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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Guest Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:09 am

It was a bad idea to tell the guys her little secret about The Bent One's return. She didn't have to. IF JP is her F1, and IF she's done with The Bent One and has moved on, and IF she told JP on his 1:1 date, and IF JP is cool with that -- why tell the other guys at all? IF all that's true they're all MOT guys anyway. So what if they see it on TV? It didn't affect their experience one way or the other if it was always only about JP and his opinion is the only one that matters.

Unless JP's opinion isn't the only one that matters.


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by mnmhughes Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:10 am

terabithia wrote:
Gina wrote:As she said on Leno. "out of 25, she only needs one to love her". I think she knew early on who that one is - JP - and she just wants this show to be over now and it's wearing on her. It's more that then Bentley to me. Yes, he's part of it, but not the reason she seems cold and not caring to the other guys, especially all of them who didn't make it to F1 and F2.

Just like Ali couldn't go on the LCD with Chris, Ashley just wants to be with her F1 and is tired of trying to act like she cares about anyone else, and she's a bad actress.

The leads are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It is literally impossible to please all the fans. If she acts interested and leads on the guys (and leads on/tricks the audience) then fans are mad. I remember the angry comments about Ali on the grass with Chris. "Just Friends don't act like that!" fume fume fume. How dare she? But if the lead doesn't act interested in more than one guy then fans complain it's too boring, too predictable, or she's not being fair to the other men and giving them a chance. So wtf are they supposed to do?! I have no idea!

word I agree

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by mnmhughes Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:10 am

Alexxxx wrote:It was a bad idea to tell the guys her little secret about The Bent One's return. She didn't have to. IF JP is her F1, and IF she's done with The Bent One and has moved on, and IF she told JP on his 1:1 date, and IF JP is cool with that -- why tell the other guys at all? IF all that's true they're all MOT guys anyway. So what if they see it on TV? It didn't affect their experience one way or the other if it was always only about JP and his opinion is the only one that matters.

Unless JP's opinion isn't the only one that matters.

You don't think TPTB had anything at all to do with this?

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Guest Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:12 am

Alanna wrote:
Gina wrote:As she said on Leno. "out of 25, she only needs one to love her". I think she knew early on who that one is - JP - and she just wants this show to be over now and it's wearing on her. It's more that then Bentley to me. Yes, he's part of it, but not the reason she seems cold and not caring to the other guys, especially all of them who didn't make it to F1 and F2.

Just like Ali couldn't go on the LCD with Chris, Ashley just wants to be with her F1 and is tired of trying to act like she cares about anyone else, and she's a bad actress.

That's how I see it after the last few episodes too. After Bentley left, she made her decision while trying to find closure about him (maybe). Now she doesn't care, can't get herself to care, and doesn't/won't know how to pretend to care.

You might have been talking about internet dating? Get the eff out, now!
We lost our spark... Goodbye. Next victim!
Oh you think you might want to leave? See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!

It's pretty funny that she's being a little PMSy and bossy but yeah, probably isn't going to win her too many fans.
Alanna, Right on. But the fans will love her when she shows up all lovey-dovey and engaged with JP at the AFRC. After last season, now I'll hold my breath after the FRC and keep my fingers crossed there will be :Nod: a very happy, beaming, sparks flying in love couple. Then I'll be happy.

Last edited by Gina on Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:12 am; edited 1 time in total


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Alanna Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:12 am

mnmhughes wrote:
Alexxxx wrote:It was a bad idea to tell the guys her little secret about The Bent One's return. She didn't have to. IF JP is her F1, and IF she's done with The Bent One and has moved on, and IF she told JP on his 1:1 date, and IF JP is cool with that -- why tell the other guys at all? IF all that's true they're all MOT guys anyway. So what if they see it on TV? It didn't affect their experience one way or the other if it was always only about JP and his opinion is the only one that matters.

Unless JP's opinion isn't the only one that matters.

