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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by AllAboutLove Thu May 11, 2017 8:42 pm

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Karina wrote:
bachfan05 wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:Many posters sleuthed/speculated Viarni to be F1 from the first episode. If Viarni does indeed end up as F1 then the sleuthing of the edit for F1 edit will be a staple (obvious in the beginning, preferred SD in Ep 3, hidden/confusing in the middle, and then more obvious towards the end) once again and what is considered to be a pattern for typical F1 edits.

That said, if Viarni is indeed F1, it still doesn't take away from any connection or love story seen with the lead and a non-F1. While sleuthing is the primary focus for the forum and learning new sleuthing methods and/or patterns, discussion and seeing things differently is what makes it fun and enjoyable and IMO it has been a great season once again because of all the wonderful discussions had.

Regardless of who is F1, thank you for all the input and updates by all and remember that regardless of spoilers, sleuthing still continues until the finale yes

It has been a great season and I look forward to the finale. This is an amazing forum and I'm glad I joined!

P.S. IMO Viarni is F1 but I won't be devastated if she isn't. Probably the first season I have watched where I haven't had a clear favourite (although having said that, there is something about Lily that endears me to her).
my goodness I love this forum I am learning so many new skills ICT etc I used to swayed by an emotive connection to someone now I try to be logical I will be lost without this forum everyone  is so helpful great 'community of learners' even though all the evidence points to V there is part of me that holds out for Lily she will be star in her own right Maybe too much for the average kiwi. Claudia will shine as well in her own way and Hannah she is just a great gal. I also really liked Lucia she loves dogs fantastic girls each and everyone one them.

Karina wrote:
HEA wrote:@Karina  I dunno. prods are dumb and they proved that was works once, they repeat ad nauseam so methinks that we should keep it as a clue for next season eh? bestbud!

yeah, they seem to be. This release will a dent in their pride terrible really also so hard on Claudia as everyone knows through a leak rather seeing it how it actually happened.

reason wrote:@Karina Will you be watching the US bachelorette in 2 weeks?

Bobette wrote:Because I am stubborn and I think Zac and Lily make a great couple and I still don't see it between him and Viarni I'm going to go against the tide here and continue to sleuth in support of Lily as F1.

On the IG page none of the last 12 photos have featured Lily so they are hiding her from view at this point.  Could be that there will be a flood of Lily pics next week but thought it was worth pointing out:

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Thu May 11, 2017 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest Thu May 11, 2017 8:46 pm

I must have missed something but what photo are people talking about that shows Viarni in the F1 position? Was this with the exit interview articles? Or is it about something else altogether?


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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by AllAboutLove Thu May 11, 2017 8:46 pm


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Post by Guest Thu May 11, 2017 8:48 pm

@bachfan05 Years of sleuthing and watching the US ones.


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Post by 4health Thu May 11, 2017 9:21 pm

Well there you have it.   I will continue to say that being here on this forum has made this show most enjoyable.  It was fun sleuthing once again and discussing all options.   If Viarni is F1, which it looks like could very well be (Lily pretty much told him she might not get there and is a risk) I will enjoy watching the Zac I like and that is with Lily.   I have posted I am not a Viarni fan but if Zac is happy then that is the real story.......but can I say does tptb really make this kind of mistake.....I will go on record that this was not a mistake IMO they know exactly why this happened......things are leaked to the press/paps etc all the time. I am not buying it this time either.


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Post by Katiebelle Thu May 11, 2017 9:26 pm

I'm loving this! Stuck in meetings all day and I pop out to have a cuppa and catch up with the forum and what do I find? A gem! A royal TPTB/TV3 stuff up! Brilliant!  I can't help myself - it really appeals to the perverse side of me that I'm seriously loving this. There is no way that TV3 is going to keep this cat in the bag.

In a way I'm pleased that Claudia is leaving at F3. She seems very distraught and I'd hate think what she'd be like if she was F2.

Picked Viarni as F1 from the first episode and nothing has changed my mind. Looking forward to sleuthing and chatting with you all over the next two weeks!

