VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by JBF Thu May 30, 2013 7:56 pm

You could be right, although I always thought it was James. Sounds a lot like James. Of course, the blubbering is always hard to decipher. I was never sure if all of Tierra's was really Tierra's.

Here's another video you can compare it to:

Maybe SanLee or somebody can do another of those videos featuring the different voices. We had fun with Joe in Emily's promo last year... the guy eliminated in episode #2 was the one saying "sometimes you have to leap of faith" which so many initially thought was Jef Holm's. Yet we never heard him say it on the show, just in that one promo voice-over.

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by Admin Thu May 30, 2013 7:58 pm

JBF wrote:You could be right, although I always thought it was James. Sounds a lot like James. Of course, the blubbering is always hard to decipher. I was never sure if all of Tierra's was really Tierra's.

Here's another video you can compare it to:

Maybe SanLee or somebody can do another of those videos featuring the different voices. We had fun with Joe in Emily's promo last year... the guy eliminated in episode #2 was the one saying "sometimes you have to leap of faith" which so many initially though was Jef Holm's. Yt we never heard him say it on he show, just in that one promo voice-over.

So how do you know it was Joe? :bigsmile: 😆

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by atem Thu May 30, 2013 8:13 pm

Sounds like Kacey to me when he was cut. no idea

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by Guest Thu May 30, 2013 8:20 pm

I don't think the way worse part is Brooks but pretty sure the " nothing I can say to make it better" is. He sounds teary. Maybe goes with the cap of him crying? Could be he is upset that she is upset about something someone else did?


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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by JBF Thu May 30, 2013 8:21 pm

Oh, Sanlee... you remember all of the fun we had on these threads! *chuckle chuckle* We went through Joe's entire 1 on 1 date (episode #2) at the West Virginny resort (and seeing Emily in her cute bikini hopping in the pool with him and her constant drooling over how he looked like Matthew McConaughey) and his voice was a PERFECT match word for word for that promo line... EGAD! I forgot it already! Something about taking that leap of faith and doing it for "her", "Ricki" or "Ricky" and "myself". We even debated whether that line as FOR Jef so that he wouldn't get "cold feet" or FOR Emily so she wouldn't get "cold feet" since Ricki could be either the kid or her lost boyfriend who wanted her to "move on" from his "great beyond".

Oh... it was a FUN season!

I still think Joe just popped into a recording studio simply because he lives in LA to add that line for the editors. I'm sure he was hardly "heartbroken" since he was already dating his Emily lookalike by that time, per Reality Steve. That is why they used him. He was "available" while Emily as busy with her fantasy dates... and the other guys were sworn to silence online.

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by sfrank Thu May 30, 2013 8:55 pm

relaxing wrote:I don't think the way worse part is Brooks but pretty sure the " nothing I can say to make it better" is. He sounds teary. Maybe goes with the cap of him crying? Could be he is upset that she is upset about something someone else did?

I think you may be onto something! It does sound spliced...the first part "way worse" could be Brandon. And the later part Brooks.
He is suppose to get emotional on his date with Des so maybe he is talking about his parent's divorce?

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by Admin Thu May 30, 2013 9:10 pm

JBF wrote:Oh, Sanlee... you remember all of the fun we had on these threads! *chuckle chuckle* We went through Joe's entire 1 on 1 date (episode #2) at the West Virginny resort (and seeing Emily in her cute bikini hopping in the pool with him and her constant drooling over how he looked like Matthew McConaughey) and his voice was a PERFECT match word for word for that promo line... EGAD! I forgot it already! Something about taking that leap of faith and doing it for "her", "Ricki" or "Ricky" and "myself". We even debated whether that line as FOR Jef so that he wouldn't get "cold feet" or FOR Emily so she wouldn't get "cold feet" since Ricki could be either the kid or her lost boyfriend who wanted her to "move on" from his "great beyond".

Oh... it was a FUN season!

