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Post by Guest Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:35 pm

mslat92 wrote:So, I have a little random inside goss from my sister who is friend's with a girl who works with someone that lives with Lisa (managed to follow that? laugh out loud). Lisa said that leading up to the proposal in South Africa, Blake was texting her all the time (my first thought was - they had phones?), and was asking her questions like if she was ready for marriage. He even admitted that she was the one he wanted, but it was during these series of revelations that Lisa realised she didn't want to be with Blake and let him know this. I think this panicked him, so he went to see her before the proposal w/o cameras. Despite his attempt to sway her, Lisa flat out told him she didn't love him and they "broke" up, but production obviously didn't like this scenario - they wanted Lisa and Sam there at the end for that all dramatic dumping at the "podium" and so they asked Lisa if she would stay and let Blake reject her at the end. She agreed. Essentially, Sam was his back-up. Blake was hurt by Lisa and was using Sam. I'm sure he probably hoped that he could make it work between them, but quickly realised the feelings just weren't there.

Here it is. *bump* This seems plausible to me.


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Post by sharkie Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:43 pm

dirtystreetpie wrote:Have we forgotten the history of this man?  Blake is all about Blake. He left a girl waiting for him while he went on the show, he pashed at least half the girls on the show, he lives "in the moment", he picked out a wedding ring before knowing who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he unequivocally declared his undying love to Sam and then turns around immediately and doesn't show her any affection (immediately!!), he lies about his business, he lies about not having the  "headspace" to move on to another relationship (when he clearly already had declared his love for Louise via letter), he tweeted and deleted the statement that he  was NOT with louise when in fact he was, he just said he called Sam and said he was in love with louise yet sam still felt the need to text them both and ask them to tell her if it was true......  I could go on and on......  In the end it's his life and he is free to do what he pleases.  If louise wants that kind of man in her life  then they are a perfect match.  I do feel bad for the public for investing so much time and energy into all of this.   I feel bad for Sam because she put her heart on the line and gave him all she had.  His statement that he let louise go f3 because he was protecting her, what about Sam, why didn't he protect her when she expressed over and over how reluctant she was to go all in?  I digress. I too see the holes in his story and I don't think it will ever be resolved. My honest opinion is stop interviewing him and louise.  Stop giving them rewards for this behavior.  Let them slink off and live happily ever after, or for three or four months max.

Perfectly said! clapping!


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:09 pm

Question: Other than being 'quoted' in a magazine article, has Sam herself stated in an interview where we hear her saying that she 'accidently' deleted Louise?

Earlier sleuthers on this thread know that we speculate a lot on here and even the Daily Mail has pulled almost word for word from our posts on this thread.
-- We were the first on the internet to post the image of Sam's nail polish and it was on the DM, exactly what we had posted.
-- Then when we stated Lisa and Sam had stopped following Louise on IG (and vice versa, actually) that was posted in an article as well with a 'quote' from Sam.

In Blake and Louise's interview:
-- Carrie asked Blake if Sam knew that he was with Louise.
-- He didn't answer the question.
-- He said that Sam knew he 'had feelings for Louise'. Sam has admitted that his problem was feeling for 'all the women' and that was emotionally confused. From what we have heard from Blake's own interviews, he had 'strong feelings' for many women, not just Sam, Lisa, and Louise. From the preview of Sam talking, she said she confronted him on it and he denied it (being with Louise). He also denied it on his Twitter account, which he then deleted once he had the Woman's Day magazine deal. Carrie even asked Louise how she could believe him when he had told Sam that she was the only one he was in love with. Strong feelings is one thing, wanting to marry them another.

The thing that is different about this is that it is not a Blake-Said vs Sam-Said thing. It is a Blake-Said vs They-Said (not just Sam, but Lisa too - the F2).
-- Lisa coming forward changes the whole picture, 'sisters before misters' rather than jilted F1.
-- IMO, I think Lisa has come forward because she believes that Louise is not getting all the facts on Blake's behaviour/story
-- It may even be to try to warn Louise that Blake's story of "I made a mistake' and that he should have chosen Louise (what he told Louise in his letter) is not true since he contacted Lisa and asked her if she still loved him/could see a future with him.
-- It may be that they tried to ask Louise but she didn't respond to them or denied it (which is what Lisa said that Louise denied being with Blake).
-- Hopefully, if Louise is being hoodwinked by Blake that she won't be blinded by her love so much that "she can't ask questions because she needs to support Blake". You only choose not to ask questions when you are afraid of the possible answers. Lisa coming into the picture forces Louise to see that it is not about Blake dumping Sam for her. It is about why did he ask Lisa if she saw a future with him/loved him still if he knew in Cape Town that he only loved Louise and sent her home to protect her?

