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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by Hotmomma Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:22 pm

Imre watch the promo again from last night..
One thing JBF maybe you could correct me..but when JP is saying I can see my future and my daughters future they are showing JP and Nikki( which ya all sleuth) riding the horses..Maybe that means something Or not..
Just wondering your take on this?

Last edited by Hotmomma on Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:19 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Darn auto correct)

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Post by Guest Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:23 pm

Yes, she got the "fake" snow date.


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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by JBF Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:09 pm

Hotmomma wrote:Imre watch the promo again from last night..
One thing JBF maybe you could correct me..but when JP is saying I can see mcubicles and my daughters future they are showing JP and Nikki( which ya all sleuth) riding the horses..Maybe that means something Or not..
Just wondering your take on this?

Yeah... I did catch that earlier and mentioned it... somewhere.

Basically we have these pros and cons... and more can be added:

His "this is perfect" is spoken over her and the FRC shot in different promos.
He sees his daughter's future horseback riding with her.
Jimmy Kimmel picked her. He picked Jordan Paul, Courtney and Catherine. Included Jef in his top 3 too.

Getting the physical attraction edit a bit early.

Gets the "amazing wife" line.
Told this is "the real deal" in the promo.
Nice placement in the limo arrivals... in the middle at #16.
Jimmy Kimmel leaves her out of his list. Last season, he did SHOW Chris' photo and jokingly said he was "out" before Des had a chance to speak. Yet he didn't include her F1 in his top three. Same thing this season?

Too much focus early on, as if they are building her up as Bachelorette.

Last edited by JBF on Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by chloep Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:21 pm

JBF wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:Imre watch the promo again from last night..
One thing JBF maybe you could correct me..but when JP is saying I can see mcubicles and my daughters future they are showing JP and Nikki( which ya all sleuth) riding the horses..Maybe that means something Or not..
Just wondering your take on this?

Yeah... I did catch that earlier and mentioned it... somewhere.

Basically we have these pros and cons... and more can be added:

His "this is perfect" is spoken over her and the FRC shot in different promos.
He sees his daughter's future horseback riding with her.
Jimmy Kimmel picked her. He picked Jordan Paul, Courtney and Catherine.

Getting the physical attraction edit a bit early.

Gets the "amazing wife" line.
Told this is "the real deal" in the promo.
Nice placement in the limo arrivals... in the middle at #16.
Jimmy Kimmel leaves her out of his list. Last season, he did SHOW Chris' photo and jokingly said he was "out" before Des had a chance to speak. Yet he didn't include her F1 in his top three. Same thing this season?

Too much focus early on, as if they are building her up as Bachelorette.

I was totally going to ask who the heck this "Jordan Paul" guy was...  giggling I can understand why he prefers "JP".

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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by JBF Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:23 pm

Yeah... we have two JPs. I had to distinguish them.

You all can also have fun with these too...

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Here is Ashley's old bachelor bio montage that DID have F1. (Sean's and Des' seasons did not include F1, although Catherine had an online one not shown as part of the show.)

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Last edited by JBF on Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by nd4reality Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:28 pm

JBF wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:Imre watch the promo again from last night..
One thing JBF maybe you could correct me..but when JP is saying I can see mcubicles and my daughters future they are showing JP and Nikki( which ya all sleuth) riding the horses..Maybe that means something Or not..
Just wondering your take on this?

Yeah... I did catch that earlier and mentioned it... somewhere.

Basically we have these pros and cons... and more can be added:

His "this is perfect" is spoken over her and the FRC shot in different promos.
He sees his daughter's future horseback riding with her.
Jimmy Kimmel picked her. He picked Jordan Paul, Courtney and Catherine.

Getting the physical attraction edit a bit early.

Gets the "amazing wife" line.
Told this is "the real deal" in the promo.
Nice placement in the limo arrivals... in the middle at #16.
Jimmy Kimmel leaves her out of his list. Last season, he did SHOW Chris' photo and jokingly said he was "out" before Des had a chance to speak. Yet he didn't include her F1 in his top three. Same thing this season?

Too much focus early on, as if they are building her up as Bachelorette.

Here are my thoughts on the JK thing...........

lets be realistic that JK does not just "watch" the show and has his wife help and "pick" his F1. No, he gets his picks from what RS spoils. Since RS spoiled JP, Courtney and Catherine correctly - therefore JK spoiled them correctly. IMO its as simple as that.
Last season RS got the spoiler wrong = JK picked Brooks wrong.

IDK what RS has spoiled but I'm guessing he has not picked Clare. Again these are just my thoughts and guesses so please don't  Redfacemad .

The editors as possibly throwing Clare in our faces because she is the F1 rather than who they have "allowed" to leak and they are doing a foiler. Make her as obvious as possible so that everyone will dismiss her. Thoughts ?