I still think Joe just popped into a recording studio simply because he lives in LA to add that line for the editors. I'm sure he was hardly "heartbroken" since he was already dating his Emily lookalike by that time, per Reality Steve. That is why they used him. He was "available" while Emily as busy with her fantasy dates... and the other guys were sworn to silence online.

Yep, that was fun! :Smiley:

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by nd4reality Fri May 31, 2013 6:38 pm

After reading over JBFs post with all the VOs and scenes, it appears like a lot of the hot and heavy scenes in that promo are of Drew.
Seems to me he has the `physical edit`F3 like Jill and Gia. From memory they both had a lot of SCs in the promos. I can`t be the only one thinking this.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by atem Fri May 31, 2013 7:24 pm

nd4reality wrote:After reading over JBFs post with all the VOs and scenes, it appears like a lot of the hot and heavy scenes in that promo are of Drew.
Seems to me he has the `physical edit`F3 like Jill and Gia. From memory they both had a lot of SCs in the promos. I can`t be the only one thinking this.

Yeah, it does seem that way. Which surprises me, because I would think that would be Zak.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by jcrbil Fri May 31, 2013 7:36 pm

^^ Surprises me a little, too. Though Gia is a sweet girl and really wasn't out there I think the physical edit often has a certain bravado that I just don't get with Drew (not yet anyway).


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VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Bachelorette 9 - Discussion

Post by JBF Fri May 31, 2013 7:57 pm

In case it matters… and just for fun…
Here is a match-up of key voice-overs with particular face shots in the two major promos and the more important ones on the main portion of episode #1. (For now, I am skipping the intro videos of Bryden, Will, Drew, Nick R., Zak W., Robert, Mike R. and Brandon since the guys are doing all of the talking in these.)

Quite often the line spoken over the head shot relates to that person in some way, even if not stated specifically to him.

He should have left. He knows who he is (not sure who is talking when his face is shown in promo)
I’m going to tell her what a fraud Ben is (Mike G. speaking)
Things are definitely starting to heat up (Kasey: Ben is possibly shown silhouetted with James, not certain)
You are outsmarting everyone
(He’s the kind of guy who is thinking about) his second and third wife on his first honeymoon (Mike G. speaking: Ben is shown during the second part of this line)
He chose the wrong person to lie to (Mike G. over shots of both Ben and James)
Ben has a number of competitive “win” PI sessions shown in the promos: “I love watching you smile”, “These guys are dumb” and “I’m going to sleep with one eye open tonight.”
His 1 on 1 in episode #1 is the longest one shown with much hunt/camping talk and shared upbringing with Desiree discussed: I connected with Ben. He kinda just has this personality that makes you want to talk to him and learn more. This makes me hopeful of things to come out of this. It feels good. / He just seems like a sweet guy. We have a lot in common. He’s husband material. (Desiree, episode #1)
Ben you can tell has a big confidence boost… He thinks he’s the frontrunner right now. (Kasey, episode #1)
Ben has a rose and I had my time with her before Ben and I didn’t get a rose so I have no idea what she thinks about me. (Brooks, episode #1)
Ben… he rolled in big and tried to make an impression just like anybody else… (Larry, episode #1)
It really meant a lot to me for you to open up (Desiree speaking: Ben and Mike G. shown)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Desiree thinks he’s “husband material” and maybe he is… but the guys see another side to him and attorney Mike G. will be most vocal of it.


Something peculiar is going on here, but I don’t want to jump to any conclusions. What I am stating here is pure speculation… and I’ll let others see if any of this is relevant.

