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Post by crazychicken Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:52 pm

I hate a mystery so I did a quick google to see if the birthdate does match, and it does according to I captured the page but erased the address except the town which matches his hometown according to his facebook. It has his sister and mom listed as possible relatives so the Arizona charge might be him. To be honest I am going to put it down to a youthful indiscretion since it seems to be a once off, there are many times in my youth I could/should have been arrested as long as he grew and learnt from it I am not going to label him as a violent criminal. From what I have seen on the show he does not seem to be a violent person there has been many a time I want to smack Ashley through the TV screen and he has remained calm, but then basement Ryan R fooled me last season so my character judgement may be off. I do think that if it was him that it should have precluded him from the show as should any participant with a criminal history as they are marrying these people and some people may object to any sort of past like that and they should be able to decide for themselves before committing to a marriage.

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Post by ribbons of color Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:55 pm

It may also be a cousin, families live in the same town, have the same sir name, just a thought.

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Post by jlccaz Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:06 pm

I draw no conclusions.  From the court records, it's David Middle Initial "T" Norton, gives Address of West Babylon NY (very near Hempstead the next destination on his LinkedIn), and this person was born May 1985 also.  

The LinkedIn says he was in Phoenix AZ working for a sports team in sales from May - October 2007.  

The arrest is August 14 2007 and Peoria is a nearby suburb.  

And that the record was requested by someone in the days immediately surrounding the wedding after eight years of no activity seemed another coincidence.

So many items correlated.  But no conclusions from me, that's for sure.  I was curious when the actual wedding date was.

But who knows.

And my real point, was learning this within a few days of a matched marriage to a stranger would be upsetting and not build trust.

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Post by ribbons of color Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:25 pm

Common Scents prevails, at the end of the day, they (the show and its people) are not going to open themselves to a giant law suit, I feel that everyone was put under the microscope, and found to be squeaky clean, and if that was not the case, this marriage would never have happened, we would have never known Dave & Ashley, especially if Domestic Violence turned up in their investigation, done visiting this topic, it has no merit.

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Post by Alanna Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:52 pm

But wasn't/isn't crazy Ryan with Jessica last year also have some legal troubles and domestic violence problems? And he was cast just fine. Basically the only sane and not sold out expert is Pepper imo. Logan is so stylish despite being a total waste of useful space and the other two men are fairly harmless so whatever I guess.

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:57 pm

After Season 2, nothing surprises me, lawsuit or not. Ryan was a lunatic, with a very shady past, Jessica has a restraining order against him and it was obvious they didn't care about background checks. Davina's husband ( how soon we forget names, I wanted all of them out of my brain laugh out loud) he was a creep from what posters that apparently knew him shared with us here. IIRC they weren't willing to help Jessica with any sort of protection while all the allegations were going on.


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Post by crazychicken Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:16 pm

Yep I do not think production would have any issues with casting David even if they knew it was his record, they knew Ryan had anger issues, they had to have seen this issues while filming yet left Jessica in the situation. Then when Jessica got the restraining order and requested footage to back it up the went to court with some lame bull dust excuse so they did not have produce it. From the more recent articles they even paid for Ryan's divorce lawyer until he turned his anger on them and they quit. The production company IMO has shown that they are willing to let a lot slide to ensure they have a show.


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Post by Bankerboy Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:35 pm

None of this surprises me.  Since the beginning I have felt that David was too calculating.  He definitely fits the Eddie Haskell type...portrays himself as the wonderful, can do no wrong type of guy.  In my opinion, I think Ashley had his number from the start.  **edited**

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : We don't tell members what to do.)


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:41 pm

welcomebanner Bankerboy! I used to be a Banker Girl Smiley


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Post by jlccaz Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:04 pm

1.  If a match, the court record confirms that Kinetic Content did not locate or read this record until the day of or just prior to the wedding date.  So much for background checks preceding the matches.

2.  Perhaps the groom was deceptive in his applications for the process, so Kinetic Content did not know to look in Arizona Supreme Court.  What does this say about the groom.  (would justify the bride's refusal to bond)

3.  Consider that the same day practically, Season 2 had imploded and that only got worse over time (restraining orders, a true circus).

4.  Perhaps, to wildly speculate, Ashley and David were paid (extra??) to stay in the experiment including getting a bigger house/budget/fee, especially after whatever couple Sam/Neil replaced three weeks later bolted. And I bet she and he signed confidentiality agreements to not disparage one another or the show -- especially in light of all the Season 2 "Wives" solidarity and trashing of the experts and the show.

5.  My personal opinion only is that Ashley found out David had a domestic violence history, and was never going to stay with him except for the money, and that the "I'm not attracted to his looks" was code for "I am not marrying this guy who among other obvious flaws on paper literally has a rap sheet for domestic violence that should have disqualified him, and in any event was not timely disclosed to me by the Producers."

I hope she doubled her weekly price.  It also makes sense that their housing budget is ridiculously high in contrast to the other two couples.  

They made a business deal and they are playing out their pre-agreed parts, that's what I think.  His role is "I am falling in love with my wife and trying really hard."  Hers is "I can't get past not being attracted to him."  

This thesis makes every single episode and interview hang together -- the failure to progress, the repetition in the interviews, her refusal to involve her friends in sham parties about a sham wedding, the absence of her family post-wedding, the (insincere) "positive" social media statements about one another, his texting/tomcatting on the side during the experiment (it's not an actual marriage) which set her up to make him (finally) look bad on camera ... I could go on and on.

In short, money is talking here, IMO, not the participants in some "experiment." As I used to say re The Bach/ette shows -- the business of TV usually explains just about everything.

Finally, to return to first principles -- if hypothetically, the "experts" knew or later learned the above about his record and the business deal, they are really despicable to show up and film those fake counseling sessions as if America can learn something from David and Ashley's "journey." Where's the professional integrity in that? If they didn't know, then they are lacking the basic facts to carry out a pseudo-counseling role.

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:45 pm

If it were me, and I somehow found out during filming, although Ashley had that attitude right from the beginning, I don't care what contract I signed. I would have walked away and told them to sue me while I meet with my lawyer. I hope, no one would live with someone who in fact had a domestic violence charge and proven, against them for any reason what so ever.

There's two sides to a story. I know someone who went through hell because of an ex who made false claims against him abusive in nature. I'm not saying he's innocent or that Ashley is a victim, I would like to see more factual information if he is the correct David Norton.


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Post by mindless Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:59 pm

I don't think it's fair to say David has a domestic violence history. He wasn't charged with domestic violence, he was charged with disorderly conduct. That means he didn't pose an actual threat to anyone. Most likely he had some drunken row at home with his girlfriend and they ordered him to take some domestic violence classes. I've seen no sign of him having a temper, unlike Ryan D.

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