Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by shoepie Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:11 am

I like that Blake and Holly are together.

I will defend Blake on the Melissa issue. He had no idea, going in, that she was so crazy. He was looking for a casual partnership with some perks, perhaps. Melissa took the flirting to mean much more than it was. He was stuck with a lunatic! I do not blame him for anything that happened after her first freak out. Nothing! Horrible position to be in. Wildly attracted to Holly with Crazytown on his heels. Not good.

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by albean99 Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:14 am

My problem is more that he was stupid to play Melissa if he'd seen her on Brad's show. He had to know she's a loose cannon and there is an element of meanness that I don't like. It is a game and I don't have problems playing it that way though. According to CH, Graham & Michelle are also being cut throat but less overtly.

Just realized this is Holly's thread and not Blake's. Oops. Let me know if I should move it.

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by sjcaligurl Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:31 am

bluwavz wrote:
My problem with him wasn't really that he played Melissa. This is a competition for $250,000, so there's going to lies and betrayal. Melissa should've expected that and remained suspicious of everyone. My problem was that he was insulting her while doing it, which was unnecessary and just made him come off less sympathetically. He said he watched her while she was on Brad's season, so he shouldn't have expected any better from her. He was playing with fire. I did feel bad for him after he told Melissa he wanted to remain platonic partners and she still acted like they were more than just platonic. I don't dislike Melissa either, but she's not cut out for this show. They're both to blame for how this all turned out.

He's right that he should've just teamed up with Erica from the beginning. She was playing the game just like he was and he may have made it further, since no one would've turned against him for playing anyone.

I think that is my issue with him as well. He chose the "Bentley" route. I find him to be quite pompous and self-righteous. He could have made a deal like Ella did w/Kirk to work together w/Melissa. It was him bad mouthing her behind her back on the show AND afterwards that reveals a clue as to the kind of guy he is. Even AshleyH made a comment about his Bentley-esque ways. It sounds like most of the cast members are siding w/Melissa on this as he was making out with her on a regular basis and telling her a lot more than we've seen. I think she was a little over the top but it's not her fault that he was acting like a jerk. His behavior just wasn't necessary for what he wanted to accomplish. He chose to 'play' her, lie to and about her and continue to trash her once the show started airing.

As for him and Holly, I don't have a problem with him pursuing her. Despite how tearful and regretful Michael was once he saw another guy taking interest, she is single and free to date. The challenge kiss was exaggerated. They weren't making out in front of him. HE broke up with her and said he didn't want to get back with her. Just because they went on the show together, doesn't mean he has the right to cock block or expect her to a)turn down a chance to get a safety rose b) explore other options with a new guy. I'm wondering how into her he would have been had Blake not been there? He noticed her and Blake's attraction to one another the minute they met. I feel bad for him because I think he's a sweet guy and totally prefer him for Holly over Blake but he had the chance to try to make it right with her, just as Jake did with Vienna, BEFORE the show. He's not doing so bad selling his Itunes songs right now either. LOL!


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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by bluwavz Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:20 pm

Blake’s Bachelor Pad Blog: Episode 4

This week, staying true to form, we begin at the end of last week’s episode. What was not true to form, however, was keeping Jake’s exit speech on ice to be played this week. Like so many meals we’ve all enjoyed and then put in the refrigerator, a week later the same fare could not be more unsatisfying. I could understand if Jake had some monumental meltdown or incredible pearls of wisdom to impart, but I heard nothing of the kind. You’ve got to give it to ABC though, seeing as how they certainly created a lot more buzz with their bait and switch tactics. Somebody over there knows what they’re doing.

You know who doesn’t know what their doing? All of the “expendable” people in the house. I have no idea how Kasey manages to “mind plow” people into doing what he wants at the last second of every rose ceremony. It conjures up images of the python Kaa from The Jungle Book, using his eyes to hypnotize Mowgli. (What? So I love Disney movies.)

Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 JungleBook-300x223

I’ve tried for three consecutive weeks now to get rid of that man, and not because I dislike him, but because it’s not wise to live in a house of cards when one person owns them all. He was an obvious power player from night one, and by all sensible accounts should have gone home long ago. Much to my chagrin, call it charisma or charm or empty promises, call it whatever you like… Kasey never once rolled over and died. To quote the more adult movie of Rounders (in my best Russian accent), he kept, “hanging around, hanging around. Kid’s got alligator blood. Can’t get rid of him.”

The rising sun ushers in a new day, and along with it Chris Harrison to announce the return of the kissing contest. In deference to those who were actually dating someone (ie: Kasey and Vienna), all of the guys came up with the idea to keep things very PG rated and just go with a little smooch on the lips. A plan which everyone stuck to, despite the inference of the repeated kissing angles combined with Michael’s commentary. The girls, on the other hand, were apparently making up for their poor showing during the synchronized swimming contest. Those beautiful ladies came ready to kiss, and kiss they did! The amount of fluid exchanged in those five minutes was the second most uncomfortable thing to happen during the competition. The first was the nonsense coming out of my mouth! I must’ve been drunk with excitement after winning, but the ridiculous remarks emanating from my oral cavity made me cringe, and I’ll be the first to admit it. I do have confidence in my kissing abilities, but never is it so vocally showcased. Oh… and I suppose a third uncomfortable moment would have to be Kasey’s alleged halitosis. If only he had brushed for 40 more seconds.

Ella was the other triumphant kisser in the house, and having sampled the goods I can assure you she deserved it. She selected Kirk to go on their romantic date, which promptly turned into an episode of Oprah. They spent a fair amount of time swapping horror stories about their past and why they needed the 250 thousand dollars. I have to say, I find myself completely agreeing with them, they both deserve the money! Luckily the mood lifts, as do the two partners, while they share a romantic kiss aboard a hot air balloon. Apparently Kirk didn’t get enough of Ella’s skills during the contest. By the way, did anyone else notice the ropes tethering the balloon to the ground? If that much romance could happen at 25 feet, imagine what they could do floating freely through the night sky.

These dates being of the romantic one-on-one variety made selecting just one person to take a much more personal endeavor. Prior to the previous night’s rose ceremony, I told Melissa I wanted only to be platonic partners, thereby removing any nebulous feelings of romance between the two of us. Her reaction to that statement led me to believe she disagreed. It was very difficult to choose who to take on the date, but I felt sticking with the plan of not putting myself in a situation where my actions could be misconstrued as leading Melissa on again was ultimately the best course to take. Erica also showcased her intellect and willingness to go to great lengths to win, so taking her had to be considered. In the intervening hours prior to the date card arriving, however, several strategic conversations took place that forced me to reconsider. Did you notice Michael’s face during the announcement? Not a hint of surprise. A strategy was put forth that I couldn’t refuse, nor would I want to. Holly is gorgeous, after all.

If romance and chemistry are indeed dependent on elevation, I couldn’t be more thankful my date with Holly took place at 11,000 feet. We didn’t get to drive a Ferrari, but we DID get to ride in the Ferrari of the skies. As our private jet soared through the clouds it was difficult to ignore the giant “9″ emblazoned on the sides of them. After spending even a few minutes alone with Holly, I could tell this date was going to be incredible. Add to that the fact that we flew to Mammoth Mountain and got to go skiing on our own private slope and you have an insider’s view at my own personal slice of heaven. It should be noted that I grew up in a ski town and raced competitively for over a decade, so the snow is a comfortable place for me. The same, I’m afraid, cannot be said for my companion. It was Holly’s first time on skis EVER, and she did take a spill or two. To her credit, though, she approached the date with the best possible attitude and managed to make even the challenging fun. Having the ability to laugh at one’s self is such an endearing character trait, and it’s one Holly exudes freely. AND, let me be the first to say that all her falls took place on the first run. After that, she didn’t go down once. Talk about a quick learner!