Will be interesting to see what happens after we hear from Lisa on TheProject.

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Post by emusha Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:00 pm

ok this has reached the level of the most ridiculous season of the bach franchise ever!
the truth will probably come out 2 years later is my prediction for now -- it's official Blake did officially lie as recorded on interviews, twitter and as relayed by the ladies.

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Post by emusha Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:01 pm

the letter to louise -- makes me cringeeeee and gag!!! YUCK!!! what a sleaze

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Post by emusha Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:07 pm

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Post by mercieme Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:16 pm

emusha wrote:ok this has reached the level of the most ridiculous season of the bach franchise ever!
the truth will probably come out 2 years later is my prediction for now -- it's official Blake did officially lie as recorded on interviews, twitter and as relayed by the ladies.

Yay Emusha......glad to read from you. I said the same exact thing about the ridiculousness of all this when I decided to surface again yesterday. I am so disappointed in how things have turned out. I just want it all to go away really....I hope the media can stop all the interviews for realz.

Blake must have hired the worst PR rep ever, the truth will set you free is what they say. How hard is it for him to say he just didn't feel it with Sam and he decided to just try with any of the other girls he still had feelings for; instead of saying it had been Louise all along. IMO, saying Sam asked him not to say anything about Louise is the most idiotic move the PR folks told him to make....I guess they didn't bank on Lisa speaking up and Blake forgot how he told Sam many times that her honesty was one of her best qualities. Best thing is for Blake and Louise to just disappear for a while...hope they are not trying to cash in with public appearances for now I hope!!!!!


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Post by ellmack Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:26 pm

So after watching The Project interview I'm even more leaning towards what I posted back on Page 64. IMO I really don't think that Blake and Louise are a real couple. It looks too PR fabricated for me, too much puppetry going on. Stay tuned for the Blake/Louise break-up, coming soon to a magazine near you! (well, within 6 months anyway) laugh out loud

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Post by emusha Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:32 pm

mercieme wrote:
emusha wrote:ok this has reached the level of the most ridiculous season of the bach franchise ever!
the truth will probably come out 2 years later is my prediction for now -- it's official Blake did officially lie as recorded on interviews, twitter and as relayed by the ladies.

Yay Emusha......glad to read from you. I said the same exact thing about the ridiculousness of all this when I decided to surface again yesterday. I am so disappointed in how things have turned out. I just want it all to go away really....I hope the media can stop all the interviews for realz.

Blake must have hired the worst PR rep ever, the truth will set you free is what they say. How hard is it for him to say he just didn't feel it with Sam and he decided to just try with any of the other girls he still had feelings for; instead of saying it had been Louise all along. IMO, saying Sam asked him not to say anything about Louise is the most idiotic move the PR folks told him to make....I guess they didn't bank on Lisa speaking up and Blake forgot how he told Sam many times that her honesty was one of her best qualities. Best thing is for Blake and Louise to just disappear for a while...hope they are not trying to cash in with public appearances for now I hope!!!!!

while it's been great being with you fellow posters....I feel like the whole season was such a waste on this man! everyone's time and energy and emotions -- including ALL the girls and viewers. the level of lying and shadiness coming out of the post-season debacle is insane. I've lost track of all the lying that has gone on and all of it coming out of the lead's mouth!! we've never seen this level of shade even when jake was cruising around famewhoring this franchise like nobody's business....

I feel really very sorry for louise at this point. she's spouting the ridiculous nonsense blake is feeding her "we want to be together whatever we have to go through" blah blah she's taking a huge risk for him and I wish her luck! nobody deserves the way he treats women. sorry that people like dirtystreetpie, sam and louise have to be put through it and I hope louise wakes up to his shadiness very soon!

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Post by mercieme Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:33 pm

I am so loving Lisa more and more post show....this was a response from the barrage of posts asking her and Sam to move on. Lisa is saying folks deserve the truth, wow Blake is really in the deep end!!!!

lisa_m_hyde wrote: Hey guys, @fro01 and I appreciate the support. There are a few people telling us to move on, trust me we want to move on with our lives more then you all telling us. The Project wasn't to bring their relationship down or to bag out Louise, it was for the viewers that actually watched the show and deserve to know the truth. I don't blame you for hating hearing about the show, but we are real people living this and don't need to be criticized on our pages. Thanks  13h


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:33 pm

Why go through all this if he really didn't fall in love with Louise? IDK, the way he looks at her in that clip, looks like he is really happy with her.

The whole situation was handled poorly especially when they knew he changed his mind. They should have had an ATFR sit down, for the viewers with Sam explaining, his side of the story, apologizing to Sam, and announce what his new decision was.


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