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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by Soleil Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:38 am

So it's likely he could have been with her this past weekend


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by atem Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:38 am

Soleil wrote:If I recall brooks was spotted at the airport on the 5th in SLC and he didn't resurface again until this Monday. I don't think tptb want us to be hot on their tracks like we were with Jef. He made it easy for the sluethers. It looks like they have been told to keep tight lipped and stay under the radar. They have to play along or else they will ruin the storyline that's coming up. 

Whatever! I never seem to get any feedback. But I'm still gonna give my two cents worth.

Again, there are pictures of him with his family on that weekend and before the 5th when he was seen at the airport.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by nutty1 Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:39 am

atem wrote:
nannymargie wrote:
nutty1 wrote:
atem wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
atem wrote:OK.  That was a waste of time.  I hope that asim can get to see that clearer pic and she what they can find.

Brooks is final 1, just because.  Not one cap.  Nothing in the edit.  Nothing showing they have even had one weekend together.  NOTHING, but sources say.

He was at the airport after the 4th.

The 5th and he spent it with his family.  Sophienette has pics of it.  So, now what?

Can you show me the pictures with his family and are you sure they were from the 5th? He was seen at an airport on Friday July 5.

Isn't it possible he spent the earlier part of the day with his family and caught a later flight since we do have a tweet from someone that saw him at the airport.

Wrong. He was seen in Salt Lake on the 3rd.  Seen at the airport on the 5th and the title of the family meeting was for the WEEKEND.  Now do you get it?

I think it is best to see what Sophie says to clarify if she meant weekend or the actual 4th. I was mixing up my days that whole holiday time period.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by sfrank Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:39 am

atem wrote:
gabriele wrote:
atem wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
atem wrote:Oh, brother.  Here is an arrow pointing to it!

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I'm just asking if there is anyone that can get a better view of it.

I don't get it. I see either his own shoulder OR he is crying into her chest/shoulders and that could be her wrist with beads. But that bunched up fabric would have to be long-sleeves.

You don't get what...that those are beads?  Or you don't think they are or what?

Her point was that there was a reason why we couldn't see the full shot.  Why such an up close shot?

atem, i looked at the video and where you are thinking there are beads just looks like the edges of more of that green fabric. i don't know what it is but i don't believe there are beads there.

as for the spoiler, screencaps et al, what about that quote you found by one of the producers saying "guys leave and come back"? if not for that quote i would doubt the spoiler et al but with it i think everything adds up. brooks freaks out, leaves, des is devastated, things somehow get resolved with drew and/or chris, brooks comes back and proposes. easy peasy! i really think it's brooks and everything works out in the end--largely because of that quote you found about guys leaving and coming back.

Not to me it doesn't.  

There hasn't been one weekend, but for the very first one that they have been together.  Not ONE. There's always a picture or something showing she's either somewhere or he's somewhere.  They didn't spend the 4th together either.

MF loved Desiree so much, because he wants to stick it to RS.

Notice that Jimmy Kimmel didn't mention Chris at all in the top 3?  There's a reason, she can't lie.

The theme song for Desiree and Chris S.  Nothing for Brooks.  He hasn't done anything indicating he's falling in love with her or wooing her, but that time at the dodge ball game.  After that, nothing.  

The beach scenes, etc. all point to Chris S., not Brooks.  

Regarding JK, you think he is in cohoes with TPTB? She looked fairly nervous at the end of the interview regarding Brooks. Jimmy even made fun of her about it.

And I have monitored activity very closely and actually, there are at least TWO times other than July 4th that we MAY be able to attribute them being together...but yes 4th weekend is correct. They were not together. Brooks was with his family. Could Des have been with hers as well? I suppose but she was completely off grid.

Having said that, with the exception of the 4th of July weekend the other times Des was off grid so was Brooks. Any other times if she was not with Brooks she wasn't with anyone else either because here were sightings of her or she was doing  promotion for the show.

Now have noticed that Chris' first two tweets are in line with Des being off grid so that could be misdirection as well.

