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Post by Guest Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:50 am

When did Sam unfollow Louise? She knew at least by that date.

If it's true that he was going to propose to Lisa, he may have sent his real F2 home in the F3 spot. Could he have been contractually obligated to propose?

Why does he go on this particular show after he feels they inserted a laugh track? In AU, isn't there another show he could have chosen for the interview?


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Post by Wendy Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:02 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:The reason for this has more to do with what type of people we want to be rather than the type of person Blake is. We want to believe in the goodness of people, believe in the happy ending. Believe that people are authentic and are truly what we hope them to be.

The problem is that says more about who WE are than who Blake is. He has shown, time and time again, when asked the facts, he claims NO responsibility...
Thank you for you insights AllAboutLove. I have found your analysis very revealing and insightful.

I understand that we often vacillate as we try to find the best in people and take in information and events as they occur, matching those against our own personal and world views. As a professional who works in the field of positive psychology, my lens tends to be positive (because that is in the best interest of my clients and myself). That doesn't mean I am not also an accurate observer of Blake's relative self-absorption and objectification of potential love interests in the quest to meet his needs of support and goal to find a marriage partner. I think it's quite possible to observe people's struggles to be authentic collide with their inability to do so without judging them. And still want a happy ending. Blake, Louise, Sam all want a happy ending. It's human to want that. It's just a collision between different people's desires, realities, abilities and histories writ large for us all to see. And in terms of Blake's abilities, he seems to be doing a pretty poor job of it. And the consequences are a little train wrecky.


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Post by mercieme Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:05 pm

Wow it's all taken the turn I was so not expecting. So now we know the reason for the "sisters before misters" from Lisa.

Mazel tov to all the ladies who called this play by play out especially AllAboutLove. Oh Blake what have u done, he is so in the deep end with the Aussie public, best thing for him & Louise will be to disappear for realz!!!! Enough of this never ending drama for the sake of all!!!


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:10 pm

Wendy wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:The reason for this has more to do with what type of people we want to be rather than the type of person Blake is. We want to believe in the goodness of people, believe in the happy ending. Believe that people are authentic and are truly what we hope them to be.

The problem is that says more about who WE are than who Blake is. He has shown, time and time again, when asked the facts, he claims NO responsibility...
Thank you for you insights AllAboutLove. I have found your analysis very revealing and insightful.

I understand that we often vacillate as we try to find the best in people and take in information and events as they occur, matching those against our own personal and world views. As a professional who works in the field of positive psychology, my lens tends to be positive (because that is in the best interest of my clients and myself). That doesn't mean I am not also an accurate observer of Blake's relative self-absorption and objectification of potential love interests in the quest to meet his needs of support and goal to find a marriage partner. I think it's quite possible to observe people's struggles to be authentic collide with their inability to do so without judging them. And still want a happy ending. Blake, Louise, Sam all want a happy ending. It's human to want that. It's just a collision between different people's desires, realities, abilities and histories writ large for us all to see. And in terms of Blake's abilities, he seems to be doing a pretty poor job of it. And the consequences are a little train wrecky.

Welcome1 Wendy. Great post, a good reminder for all of us.


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Post by mercieme Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:11 pm

grace8136 wrote:When did Sam unfollow Louise? She knew at least by that date.

If it's true that he was going to propose to Lisa, he may have sent his real F2 home in the F3 spot. Could he have been contractually obligated to propose?

Why does he go on this particular show after he feels they inserted a laugh track? In AU, isn't there another show he could have chosen for the interview?

Grace, Sam unfollowed Louise after the finale at least that's when the posters noted it on this forum right after it was announced that Blake called off the relationship. In fact Sam was quoted in a mag afterwards saying she didn't realize she had unfollowed Louise & she had called her since she had heard from everyone except Louise.

Sam has no filter & Blake applauded her many times on her honesty. IMO it's highly doubtful that Sam has been nothing but truthful in all these.