Religious tolerance just may be a “hidden” theme this season… one that ABC will not allow shown on primetime, so the editors will replace it with “they are not here for the right reasons” drama instead. Mike G. quotes the plotline of Big Love involving a “second and third wife”, not “girlfriends” (as in the case of Brian and Bryden’s situations). Ben is shown during these key lines and is accused by Mike for choosing the “wrong person to lie to”… James. Ben, in turn, jokes that “these guys are so dumb”… meaning that his comments are not intended to always be taken seriously. Mike’s “wrong person to lie to” accusation is also repeated in the other promo with a shot of an injured Brooks. Even though James was not on that dodgeball date and had nothing to do with that particular accident, he is still shown in conflict with Brooks and later sobs about upsetting the applecart this season with some of his loose comments. I doubt Zak’s accusation of James wanting to be Bachelor is quite as emotional for him and those personally involved as some possible attack on another’s religious background. Desiree also states in one promo “I can trust in all of them” over a shot of a church in the mountains.

Y’know, the good, the bad, the ups and downs… (Desiree, scene overlaps with one of Chris’)
I did gain a lot of clarity (Desiree)
1 on 1 dance scene shown in episode #1… “Oh my god I love it”

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Desiree finds Brad… enlightening. He will have an OK edit even though there isn’t much between them.

He’s the kind of guy who… (Mike G.)
I don’t deserve to be heart broken (Desiree)
I’m never going to hurt you (talking to Desiree)
Made that first move (Larry talking about Nick R. in episode #1 over a shot of Brandon)
1 on 1 shown in episode #1, featuring a coin for his sober mom discussion. He has the fifth highest number of PIs that episode, after Kasey, Zak W., Larry and Jonathan. He is pretty certain Desiree is “the one” at this stage.
(Wants to) be able to express themselves (Desiree speaking over a shot of him)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? His bio intro shows how he rushes into things like a daredevil… both in sports and romance, being emotionally “vulnerable”. We will see him crash by exit time.

(He’s the kind of guy) who is thinking about (his second and third wife on his first honeymoon) (Mike G. speaking as camera moves from Brandon to Brian and then Ben. Brian gets the “thinking about” line.)
1 on 1 shown in episode #1 discussing star name “Desir-ion”
It goes to show how serious she is about this (Chris Harrison over both him and Dan)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Yeah, he’s The Con Artist, although Reality Steve suspects that this was all a set-up pre-season for “drama”.

This is something you literally dream of
… is kinda dream come true (Kasey speaking)
I want love at the end of this and I want it to last (Desiree speaking over a shot of the Hollywood sign on their date)
What you guys did tonight was so ****ing wrong. So wrong. (James… Brooks is shown listening to him)
There will definitely be some confrontation (Kasey in both promos is spoken over Brooks: one with Desiree and a camera crew and the other at the dodgeball date)
Any chance I am gonna take a stab at you, I am going to take it (Brooks speaking to James… or an edited in James)
He chose the wrong person to lie to. (Mike G. in promo #1 but not the other: Ben and James are shown)
I don’t think she knows how beautiful she is (Brandon)
Desiree is my dream girl (Kasey)
I will f*** you up (curious who says this over Brooks getting injured in dodgeball)
I have never felt like (anyone has loved me as much as I loved them) (Desiree sobbing, Brooks shown rubbing his face during the first part of this line)
The moments of having something that takes your breath away for a second makes you focus on what’s important (Brooks shown talking and Desiree listening)
I don’t want her to lose faith in the good guys who are here (Drew speaking?)
I can honestly say that I am one of the luckiest men alive (Chris)
Look where we are right now. (Desiree)
I’ve been in your shoes (Desiree, episode #1)
1 on 1 shown in episode #1 briefly
I’m going down in flames. I at least deserve the time to plead my case before the judge. (Larry, episode #1, speaking over close-ups of Brooks listening… as if somehow foreshadowing something that happens to him later)
She got tangled (Larry, episode #1… again, Brooks is showcased)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? With Larry’s dance fumbles in episode #1 being discussed in front of Brooks, my guess is that he’s quite the klutz himself. Yet that is the point of his storyline. Let the other guys be smooth athletes and romancers. Desiree spoiled the season by labeling him “witty” in her one-word descriptions for PEOPLE and then stated in the red carpet interviews that her preferred man should be “witty” rather than sexy or hunky.

