Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by anders Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:20 pm

I agree - I noticed a couple seasons ago that the 'Ettes F2 are always the stable guy in comparison to their F1 counterpart.

JP (was that his name? - Jen's F2)
Chris (not sure if he's considered more stable than R though)

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Post by Guest Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:25 pm

Trista was the first female lead she choose Ryan over charlie.


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Love_Me Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:59 pm

terabithia wrote:
Nativenewyorker wrote:
I wrote too much, but I have been dying to find a place where I could pour out all these thoughts. I will try not to make a habit out of it! Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 1978086825

Are you kidding? Please write more! This is a great group and we all (most of us) have something in common -- we like to guess the outcome based on the clues we see and our knowledge of editing tricks. And the cool thing is that at the end of the season some of us are right, some are wrong, and it's all good! Welcome!!!

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 1003998638 Please, continue to share your thoughts with us. I enjoyed reading what you had to say as well.

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Post by jello1592 Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:52 pm

anders wrote:I agree - I noticed a couple seasons ago that the 'Ettes F2 are always the stable guy in comparison to their F1 counterpart.

JP (was that his name? - Jen's F2)
Chris (not sure if he's considered more stable than R though)

I see the pattern anders The past two 'Ettes have had great F2's. (Chris and Birdo and JP and Ben) I Likey!! :lovekiss:

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:54 pm

Great post NativeNewYorker and welcome. One thing you said made me remember, it's almost exactly how Ryan Sutter felt:
JP has expressed his own surprise at feeling as much as he did after one date. He also said this week that he doesn't know if he should get emotionally involved now, because he doesn't know where Ashley's head is at. I think these are honest feelings from a guy who seems to be falling for this girl.


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by moonchild Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:10 pm

BachFanInOrl wrote:
albean99 wrote:I find it interesting to read what people see as f1 edit. I don't have a strong feeling for any of the guys yet as far as Ashley goes. The negative I see for JP being f1 is the way he was edited on the last episode vs Ben F. Right now based on edit alone I'd put him as f2. Ben F is getting a more stealth edit that is building in contrast to JP who was there early on. That to me seems more f1 in Ben's case but who knows? I'm going to wait to see what the future edits are. Fleiss loves to fool the viewers so JP may be too obvious.

That is my biggest redflag with JP. It's just too easy. I felt the same way with Chantal. Her saying from very early on that she Loved him and all the chemistry they had... I just couldn't believe that Fleiss was just "handing" it to us.

This could be the one instance that he decided to, for once, show us the love story. We'll see in a month or so.

So, is it possible that it isn't just that easy in the end. What if JP starts pulling back and having doubts before the end. He has already said that he doesn't know if he should allow himself to go all in when he doesn't know where her head is. From his comment about " you get hurt, then you move on", tells me that he has been hurt before and just like everyone that has been hurt before, they want to protect themselves from being hurt again. Just trying to think of different ways this could play out.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:57 pm

moonchild wrote:
BachFanInOrl wrote:
albean99 wrote:I find it interesting to read what people see as f1 edit. I don't have a strong feeling for any of the guys yet as far as Ashley goes. The negative I see for JP being f1 is the way he was edited on the last episode vs Ben F. Right now based on edit alone I'd put him as f2. Ben F is getting a more stealth edit that is building in contrast to JP who was there early on. That to me seems more f1 in Ben's case but who knows? I'm going to wait to see what the future edits are. Fleiss loves to fool the viewers so JP may be too obvious.

That is my biggest redflag with JP. It's just too easy. I felt the same way with Chantal. Her saying from very early on that she Loved him and all the chemistry they had... I just couldn't believe that Fleiss was just "handing" it to us.

This could be the one instance that he decided to, for once, show us the love story. We'll see in a month or so.

So, is it possible that it isn't just that easy in the end. What if JP starts pulling back and having doubts before the end. He has already said that he doesn't know if he should allow himself to go all in when he doesn't know where her head is. From his comment about " you get hurt, then you move on", tells me that he has been hurt before and just like everyone that has been hurt before, they want to protect themselves from being hurt again. Just trying to think of different ways this could play out.

The possibilities are endless. And if it IS JP... I will be over the moon that they showed it! It would be about time. :giggle:


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by albean99 Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:25 pm

luvlady345 wrote:Since we are discussing edit I think you should look at the edit for the bachelorette as much as possible since this is the female lead.......

Mederith chose Ian her Chemistry/physical edit over Matt her emotional/stable edit guy..

Ali chose Roberto her Chemistry/physical/ hot edit over emotional Chris

Deanna chose Jesse but would have been Granham his edit was physical vs Jason who was stable/emotionally..

So for what I am seeing the femal leads tend to pick chemistry/lust over emtionally connection most of the time...

Having chemistry and the chemistry edit is different imo. They did everything they could to hide the chemistry between Meredith & Ian and in fact a ton of viewers thought she was going to pick Matthew. Ian's edit was more that he was a wanderer and wouldn't propose. There was chemistry with Roberto but he was largely hidden and it was actually Frank that we saw having chemistry with Ali plus he appeared to break her heart. I think he was supposed to be f2 which is why Chris L's edit was so confusing. You can't really use DeAnna because the editing was based on Graham leaving 4th. It's hard to say what his edit would have been if he was the f1. I think if JP is the f1 there will have to be an attempt to scale back on showing him and the chemistry as much. Maybe he will pull back. There's lots of editing to be done so we'll all have to see what happens. I just think it's too easy to jump on the bandwagon based mostly on RS and chemistry. Maybe there's a change on how they edit this season but right now I get the feeling that RS has been Fleissed yet again and someone else, probably Ben F, is the f1.

