Married At First Sight - Season 2 - Sean Varricchio - Davina Kullar - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #3

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Post by sherrie714 Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:27 pm

Sean and davina were matched together because they thought they would work. It was up to them as couples and individually to put in the effort. There good on paper but not together In real life in my opinion.


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Married At First Sight - Season 2 - Sean Varricchio - Davina Kullar - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #3 - Page 11 Empty Public Shaming of Davina

Post by MenNeverChangeWomenDo Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:07 pm

After everything that happened I found it appalling that the Experts blamed Davina for the Process not working and not the Process. Why can't they just admit that they failed in putting S&D together. They blame and shame at least one person in every "marriage" and try to through the "This is your husband/wife" at them. In reality this is someone you have only known for a few weeks that you might not even go on a second date with. It seems like they were trying to talk these two people into staying together and if they didn't the two people failed. Wasn't this an experiment? The experiment failed not the individuals IMO.

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Post by Guest Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:21 pm

Thomigirl wrote:IMO we need to stop blaming the experts for the failures of these relationships. Vaughn & Monet did not work out despite the experts matching...AND THEY MOVED ON. The off screen issues that have been happening is not the fault of the 4 experts. The amount of time that these 'contestants' chose to spend together is not the fault of the experts. I could almost see the Ryan D anger issue but the experts do not work alone. The scads of network execs and directors who aid in the selection and manufacturing of these matches need to be taken into account.

Yeah...but if they supposedly had 7000 applicants, like they said, and they chose SIX people out of that, you would think that one of the main requirements that they would look for would be "willingness and commitment to make marriage work". In my opinion, none of the men had that quality. And, that's completely ignoring any rumors. It was pretty obvious to me that most of them were checked out by week 2, which is proven by the fact that they simply did not spend the full 6 weeks together. You're telling me that out of all the applicants, the experts decided that these men were the most capable of making a marriage work? Come on.

And, that's not even looking at the core personality traits that made these couples a bad match. Sean has severe anxiety problems and he's matched with someone who is strong-willed and doesn't back down from a fight? Jessica is weak and has communication problems and she's matched with someone who has anger management issues? Any psychologist worth his salt could have determined that, within 15 minutes of speaking to these people.


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Post by justify14 Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:52 pm

MenNeverChangeWomenDo wrote:After everything that happened I found it appalling that the Experts blamed Davina for the Process not working and not the Process. Why can't they just admit that they failed in putting S&D together. They blame and shame at least one person in every "marriage" and try to through the "This is your husband/wife" at them. In reality this is someone you have only known for a few weeks that you might not even go on a second date with. It seems like they were trying to talk these two people into staying together and if they didn't the two people failed. Wasn't this an experiment? The experiment failed not the individuals IMO.

I do not think they BLAMED her, I just think they asked her to take responsibility for any part of the relationship not working.I just thought they wanted to see if she would. It seemed that she would not.

The 6 week period is simply too short for anyone who is seriously invested in their careers to simply walk away from everything they have for a stranger. They only spent 10 days together , I was not sure if the honeymoon was included. I do not think blame should be totally assigned to anyone. The nature of it being an experiment is that you learn something from it


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Post by crazychicken Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:26 pm

justify14 wrote:
MenNeverChangeWomenDo wrote:After everything that happened I found it appalling that the Experts blamed Davina for the Process not working and not the Process. Why can't they just admit that they failed in putting S&D together. They blame and shame at least one person in every "marriage" and try to through the "This is your husband/wife" at them. In reality this is someone you have only known for a few weeks that you might not even go on a second date with. It seems like they were trying to talk these two people into staying together and if they didn't the two people failed. Wasn't this an experiment? The experiment failed not the individuals IMO.

I do not think they BLAMED her, I just think they asked her to take responsibility for any part of the relationship not working.I just thought they wanted to see if she would. It seemed that she would not.  

The 6 week period is simply too short for anyone who is seriously invested in their careers to simply walk away from everything they have for a stranger.  They only spent 10 days together , I was not sure if the honeymoon was included. I do not think blame should be totally assigned to anyone.  The nature of it being an experiment is that you learn something from it

Thats the rub for me though, the experts are not willing to take any of the responsibility for the poor matches this season, the only person who seemed sorry was Pepper and I have a lot of respect for her apologising to Jess for matching her with a guy with anger issues. If the experts had said, we are sorry we did not expect Sean to retreat with anxiety and only show up for 10 days then I would have more respect for them and the total silence when the protection order came out was damaging in my eyes. So if the expect the participants to knowledge their faults then they need to knowledge theirs as well, including the commutes this year that added extra stress to an already stressful situation.


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Post by stuckinsc Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:30 pm

I think in the Sean and Davina all three parties were wrong, the two participants and the experts. I am sure Sean is a jerk, but did Davina really give it her all? I don't know, but why is her male BFF there so much? No relationship fails due to one person, unless that person is abusive.

