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Bachelor In Paradise - Season 2 - Episode Discussions - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 59 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Season 2 - Episode Discussions - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:04 pm

chasingpavements wrote:I think a lot of people could say the same for him since he was ready to marry two women he had gone on 4-5 dates with.

cantstopl cantstopl cantstopl

btw, I finally watched the AP show from start to finish. I think there was NO studio audience and it was only the studio crew and canned audience noise. Hmmmm.

Also, Jared was more articulate in his clips on the AP than he was in Ette, BIP, or MTA. Wow!


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Post by bleuberry Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:08 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
OnePromise wrote:
bleuberry wrote:

Attention, trying to sound cool/witty, joining the 'in' club of kids. It's high school all over again. And I judge every last one of them. giggling

Just a question, but how are all of our "judgy" comments about the Bach alumni any different from their snarky SM comments about Bach alumni?  Wouldn't we be the pots calling the kettles black?  Should people judge us because we speak our minds openly about the contestants?  I think not.  

We've never been in TV and talked about how hard and unfair it is to be judged so harshly b/c of a TV edit. Nick spent all season defending himself (I don't tell the guys about sex! I was immaure but I regret it! Kaitlyn not a sl*t b/c drunk sex on a first date is an emotional thing!). Then for him to turn around and mock two people, one of which has taken the unpopular position of standing up for him multiple times in twitter?  

Spot on. :yes:

chasingpavements wrote:

If we're going to let Nick get away with this, all of Andi, Josh, and Kaitlyn/Shawn's comments about him on Twitter and interviews are okay?

You read my mind here, good point. giggling Seems like everyone gets called to task except for one special snowflake.

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In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Post by mindless Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:18 pm

rosesrREd wrote:
sdmom wrote:Nick deleted his tweets within an hour. Maybe he regretted his tweets and then took them back.  Like I said before, it could happen to all of us: we say/post something then later regret and wish we could take it back. He was snarky last BIP and Marcus got upset at him. I don't think it's a big deal now, but if nick continue to post negative tweets, I will be disappointed.

I think the comment he made about Ashley I.was that she lacked perspective by using phrases like "I'm always" or "I'll die" when she relates it to her BIP experience.

I don't see anything wrong with saying that she lacks perspective. It's not an insult, it's a fact. And pointing it out is encouraging in a way, because the good thing about perspective is that we all gain more of it with each passing year. It's like saying you have all the tools, you just need a bit more life experience to apply them.

I generally don't mind snark if it's done in good humour. Some are just plain mean about it though, like Kelly Travis and yesterday's co-host. It's not really snark if it's not even funny. And I do read more into "harmless" comments if there's a background of animosity between the person doing the snarking and the person they're snarking on. Sorry, but context matters.

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:20 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
chloep wrote:Blah.. Just watched the eppies... Loved M+L bit. They were without a doubt the best part of the show... Will be a season to forget, IMO... And the after show was beyond horrible. I have no idea what the execs are thinking over at WBs... This franchise has gone down a road that no prime time, seasoned show should go down on and I don't think there is turning back now. Respect Lacy for calling Jenny out on being mean, crass and condescending to people. Love this girl.

Oh, did she? Props to her!! Honestly, there was just no excuse for that p*nis comment when they just did a segment on anti-bullying. It's like sl*t-Shaming is bad, but transphobic joke because just someone doesn't have a certain body is okay? And, they knew she would be this way from her tweets so it's just inexcusable.

And, for a second, I thought M+L = Mikey and Lauren, haha!  
This is why I think this show has left the days of Sean types as lead.
They have steadily pushed the boundaries with CS season (virgins and sex, showering with JKL, and in the hottub together) and then with K's season, pushed even more, and then with BIP and After Paradise, even more.
Parody, drama, controversy, sex, virgins, etc, etc... that seems to be TPTB main objective now.
The show is a mockery of love and it is aware of this and will highlight it.

What is known is that CH said last year they all sat down and discussed how to change the show.
CS' season, K's season and now BIP and AP are part of that change.
I will be surprised if TPTB don't want to go for even more drama come January's Season 20.
CH's catchphrase is "most DRAMATIC" ever... not "most wonderful love story, or journey, or connection."

It's all about drama. That's what TPTB are selling. Not love.
True they never really have but from JPG to CS season it has been about sex/virgins.
IMO, JPG is disliked because he never committed, not b/c of pre-FS what-have-you.
TPTB want the sex/drama but they do want the ring/fake love/engagement as bookends to their sordid TB tale.
They want their cake and eat it too. Whoever is lead, I don't see TPTB letting them get away with not showcasing sex, love, and drama.

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Post by Bet2Win Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:29 pm

Sadie's virginity was highlighted long ago. As was sex, since the first season, with the F1 and also Trista when they showed Alex and Trista in the FS, and showed them turning the camera off.

What hasn't been showcased in prior seasons is actually talking about what happened sexually or talking about a man's junk, etc. The closest they came was an innuendo that Ed couldn't perform, Emily saying she wouldn't take Arie to the FS because he's that hot, and Matt's F2 showing her stripping her undies off in the room, then calling him a douchebag for cutting her at the FRC. All innuendo, not admissions and actual discussions.

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Post by Topazgold Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:31 pm

So were we dupped with the Marcus & Lacey wedding?


