenzm Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:15 pm

foodie wrote:
Maggenzm wrote:
foodie wrote:Jessie James Decker ‏@JessieJDecker  3m
Welcome to Georgia

Jessie is in Georgia! I wonder if they'll get that a double date now haha

Who is Jessie James?

A country singer, married to Eric Decker who plays for the Jets. They used to have their own reality show. Josh met them both at a golf tournament and Jesse tweeted after bach was over they need to have a double date.

Thanks for the update!!

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:28 pm

Any conversation regarding whether or not Andi is jealous or Josh should be or shouldn't be taking pics with college girls should be discussed in the General Discussion thread.

This is a fan thread, and it appears that some posts are veering off with speculation of trust between them.



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Post by Eagle Eye Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:29 pm

jcrbil wrote:Frankly, I think civility has gone by the wayside.  Just because Andi and Josh are in a public place that is not a time to "meet and greet".  They are entitled, just like everyone else in the world, to eat a meal in a restaurant and not be bothered by "fans", and enjoy a family member's birthday party in a public place without having to pose for pictures with strangers.  Frankly, Andi may have been reacting more to the idea that they seemed to be the center of attention  when it was really Stephanie's day.  I know how difficult it has become to have a birthday on 9/11- my oldest child's is also 9/11- they made the trip to Augusta to make the day special for her and then the focus was on them (at least in part).
ITA. I was pretty appalled by that one picture of them out to dinner where the girl had actually come over to their table and posed with them. Like, really? Approaching them at dinner? Even if they weren't actually eating at the time that is just so, so rude. I think they've been incredibly accommodating so far, but Andi may have reached her limit last night and I can't say I blame her.  

GuardianAngel wrote:Any conversation regarding whether or not Andi is jealous or Josh should be or shouldn't be taking pics with college girls should be discussed in the General Discussion thread.

This is a fan thread, and it appears that some posts are veering off with speculation of trust between them.

I may be alone in this, but I don't see anything wrong with having these conversations in the fan forum -- in fact, I would prefer it. We're all here because we're fond of Andi & Josh and want the best for them. But when these sorts of discussions get copied over to the General thread it invariably turns into a gigantic Andi bash-fest. I think it would be nice if the conversations started here, with good intentions, didn't wind up as fodder for the people who are just itching to criticize Andi for every single thing she does. From time to time we may get a little neurotic in this thread, but clear heads always prevail at the end! Just because we're all Jodi fans it doesn't mean we can't have different opinions and viewpoints on certain things, but at the end of the day (TM Andi) we're 100% united in our support of Andi and Josh. I think we're pretty good at talking each other down from the ledge and keeping the discussions positive, and I like our happy and supportive little group. :hug:
Eagle Eye
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Post by BohemianNika Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:42 pm

I agree The tone of the discussion is still very supportive of  our couple, so unless it makes some of us uncomfortable, I don't see a reason to move it to the General Thread (for reason stated by Eagle Eye).

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Post by Acrunch Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:49 pm

Eagle Eye wrote:
I may be alone in this, but I don't see anything wrong with having these conversations in the fan forum -- in fact, I would prefer it. We're all here because we're fond of Andi & Josh and want the best for them. But when these sorts of discussions get copied over to the General thread it invariably turns into a gigantic Andi bash-fest. I think it would be nice if the conversations started here, with good intentions, didn't wind up as fodder for the people who are just itching to criticize Andi for every single thing she does. From time to time we may get a little neurotic in this thread, but clear heads always prevail at the end! Just because we're all Jodi fans it doesn't mean we can't have different opinions and viewpoints on certain things, but at the end of the day (TM Andi) we're 100% united in our support of Andi and Josh. I think we're pretty good at talking each other down from the ledge and keeping the discussions positive, and I like our happy and supportive little group. :hug:

You're not alone in that thinking. I agree! I'm personally of the opinion the topic is much ado about nothing but I'd rather it be discussed here where Jodi is loved and respected than in the general discussion thread for the same reasons you stated! Jmo! I'll abide by whatever is decided but probably will stay out of the other thread because I know exactly what will go down over there.