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Post by noobsleuth Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:42 pm

I have no comment regarding physical edits and confident PI's. The main thing that screams JP as F1 right now over is we know who he is and he has already been pitted against Bentley.

We could argue all day that maybe Ashley said this and that about Ben and maybe they had ? number of magical kisses but frankly and not to sound harsh but usually if MF doesn't let us see a contestant it's because in the end they don't matter.

Ben will have a great date next week and MF will let us see their relationship deepen because he is in the F2. But if this was the story of Ben and Ashley ...well he missed a few episodes. Episode 5 is way to late for anything to be "starting". (edit wise)

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by luvlady345 Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:44 pm

albean99 wrote:
luvlady345 wrote:Since we are discussing edit I think you should look at the edit for the bachelorette as much as possible since this is the female lead.......

Mederith chose Ian her Chemistry/physical edit over Matt her emotional/stable edit guy..

Ali chose Roberto her Chemistry/physical/ hot edit over emotional Chris

Deanna chose Jesse but would have been Granham his edit was physical vs Jason who was stable/emotionally..

So for what I am seeing the femal leads tend to pick chemistry/lust over emtionally connection most of the time...

Having chemistry and the chemistry edit is different imo. They did everything they could to hide the chemistry between Meredith & Ian and in fact a ton of viewers thought she was going to pick Matthew. Ian's edit was more that he was a wanderer and wouldn't propose. There was chemistry with Roberto but he was largely hidden and it was actually Frank that we saw having chemistry with Ali plus he appeared to break her heart. I think he was supposed to be f2 which is why Chris L's edit was so confusing. You can't really use DeAnna because the editing was based on Graham leaving 4th. It's hard to say what his edit would have been if he was the f1. I think if JP is the f1 there will have to be an attempt to scale back on showing him and the chemistry as much. Maybe he will pull back. There's lots of editing to be done so we'll all have to see what happens. I just think it's too easy to jump on the bandwagon based mostly on RS and chemistry. Maybe there's a change on how they edit this season but right now I get the feeling that RS has been Fleissed yet again and someone else, probably Ben F, is the f1.

It's funny to me when poster say that people are on someone's bandwagon because of RS.....I just take a small offense at that Smiley, because I know for me I alwyas look at the first episode spoiler free come to my conclusion of who I like, my gut opinion and then go from there, I like JP this season from the first night an I am stcking with him, no matter what spoilers come or go......

I just think you can't have it both ways when it comes to edit....Chemistry is just chemistry, I remember the Matt's fans saying the same things about Ian was too in your face and he has the chemistry edit etc....The same think with Roberto in Ali's season so no matter what else the edit has going on, Ian/Roberto they were still editted has having the most chemistry with the lead, same as JP.....


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by mnmhughes Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:49 pm

luvlady345 wrote:
albean99 wrote:
luvlady345 wrote:Since we are discussing edit I think you should look at the edit for the bachelorette as much as possible since this is the female lead.......

Mederith chose Ian her Chemistry/physical edit over Matt her emotional/stable edit guy..

Ali chose Roberto her Chemistry/physical/ hot edit over emotional Chris

Deanna chose Jesse but would have been Granham his edit was physical vs Jason who was stable/emotionally..

So for what I am seeing the femal leads tend to pick chemistry/lust over emtionally connection most of the time...

Having chemistry and the chemistry edit is different imo. They did everything they could to hide the chemistry between Meredith & Ian and in fact a ton of viewers thought she was going to pick Matthew. Ian's edit was more that he was a wanderer and wouldn't propose. There was chemistry with Roberto but he was largely hidden and it was actually Frank that we saw having chemistry with Ali plus he appeared to break her heart. I think he was supposed to be f2 which is why Chris L's edit was so confusing. You can't really use DeAnna because the editing was based on Graham leaving 4th. It's hard to say what his edit would have been if he was the f1. I think if JP is the f1 there will have to be an attempt to scale back on showing him and the chemistry as much. Maybe he will pull back. There's lots of editing to be done so we'll all have to see what happens. I just think it's too easy to jump on the bandwagon based mostly on RS and chemistry. Maybe there's a change on how they edit this season but right now I get the feeling that RS has been Fleissed yet again and someone else, probably Ben F, is the f1.

It's funny to me when poster say that people are on someone's bandwagon because of RS.....I just take a small offense at that Smiley, because I know for me I alwyas look at the first episode spoiler free come to my conclusion of who I like, my gut opinion and then go from there, I like JP this season from the first night an I am stcking with him, no matter what spoilers come or go......

I just think you can't have it both ways when it comes to edit....Chemistry is just chemistry, I remember the Matt's fans saying the same things about Ian was too in your face and he has the chemistry edit etc....The same think with Roberto in Ali's season so no matter what else the edit has going on, Ian/Roberto they were still editted has having the most chemistry with the lead, same as JP.....

I agree with the bolded, and it's funny that this statement has been brought up several times just in the last 24 hours. I don't care what RS says. I personally believe he knows who the F2 guys are and gets us to that point. It's then up to us to sleuth out further information. Just because we come to the same conclusion as RS, I think it is assumed that we are too lazy to figure things out on our own. For me, I think JP is F1, NOT because RS said it, but because of the things that have occurred after the show. yes

Last edited by mnmhughes on Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Jeepers Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:50 pm

Bens edit has already started.

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