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Post by Guest Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:32 pm

I also liked Josh Malina and how he snarked on Kirk's 'conversate'. Perfectly delivered.
The only time he really bombed was when he mentioned Gavin Rossdale as TB. Ewwww. He cheated on Gwen thruout their marriage. He is certainly douchey enuff to be TB but not young enuff.


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Post by Kashathediva Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:32 pm

OnePromise wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
OnePromise wrote:

Just a question, but how are all of our "judgy" comments about the Bach alumni any different from their snarky SM comments about Bach alumni?  Wouldn't we be the pots calling the kettles black?  Should people judge us because we speak our minds openly about the contestants?  I think not.  

We've never been in TV and talked about how hard and unfair it is to be judged so harshly b/c of a TV edit. Nick spent all season defending himself (I don't tell the guys about sex! I was immaure but I regret it! Kaitlyn not a sl*t b/c drunk sex on a first date is an emotional thing!). Then for him to turn around and mock two people, one of which has taken the unpopular position of standing up for him multiple times in twitter?  

So does that suggest that because we have not publically been "bullied" and then taken a stance against bullying, we can speak negatively without regard for those contestants we have never met? I think that it is wrong either way.  If we attempt to point out Nick's (or any other contestants') seemingly double standards, we should also take a look at our own motives.  It might give a bit of clarity regarding the reality of the situation those we watch on reality TV are truly in.  If we can do it without judgment... Why can't they?

This forum was started by a small group of 100 or so members. The intent was for open discussion, sleuthing and spoiling and a huge dose of snarking.
Then the forum grew by leaps and bounds and became more public. Fan threads were established because members wanted them. This was not the original intent of the forum. We have rules set up for all areas of the forum and hope they cover posting decorum. :Nod:

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by mindless Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:39 pm

Topazgold wrote:So were we dupped with the Marcus & Lacey wedding?

I hope so because it was so awkward. Like a drive-thru wedding. Random people in bikinis and the one cast member Lacy's actually friends with didn't even get to attend, because she arrived a day later. No one deserves a wedding like that.

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Post by bleuberry Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:48 pm

Wait what? Do we think they're faking it?

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In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Post by Seabear Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:54 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
chloep wrote:Blah.. Just watched the eppies... Loved M+L bit. They were without a doubt the best part of the show... Will be a season to forget, IMO... And the after show was beyond horrible. I have no idea what the execs are thinking over at WBs... This franchise has gone down a road that no prime time, seasoned show should go down on and I don't think there is turning back now. Respect Lacy for calling Jenny out on being mean, crass and condescending to people. Love this girl.

Oh, did she? Props to her!! Honestly, there was just no excuse for that p*nis comment when they just did a segment on anti-bullying. It's like sl*t-Shaming is bad, but transphobic joke because just someone doesn't have a certain body is okay? And, they knew she would be this way from her tweets so it's just inexcusable.

And, for a second, I thought M+L = Mikey and Lauren, haha!  
This is why I think this show has left the days of Sean types as lead.
They have steadily pushed the boundaries with CS season (virgins and sex, showering with JKL, and in the hottub together) and then with K's season, pushed even more, and then with BIP and After Paradise, even more.
Parody, drama, controversy, sex, virgins, etc, etc... that seems to be TPTB main objective now.
The show is a mockery of love and it is aware of this and will highlight it.

What is known is that CH said last year they all sat down and discussed how to change the show.
CS' season, K's season and now BIP and AP are part of that change.
I will be surprised if TPTB don't want to go for even more drama come January's Season 20.
CH's catchphrase is "most DRAMATIC" ever... not "most wonderful love story, or journey, or connection."

It's all about drama. That's what TPTB are selling. Not love.
True they never really have but from JPG to CS season it has been about sex/virgins.
IMO, JPG is disliked because he never committed, not b/c of pre-FS what-have-you.
TPTB want the sex/drama but they do want the ring/fake love/engagement as bookends to their sordid TB tale.
They want their cake and eat it too. Whoever is lead, I don't see TPTB letting them get away with not showcasing sex, love, and drama.

IMO:  TPTB bailed on JPG when he made those remarks in Pasadena that were anti gay.  After that is was a contentious road the rest of the season.  What I find incredibly offensive is TPTB pretending to be anti bullying and then having Jenny the co-host on the After Show repeatedly call out Jillian for having a p*nis. Are you kidding me??  Maybe TPTB ought to check out what is at the forefront in the media these days. Looking like a woman, having a p*nis....ring any bells?  How about the Fact that Caitlyn Jenner just received an national award and Transgender conversations are everywhere.  Jenny's comments were not snarky humor, they were mean offensive and downright unacceptable.  I love humor and appreciate some good snark and sarcasm but some things are just not funny ever.  Ok off my :soapbox   As always, JMO Hugesmile

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Post by Guest Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:10 pm

mindless wrote:
Topazgold wrote:So were we dupped with the Marcus & Lacey wedding?

I hope so because it was so awkward. Like a drive-thru wedding. Random people in bikinis and the one cast member Lacy's actually friends with didn't even get to attend, because she arrived a day later. No one deserves a wedding like that.

It was just super weird how CH couldn't even say "why don't you all go freshen up and change...I have a surprise for you!". I also don't get why they didn't just have it a day later so Clare could attend. It was such a joke, and I feel bad for Marcus/Lacey because they probably had no idea to expect that.

I can totally believe that they haven't gotten a marriage license yet. Lacey has said a bunch of times that they will have a reception when Marcus gets back, so maybe they will do a vow exchange again.


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