Also… apparently he does get accused of something (probably false) during the season… perhaps by James or somebody else. Larry’s “I’m going down in flames. I at least deserve the time to plead my case before the judge” suggests that Brook’s journey is NOT a smooth one despite how great his first solo date went.

I want him down on one knee because I love him (Desiree)
I am the luckiest girl alive (Desiree)
That’s his girlfriend (Mike G. speaking over three guys, Bryden focused on)
I trust you now (Desiree speaking to him)
I’ve been waiting my entire life for this moment (Drew speaking over shots of Des running with Bryden)
It really means a lot to me (Desiree, episode #1)
What’s our plan now? (Bryden is asked by Nick and he responds “get a rose”, episode #1)
I’ll have to resort to extreme measures (Brian, episode #1)
1 on 1 shown in episode #1: I really liked Bryden. Conversation with him seemed so natural. It is so important for me to be in a relationship with a man who can communicate. He’s so cute and so timid, but he’s, like, adorable. I felt I wanted to give him a rose. (Desiree)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Intriguingly, two key shots in the main promo, aired with the bloopers show (May 20th), were removed from the episode #1 version of the same promo (May 27th). Likewise, we saw a lot more of him in the April music video. Although he is clearly an early frontrunner, I suspect that he’s gradually being “phased out” so that her upset rage regarding his departure in Germany will be downsized a bit. We already had Bentley and Kalon… and there isn’t room for Bryden with Brian, Ben and James getting villain-ish edits.

Desiree is the type of girl I can easily fall in love with (Brooks speaking)
… so to fall in love with somebody like Desiree (Kasey in a scene that overlaps with a Drew scene)
Y’know, the good, the bad, the ups and downs… (Desiree, scene overlaps with one of Brad’s)
After tonight (Desiree)
I never thought (this would ever be my life). Picture, like, the best dream you ever had (Desiree in one promo speaking par of this over Chris scenes, but shown herself in the other)
Desiree is one in a million (James)
Who knows where this journey is gonna go… but this is something I will never ever forget. (Desiree)
I would never have made those comments that you made on that bus! (Mike G. shouting at James with Chris listening)
This is a big deal (James)
Everyone sees through his s*** (probably speaking about James as he is shown)
You do bring out the best in me. I think at this point I can trust… (Desiree)
This is the girl I could be with for the rest of my life (Chris speaking over shots of himself and Des with Drew)
This is the best I’ve felt in many many years. (Zak W.)
I knew I was always deserving of it but… (Desiree)
I’m in love with Des (curious who says this line over a shot of Chris and Des… might even be Brandon)
His 1 on 1 “flashed” in episode #1 with one word “Seattle”, otherwise MIA except at limo time and face-shots during the rose ceremony… and he gets plenty of those, being second to last called
If you don’t get a rose tonight… (Chris Harrison speaking, episode #1. However, Diogo gets the second line “you will be going home immediately”.)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? They edit him like F1 in the promos (fooling us to no end), but he got practically no airtime in episode #1.

Then again, he and Des are shown in the close-out of one promo, Drew in the other. In three of the past Bachelorette promos, the leads (Deanna, Jillian and Ashley) were shown at closing and two were shown romancing Chris Lambton (Ali’s) and Arie (Emily’s)… both F2 dumpees.

Her line of “You do bring out the best in me. I think at this point I can trust…” resembles Emily Maynard’s “restoring my faith in the process” shown after key shots of her with Sean.