I agree that Sean and the experts take most of the blame, but they did have a point, does Davina ever think she is at fault in anything? If she doesn't then that is going to make it hard for her to ever find a successful relationship.

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Post by cubequeen Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:52 pm

I have two questions. Sorry if this has been covered, but I haven't had time to read every post. I've seen a couple mentions of Davina's gay friend. Would that be Chris? Just wondering because he seemed to have a real appreciation for Davina's qualities and I just wondered why he and Davina never hooked up (if they haven't).

Also, today I re-watched bits and pieces from the first 3 episodes and during the wedding and other times, in every scene where Sean's mom was shown, IMO it was like she couldn't even look at him. I can understand her being disapproving and thinking the "experiment" was crazy, but it was as if it went beyond that. I wonder if she knows Sean is gay (if he is) and knew this was a disaster in the making.


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Post by Guest Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:46 pm

Yes Davina best friend Chris I do believe is Gay. I always wonder if the mom knew that Sean was not right as in he may be gay.


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Post by pandora48 Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:09 am

CatnMouse wrote:What bothers me most, is that, IMO, the "experts" had a pretty good inkling that Sean wouldn't follow thru.  He has his own place in Jersey, close to his work....the trip is beyond crazy from where he lives to NYC.  When it became clear he was spending more time at his home than with Davina, something should have been done.  Just spending 10 nights or days together is NOT what the supposed "experiment" is I understand it.  The "experts" needed to reign Sean in and get to the bottom of things WHILE filming and let him showey, no money!!  He knew what he signed on for.  He KNEW the very FIRST time he drove from Jersey to NYC that he wasn't gonna be doin THAT anymore.
The constant "you need to be here for me" things Davina kept saying that made HER out to be a whiney "birch", (LOL) when in essence, he WASN'T "there" for her!!!  I mean PHYSICALLY not there!!
That to me was total and utter BS....for Davina AND the viewers....well, me...LOL
The "experts" bought Sean's sob story hook, line and sinker.  Yep, so he had to work...if he wanted to be "married" and on a show so much, and knew what the show entailed, he would have set things up with work.  He just wanted to be on TV and make the "alleged" $14,000/episode.   ***Edit to add $$ is not positive, just what I read, but didn't find that link.  A post further down gave another $$ figure.

I fully agree. I think living together for the entire 6 weeks (not just 10 days or a couple of nights) should be a requirement... especially after finding out Jaclyn's Ryan reportedly spent most nights away from her as well. This is another reason why this season was so different from season 1. I also think the experts need to be more involved with counseling, and not just paying them 1 or 2 visits through the marriage.

At the end of the day, I think it all comes down to none of the men took this seriously because none of them really wanted to get married nor were they ready IMO.


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Post by justify14 Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:16 am

cubequeen wrote:I have two questions. Sorry if this has been covered, but I haven't had time to read every post. I've seen a couple mentions of Davina's gay friend. Would that be Chris? Just wondering because he seemed to have a real appreciation for Davina's qualities and I just wondered why he and Davina never hooked up (if they haven't).

Also, today I re-watched bits and pieces from the first 3 episodes and during the wedding and other times, in every scene where Sean's mom was shown, IMO it was like she couldn't even look at him. I can understand her being disapproving and thinking the "experiment" was crazy, but it was as if it went beyond that. I wonder if she knows Sean is gay (if he is) and knew this was a disaster in the making.

*edit*  I do not think I would want my kids to sign up for a show where they married a stranger, so I respect his parents for really not getting involved.  It also seemed like the mother and father both warmed up to Davina at the wedding.  I believe his mother said he hit the jackpot and he told Davina that they were warming to the idea.  The mother seemed like she really did not want to be involved.  It seemed like Sean has a good family who he is close to and he respects their opinions.

To me iIt appeared that after the relationship broke up, he retreated to spend time with his family from what he posted n Instagram.  All of this shows me he is not the jerk everyone is making him out to be.  He said nothing at all on social media  and I also respect him for not wanting to watch his failed marriage.  Many people may not like him, but I honestly think he is handling his failed marriage with class.


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Post by pandora48 Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:28 am

There are many gay men who have gotten women pregnant. Just saying.

When it comes to Sean's parents, I remember one of the insiders saying his parents were aware of his "issues" mainly the pathological lying and didn't want him to embarrass himself or them on national TV. That actually seems believable to me, as it was rather obvious they were uncomfortable or not fully on board with the whole thing.


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Post by albean99 Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:38 am

pandora48 wrote:There are many gay men who have gotten women pregnant. Just saying.

When it comes to Sean's parents, I remember one of the insiders saying his parents were aware of his "issues" mainly the pathological lying and didn't want him to embarrass himself or them on national TV. That actually seems believable to me, as it was rather obvious they were uncomfortable or not fully on board with the whole thing.

I know it's okay to talk about the cast of these shows but we don't know that Sean has any of these "issues" let alone why his parents weren't on board with him doing the show. Some people just don't like being on tv or watching their child marry a complete stranger. I'm just glad my sons would never do any of these shows. Yikes.

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