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Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode - 11 - LCD - FRC - *Spoilers - Sleuthing*- Discussion

northernviewer wrote:a little OT, but I'm not a fan of her big necklaces.  I know that they're the rage, but I just don't care for the tops and necklines that she matches them up with.

The worst is the huge necklace for MTP with a flannel plaid shirt. It just looks so wrong.

lexforlife wrote:He hasn't looked that happy with anyone else!
I am amazed at how we all watch the same show but see different things- that to me is why this show is still on air.

Sorry, but to me this is drunk Chris. Different perspectives.

MVMom39forever wrote:snipped.
I have been seeing this photo all season and what just struck me this a.m. is the look on Becca's sister's face. Rather than being giddy with excitement to have her sister back with her, she seems to look disappointed. The two together do not seem to be in a celebration pose, which I would expect if baby sister just learned sister was f1 and in love (and yes I am taking into consideration they are reuniting in a state that neither resides to attend funeral of great grandmother who passed).

Also the fact that Chris told world in blog that he gave Becca necklace and now she wears it nonstop in photos could be exactly what producers requested of f2 given the spoiler. I think that jewelry sleuthed to be exchanged  in private and kept private such as the necklace that Chris S gave Des...and pretty sure Grace that you were the smarty who traced the jeweler being from Portland Oregon. more convincing of a clue. Becca being photographed with necklace that Chris Soules gave as bday gift at htd aligns with scoop GA received about Becca doing things to fuel speculation that she is f1 so the super fans doubt the spoiler.

Nick and his father and brothers did same exact thing. Peanut butter anyone? #inconceivable.

So they are headed to their great grandmothers funeral. So I think trying to attribute the sister's expression to her bachelor experience may not work.
by stuckinsc
on Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:27 pm
Search in: Bachelor 19 - Sleuthing - Episodes Discussions - General Discussion
Topic: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode - 11 - LCD - FRC - *Spoilers - Sleuthing*- Discussion
Replies: 925
Views: 60567

Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode - 11 - LCD - FRC - *Spoilers - Sleuthing*- Discussion

grace8136 wrote:
northernviewer wrote:I haven't seen Becca's necklace, just heard about it, but I think the "statement" reference is probably about who the giver was and what the necklace represented ... more than an indication of size.

Yes, it's a small gold necklace with a disk pendant about the size of a penny.

ETA: day after FRC with necklace on...

Topics tagged under inconceivable on F5617dd4-c2c0-4e27-8829-4351032b9290_zps51ic5mqu

I have been seeing this photo all season and what just struck me this a.m. is the look on Becca's sister's face. Rather than being giddy with excitement to have her sister back with her, she seems to look disappointed. The two together do not seem to be in a celebration pose, which I would expect if baby sister just learned sister was f1 and in love (and yes I am taking into consideration they are reuniting in a state that neither resides to attend funeral of great grandmother who passed).

Also the fact that Chris told world in blog that he gave Becca necklace and now she wears it nonstop in photos could be exactly what producers requested of f2 given the spoiler. I think that jewelry sleuthed to be exchanged in private and kept private such as the necklace that Chris S gave Des...and pretty sure Grace that you were the smarty who traced the jeweler being from Portland Oregon. more convincing of a clue. Becca being photographed with necklace that Chris Soules gave as bday gift at htd aligns with scoop GA received about Becca doing things to fuel speculation that she is f1 so the super fans doubt the spoiler.

Nick and his father and brothers did same exact thing. Peanut butter anyone? #inconceivable.
by MVMom39forever
on Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:01 pm
Search in: Bachelor 19 - Sleuthing - Episodes Discussions - General Discussion
Topic: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode - 11 - LCD - FRC - *Spoilers - Sleuthing*- Discussion
Replies: 925
Views: 60567

Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FD- LCD - FRC - F1/2/3 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion

Litta123 wrote:Thanks, MVMom! Interesting point about Becca being used in a promotional sense. If she's not F1...and if there's an #unexpectedtwist as hinted by some SM posts, does she turn down Chris...or pull out of the running? Could she be in line for Bachelorette? Nothing in my questions are meant to diminish Whitney as F1. Just pondering #unexpectedtwist if the meaning is being directed at the spoilers...which I can't be sure that it is. Pure speculation.

However, I will agree; the blogs tilt in Whitney's favor.

My honest thoughts about #unexpectedtwist is that it reminds me exactly of what Nick's father and brothers were tweeting in Andi's season:  #Inconceivable

During season Nick's family would tweet out references to Princess Bride, which if you don't know, is a movie where the princess Buttercup is kidnapped and her true love Westley wins her back against great odds, including Buttercup thinking he is dead. I 100 percent thought that this clue... and lots of other SM clues ... was the family's way of letting fans know to keep up hope, which I did as I thought plane video of Nick was ruse. I was so very wrong!  

Please know that I am not trying to discourage sleuthing of Becca as F1.  I am just suggesting that we proceed with caution on SM as family/friends of F2 plus TPTB have lots of hidden and not so hidden agendas to promote.
by MVMom39forever
on Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:57 am
Search in: Bachelor 19 - Sleuthing - Episodes Discussions - General Discussion
Topic: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FD- LCD - FRC - F1/2/3 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion
Replies: 893
Views: 64693

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