After hitting the slopes, we segued to a fireside dinner at the base of the mountain. The setting was absolutely gorgeous. The starlit sky was ablaze with a million tiny diamonds and the moonlight washed over the snow in a cascade of luminescence. And yet, the most breathtaking sight of the evening was the woman sitting to my left. We shared some great conversation, enjoyed more laughter, and I was able to get an answer on where she stood in her mind with her ex-finance. To quote a very wise man I know, the truly romantic are interested in love or nothing at all. Her response combined with the immeasurable amount of fun we shared that day led me to want another kiss from Holly more than anything in the world. And in my experience, if you want something in life, you can’t just sit around and wait for it. You have to go after it! Even if you have to use a line so cheesy it would have made the people at Kraft Macaroni n’ Cheese beam with pride.

Unfortunately though, good things must come to an end. If they didn’t, another man of wisdom once said, they would still BE good things. Returning to the house was quite the buzz kill, especially after having such a fabulous time the previous day. Here Holly is confronted by Michael and his emotions. I don’t feel it’s my place to comment on this much, but I will say that I’ve been in a similar situation where I under appreciated someone, broke it off, and then regretted my decision. It seems to be human nature that we are often drawn inexorably to what we can’t have, and if we do have someone special in our lives, we don’t know how great they are until they’re gone. (That’s right, two clichés. One sentence. BOOM!) Until, that is, we learn from our mistakes! Watching this show, I’m seeing so many conversations I was not privy to while living in the house, and I feel heartache for Michael and Holly both. He sees the woman he now knows he loves slipping away, and she can’t bear to hurt the man she once loved so dearly. You can’t choose who you fall in love with, and the sad truth is that sometimes who you do love simply doesn’t feel the same way. It’s this very mercurial nature of love that makes it so elusive, and yet so highly sought after.

As for the moments leading up to the rose ceremony, William and Melissa certainly went about things differently. While Bill resigned himself to a fate doled out by the more active participants in the game, Melissa went into overdrive, swooping in to confront everyone who hadn’t yet voted. Jake would have been proud at the evasive maneuvers taking place in the interest of self-preservation. It’s difficult to push the image of a flaming pinball in an arcade game from my imagination. In the end, her efforts (or methods) were just as ineffective as William’s, and two more of our dwindling little group of “expendables” are lain to rest. Until next week…


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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by Love_Me Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:50 am

albean99 wrote:My problem is more that he was stupid to play Melissa if he'd seen her on Brad's show. He had to know she's a loose cannon and there is an element of meanness that I don't like. It is a game and I don't have problems playing it that way though. According to CH, Graham & Michelle are also being cut throat but less overtly.

Just realized this is Holly's thread and not Blake's. Oops. Let me know if I should move it.

Blake said he did know what Melissa was like because he witnessed the way she acted on Brad's season. So I think he felt he could manipulate her and he did. That is the part about this situation that bugs me.

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by deedreamer Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:20 am

bluwavz wrote:
Blake’s Bachelor Pad Blog: Episode 4

These dates being of the romantic one-on-one variety made selecting just one person to take a much more personal endeavor. Prior to the previous night’s rose ceremony, I told Melissa I wanted only to be platonic partners, thereby removing any nebulous feelings of romance between the two of us. Her reaction to that statement led me to believe she disagreed. It was very difficult to choose who to take on the date, but I felt sticking with the plan of not putting myself in a situation where my actions could be misconstrued as leading Melissa on again was ultimately the best course to take. Erica also showcased her intellect and willingness to go to great lengths to win, so taking her had to be considered. In the intervening hours prior to the date card arriving, however, several strategic conversations took place that forced me to reconsider. Did you notice Michael’s face during the announcement? Not a hint of surprise. A strategy was put forth that I couldn’t refuse, nor would I want to. Holly is gorgeous, after all.If romance and chemistry are indeed dependent on elevation, I couldn’t be more thankful my date with Holly took place at 11,000 feet. We didn’t get to drive a Ferrari, but we DID get to ride in the Ferrari of the skies. As our private jet soared through the clouds it was difficult to ignore the giant “9″ emblazoned on the sides of them. After spending even a few minutes alone with Holly, I could tell this date was going to be incredible. Add to that the fact that we flew to Mammoth Mountain and got to go skiing on our own private slope and you have an insider’s view at my own personal slice of heaven. It should be noted that I grew up in a ski town and raced competitively for over a decade, so the snow is a comfortable place for me. The same, I’m afraid, cannot be said for my companion. It was Holly’s first time on skis EVER, and she did take a spill or two. To her credit, though, she approached the date with the best possible attitude and managed to make even the challenging fun. Having the ability to laugh at one’s self is such an endearing character trait, and it’s one Holly exudes freely. AND, let me be the first to say that all her falls took place on the first run. After that, she didn’t go down once. Talk about a quick learner!