Last edited by sfrank on Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by Soleil Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:39 am

So it's likely that he could have been with her last weekend.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by atem Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:40 am

Soleil wrote:So it's likely he could have been with her this past weekend

Again, he was seen BEFORE the 5th in Utah and spent that weekend with his family! There are pictures.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by Guest Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:40 am

I still think Brooks is F1. no idea  I'm going to hold out to the bitter end just because it seems calmer seas. If I'm proven bitterly wrong, I'm proven wrong. It IS because of that preview last week that I think he is. That is the main thing that sticks in my head. It is because the whole second half the preview they're all crying and have conflict but it keeps coming back to Brooks distraught and Des crying. And at the end they end with a close-up of Brooks sobbing and Des saying it's over for her now. She just wants to go home. The fact that they ended with these two, like that, tells me that it's all about them; leaves you wondering what that was about.

Chris got a theme song, one week, I noticed, but he also got lurpy music for something he did last week, which is usually not something given to an F1. They never get the "this is going to be dumb, he's dumb" music.

Brooks hasn't had a theme song but he's had a lot of the lines that really are momentous, like the "It's going to be an awesome ride" and "pretty soon there will be zero guys." Like he's driving the story along. Like he'll end/resolve the story, too.

His and Des's storyline may not have the them song, but they've had a realness about them. Like normal people falling in love. Not the fairytale.

Brooks has never really had a bad edit. He's had plenty of face time. He's going to have a conflict, and I think this is what they're talking about when they said "It comes out of left field" and "It makes no sense, in some ways." He doesn't know if Des and the guys like it, but they found it entertaining to watch and we will, too.

He's talking about how Des & Brooks goes from Point A, reading a list of memories, so happy, so happy at the HTD, to Brooks distraught and sobbing and Desiree wanting to go home. And then all heck breaking loose with everybody else, too. It was all highly entertaining to them and intense and a convoluted mess to Brooks.

Oh, there are things that have bugged me, for sure. It is easy to think it's Chris (except for the fact that I just don't see it there). It could even be Drew. But I think I'll stick with the spoilers. We'll see. I just don't think they would put that much effort into fleecing Sans and Love.

And Brooks does love Des. It's there. It's in his eyes. He's just very reserved. And it may change.

And I firmly believe they've held a lot back so far because they don't want to spoil the ending. They probably have some pretty revealing stuff they just can't show or it wouldn't follow their storyline and it would be too obvious. They want a surprise twist ending.

Until Brooks is not the F1 I will believe, and deal with it then.

Last edited by canyonvue on Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:46 am; edited 2 times in total


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by nutty1 Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:41 am

sfrank wrote:
atem wrote:
gabriele wrote:
atem wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
atem wrote:Oh, brother.  Here is an arrow pointing to it!

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I'm just asking if there is anyone that can get a better view of it.

I don't get it. I see either his own shoulder OR he is crying into her chest/shoulders and that could be her wrist with beads. But that bunched up fabric would have to be long-sleeves.

You don't get what...that those are beads?  Or you don't think they are or what?

Her point was that there was a reason why we couldn't see the full shot.  Why such an up close shot?

atem, i looked at the video and where you are thinking there are beads just looks like the edges of more of that green fabric. i don't know what it is but i don't believe there are beads there.

as for the spoiler, screencaps et al, what about that quote you found by one of the producers saying "guys leave and come back"? if not for that quote i would doubt the spoiler et al but with it i think everything adds up. brooks freaks out, leaves, des is devastated, things somehow get resolved with drew and/or chris, brooks comes back and proposes. easy peasy! i really think it's brooks and everything works out in the end--largely because of that quote you found about guys leaving and coming back.

Not to me it doesn't.  

There hasn't been one weekend, but for the very first one that they have been together.  Not ONE. There's always a picture or something showing she's either somewhere or he's somewhere.  They didn't spend the 4th together either.

MF loved Desiree so much, because he wants to stick it to RS.

Notice that Jimmy Kimmel didn't mention Chris at all in the top 3?  There's a reason, she can't lie.

