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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:33 am

I am sure Shawn has issues as does Kaitlyn in different levels.
My advice to them both is to cancel their subscription and move on.

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Post by Guest Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:33 am

AllAboutLove wrote:
^ I agree that Shawn didn't win anything. I think most of the guys (all of them) thank their lucky stars they weren't F1.  :yes:

BUT... I still think Shawn wanted to "win" while he was on the show.

After the show? I think he just has too big of an ego and pride to have dumped her and with the whole sl*t shaming thing I think he would have been too scared to dump her since Kaitlyn told Shawn about the pre-FD sex on the show. I actually think it was a very manipulative thing of Kaitlyn to do especially telling Shawn on camera so he had to make his mind up then to leave or stay. He chose to stay and maybe he is blinded by love or whatever to stay with Kaitlyn but I still do think they are using each other for what they can for the $$$$ they get by being together.

AAL, I agree with you, as always.
IMO, Shawn's attitude during filming showed how much he wanted to win! Who could forget the way he talked to the producers after Kaitlyn picked Jared for some extended quality time, and how he treated TOG. He acts like a school boy, wanted so bad to be picked by the class teacher to be the captain, just to show everyone how he is the best in class.


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Post by stuckinsc Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:51 am

I am not a fan, but this is the first time in their whole experience together post-show that Shawn has seemed not thrilled. As much as they annoy me, they seem to fit. And sobriety for a person who relies so heavily on alcohol is no joke. I am not going to predict their doom off one appearance.

I didn't like Shawn, but I genuinely think he was freaked out by how much he felt for Kaitlyn and annoying as his TOG stuff was it was his very real insecurity at losing Kaitlyn.

I am fine and even happy for this couple to stay together, I just don't get why his family likes her.

As for wedding plans, they live with his sister right now. I actually like they aren't rushing that. Get stable or as stable as Kaitlyn can ever be first.

If we start seeing more issues fine, but one thing is not enough for me to say break up.

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Post by Guest Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:50 am

stuckinsc wrote:I am not a fan, but this is the first time in their whole experience together post-show that Shawn has seemed not thrilled. As much as they annoy me, they seem to fit. And sobriety for a person who relies so heavily on alcohol is no joke. I am not going to predict their doom off one appearance.

I didn't like Shawn, but I genuinely think he was freaked out by how much he felt for Kaitlyn and annoying as his TOG stuff was it was his very real insecurity at losing Kaitlyn.

I am fine and even happy for this couple to stay together, I just don't get why his family likes her.

As for wedding plans, they live with his sister right now. I actually like they aren't rushing that. Get stable or as stable as Kaitlyn can ever be first.

If we start seeing more issues fine, but one thing is not enough for me to say break up.

I love your well reasoned, objective, nice post Stuckinsc and I agree with pretty much all your points.   

I agree that was the first time I've seen them where I could say maybe there were signs of strain because overall their relationship has seemed quite solid, genuine and like they are a great fit and very much on the same page. But it was a weird awkward setting so who knows.  I didn't like that Kaitlyn didn't let Shawn get a word out on the aftershow, but maybe he's fine with that. I don't know.

Really since the show I've come to be rooting more for Shawn in this and agree that if I was his family I wouldn't be a fan of hers and I would guess they are just supporting their son/brother who they love and trying really hard to support his relationship, IMO.  I also agree that Shawn could be the one to get fed up, if one of them does.  I didn't like that Kaitlyn didn't let him get a word out on that aftershow at all. Years and years of that could seem like a no-go for anyone.

Re the Dry January thing, Dr. Oz had a whole segment on it this week about how it's good for your skin, weight and overall a good detox for your body and health and that it's really popular to do in Britain. They had a group of ladies who like to casually have a few drinks when they have girls nights on to talk about trying it. So it's a thing people who have drinking as part of their lives are doing, like going on a diet. I'd guess Kaitlyn is doing it more from this perspective, an overall health choice to start the new year, a good resolution.  She does drink a lot, so take a break, give her body a break and learn to maybe decrease her consumption a little when she goes back to normal.  Good for her for doing it.


