Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by stuckinsc Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:02 pm

MiaHawk wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:

Actually I have called my male friends sluts when they sleep with lots of women.  So to me it is not just a female term.  And even if I am silly I consider lingerie different from swimwear.  I grew up in south Florida, so swimsuits, even bikinis are kind of a part of life.  I would walk around in a swim suit, but I am not walking out of the house in a bra and underwear to get the mail.  So yes, her lingerie pics are different to me.  Maybe even the lingerie pics without the naked, but the naked and lingerie being 90%, yup, I am okay with calling that sl*** along with very self promoting.  Like I said, I wish he just ignored her, since the attention is what she seems to want.  

Also, I don't care if you are a sl**, wh*** or c***.  No means no, so I don't think they let people get away with sexual assault and r*pe.  I might say this woman and KK and Paris Hilton are sl***.  I would never ever say that a man who had sex with them without their consent was justified.  I don't believe in the she was dressing that way and asked for it defense.

I'm going to let this go, because it's obvious that you are a JP fan. I have a hard time understanding or defending his homophobic and misogynistic comments, but we all have a right to our own opinion. But, I will say that just because YOU call your male friends sluts doesn't mean that most people do. When men are called sluts or man-whores, it's said more humorously and certainly doesn't hold that same judgement or nature of vile degradation. And, again, just because YOU don't believe that "sluts ask for it", doesn't mean that a female victim's sexual history and the way that she was dressed isn't brought up at every single r*pe trial and news article covering it. That NEVER happens with male victims. sl**-shaming absolutely adds to that r*pe culture and I will never support it.

^^^This is a very thought provoking post (for me).  You make some very good points.  R*pe is a serious crime. I would never wish to marginalize the effect is has on its victims or on society as a whole.  

IMO, "sl*tty" clothing is clothing intentionally styled in order to accentuate and draw attention to a woman's sexuality, with the ultimate goal of garnering attention from men. The vast majority of adult women know full well what is sl*tty and what is not.  It is a conscious decision that an adult woman makes when she dresses and looks at herself in the mirror. She is making a choice about her own behavior. She does so, knowing that what she projects is how she will be judged by those that see her (whether that's a future employer, her own grandmother, a man at the bar). Clothing is used as an attempt to manipulate our surroundings and the opinions of others. In society, we have an unspoken, generally accepted dress code.  A conservative suit or dress to an interview. No plunging, cleavage showing tops in Church. More skin=more familiarity. Sl*tty clothing shows a lot of skin, and it implies a familiarity and closeness that is artificially inflated. That can lead to all kinds of bad assumptions by men.    

How you dress, just like every other aspect of your behavior, will be interpreted and acted upon by others. It NEVER makes the actions or the committing of a crime by a man justified, but it could put a woman at higher risk for unwanted advances. And this is something that we as women DO have some control over.  As women, we should all be conscious of how we can decrease our risk factors--don't get drunk, high, walk alone on a dark street, dress like a sl*t, etc. Dressing like a sl*t is just like everything else---it's a risk versus benefit decision.  We can never be fully in control over the actions of others, but we need to conduct ourselves in a manner in which we do not contribute to our own harm.  

I'm NOT saying that a woman "asks to be r*ped".  That would be a ridiculous thing to say.  What I AM saying is that women need to be smart and take their own safety seriously.  Women need to stop using their own sexuality in order to gain attention from men--free drinks at a bar, a one night fling, their means to a self-esteem boost.  Nothing in life is free.  Buy your own drinks. Do you realize that you just sold a piece of your self-esteem for that 6 oz glass of Chardonnay?  Stop setting up the paradigm so that men "think" they have the power, that they have "bought" you, that you "owe" them something.

Thank you Mia, you as usually are much more eloquent then I am. Women need to take responsibility for themselves. Act the way you wish to be treated and stop blaming others for your actions.

R*pe as Luv said is about power, I don't justify r*pe in any circumstance. And my opinion is shared by many I know. Defenses in court use whatever reprehensible thing is possible to try to defend.

I do like JPG, he reminds me of my father and other men I have liked in my past. Last time I knew I was entitled to my opinion. You are entitled to yours. I admit that I hated JPG making his comment using the r word. Wish he would have retracted and not been a stubborn mule about deleting it. See I am not a fan who ignores the bad about those they like, but try to judge the whole picture. In this instance, I don't blame JPG, the woman in this case in my mind is just as responsible as he is.

Again, when you put yourself naked and in lingerie in 75% of the pics you post of yourself, that is you to blame and no one else. When someone responds to the image you portray and you blame them you are a hypocrite.

I understand that what I say and what I do including how I dress involves how people perceive me, that is reality.

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Amberish Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:56 pm

whit90 wrote:
Amberish wrote:
whit90 wrote:

Just because he has watched Jenna that use to be a porn star many years ago does not make him a porn consumer. Do you know for a fact that he still watches porn as you stated as a fact once again.