The theme song for Desiree and Chris S.  Nothing for Brooks.  He hasn't done anything indicating he's falling in love with her or wooing her, but that time at the dodge ball game.  After that, nothing.  

The beach scenes, etc. all point to Chris S., not Brooks.  

Regarding JK, you think he is in cohoes with TPTB? She looked fairly nervous at the end of the interview regarding Brooks. Jimmy even made fun of her about it.

And I have monitored activity very closely and actually, there are at least TWO times other than July 4th that we MAY be able to attribute them being together...but yes 4th weekend is correct. They were not together. Brooks was with his family. Could Des have been with hers as well? I suppose but she was completely off grid.

Having said, that with exception of the 4th of July weekend the other times Des was off grid so was Brooks. Any other times if she was not with Brooks she wasn't with anyone else either because here were sightings of her or she was doing  promotion for the show.

sfrank, what about the airport sighting?

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by Guest Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:42 am

atem wrote:
MonicaJM2001 wrote:
atem wrote:Please, Nate doesn't talk to ANY of the guys in the next episode.  Stop trying to blame him.

 It could be something at the MTP that occurs and then when it is LCD time for Bres maybe that is when she and Brooks get into it in some way (that tealish top/white short outfits and his BSG outfit) The day goes all crazy, Des has her I want to go home, screw it all moments, talks to Chris H and then at night reconvenes with Brooks and they talk it out and move along.

Doesn't explain the edit.  Doesn't explain not one cap of a date they have.  Doesn't explain how they haven't met ONCE since filming ended.  Please, explain?

Sorry Atem, but I don't think there's any way you can say they haven't met up. Des does not tweet much, it would be hard to tell with her and Brooks hasn't been allowed social media. It certainly can't be stated as a fact.

Also do you know that Sophie's pictures are not from July 4th, and Brooks flew out on July 5th for the weekend when Des was silent on twitter for a few days. That is what I thought happened. Has Sophie told you otherwise on the 4th pictures?


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by Guest Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:43 am

okay, so it looks like we don't really know where brooks was on which days of the holiday weekend. he could have been flying to ID for sat & sun leaving the 5th from SLC but that would mean he was elsewhere for the actual 4th. idk. on preview i see atem thinks the fam was in SLC. okay, if so then where was he flying to or from?

just because we don't have any evidence they've met up for any safe house visits doesn't mean it hasn't happened. we don't have any evidence of des having them with anyone else either.

this season is weird, out of left field and in addition to that the tptb have cracked down on social media. so...expect the unexpected! :Smiley:


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8 - Page 41 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Thread #8

Post by atem Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:44 am

relaxing wrote:
atem wrote:
MonicaJM2001 wrote:
atem wrote:Please, Nate doesn't talk to ANY of the guys in the next episode.  Stop trying to blame him.

 It could be something at the MTP that occurs and then when it is LCD time for Bres maybe that is when she and Brooks get into it in some way (that tealish top/white short outfits and his BSG outfit) The day goes all crazy, Des has her I want to go home, screw it all moments, talks to Chris H and then at night reconvenes with Brooks and they talk it out and move along.

Doesn't explain the edit.  Doesn't explain not one cap of a date they have.  Doesn't explain how they haven't met ONCE since filming ended.  Please, explain?

Sorry Atem, but I don't think there's any way you can say they haven't met up.  Des does not tweet much, it would be hard to tell with her and Brooks hasn't been allowed social media.  It certainly can't be stated as a fact.

Also do you know that Sophie's pictures are not from July 4th, and Brooks flew out on July 5th for the weekend when Des was silent on twitter for a few days.  That is what I thought happened.  Has Sophie told you otherwise on the 4th pictures?

Yes, there are pics from twitter and instagram showing he was in Utah before the 4th and at the SLC airport the 5th. It's just that his thread is so long, people don't read it all.

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Post by agentcurls Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:47 am

Des would be unrecognizable with a blonde wig. I remember Ali saying she used to use a brunette wig to travel. And I still think they have met one another remotely, possibly somewhere in the middle by car. They both love road trips, as expressed on their dates.

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