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Post by dirtystreetpie Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:43 pm

Have we forgotten the history of this man?  Blake is all about Blake. He left a girl waiting for him while he went on the show, he pashed at least half the girls on the show, he lives "in the moment", he picked out a wedding ring before knowing who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he unequivocally declared his undying love to Sam and then turns around immediately and doesn't show her any affection (immediately!!), he lies about his business, he lies about not having the  "headspace" to move on to another relationship (when he clearly already had declared his love for Louise via letter), he tweeted and deleted the statement that he  was NOT with louise when in fact he was, he just said he called Sam and said he was in love with louise yet sam still felt the need to text them both and ask them to tell her if it was true......  I could go on and on......  In the end it's his life and he is free to do what he pleases.  If louise wants that kind of man in her life  then they are a perfect match.  I do feel bad for the public for investing so much time and energy into all of this.   I feel bad for Sam because she put her heart on the line and gave him all she had.  His statement that he let louise go f3 because he was protecting her, what about Sam, why didn't he protect her when she expressed over and over how reluctant she was to go all in?  I digress. I too see the holes in his story and I don't think it will ever be resolved. My honest opinion is stop interviewing him and louise.  Stop giving them rewards for this behavior.  Let them slink off and live happily ever after, or for three or four months max.


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Post by mercieme Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:50 pm

dirtystreetpie wrote:Have we forgotten the history of this man?  Blake is all about Blake. He left a girl waiting for him while he went on the show, he pashed at least half the girls on the show, he lives "in the moment", he picked out a wedding ring before knowing who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he unequivocally declared his undying love to Sam and then turns around immediately and doesn't show her any affection (immediately!!), he lies about his business, he lies about not having the  "headspace" to move on to another relationship (when he clearly already had declared his love for Louise via letter), he tweeted and deleted the statement that he  was NOT with louise when in fact he was, he just said he called Sam and said he was in love with louise yet sam still felt the need to text them both and ask them to tell her if it was true......  I could go on and on......  In the end it's his life and he is free to do what he pleases.  If louise wants that kind of man in her life  then they are a perfect match.  I do feel bad for the public for investing so much time and energy into all of this.   I feel bad for Sam because she put her heart on the line and gave him all she had.  His statement that he let louise go f3 because he was protecting her, what about Sam, why didn't he protect her when she expressed over and over how reluctant she was to go all in?  I digress. I too see the holes in his story and I don't think it will ever be resolved. My honest opinion is stop interviewing him and louise.  Stop giving them rewards for this behavior.  Let them slink off and live happily ever after, or for three or four months max.

Thanks for posting... I have been eagerly awaiting your perspective. I wish we had all believed u when u warned us a couple of months ago about Blake's predisposition to love. I feel sorry & sad for all parties. You are right, I think it's time for all the interviews to stop. This has really taken a turn for the worse & getting ridiculous by the week!!!!


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:36 pm

Wendy wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:The reason for this has more to do with what type of people we want to be rather than the type of person Blake is. We want to believe in the goodness of people, believe in the happy ending. Believe that people are authentic and are truly what we hope them to be.

The problem is that says more about who WE are than who Blake is. He has shown, time and time again, when asked the facts, he claims NO responsibility...

Thank you for you insights AllAboutLove. I have found your analysis very revealing and insightful.

I understand that we often vacillate as we try to find the best in people and take in information and events as they occur, matching those against our own personal and world views. As a professional who works in the field of positive psychology, my lens tends to be positive (because that is in the best interest of my clients and myself). That doesn't mean I am not also an accurate observer of Blake's relative self-absorption and objectification of potential love interests in the quest to meet his needs of support and goal to find a marriage partner. I think it's quite possible to observe people's struggles to be authentic collide with their inability to do so without judging them. And still want a happy ending. Blake, Louise, Sam all want a happy ending. It's human to want that. It's just a collision between different people's desires, realities, abilities and histories writ large for us all to see. And in terms of Blake's abilities, he seems to be doing a pretty poor job of it. And the consequences are a little train wrecky.