Mystery gray suited guy… may be Chris or Zak
I feel like this is a chance to have a new beginning (Zak W. may be the one speaking)

… so to fall in love with somebody like Desiree (Kasey in a scene that overlaps with a Chris scene)
The way I feel right now… (Desiree)
This will erupt. (Kasey) (Later Drew is shown saying “She’s gonna know exactly what happened.”)
I knew I was always deserving of it but I never felt myself loved (Desiree)
(Picture, like, the best dream you ever had) and times that by ten (Desiree: Drew shown in second part of this line)
If she going to know exactly what happened, she’s gonna be crushed (shots of both James and Drew)
…hope her fear doesn’t get the best of her (Zak W. speaking: James, Drew and Kasey shown together)
I’ve never had this feeling with anyone, like, it’s like you’ve known me my entire life. (shown speaking to Desiree)
Because of what I’ve been through… (Desiree)
This is the girl I could be with for the rest of my life (Chris speaking over shots of himself and Des with Drew)
Love is something everyone should feel (Desiree)
Extensive 1 on 1 shown in episode #1, butterfly talk and all, but he does all of the talking in PI form instead of her discussing him. Nonetheless he gets a FI rose.

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? First out of the limos, like Sean in Emily’s season, he is clearly set up as a Bachelor lead if Chris or another frontrunner doesn’t want it. “Love is something everyone should feel” is typical future lead promotion.

Like Kasey, Drew is part of the drama with James/Kasey/maybe Ben in that he doesn’t report something to Desiree that needs reporting. Yet he accurately predicts that she will be very upset when she finds out.

I am so hopeful of everything (Desiree, romantic scene in helicopter)
Things are definitely starting to heat up (Kasey)
Any chance I am gonna take a stab at you, I am going to take it (Brooks speaking to James… or an edited in James)
He chose the wrong person to lie to. (Mike G. in promo #2)
James said if you place the cards a certain way, he’s gonna come out the next Bachelor (Zak discussing him with Mike G.)
If she going to know exactly what happened, she’s gonna be crushed (shots of both James and Drew)
James, will you accept my rose? I will (Desiree shown with him)
It was worse than I thought it would be. What can I say to make it better? (Probably himself speaking)
It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I feel so bad for her. (himself speaking)
…hope her fear doesn’t get the best of her (Zak W. speaking, James, Drew and Kasey shown together)
I think the rose means everything (himself speaking, episode #1)
In the episode #1 rose ceremony, Desiree comments “Well…” over a shot of his face
1 on 1 NOT shown in episode #1
If you hear your name called, step forward (Chris Harrison spoken over both him and Zack)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? See comments above with Ben.

In the rose ceremony, James looked rather menacing when Brooks gets called.

Juan Pablo
I’m not here to make enemies (Ben speaking to him with his response of “that’s not what I heard”)
All eyes on me (Desiree, episode #1)
I feel like this is our first date (Desiree, episode #1)
I’m here to get to know her (Nick R, episode #1)
He swooped in. 45 seconds (Nick R. complaining as Juan listens)
1 on 1 shown in episode #1 playing soccer: Juan Pablo… hmmm mmm mmm. Just his accent alone is kinda sexy. He just can do whatever he wants and it just comes off so natural. He is like a dream of a man. (Desiree)
If you don’t get your time with her, pack your bags. You are catching the next flight home. (Will)
My biggest competition (Mike T.)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? The “chemistry and not much else” edit.

This is not right! (James)
He’s disrespecting women (Desiree speaking over a shot of Kasey, sandwiched between Brian’s shouting girlfriend)
He’s a cancer
That’s not what I said! (James)
You are putting words in my mouth! (James)
He heard this (Mike G. talking to James; “he” being Kasey)
…hope her fear doesn’t get the best of her (Zak W. speaking, James, Drew and Kasey shown together)
I appreciate your willingness to be here (Desiree, episode #1)
Kasey and Zak W. boast the highest number of PI sessions in episode #1
Somebody came in and bamboozled her right away and she was gone. I didn’t know what to expect. (Zak W. talking about Nick, who also got a FI rose like he did, but Kasey is shown during this particular line, having his 1 on 1 time with her.)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? #Part of the Drama. #Key narrator.