Juan Pablo said he's watched Jenna's porn productions, thus he watches porn, which is not a remarkable inference.

Moreover, he's had opportunity to qualify his porn watching statements by making it clear he no longer watches porn, but he didn't do that. Had he, the discussion might be similar to those of Sean's being a born again virgin.

We as posters have no idea if he still watches porn or not. IMO I do not think it is any of our business if he does or does not.  Why should he have to explain himself ?
He only said he watches porn. He never said he stopped. It is what it is.

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Post by Mustang19 Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:09 pm

^ I could be wrong, but didn't he say "watched" or "had seen" her movies, as in past tense? I don't recall him saying he "watches" as in currently.

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Post by Amberish Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:14 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:
Amberish wrote:
officeRules wrote:I didn't see anyone comparing JP's use of the word "sl**" to a violent act against woman.  I don't really think that has anything to do with it, but that's just my opinion.  Name-calling does not automatically mean someone is going to commit felonies.  It just shows the person has a different tolerance for words that they use than I do.

Language and words have meaning, and they are used differently by people all over the world.  From this twitter exchange I could criticize both the woman and the man involved for their choice of words.  I'm not going to though, because if they want to engage in name-calling on their social media that is their business.    I don't have to like it, don't have to read it, and it isn't going to change my day.  

You could fault JP for calling this woman a name, but you can't ignore that she did the same thing.  

Yeah, but there is obviously a difference, in that we're not using asterisks to blank out letters of the name she called him.

Kasha, why are we using asterisks for words that are not vulgarity? Is it our rules or Forumotion rules?

I will anser that if I may. Because during Andi's season, we got tired of seeing the world sl** and those that were offended and argued that Andi was being called a sl** and it was offensive. So, it's now a bleeped out.
Thank you and that pretty much settles that matter, in that what Juan Pablo response to that model trumped her and regarded far more inappropriate than what she had said to him.

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Post by officeRules Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:50 pm

I think that calling someone a do**he-bag is just as bad. You are actually referring to a man as a feminine hygeine product and making it a negative thing.

We, as a forum, just haven't banned that particular word yet.

Everyone perceives words differently, so everyone will have different opinions about this.

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by whit90 Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:52 pm

Mustang19 wrote:^ I could be wrong, but didn't he say "watched" or "had seen" her movies, as in past tense? I don't recall him saying he "watches" as in currently.  

Thank You that is exactly how I remember it too. clapping!

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Kashathediva Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:16 pm

officeRules wrote:I think that calling someone a do**he-bag is just as bad.   You are actually referring to a man as a feminine hygeine product and making it a negative thing.  

We, as a forum, just haven't banned that particular word yet.  

Everyone perceives words differently, so everyone will have different opinions about this.  

Absolutely. I personally see both words in the same category. Not words I use often, but not words I totally shy away from either.

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Rolly Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:43 pm

I can't decide if I'm 2pop or Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 2292733854 or "Not my circus, not my monkeys"

I keep saying I'm not coming back to this thread but I always seem to come back to this thread. I find the conversation interesting and a bit like how our society views these subjects. We all have our opinions and in many regards I agree with some of the posts even those that in general have different views than mine.

I guess I always just liked JP and didn't like Nikki. JP said some stupid things....we all say stupid things. Nikki was just a mean girl and got more of a mean girl in CT. I hope they don't get back together because they aren't a good fit.

PS I have also watched porn (I am a consumer I guess) but didn't care for it. Is that like trying pot but not inhaling?!?

Carry on..... party time

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Post by Kashathediva Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:50 pm

Well, I guess I fall high on the open and willingness spectrum.

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:52 pm

Rolly wrote:I can't decide if I'm  2pop or  Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 2292733854  or "Not my circus, not my monkeys"

I keep saying I'm not coming back to this thread but I always seem to come back to this thread. I find the conversation interesting and a bit like how our society views these subjects. We all have our opinions and in many regards I agree with some of the posts even those that in general have different views than mine.

I guess I always just liked JP and didn't like Nikki. JP said some stupid things....we all say stupid things. Nikki was just a mean girl and got more of a mean girl in CT. I hope they don't get back together because they aren't a good fit.

PS I have also watched porn (I am a consumer I guess) but didn't care for it. Is that like trying pot but not inhaling?!?

Carry on..... party time

Nice post Rolly!


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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by Kashathediva Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:56 pm

JMOAA, Rolly--I think it's preferred to watch porn and enjoy it and try pot and inhale. Not that I would know. :WAVEY:

No good deed goes unpunished.  
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Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion  - Page 54 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Nikki Ferrell - Bachelor 18 - Discussion

Post by luvlady345 Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:01 pm

I don't see how anyone watching CT can call Nikki a mean girl on this show, watching CT Jenna/Cicely were mean girls to me very catty and two-faced.....


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