You don't think TPTB had anything at all to do with this?

Yeah, cannot imagine Ashley deciding to have this little pow wow with the men on her own. Just doesn't seem like her style...

ETA: Gina, as evidenced by all of our intense T&R, A&R, and even Jolly love, all Ashley needs to do is become 1/2 of a happy, in love couple and all is forgiven and she becomes another darling of the franchise. I really hope they make it. :27:

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Post by CarrieA Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:17 am

Yeah, I don't think she had the bright idea to mention to everyone the fact that BNB was in town for the parade.

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by terabithia Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:29 am

Alanna wrote:
ETA: Gina, as evidenced by all of our intense T&R, A&R, and even Jolly love, all Ashley needs to do is become 1/2 of a happy, in love couple and all is forgiven and she becomes another darling of the franchise. I really hope they make it. :cc7:

Good point, especially about Jason and Molly. When they got married last year there were still plenty of nasty comments ("You couldn't pay me to watch!" and much worse), but things have mellowed so much since then. People see Melissa with her husband and baby, Molly and Jason are married, everything worked out for the best. There's no point in holding onto anger about that situation, so much water under the bridge.

So some fans are mad at Ash right now for letting a creep get under her skin and she's not worshipping all of the guys there, but we will get over it. And I'm determined to stay on Team Ashley, so if she fell for someone other than JP then I will be happy for them and applaud the editors for throwing me off track. I was Team Ali last year and just loved seeing two people so crazy about each other, it was fun to watch the final episode after they could safely drop all editing tricks and the smoke & mirrors. (Well they tried to stir up some doubt about Roberto proposing, bless 'em for trying.)


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Guest Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:41 am

Mickey is my new hero...

I would have told her to shove her roses up her...

I only wish Lucas, Dino and a couple of others would have manned up as well.


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by sjcaligurl Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:52 am

Let's just see how Monday goes. If Fleiss and company really cared, they would have sent Bentley packing and told her he was being rude and disrespectful of her, the guys and the show. Does anyone really believe that he would have been more decent to Emily? She looks just like his ex-wife and probably is why he is an EX husband.

They allowed him to lie and schmooze her. I don't blame her for being at the point where she doesn't care who goes or stays. Maybe if some of them hadn't been so lax, they would have captured her attention far more than a guy who'd been gone for a month. Mickey doesn't know what she sees in Bentley. Heck, what didn't she see and the rest of them that a troll like Bentley would still be in the back of her mind.

She said she was looking for a feeling. Even though Bentley lied, he gave it to her. That's how sociopaths operate. I hope he's proud of himself.


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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Love_Me Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:04 am

Maybe Ashley is acting out her frustration on the fact she has to play up this sob story about missing Bentley when in reality she has moved on and if given the choice she would have grabbed her guy and hit the road. However, she still has to play the game and go through the motions for several more weeks. The way she sent Ben C and William home it is pretty obvious she is done with the process and in many ways wants to move on. That is the way I view it.

First TPTB make her seem insecure and needy when Bentley leaves. Now they are going to have Bentley returning and her being insensitive to the guys there for a free trip around the world.

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by Beeleever Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:22 am

terabithia wrote:
Gina wrote:As she said on Leno. "out of 25, she only needs one to love her". I think she knew early on who that one is - JP - and she just wants this show to be over now and it's wearing on her. It's more that then Bentley to me. Yes, he's part of it, but not the reason she seems cold and not caring to the other guys, especially all of them who didn't make it to F1 and F2.

Just like Ali couldn't go on the LCD with Chris, Ashley just wants to be with her F1 and is tired of trying to act like she cares about anyone else, and she's a bad actress.

The leads are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It is literally impossible to please all the fans. If she acts interested and leads on the guys (and leads on/tricks the audience) then fans are mad. I remember the angry comments about Ali on the grass with Chris. "Just Friends don't act like that!" fume fume fume. How dare she? But if the lead doesn't act interested in more than one guy then fans complain it's too boring, too predictable, or she's not being fair to the other men and giving them a chance. So wtf are they supposed to do?! I have no idea!