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Post by isittrue Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:21 pm

Good posts stuckinsc and relaxing! IMO, what's funny is that coming off the show, I always thought Shawn would be the more dominant, demanding one in the relationship and would have jealousy issues but it appears Kaitlyn is. She seems to be a lot to handle and I am amazed Shawn goes along with it. (She would probably drive most other men nuts!) Then again, he supposedly is comfortable with her taking the spotlight so maybe he is fine with her behavior. We really don't know completely how their life is like but for now they seem to be proving the doubters wrong and lasting longer than many predicted. I am impressed that they moved to Nashville and spend a lot of time with his family as I thought early on that she would make Canada their home base and make her family their focal point. As with any of these relationships, time will tell.


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Post by bleuberry Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:42 pm

I don't think they should be rushing to marry either. The last 2 married Bachelorettes took 19 & 20 months, respectively, to walk down the aisle (from proposal date) - and they had pretty stable lives.  These two are 7-8 months in and are taking a little longer to settle down in their own place. 2 years is a good time IMO.

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Post by isittrue Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:54 pm

Yeah, I definitely don't see not setting a wedding date yet as a sign of trouble in their relationship.


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Post by mindless Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:22 pm

I don't either. It's not like these two seem big on planning anything. They'd probably rather avoid it as long as possible, unless someone offers to do the planning for them.

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Post by lovebites8727 Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:18 pm

I was on this ig selfie pic of K with élan and others and able to scroll the comment section . Lol again K the negativity is what she spent time to response than the positive words for her . She did not say swearing words but I just hope she stop doing that , focusing more on negativity since there are so many people who love her and praising her . And élan joined her . And she said to the person that she is blocking him so that she cannot see his sad self. Well she should not say that she is blocking him but just block him and don't feed the negativity period .She should not waste her time to negativity. Ignore and block . Jmo .

Last edited by lovebites8727 on Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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"challenges are what makes life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.real love is when you are completely committed to someone even when they are being completely unlovable.a strong marriage requires two people who chose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.a great marriage doesn't happen when the perfect couple gets together.It happens when an imperfect couple gets together and learn to enjoy each other's differences."

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Post by KB_Mom Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:38 pm

^ K is definitely a "glass half empty" rather than "glass half full" person. I personally cannot wrap my brain around the fact that there are people who actually spend time trolling sm to make negative comments and criticize a person they only "know" from TV\media\sm, but as much as a dinosaur as I am, it's obvious to me there will always be a large segment of sm trolls for any person who puts their life out there on sm. Accept that as fact, ignore and move on.

For a woman who is supposed to be very happy and in love, has had some amazing opportunities and experiences as a result of being the 'ette, I just don't get sinking to the level of the trolls and responding no no

Maybe with all the other lessons he got her for Christmas gifts, Shawn should have gotten her some "How to handle sm with class and dignity when propelled from anonymity to D List fame by a silly TV show" lessons. I'd nominate Nick as the teacher if he wasn't so busy with his other pursuits.

And to think how excited I was when she became the 'ette...... Embarassed

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Post by bluwavz Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:51 pm

Embarassed I know. I was so fired up when she and Britt were both announced and I was pulling for her get the gig because I was not able to tolerate Britt at all and then by the end of her season I was sorry I got what I asked for. #oops. cheeky

Last edited by bluwavz on Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by lovebites8727 Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:51 pm

^ plus negativity always going to be a part of her life and their life now . I mean that is pretty normal in sm world , especially being known. She should know that trolls will forever be everywhere out there . She cannot control them. I don't mind if she is responding to them at some point . That is her right . But the best way to do it just don't feed these trolls at all . Ignore and move on. Coz the more you feed them the more the people who love her will follow her and the negativity won't stop. But it looks like she cannot take any kind of criticisms. So I don't think she will ever stop responding and focusing to negativity . jmo.

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"challenges are what makes life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.real love is when you are completely committed to someone even when they are being completely unlovable.a strong marriage requires two people who chose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.a great marriage doesn't happen when the perfect couple gets together.It happens when an imperfect couple gets together and learn to enjoy each other's differences."

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