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by 4health Thu May 11, 2017 9:34 pm

Katiebelle wrote:I'm loving this! Stuck in meetings all day and I pop out to have a cuppa and catch up with the forum and what do I find? A gem! A royal TPTB/TV3 stuff up! Brilliant!  I can't help myself - it really appeals to the perverse side of me that I'm seriously loving this. There is no way that TV3 is going to keep this cat in the bag.

In a way I'm pleased that Claudia is leaving at F3. She seems very distraught and I'd hate think what she'd be like if she was F2.

Picked Viarni as F1 from the first episode and nothing has changed my mind. Looking forward to sleuthing and chatting with you all over the next two weeks!

First impression rose wins again! rose bud I was hoping for a different storyline. hmmm


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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by GuardianAngel Thu May 11, 2017 10:01 pm

Very enjoyable reading all the kind comments about our forum. Remember you all make it that way. Thank you for sharing your positive opinions!

Great sleuthing from day 1!


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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by LeapofFaith Thu May 11, 2017 10:03 pm

Does anyone know if Zac has already said "i know shes a risk but my heart just cant let her go" or something like was in a preview? and i thought he said this about Lily? so if he hasnt said this yet could it be him saying it at the FRC? and if so Lily could still be F1? just something doesnt feel right? because i usually never pick the f1 so sorry if i am still not sure Hugesmile

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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by Guest Thu May 11, 2017 10:05 pm

@LeapofFaith That voice over was played when Lily and Zac walk back from their chat in Episode 14.


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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by Bobette Thu May 11, 2017 10:06 pm

4health wrote:Well there you have it.   I will continue to say that being here on this forum has made this show most enjoyable.  It was fun sleuthing once again and discussing all options.   If Viarni is F1, which it looks like could very well be (Lily pretty much told him she might not get there and is a risk) I will enjoy watching the Zac I like and that is with Lily.   I have posted I am not a Viarni fan but if Zac is happy then that is the real story.......but can I say does tptb really make this kind of mistake.....I will go on record that this was not a mistake IMO they know exactly why this happened......things are leaked to the press/paps etc all the time.  I am not buying it this time either.  

Yeah I'm with you @4health and made a similar post on the previous thread.  One does not simply "accidentally" upload an exit interview IMO.  I mean, come on....  I'm still wondering what TPTB have gained from this and whether Claudia may have been keen to get it "out there" so it's over & done with.

Anyways, like you, I prefer the relaxed, smiling, playful, energised Zac I see with Lily to the awkward, doubting Zac I see when he is around Viarni.  If V is F1 I will have to assume their love story does exist but it must be somewhere on the cutting room floor or somewhere else hidden from my view.  It wouldn't be the first time.

I often wonder at this stage of the show when I see great passion with someone who turns out to be F2, perhaps the Leads just really "goes for it" because they know it will be the last chance they get with that person?  TPTB must encourage them to heat things up with the F2s to disguise the ending, IMO.  

It's actually a pretty odd concept, when you think about it - the Lead is essentially encouraged to "cheat" on their F1 and everyone just accepts it as part of the show, then two episodes later they are saying how F1 is the only one for them and they are so in love and we all believe them.

Probably best not think about it too hard and just enjoy the show. teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 3806527698

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teamZac - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by 4health Thu May 11, 2017 10:10 pm

LeapofFaith wrote:Does anyone know if Zac has already said "i know shes a risk but my heart just cant let her go" or something like was in a preview? and i thought he said this about Lily? so if he hasnt said this yet could it be him saying it at the FRC? and if so Lily could still be F1? just something doesnt feel right? because i usually never pick the f1 so sorry if i am still not sure Hugesmile

It was a VO during the preview of the CP with the F6 while you see Zac taking Vanessa to chat. I don't believe we have seen him say in on camera...but I was thinking that comment was more to it. all they would have to do is take the "IF" out of the beginning and change it completely. Editing can be tricky!


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