Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - #2 - Discussion

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Post by Sprite Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:38 pm

isittrue wrote:I also remember reading that Shawn did a dry November as well.  No question about Kaitlyn likes her wine  so this probably is a big sacrifice to her.  She even agreed with someone on Twitter that she likes her snaps better when she is drinking.  But at least she is showing some support of Shawn's venture however reluctantly.  Who knows, maybe this month away from the booze might encourage her to drink less and learn to have fun without wine.  

That would certainly be a positive but I'm not holding my breath. When she was talking about it last night, she definitely did not look too enthused about the idea. If it was Shawn's idea...which I suspect it was...he better watch it. It was only four days into the sobriety and she was already looking mighty testy.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by rhondam Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:57 pm

Sprite wrote:
That was one awkward appearance...and I'm not just talking about her hideous orange and purple look!

Kaitlyn and Shawn really didn't say much and did appear strained. It could well be because she is/they are going through detox. I have to admit to being somewhat surprised about the sober January. I wonder if someone may have staged a bit of an intervention?

One thing that I noticed on the show that stood out for me was when CH asked Ben if they are still friends and keep in contact. Ben said something along the lines of yes, he and Shawn are good friends and when he sees Kaitlyn he tries to say hi. It just struck me as a rather odd answer and coupled with the fact that when they wrapped up the show, as everyone was getting up, Ben hugged Shawn and Kaitlyn just kept sitting there. It looked as if he was going to turn away, but then after a kind of awkward pause, he got her up and hugged her quickly and then basically went into the crowd and ignored them. I just got the impression that Ben is not a big fan of K.

I saw this ^ too and think Ben handled the question very well. Smiley

As for the awkwardness between Shawn and Kaitlyn, they might have had an argument before but I saw: Shawn seemed genuinely happy and excited to see Ben for the first time they said since Ben was let go (is this right??) and was trying to hug him and congratulate him and I think even wanted to sit next to him but of course Kaitlyn got in the middle and Shawn muttered something about taking his seat. Did I hear that right? Anyway then he was asked a question and was just beginning to answer and Kaitlyn cut him off and answered it for him and he just seemed to look, well like his balls crawled up and then took his usual back seat to her and clammed up. I think he loves her but he's an alpha male so think he may also have some regrets. If/when they ever do split up, I think Shawn will be the one to initiate it. Kaitlyn would be wise to open her eyes and see what she is doing to him and if that is impossible because of the narcissism, a friend, her dad, a sister-in-law or even her father-in-law need to tell her to let him keep his balls and stop disrespecting him!!

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Post by Guest Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:07 pm

The hockey player (whom she was supposedly wanted to married) but who did not marry her may have seen this too and took his balls back.  Shawn in time will take his ball back and bail on this sinking ship.  I dont think Ben have any respect for Kaitlyn or any of the others guys if you asked me.  TOG must be counting his lucky stars he really dodge a big bullet.  JMHO


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Post by mindless Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:47 pm

Nothing says "drinking problem" like taking part in sober January. I bet the last time Kaitlyn was sober for a month was in elementary school, and it shows. She was looking rough! Did she put on makeup in the dark? She better drag Shawn down the aisle soon, before he realises what a lame prize he won.

Oh and I almost forgot how annoying it is that she keeps sucking her fake lips. It's worse than Emily's veneer licking.

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:49 pm

Hopefully if she has alcohol issues she works on them prior to getting married to anyone.

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Post by kimberlyg Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:57 pm

I did a sober November for health reasons, so while for most people it isn't a sign of alcohol problems, for K it kind of is. I have a feeling Shawn pushed her into sober January since it's a big thing in the fitness world and he has his new products to sell. That said, no alcohol would definitely explain why she was a cranky on Monday.

And I agree Kasha, I hope she works on her alcohol problems. Maybe the sober month will be a wake-up call. She wouldn't be the first Bachelorette either; it seemed like Meredith had a glass of wine constantly through her season and then it turned out she was an alcoholic....


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Post by Kashathediva Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:21 am

Alcohol and other addictions are epidemic. It's a reality that needs to be dealt with healthily in society rather than shamed. JMOAA. 
I don't think anyone who has alcohol or drug issues chose to have them. It's a demon that swallows you up stealthily. Again all m.o.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:45 am

Kaitlyn Bristowe ‏@kaitlynbristowe  

Is it just me or is it really creepy when a girl with a rose sticks her butt in my face to get a selfie with my fiancé on a plane....

Is it just me or is it really creepy when a girl tells a guy he is "the one" and then days later chooses to sleep with the very person that he said he was not okay with? no

Honestly, I think Shawn should have gone with his instinct when he confronted Kaitlyn the first time instead of buying her BS which I think he did moreso because he wanted to win and be the "Winner" and stayed with her post-show because he wanted to be seen as a "success." It's also why I think they are still together. :Nod:

Heck, even Jimmy Kimmel made fun of them and made them vow about staying together. I think they just don't want to look like failures and a waste of time and also want to use their relationship status to get $$$ so they will stick together until interest/offers are few and then there's no use for each other. no no

Not having any concrete plans for marriage (something which all the married alums did have) makes me thing that they are just using each other to get opportunities and to try advance their "careers" ... whatever those are: the exercise/food thing for Shawn and singing lessons (help us all) for Kaitlyn. Rolling Eyes


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Post by bluwavz Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:01 am

I agree with most of that except for the part about Shawn just wanting to win and only staying with her to be a success story. He seems like such a lovesick puppy to me and I don't think he realizes what a dud he proposed to. He was so unhinged and overemotional that I can't believe it was anything more than really wanting to end up with her which is LOL WTF to me, but whatever. If he was in his right mind, he would've realized that winning would've been telling her "um thanks, but no thanks" after she told him what happened with TOG and trying to be the Bachelor instead which he probably would've had a good shot at. Shawn didn't win anything.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:04 am

^ I agree that Shawn didn't win anything. I think most of the guys (all of them) thank their lucky stars they weren't F1.  :yes:

BUT... I still think Shawn wanted to "win" while he was on the show.

After the show? I think he just has too big of an ego and pride to have dumped her and with the whole sl*t shaming thing I think he would have been too scared to dump her since Kaitlyn told Shawn about the pre-FD sex on the show. I actually think it was a very manipulative thing of Kaitlyn to do especially telling Shawn on camera so he had to make his mind up then to leave or stay. He chose to stay and maybe he is blinded by love or whatever to stay with Kaitlyn but I still do think they are using each other for what they can for the $$$$ they get by being together.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:19 am

Just to add:

If Shawn was sooo in love with Kaitlyn he would be wanting to be married to her ASAP and not hemming and hawing about wedding dates and Kaitlyn saying April Fools 1st is the date. If they were really serious like the past leads that have gotten married they would have a concrete date. And the whole "well it's such a whirlwind so we are just taking our time blah blah blah" is nonsense, IMO.

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Post by jen689 Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:30 am

Since Shawn's parents are divorced do you think he has some personal baggage/issues he needs to work through/resolve before he's ready for marriage? I thought he talked about this during Kaitlyn's season.


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