Thank you, Wendy. And thank you for your response. You articulated so well what it means to not just being an observer but a participant of life (not just the show) and making sense of it all as best we can. Your words on vacillating between our need to find the best in people while trying to match up words/actions with that yardstick through the lens of our own life experiences and views is exactly how I feel and what I have been trying to do. Vacillating constantly.

I believe in the goodness of people, that at our core we all just want to be happy, fulfilled, and lead a life that has meaning and purpose. I am not naive to think this is true for everyone, but it is how I prefer to live my life because the alternative serves little purpose. That being said, I do feel, just like any of us, Blake wants to have a happy ending and live a purpose filled life as well. My only conflict has been what you have stated about his "abilities and the consequences being a little train wrecky".

Life is messy to be sure and the path to happiness may be clouded in doubt and confusion. So while he may indeed find that happiness with Louise, and she with him (and that is a sincere wish if he's genuine) I do feel that, imo, it would be a good idea, as it is for any of us, to be introspective and ask the tough questions. Louise stated that 'she can't question because she needs to support Blake.' Her reasons for this can be read into in varying ways, but ultimately, when considering marriage, one has to ask the tough questions. Some do before marriage, some during, and some after. One of my favourite quotes, paraphrased by many, is that "The most important relationship one can have is with oneself".

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Post by Sundy Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:27 pm

At the moment I can't see how Channel 10 can think about another Bachelor for next year. The backlash is epic. Australians are know for not liking liars, typically we are straight shooters and IMO I think this may have damaged the brand here. I think the only way of salvaging it is by having a Bachelorette next year and not a Bachelor.

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Post by AEF Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:37 pm

I don't disagree the Blake has tendencies that borders on narcissisitic But why has Louise chosen to put everything on the line rather than say Lisa. Definitely an interesting comment about this lasting 3 to 4 months.


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Post by AEF Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:41 pm

mercieme wrote:
grace8136 wrote:When did Sam unfollow Louise? She knew at least by that date.

If it's true that he was going to propose to Lisa, he may have sent his real F2 home in the F3 spot. Could he have been contractually obligated to propose?

Why does he go on this particular show after he feels they inserted a laugh track? In AU, isn't there another show he could have chosen for the interview?

Grace, Sam unfollowed Louise after the finale at least that's when the posters noted it on this forum right after it was announced that Blake called off the relationship. In fact Sam was quoted in a mag afterwards saying she didn't realize she had unfollowed Louise & she had called her since she had heard from everyone except Louise.

Sam has no filter & Blake applauded her many times on her honesty. IMO it's highly doubtful that Sam has been nothing but truthful in all these.

Sam's reactions on the preview do seem very Sam and genuine but I do have to say this was one of the things that stated us thinking there was something going on between Louise and Blake weeks ago, I think there was some falling out over something.


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Post by Guest Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:32 pm

AEF wrote:
mercieme wrote:
grace8136 wrote:When did Sam unfollow Louise? She knew at least by that date.

If it's true that he was going to propose to Lisa, he may have sent his real F2 home in the F3 spot. Could he have been contractually obligated to propose?

Why does he go on this particular show after he feels they inserted a laugh track? In AU, isn't there another show he could have chosen for the interview?

Grace, Sam unfollowed Louise after the finale at least that's when the posters noted it on this forum right after it was announced that Blake called off the relationship. In fact Sam was quoted in a mag afterwards saying she didn't realize she had unfollowed Louise & she had called her since she had heard from everyone except Louise.

Sam has no filter & Blake applauded her many times on her honesty. IMO it's highly doubtful that Sam has been nothing but truthful in all these.

Sam's reactions on the preview do seem very Sam and genuine but I do have to say this was one of the things that stated us thinking there was something going on between Louise and Blake weeks ago, I think there was some falling out over something.

She didn't accidentally delete Louise. Once you know there has been one lie, it's hard to know where the truth is in all of it. The poster that mentioned that Lisa was going to be the F1 should be considered for a moment. It really best explains his actions right after the proposal. I also don't know that we can rule out that he wasn't contractually obligated to propose. Dumb that he put himself in that position, but not impossible to believe.

Last edited by grace8136 on Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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