I only quoted part of the the bolded. Hmmm very interesting..looks like there was some stuff going on that we were not privy to. Makes it sound like Michael and Holly are maybe doing some real strategizing towards the end game...take the heat off them as a couple and drum up some sympathy maybe...makes one wonder anyhow...what do you think. interesting :detective

Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 TeamJemSigTag

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by nd4reality Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:34 am

deedreamer wrote:
bluwavz wrote:
Blake’s Bachelor Pad Blog: Episode 4

These dates being of the romantic one-on-one variety made selecting just one person to take a much more personal endeavor. Prior to the previous night’s rose ceremony, I told Melissa I wanted only to be platonic partners, thereby removing any nebulous feelings of romance between the two of us. Her reaction to that statement led me to believe she disagreed. It was very difficult to choose who to take on the date, but I felt sticking with the plan of not putting myself in a situation where my actions could be misconstrued as leading Melissa on again was ultimately the best course to take. Erica also showcased her intellect and willingness to go to great lengths to win, so taking her had to be considered. In the intervening hours prior to the date card arriving, however, several strategic conversations took place that forced me to reconsider. Did you notice Michael’s face during the announcement? Not a hint of surprise. A strategy was put forth that I couldn’t refuse, nor would I want to. Holly is gorgeous, after all.If romance and chemistry are indeed dependent on elevation, I couldn’t be more thankful my date with Holly took place at 11,000 feet. We didn’t get to drive a Ferrari, but we DID get to ride in the Ferrari of the skies. As our private jet soared through the clouds it was difficult to ignore the giant “9″ emblazoned on the sides of them. After spending even a few minutes alone with Holly, I could tell this date was going to be incredible. Add to that the fact that we flew to Mammoth Mountain and got to go skiing on our own private slope and you have an insider’s view at my own personal slice of heaven. It should be noted that I grew up in a ski town and raced competitively for over a decade, so the snow is a comfortable place for me. The same, I’m afraid, cannot be said for my companion. It was Holly’s first time on skis EVER, and she did take a spill or two. To her credit, though, she approached the date with the best possible attitude and managed to make even the challenging fun. Having the ability to laugh at one’s self is such an endearing character trait, and it’s one Holly exudes freely. AND, let me be the first to say that all her falls took place on the first run. After that, she didn’t go down once. Talk about a quick learner!


I only quoted part of the the bolded. Hmmm very interesting..looks like there was some stuff going on that we were not privy to. Makes it sound like Michael and Holly are maybe doing some real strategizing towards the end game...take the heat off them as a couple and drum up some sympathy maybe...makes one wonder anyhow...what do you think. interesting :detective

I agree. Blake is alluding to something that was not quite obvious in the edited version. Makes me wonder if that strategizing is the reason for Mike (and Holly) to end up in the finals ? Next episode will be way interesting to see the dynamics of these 2. I'm begining to feel really sorry for Blake.

