Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Summerfun1980 Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:44 pm

Yes, I know about the mba in accounting. I also know FAU doesn’t have a good accounting program and athletes who were not drafted in four years typically try to extend eligibility by getting an mba somewhere or some graduate degree in an easy program. According to my friend, that’s what Tyler attempted to do and he did not take his studies seriously. He was only focused on football which is why when that didn’t work out  he ended up trying modeling and aiming for reality tv. Accounting is not in his future. JMO but the simple fact of having a degree will hopefully help him in whatever career he chooses.


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by lleyki Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:46 pm

Doggoneit wrote:@lleyki I felt like he was uncomfortable at the TH red carpet. -AND NOT just because of the shirt given to him to wear made him look like a third grader on picture day, or that it was ALL so new.
jmo... I think it would be difficult to walk the red carpet and feel like people may think you were there only because of who you were dating.

Being uncomfortable on a red carpet when in reality, barely six months ago you were a "regular" individual, is not equivalent to someone is being stifled and not being themselves. There are many entertainers who cringe looking back at some of their first interviews because even they were awkward and uncomfortable at first, not being used to that kind of attention.


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by lleyki Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:49 pm

Summerfun1980 wrote:Yes, I know about the mba in accounting. I also know FAU doesn’t have a good accounting program and athletes who were not drafted in four years typically try to extend eligibility by getting an mba somewhere or some graduate degree in an easy program. According to my friend, that’s what Tyler attempted to do and he did not take his studies seriously. He was only focused on football which is why when that didn’t work out  he ended up trying modeling and aiming for reality tv. Accounting is not in his future. JMO but the simple fact of having a degree will hopefully help him in whatever career he chooses.

I don't know what is or isn't in Tyler's future and never claimed to. My point is, I find the obvious belittling comments of his pursuing modeling to be a bit disingenuous because I cannot help feeling that those sentiments would be very different had he remained fully immersed in Bachelor world by fully getting back together with Hannah. And as I said, his trying for modeling now makes him no different than 90 percent of the people who come on the Bachelor franchise. He's just currently doing it somewhat removed from that world and some aren't happy with him because of that. Which again makes little sense to me because Bachelor world is hardly this great and positive thing, IMO.


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Summerfun1980 Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:52 pm

@lleyki I cant speak for everyone but I was vocal about not wanting Hannah with Tyler after their second one on one. His modeling pics are just bad to me JMO.

I hope he does get his contractors license but he doesn’t have it yet. My friend also told me recently that wasn’t something he ever wanted to pursue and was helping his dad. She is doubtful he will go back to it. Just sharing.

Last edited by Summerfun1980 on Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:59 pm; edited 2 times in total


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Ilo Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:54 pm

Why does Gigi and tyler look like


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Doggoneit Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:59 pm

I am all for him pursuing modeling. Like he said, it has a shelf life. There will ways be houses that need renovating and house that can be built.
I will cheer for him in any of his pursuits. I MAY cheer louder for Hannah though. thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 1f60a


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Chgohighlife Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:03 pm

HavaDrPepper wrote:
Summerfun1980 wrote:
HavaDrPepper wrote:I don't get it.  These pictures are meh IMO.

I just don't see it with Tyler anymore.  I think his appeal for me was his relationship and how he interacted with Hannah. Now that he is away from her, to me he is just another wannabe guy.

I am also not into following fashion (I'm old and past the point of caring about what is the "in" thing to wear) and just don't get the whole industry.

I wish him a good life though and do hope that he keeps a sense of who he really is in the future because it is awfully hard to do that in these days of SM.

Been awhile. I’ve said before I’m just not into the whole male modeling thing and can’t believe it is something he is seriously chasing. It’s just not attractive to me. My friend also is pretty surprised by his new direction, the modeling and going full metrosexual. I’m sure he is happy now. He at least appears to be but many people act happy in that world while drowning so who really knows.  I wish him well but  his pictures are just not good and I can’t see it going anywhere even with Gigi assistance. JMO I do hope he gets his contractor license or has some sort of back up plan.

His "goals" (which I'm now thinking weren't really his goals) of getting that contractor license was what made him attractive to me. And, I think we saw his real personality with Hannah... a guy that likes to have fun and doesn't give a darn what anyone else thinks. It also came through with his interactions with the guys in the house.  I also think back to his IG stories the week before the finale when he was with his friends and family in Florida.  He was a normal guy and he was in his element, living a life he loved.  I now see someone being stifled and not being able to be himself when he is with GiGi. Just imagine having to be careful of every single thing you do because of the paps that might show up... no way to live IMO.

With his accounting degree and a contractor's license, he could have a very rewarding and fulfilling life but I also saw nothing wrong with him doing modeling on the side.  I'm like you @Summerfun1980, I just don't see the big time modeling thing going anywhere.