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Post by docnash14 Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:59 pm

Eagle Eye wrote:
jcrbil wrote:Frankly, I think civility has gone by the wayside.  Just because Andi and Josh are in a public place that is not a time to "meet and greet".  They are entitled, just like everyone else in the world, to eat a meal in a restaurant and not be bothered by "fans", and enjoy a family member's birthday party in a public place without having to pose for pictures with strangers.  Frankly, Andi may have been reacting more to the idea that they seemed to be the center of attention  when it was really Stephanie's day.  I know how difficult it has become to have a birthday on 9/11- my oldest child's is also 9/11- they made the trip to Augusta to make the day special for her and then the focus was on them (at least in part).
ITA. I was pretty appalled by that one picture of them out to dinner where the girl had actually come over to their table and posed with them. Like, really? Approaching them at dinner? Even if they weren't actually eating at the time that is just so, so rude. I think they've been incredibly accommodating so far, but Andi may have reached her limit last night and I can't say I blame her.  

GuardianAngel wrote:Any conversation regarding whether or not Andi is jealous or Josh should be or shouldn't be taking pics with college girls should be discussed in the General Discussion thread.

This is a fan thread, and it appears that some posts are veering off with speculation of trust between them.

I may be alone in this, but I don't see anything wrong with having these conversations in the fan forum -- in fact, I would prefer it. We're all here because we're fond of Andi & Josh and want the best for them. But when these sorts of discussions get copied over to the General thread it invariably turns into a gigantic Andi bash-fest. I think it would be nice if the conversations started here, with good intentions, didn't wind up as fodder for the people who are just itching to criticize Andi for every single thing she does. From time to time we may get a little neurotic in this thread, but clear heads always prevail at the end! Just because we're all Jodi fans it doesn't mean we can't have different opinions and viewpoints on certain things, but at the end of the day (TM Andi) we're 100% united in our support of Andi and Josh. I think we're pretty good at talking each other down from the ledge and keeping the discussions positive, and I like our happy and supportive little group. :hug:

Eagle Eye, you are not alone as I share the exact same sentiment.


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Post by docnash14 Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:38 pm

docnash14 wrote:alexstrollo
6 hours ago · Athens I love you
Because when Josh Murray hugs you and then goes to stand next to his fiancé, it's the greatest night ever. #lovethem #bachelorette
Andi Dorfman & Josh Murray - Fan Forum - Facebook - Twitter - IG's - Updates - Discussion Thread #4 - Page 37 Josh_t13

Laura, I think this is the one you were referencing. And I agree that it totally speaks to what Alanna was saying about Josh's sensitivity for and attentiveness for Andi.


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Post by Alanna Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:45 pm

Yes I also agree and vote to keep these discussions here and not the other thread. The tone is still positive and overall very supportive of both Josh and Andi. The other thread will likely devolve into me defending Meandi, MeandI, and me&I, and I don't need to subject anyone to any more of those :P

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Post by Maggenzm Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:48 pm

Eagle Eye wrote:
jcrbil wrote:Frankly, I think civility has gone by the wayside.  Just because Andi and Josh are in a public place that is not a time to "meet and greet".  They are entitled, just like everyone else in the world, to eat a meal in a restaurant and not be bothered by "fans", and enjoy a family member's birthday party in a public place without having to pose for pictures with strangers.  Frankly, Andi may have been reacting more to the idea that they seemed to be the center of attention  when it was really Stephanie's day.  I know how difficult it has become to have a birthday on 9/11- my oldest child's is also 9/11- they made the trip to Augusta to make the day special for her and then the focus was on them (at least in part).
ITA. I was pretty appalled by that one picture of them out to dinner where the girl had actually come over to their table and posed with them. Like, really? Approaching them at dinner? Even if they weren't actually eating at the time that is just so, so rude. I think they've been incredibly accommodating so far, but Andi may have reached her limit last night and I can't say I blame her.  

GuardianAngel wrote:Any conversation regarding whether or not Andi is jealous or Josh should be or shouldn't be taking pics with college girls should be discussed in the General Discussion thread.

This is a fan thread, and it appears that some posts are veering off with speculation of trust between them.

I may be alone in this, but I don't see anything wrong with having these conversations in the fan forum -- in fact, I would prefer it. We're all here because we're fond of Andi & Josh and want the best for them. But when these sorts of discussions get copied over to the General thread it invariably turns into a gigantic Andi bash-fest. I think it would be nice if the conversations started here, with good intentions, didn't wind up as fodder for the people who are just itching to criticize Andi for every single thing she does. From time to time we may get a little neurotic in this thread, but clear heads always prevail at the end! Just because we're all Jodi fans it doesn't mean we can't have different opinions and viewpoints on certain things, but at the end of the day (TM Andi) we're 100% united in our support of Andi and Josh. I think we're pretty good at talking each other down from the ledge and keeping the discussions positive, and I like our happy and supportive little group. :hug:

:yes: We have a tendency to get overboard, but there is always a voice of reason in the end. Thanks Guard for reminding us of the boundaries.
As far as the general discussion concern, some of those who are not fans are so mean toward Andi and Josh, posting Jodi negatives encounters is like throwing a bone to a dog. Not a good idea IMO.