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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by JBF Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:41 pm

What made last season so funny was that Jimmy Kimmel was giggling and smirking a lot with Des over his top three picks. Yup, he read the spoilers. Yet I always suspected that "somebody" informs him just how far he can go to "test" the Bachelor/ette. You DO have to question if he knew already that Chris was F1, since he purposely picked up his photo first and instantly called him "out" on account of his love of almonds so that Des wouldn't give anything away with her body language.

However... I agree with you. Clare and Nikki are back to back here if we are going by Kimmel. Maybe Juan gets all "gooey" at the sound of Clare's name? Maybe Nikki's "future" with him is as his daughter's "nurse"... *chuckle chuckle*

We just have to see more before we can be certain of anything. I am waiting for the "elephant in the room" that Mike G. pinpointed last season in Barcelona... that being Des' postcard poem to Chris.


OK.. just for fun...

A look at this season's “bios” in episode #1. The last two seasons were missing F1 in these intro "montages", so it is still possible that Juan's F1 can be Sharleen, Ally, Chantel-with-an-E, Lauren-ess, Kelly and her pooch, Cassandra, Kat, Victoria, Christy, Lucy, Elise or Amy L. Well... at least the two or three here that we know make it far in the show.

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Chelsie is studying her Spanish and wants to “impress” Juan. Love = “amore”. Make sure you pronounce it correctly. She is a science teacher, y’know. Seen with cute kids though, like Renee, Nikki and Valerie (i.e. goat kids).

Renee is basically Juan Pablo in drag. Sports a cute kid. Is athletic. Even her son is athletic. Also loves strolling beaches with just a tiny bit more covering her than Lucy the Hippy. Bet she even has an ankle bracelet like Juan.

Andi is proud to be a “prosecutor”. You just sense she will “prosecute” Juan at some point for something-something he does. Like Nikki, she is VERY picky about the kind of “amore” she wants. (Chelsie will give her the proper word, if not the feeling.)

Amy the massage therapist is here to address Juan’s “physical” needs… which Lucy will try to drum up with her care-free “hippy” mentality after Amy gets booted off at the first rose ceremony.

Nurse Nikki arrives just in the “nik” of time as Amy faints from her Big O. She is here to make us feel all better. Talks like Barbara Billingsley. Gee… does she stop Juan from crying at the end of his silly promos? She even washes her hands before the big procedure and acts all prim and proper. Uh oh. She does not want to “settle”. Like Andi, she wants the full “kaboom!” She doesn’t want that feeling just in the two weeks at the beginning. She wants it for a life time. Soooo… Juan had better find some temporary “heat” with others on screen in order to keep us entertained during the first two weeks. Maybe that is why he is hopping all over a constantly tired and bored Sharleen right now like a frisky puppy. Nikki’s bio then gets quite Freudian as she says she is not sure what will happen, but she’s excited, as fountains squirt biologically clean water all over the place behind her. Aha! “Experience of a life time”. That’s a good attitude.

Lauren H., like Amy the masseur, is cursed as an early “dumpee” rammed up against Nikki’s segment. Her love life “sucks”. That word is a popular one in the promos. Not sure if it is all that lady-like to say those words during family hour. Gasp! Lauren is a… a… jilted bride. Wonder if this is some sort of “clue” regarding the finale or something. Hey! I am game for an ending resembling IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT or THE GRADUATE. “You need to go through adversity in order to enjoy the good.”

Valerie the cowgirl is like Lindzi in Ben’s season… eager to get back on that horse. Ooooh! She’s competitive! Too bad she left early so we couldn’t see her compete in the cat fights.

Lacy… sure are a lot of “dumpees” being spotlighted here. Oh well… the Storyline is what matters. With her special family, she learned to be “tender with the kind of love you give them”. It is not all about the “Kaboom”. Yet she is certain she will “go all the way” for that ring on her finger. Sorry.

Like Catherine in her “outtake” bio during Sean’s, Clare has Juan on her phone… showing him off to Muther… or some other dame in the family. The main story, though, is deceased daddy and the DVD made for her future hubbie. I just hope Juan doesn’t “con” her to see it, then decide not to marry her. All Of America will be outraged. Uh oh. She calls Juan “the man of her dreams”. Bad! Clare! Bad! What will happen when you wake up the next morning with him? His scruff and bad breath may prove a night mare. In any case, Desie was “picturing” herself “in a dream” on top of a very cloudy Madeira hilltop with Brooks… and Kasey called her his “dream girl”. She is with Chris now, so Clare… watch what you say.

If F1 is one of the above, then we can use Ashley’s as a template.