(edited) My heart literally squeezed while reading Blakes blog. Emotional without being sappy.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by Rosepetal Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:13 pm

nd4reality wrote:
deedreamer wrote:
bluwavz wrote:
Blake’s Bachelor Pad Blog: Episode 4

These dates being of the romantic one-on-one variety made selecting just one person to take a much more personal endeavor. Prior to the previous night’s rose ceremony, I told Melissa I wanted only to be platonic partners, thereby removing any nebulous feelings of romance between the two of us. Her reaction to that statement led me to believe she disagreed. It was very difficult to choose who to take on the date, but I felt sticking with the plan of not putting myself in a situation where my actions could be misconstrued as leading Melissa on again was ultimately the best course to take. Erica also showcased her intellect and willingness to go to great lengths to win, so taking her had to be considered. In the intervening hours prior to the date card arriving, however, several strategic conversations took place that forced me to reconsider. Did you notice Michael’s face during the announcement? Not a hint of surprise. A strategy was put forth that I couldn’t refuse, nor would I want to. Holly is gorgeous, after all.If romance and chemistry are indeed dependent on elevation, I couldn’t be more thankful my date with Holly took place at 11,000 feet. We didn’t get to drive a Ferrari, but we DID get to ride in the Ferrari of the skies. As our private jet soared through the clouds it was difficult to ignore the giant “9″ emblazoned on the sides of them. After spending even a few minutes alone with Holly, I could tell this date was going to be incredible. Add to that the fact that we flew to Mammoth Mountain and got to go skiing on our own private slope and you have an insider’s view at my own personal slice of heaven. It should be noted that I grew up in a ski town and raced competitively for over a decade, so the snow is a comfortable place for me. The same, I’m afraid, cannot be said for my companion. It was Holly’s first time on skis EVER, and she did take a spill or two. To her credit, though, she approached the date with the best possible attitude and managed to make even the challenging fun. Having the ability to laugh at one’s self is such an endearing character trait, and it’s one Holly exudes freely. AND, let me be the first to say that all her falls took place on the first run. After that, she didn’t go down once. Talk about a quick learner!


I only quoted part of the the bolded. Hmmm very interesting..looks like there was some stuff going on that we were not privy to. Makes it sound like Michael and Holly are maybe doing some real strategizing towards the end game...take the heat off them as a couple and drum up some sympathy maybe...makes one wonder anyhow...what do you think. interesting :detective

I agree. Blake is alluding to something that was not quite obvious in the edited version. Makes me wonder if that strategizing is the reason for Mike (and Holly) to end up in the finals ? Next episode will be way interesting to see the dynamics of these 2. I'm begining to feel really sorry for Blake.

(edited) My heart literally squeezed while reading Blakes blog. Emotional without being sappy.

Melissa explained all of this on the Bachelor Beatdown which I finally got to watch the first half yesterday. Before Blake took Holly on the date. He went to Michael to make a deal. The deal was that when Blake took Holly on the date Melissa would be safe from elimination if Blake would not "hook-up" with Holly during the date. Supposedly the kiss(es) and staying overnight was enough for Michael to back out of the deal. According to Melissa it was revenge on Michael part to vote Melissa out. Melissa said Blake was hopping mad (or some words to that effect) when Melissa got voted out. My question is was kissing the only thing that happened on the date and is that the real reson Blake was mad because it could have been so much more?

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by sjcaligurl Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:22 pm

I doubt it was more than kissing. Blake shouldn't have reneged on his part of the deal. If he wasn't supposed to make out with her, he should have upheld his part.

BUT, it did appear that Holly didn't want to come home so it went overnight. Did she know about the deal?


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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by Rosepetal Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:26 pm

sjcaligurl wrote:I doubt it was more than kissing. Blake shouldn't have reneged on his part of the deal. If he wasn't supposed to make out with her, he should have upheld his part.

BUT, it did appear that Holly didn't want to come home so it went overnight. Did she know about the deal?

Melissa didn't say.

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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by atem Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:06 pm

Sounds to me that Blake was 'mad' about Melissa being voted out just meant 100% that he was going, since he would have no one to support him. Holly is with Michael as part of the 'game' part anyway.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 15 Empty Re: Blake & Holly - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by Love_Me Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:58 am

I thought Blake and Holly were still a couple now?

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