You are spot on with this post Ter. I think that we forget this is a TV show that it is heavily produced:
  • Past contestants have told us the depths the producers go to in order to get them to say what they want.
  • We hear the same exact lines repeated season after season in VO's and PI's. We hear several contestants in the same season repeating those same lines. This is not an accident, it is scripted!
  • The Beatdown participants, especially Jesse C. and Wes, talk about how they throw people under the bus with editing.
  • Ashley has had to lead guys on, just like every other lead before her, has had to do.
  • The show must tell a story, and every story has to have an obstacle to overcome. TPTB splice together words and parts of sentences to create their story.
  • Chris Harrison said in an EW magazine article that they edit the show to purposely mislead and misdirect people.
  • We really have no idea the conversations Ashley has had with any of the guys in the hundreds of hours that are on the cutting room floor. If we believe the illusion of what we are being shown, then all the credit goes to MF for a job well done, because that is exactly what he wants us to believe.
I choose to cut Ashley some slack. She is clearly humiliated by what TPTB are doing to her with the edit. As much as I am sick and tired of hearing about Bentley, it can't compare to how sick and tired she is of the whole debacle. The girl clearly just wants to move on and put this fiasco behind her. I believe after Hong Kong, that is exactly what she did, whether that is what TPTB show us or not.

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Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Media Discussion - Bachelorette 7 - Thread #3

Post by mnmhughes Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:34 am

Beeleever wrote:
terabithia wrote:
Gina wrote:As she said on Leno. "out of 25, she only needs one to love her". I think she knew early on who that one is - JP - and she just wants this show to be over now and it's wearing on her. It's more that then Bentley to me. Yes, he's part of it, but not the reason she seems cold and not caring to the other guys, especially all of them who didn't make it to F1 and F2.

Just like Ali couldn't go on the LCD with Chris, Ashley just wants to be with her F1 and is tired of trying to act like she cares about anyone else, and she's a bad actress.

The leads are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It is literally impossible to please all the fans. If she acts interested and leads on the guys (and leads on/tricks the audience) then fans are mad. I remember the angry comments about Ali on the grass with Chris. "Just Friends don't act like that!" fume fume fume. How dare she? But if the lead doesn't act interested in more than one guy then fans complain it's too boring, too predictable, or she's not being fair to the other men and giving them a chance. So wtf are they supposed to do?! I have no idea!

You are spot on with this post Ter. I think that we forget this is a TV show that it is heavily produced:
  • Past contestants have told us the depths the producers go to in order to get them to say what they want.
  • We hear the same exact lines repeated season after season in VO's and PI's. We hear several contestants in the same season repeating those same lines. This is not an accident, it is scripted!
  • The Beatdown participants, especially Jesse C. and Wes, talk about how they throw people under the bus with editing.
  • Ashley has had to lead guys on, just like every other lead before her, has had to do.
  • The show must tell a story, and every story has to have an obstacle to overcome. TPTB splice together words and parts of sentences to create their story.
  • Chris Harrison said in an EW magazine article that they edit the show to purposely mislead and misdirect people.
  • We really have no idea the conversations Ashley has had with any of the guys in the hundreds of hours that are on the cutting room floor. If we believe the illusion of what we are being shown, then all the credit goes to MF for a job well done, because that is exactly what he wants us to believe.
I choose to cut Ashley some slack. She is clearly humiliated by what TPTB are doing to her with the edit. As much as I am sick and tired of hearing about Bentley, it can't compare to how sick and tired she is of the whole debacle. The girl clearly just wants to move on and put this fiasco behind her. I believe after Hong Kong, that is exactly what she did, whether that is what TPTB show us or not.

Good Post As for the bolded part, word !! :awesome:

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