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Just as Juan was all talk about his dawter and not so much about “amore”… and both his dad and Sean Lowe tell him to keep an “open mind”, Ashley was all about finishing dental school and some silly text message regarding Bentley. There was no mention of a deceased ex-boyfriend or her eagerness to get hitched (yanking Willie to a Las Vegas minister and dressing her Jay-Pee in a tux in Taiwan).

Here… Mister Sunshine taps all of the available rays with his solar panels at the start of our bio segments, so that Willie winds up with rain and a broken umbrella in the very last segment.

Jay-Pee uses an awful lot of “if” in his speech since he is not completely over his “heartbreak”. He thinks he is on the “right path” as he surveys a land of rubble. He even buys onions to go with his wine. Gee, hope Ashley’s Bentley Boo-Hoo shows him how silly all of this heartbreak talk can be. His next “project” per his phone conversation is June 1st, but on June 1st Reality Steve spoiled him as final one and he had to change “projects”. No running away from Ashley now, is there?

Ames lectures Ashley on the importance of finishing her dental education. How many degrees does he have? Oh well, he stands as erect as the Empire State (seen only fleetingly in Jay-Pee’s segment) as he lectures Ashley and us.

Two Bens play piano, only we didn’t know Ben #2 (Mister Flajnik) did until he did that repetitive “duet” with Ben #1 in episode #5. While Ben #1 is picky about the love he wants (like Andi and Nikki), Ben #2 simply tells the producers to give him a brunette next season to play in the dirt with. He also talks deceased daddy talk to get us ready for Willie at the tail end.

I love how Bentley’s Utah Buckingham Palace dwarfs Tony’s deli in New Jwoizy. Bet Bentley got a nice settlement either with his divorce or playing The Villain this season. Small Time Butcher hopes Ashley is “full of life”. Yup, Ashley was pretty bouncy wouncy all season long, except when boo-hooing over Bentley.

If you think West’s sad story about losing his wife was so tragic, just wait until you watch Willie’s intro! That poor boy is like Charlie Brown with that eternal black cloud looming above. Also, while West is out jogging shirtless like Mister Sunshine, Willie is sitting at the kitchen table looking at his watch. Awww… poor Willie.

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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by julychild Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:31 pm

JBF wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:Imre watch the promo again from last night..
One thing JBF maybe you could correct me..but when JP is saying I can see mcubicles and my daughters future they are showing JP and Nikki( which ya all sleuth) riding the horses..Maybe that means something Or not..
Just wondering your take on this?

Yeah... I did catch that earlier and mentioned it... somewhere.

Basically we have these pros and cons... and more can be added:

His "this is perfect" is spoken over her and the FRC shot in different promos.
He sees his daughter's future horseback riding with her.
Jimmy Kimmel picked her. He picked Jordan Paul, Courtney and Catherine. Included Jef in his top 3 too.

Getting the physical attraction edit a bit early.

Gets the "amazing wife" line.
Told this is "the real deal" in the promo.
Nice placement in the limo arrivals... in the middle at #16.
Jimmy Kimmel leaves her out of his list. Last season, he did SHOW Chris' photo and jokingly said he was "out" before Des had a chance to speak. Yet he didn't include her F1 in his top three. Same thing this season?

Too much focus early on, as if they are building her up as Bachelorette.

One more
The only Latina (half Mexican) left in the running


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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by nd4reality Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:03 pm

JBF wrote:

However... I agree with you. Clare and Nikki are back to back here if we are going by Kimmel. Maybe Juan gets all "gooey" at the sound of Clare's name? Maybe Nikki's "future" with him is as his daughter's "nurse"... *chuckle chuckle*

We just have to see more before we can be certain of anything. I am waiting for the "elephant in the room" that Mike G. pinpointed last season in Barcelona... that being Des' postcard poem to Chris.


And if she is not the person that is spoiled then he can be as gooey as he wants till the crowd thins out and she becomes the main a focus of the season.

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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by DMBFan Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:33 pm

Just watched last nights show - so Clare's bio got shown a 2nd time? Next bachelorette, I think!


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  *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions - Page 2 Empty Re: *No Spoilers* The Bachelor 18 Edit Discussions

Post by Sprite Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:11 pm

DMBFan wrote:Just watched last nights show - so Clare's bio got shown a 2nd time? Next bachelorette, I think!

Or being set up for big time heartbreak. I still think MF would think she is too old for the Bette as they are all in their mid 20's...with the exception of Trista but that was so long ago that I don't apply anything from that far back.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by DMBFan Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:53 pm

Sprite wrote:
DMBFan wrote:Just watched last nights show - so Clare's bio got shown a 2nd time? Next bachelorette, I think!

Or being set up for big time heartbreak. I still think MF would think she is too old for the Bette as they are all in their mid 20's...with the exception of Trista but that was so long ago that I don't apply anything from that far back.

That's true. I didn't realize she was 32 until I saw that clip again today. How old is JuanPablo?


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