One thing that baffles me: Why edit him in the promo as part of Brian’s girlfriend drama? Was he “in the know” about Bryden, but only reported on James’ trashtalking? Kasey is getting a rather complicated edit this season.

Mike G.
This is the moment I’ve been waiting for (Desiree)
I don’t care if every guy hates me (Ben)
How does that even happen? (not sure who is speaking here, but Mike shows his injured thumb)
I’m as in love as I’ve ever been (not sure who is speaking here)
It’s every man for himself (Brian, episode #1)
1 on 1 “flashed” in episode #1 as he gets a FI rose. Gets key shot when Harrison announces “Here’s Desiree”
It really meant a lot to me for you to open up (Desiree speaking: he and Ben shown)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Part of the Drama. Key narrator, although Kasey got the lead in episode #1.

Mickey T.
He has a girlfriend (promo shot)
I’ve been in the same position (Desiree, episode #1)
1 on 1 interrupted by Ben in episode #1

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Almost became part of the Drama, but left early enough.

In the rose ceremony, he looks impatient… but hardly worried… the whole time, being last called. He may be edited as one more critical of Ben than committed to the “end goal”.

Zack K.
MIA in all promos apart from a group shot in the April musical one. Interesting voice-overs in episode #1 though…
How she expects to be treated (Chris Harrison speaks; Zack almost nods in agreement)
If you hear your name called, step forward (Chris Harrison spoken over both him and James)
I’m looking for someone to communicate with and be open (Desiree speaking as camera pans on him in rose ceremony)
Thankyou. You’ve exceeded all of my expectations. (Desiree speaks as camera closes in on Zack’s face)
1 on 1 NOT shown in episode #1, despite telling Desiree they will meet again later

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? The One That Got Away… simply because he was too reserved. Desiree says to him solo above all other guys that he exceeded her expectations, but… she is “looking for someone to communicate with” and the competition swooped in ahead of him, even if many (Ben, Bryden and James, among others) were less deserving to stay longer. Apparently the handlers initially thought he would go far since he was very well placed in the rose ceremony like three past F1s and several top 5 contestants in previous seasons.

Zak W.
This is going to be working out better in my favor (Ben speaking)
(Zak is also shown talking about James)
Pinch me, am I dreaming? (Desiree, episode #1)
New hot bodies (Desiree toasting)
The “shirtless wonder” gets many PI sessions in episode #1, also shown with Desiree. Favorite line: “I started out with a splash, might as well end with a splash.” Desiree tells him to “take it off”. Later she gives him a FI rose.
Hashtag shrinkage (Kasey)

My overall edit “vibe” with these voice-overs? Yeah, he outlasts the majority of his competitors by default. “This is going to be working out better in my favor”. Ben and others sabotage themselves, while Zak lays low as the likable one nobody has issues with… including Des. Since nobody bothered to give him a towel, he owes nobody.

Mystery Man in blue V-neck consoling her
This is not something she is ever going to get over (Mike G. speaking in one promo)


Others like Larry, Diogo, Nick R. and Jonathan get key voice-overs in episode #1, but not getting into them here since they are already “history” and others who last two episodes or more like Robert, the other Nick, Will, Mike R. and Dan had too limited of time on screen. In their departure scenes: Larry continues to discuss his failure with his “dip” first impression and Diogo regrets his knight suit, but Nick is not thinking his magician act was bad in any way, just that he is more than just a magician. He thinks he has a lot more to offer than half of the other guys and Desiree made a mistake. Aspects of their speeches may play into the themes of the remaining contestants.

Jonathan had the best line of the season before being escorted out early: "My love tank has not been depleted for years and it’s steadily been building."

Last edited by JBF on Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by atem Fri May 31, 2013 9:13 pm

Have you seen that preview with Mikey keep messing with Ben doing his vid part?

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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