IMO he wants more than the general interpretation of a "very rewarding and fulfilling life". I certainly did at his age and many other people do, too. That's not just my opinion, it's a fact. He would never be dating Gigi or modeling unless he wanted something more glamorous. Doesn't mean better but, certainly doesn't mean worse. Just because everyone doesn't want the growth he's seeking doesn't make it bad. Friends and family in Florida- he will always have. "living a life he loved" well yes, it's the only life he knew. Doesn't mean he can't and won't be happy with the growth he is clearly going after. I see no discomfort. I just see growth pains. I'm here for his development and growth. Stagnation is death for some people. For all we know he could be one of those. I honestly am a fan of his so, if he and Gigi don't make it I just want him to learn everything the experience offers and move to the next level. Anyone but Hannah. All IMO


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by yellowbirdcage Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:09 pm

new people article about gigi + tyler. people is definitely the most reliable tabloid so it gives a good idea of where they are at. pretty much the same thing as before.. they like each other but are still getting to know each other

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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Guest Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:33 pm

You dont have to become Tyson-famous to make a good living modeling. TC is obviously going to be a catelog and celebrity model and that's ok. He is too tall to be a runway model but I wish his agency would teach himhow to walk. His red carpet photos were sort of ok except that he didnt know what to do with his hands and that was a dead giveaway.

There is also a lot of niche modeling that he could do well in.
There is this model that is used on all the New Adult Sports Romances that has been all the rage for the past few years who used to play college football for Penn State. He is the Fabio of that field and TC is just as hot as he is and could do the same. I even follow a Brazillian model on IG just bc I liked the way he looked in his tighty whities on the cover of a bk. (He is the only one tho.) Embarressed! Embarressed! Embarressed!

@notarose thanks for answering my Qs yes


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by HavaDrPepper Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:36 pm

I didn't really care if Tyler and Hannah were together or not but I saw something between them... a very good friendship. Two people who had fun together and some hot chemistry at times. I never saw that with the other guys. There was a sparkle in their eyes at times as well. I also thought they were both very young and needed to experience life whether it be together or apart.

They are both experiencing life, good for them. I just don't see a future in modeling for Tyler. I cringe at his more recent modeling pics.

Since this isn't a fan thread, I really don't like being put down for my opinion. I see stifled. Some don't. We each have our own opinion and I stand by mine about Tyler.

I do not like who Tyler has become post show. I liked the Tyler I saw with his family and friends in FL. Like I said I wish him well but I am no longer a fan (nor am I a fan of Hannah so don't be blaming it on her).



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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by HavaDrPepper Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:40 pm

seton wrote:There is also a lot of niche modeling that he could do well in.

This is what I always thought he could do.

IMO, he would honestly be great at catalog modeling especially for internet catalog photos. Because, the guy does look darn good in salmon colored jackets and wears them well. Put some great fitting clothes on him and I find him hotter than the underwear shots.



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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 12 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:21 pm

HavaDrPepper wrote:I didn't really care if Tyler and Hannah were together or not but I saw something between them... a very good friendship. Two people who had fun together and some hot chemistry at times.  I never saw that with the other guys.  There was a sparkle in their eyes at times as well.  I also thought they were both very young and needed to experience life whether it be together or apart.

They are both experiencing life, good for them.  I just don't see a future in modeling for Tyler. I cringe at his more recent modeling pics.

Since this isn't a fan thread, I really don't like being put down for my opinion.  I see stifled. Some don't.  We each have our own opinion and I stand by mine about Tyler.

I do not like who Tyler has become post show.  I liked the Tyler I saw with his family and friends in FL.  Like I said I wish him well but I am no longer a fan (nor am I a fan of Hannah so don't be blaming it on her).


You're very welcome to your opinion, but imho Tyler isn't doing anything different now, that he was during the show. I mean bachelor is one of the most superficial, manufactured fake shows out there, most of the contestants are on it for fame or other reasons. Many pursue half celebrity lifestyle after the show. The fact is, that through the show many of these people get opportunities offered to them they never dreamt of getting before the show. Hannah is continuing reality shows with DWTS, Jade and Tanner have built a house with their Instagram ads, Tyler is getting modelling offers and invites to fashion shows. Imho all these are just different sides of the fame game, and all of these people are smart in grabbing the opportunities they get.

Imho Tyler is showing that same loving, supportive and encouraging loving partner side he showed during the show too. Only he's showing that side of him to his now girlfriend, it isn't televised and isn't edited to our viewing pleasure. I mean he joined Gigi to her family trip to Netherlands, for Gigi's grandmother's funeral. That's the least glamorous dating experience, but he took the time and energy to be there with her to support her. Imho that's quite amazing.

It's absolutely fine to not like Tyler, no explanation needed, but others can also offer disagreeing opinions respectfully. That's not putting anyone or their opinions down. Jmho.

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Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

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