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Post by bamagal Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:08 pm

docnash14 wrote:
Eagle Eye wrote:
jcrbil wrote:Frankly, I think civility has gone by the wayside.  Just because Andi and Josh are in a public place that is not a time to "meet and greet".  They are entitled, just like everyone else in the world, to eat a meal in a restaurant and not be bothered by "fans", and enjoy a family member's birthday party in a public place without having to pose for pictures with strangers.  Frankly, Andi may have been reacting more to the idea that they seemed to be the center of attention  when it was really Stephanie's day.  I know how difficult it has become to have a birthday on 9/11- my oldest child's is also 9/11- they made the trip to Augusta to make the day special for her and then the focus was on them (at least in part).
ITA. I was pretty appalled by that one picture of them out to dinner where the girl had actually come over to their table and posed with them. Like, really? Approaching them at dinner? Even if they weren't actually eating at the time that is just so, so rude. I think they've been incredibly accommodating so far, but Andi may have reached her limit last night and I can't say I blame her.  

GuardianAngel wrote:Any conversation regarding whether or not Andi is jealous or Josh should be or shouldn't be taking pics with college girls should be discussed in the General Discussion thread.

This is a fan thread, and it appears that some posts are veering off with speculation of trust between them.

I may be alone in this, but I don't see anything wrong with having these conversations in the fan forum -- in fact, I would prefer it. We're all here because we're fond of Andi & Josh and want the best for them. But when these sorts of discussions get copied over to the General thread it invariably turns into a gigantic Andi bash-fest. I think it would be nice if the conversations started here, with good intentions, didn't wind up as fodder for the people who are just itching to criticize Andi for every single thing she does. From time to time we may get a little neurotic in this thread, but clear heads always prevail at the end! Just because we're all Jodi fans it doesn't mean we can't have different opinions and viewpoints on certain things, but at the end of the day (TM Andi) we're 100% united in our support of Andi and Josh. I think we're pretty good at talking each other down from the ledge and keeping the discussions positive, and I like our happy and supportive little group. :hug:

Eagle Eye, you are not alone as I share the exact same sentiment.

Agree totally!  However, it does concern me that we are voicing our opinions of a situation where we have few FACTS!  We do not know any of the circumstances surrounding this issue - and it bothers me that we are offering up opinions of how "how Andi felt"' or "what Andi felt".  IMHO

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Post by Maggenzm Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:11 pm

bamagal wrote:
docnash14 wrote:
Eagle Eye wrote:
ITA. I was pretty appalled by that one picture of them out to dinner where the girl had actually come over to their table and posed with them. Like, really? Approaching them at dinner? Even if they weren't actually eating at the time that is just so, so rude. I think they've been incredibly accommodating so far, but Andi may have reached her limit last night and I can't say I blame her.  

I may be alone in this, but I don't see anything wrong with having these conversations in the fan forum -- in fact, I would prefer it. We're all here because we're fond of Andi & Josh and want the best for them. But when these sorts of discussions get copied over to the General thread it invariably turns into a gigantic Andi bash-fest. I think it would be nice if the conversations started here, with good intentions, didn't wind up as fodder for the people who are just itching to criticize Andi for every single thing she does. From time to time we may get a little neurotic in this thread, but clear heads always prevail at the end! Just because we're all Jodi fans it doesn't mean we can't have different opinions and viewpoints on certain things, but at the end of the day (TM Andi) we're 100% united in our support of Andi and Josh. I think we're pretty good at talking each other down from the ledge and keeping the discussions positive, and I like our happy and supportive little group. :hug:

Eagle Eye, you are not alone as I share the exact same sentiment.

Agree totally!  However, it does concern me that we are voicing our opinions of a situation where we have few FACTS!  We do not know any of the circumstances surrounding this issue - and it bothers me that we are offering up opinions of how "how Andi felt"' or "what Andi felt".  IMHO

Wow, great perspective! get the whole story first, then give an opinion.Thanks, I will remember that.

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