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Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:16 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:
lrose wrote:
So just found this article and thought I would post here. It is quite interesting so far (haven't read it all yet)
G says a lot in this about the final 5 guys
Oh wow! Very interesting article and very revealing, imo.

I can see how Georgia's descriptions of the guys show who she has the strongest connection with, especially the labels that are given for each of the guys which seem to sum up her connection with them, imo.

What is most interesting to me about this article is the order each guy is in when written about which is how I've thought the F1-F5 order may be:
Jake = "an immediate connection"
Matty = "the joker"
Lee = "the age factor"
Courtney = "the intriguer"
Cameron = "happy and positive"

Couple of thoughts:
- From this article I would say it adds to me thinking Jake is F1, especially since Osher implied that he knew early on who her F1 would be.
- This article reminds me of the Elle article Georgia talked about chemistry with Jake and which made me think he may be F1 (posted here).
- Georgia keeps bringing up how she feels with Jake and chemistry with Jake and it reminds me of Richie with Alex, Sam with Sasha, and Sam with Snez where the physical/chemistry is mentioned the most about their F1.
- I also think the cons that Georgia lists are most telling, imo, especially with Jake where his con really isn't a con at all, imo. All the others she talks about seem like the cons listed are more legit reasons for not being F1, imo.

“It’s such a big decision to make to meet a partner’s family, let alone a potential partner’s family,” she said. “Family is hugely important to me so I understood how big a thing it will be to meet these guys’ families, knowing that for all but one of them, it will be the last time I see them. “To decide whose families I would meet was huge.”

While she said she had no doubt that all men left on the show would make incredible life partners, she did admit each had cons to go along with their multiple pros. “It wasn’t a case of pitting them against each other and deciding who had more pros, it was deciding where the feelings were at this point,” she said.

Georgia’s pros and cons list

Jake Ellis
Jake: an immediate connection.
Pros: “I had an immediate connection and chemistry with Jake. And more than anything else, he makes me feel amazing. He does little things to let me know he’s thinking about me and just the way he looks and speaks to me makes me feel incredibly special.”
Cons: “Jake had the first date and so much has happened since then, I’ve found connections and chemistry with other guys as well. That’s a worry in my mind that I need to make sure that is still there (with Jake) and it wasn’t just the excitement of the first date.”

Matty Johnson
Matty: the joker.
Pros: “Matty makes me laugh more consistently than I think anyone ever has. That’s something that made me enjoy his company from the start. He also showed me that he cared about me and was willing to fight for me. He did little things to try to get to know me better and vice versa.”
Cons: “The fact that we do joke around so much is a little bit of a concern because I question that when times are tough or things go wrong how Matty and I would deal with that. I want to test if there’s a serious side there as well because we just laugh everything off so much.”

Lee Elliot
Lee: the age factor.
Pros: “Lee gave me sparks and nervousness on the first night, absolutely. But as soon as we got into conversation everything about me relaxed. There was a familiarity and ease — we both felt like we’d known each other forever. Plus puns and dad jokes are something we definitely clicked over. He makes me laugh a lot.”
Cons: “At 35, the fact Lee is quite a bit older than me is worrying me a bit. I’m ready to find my life partner but I’m not ready to have kids yet or move to the burbs with the white-picket fence. It makes me nervous that someone that much older than me might be ready for those things before I am.”

Courtney Dober
Courtney: the intriguer.
Pros: “Courtney really intrigues me. Not in a way that I want to sit down and interview him, but I just want to be talking to him all the time. I love being around him and having conversations. We can talk for hours and I find him so interesting. I never feel like it’s done with Courtney.”
Cons: “Courtney is very difficult to read. My whole story with him has been a real rollercoaster where we have some amazing highs and we have this amazing connection that’s unlike anything I’ve had before. But he makes me worry and he makes me question everything and I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.”

Cameron Cranley
Cameron: happy and positive.
Pros: “Cam is just the happiest, most positive presence to have around. He lights up the room. Even though he’s the youngest (at 26), he’s mature and emotionally he certainly spoke to me a lot about past relationships and how he’s been hurt and that he’s in a place where he wants to find the one. That’s something people a lot older than him weren’t able to admit.”
Cons: “With Cam, being from Western Australia is a big thing. He’s got a job where he couldn’t pick up and move anywhere else. So for me to be with him I have to know 100 per cent because it would be me making a massive change to my life. Plus Cam is still a little nervous around me. I want him to shake that so I can be confident going ahead.”

Has anyone else picked up on the order that the F5 are discussed/listed? IMO, this is the F5 order, with Jake being F1.


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Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:26 pm

Wow wow wow. Courtney's connection unlike any shes ever had before? I heard that from Sam Frost, Sam Wood and a few othe Leads about their F1. Is Courtney the Becca to Georgia's Chris Soules. Would she have chosen his if he was as into her as she seems to be into him?

Its a very interesting interview she gave about each one. Out of the sleuthered final 4guys I still have a hard time seeing Jake as F1. I see Matty, Courtney and Lee. I have a hard time believing someone with a week 2 date and nothing since then goes on to win.
She saw Courtney for his single date, his planned group date and a 2nd single date so he really really was on her radar.

Dont understand why you would wanna be the bachelor if you are not ready to move to the burbs or have kids yet? I am not saying get married tomorrow but Maybe she should have told them the age group she wanted. I would imagine Lee would be disheartened if he was let go because of the point he is in his life. Isnt that why most go on the show? The whole" I am ready to settle down" and not "find me someone to date"


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Post by nd4reality Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:39 pm

So many reluctant contestants through all the seasons that the lead is super into and knows they are not into them. It's sad but RL I guess.

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iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:14 pm

@in_denial I stated the same thing in my post #greatminds melbournefashion - Bachelorette Australia - Georgia Love - Season 2 - SM Media -  *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 45 1377737533

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Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:39 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:@in_denial I stated the same thing in my post #greatminds melbournefashion - Bachelorette Australia - Georgia Love - Season 2 - SM Media -  *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 45 1377737533

Oops, sorry must have missed that!


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Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:01 pm

Did Lee not say in an article he wasn't ready to settle yet, Richie was saying the same thing about not wanting kids straight away so I'm calling BS on that.  Could be an F1 cover up or as you said AAL an F3 excuse to let him go because she had more chemistry with the others. I'll see if I can track the article down.

I'm not following any of them on Insta but Lee is tagged in quite a few pics going to the gym and footy with friends as Nikki was doing day to day stuff which at the time I questioned how she had time to do "visits" if she was in Perth a lot.  Same goes for Lee he still seems to be in Melbourne a lot, Alex was far less visible compared to Nikki and Olena even though she was liking pics on Insta.  Although he seems pretty happy so I don't know what to think. question Unless they have less time together.

As for Matty perplexed as to why Stringy hasn't  tagged him in pics but she has posted like 3 or 4 on insta of the 2 of them.  She either has no chill seeing they are following each other or Lee is F1 which is why she tagged him.  Interesting she hasn't posted any pics of Jake.....question could be a F1 cover up, i.e. he is flying under the radar while she establishes the other relationships.

Unsure now about Jake as F1 seeing he does have only 1 SD but there is always a first for everything.  Now it could be like Clancy said, she may be very sure of her feelings towards him and we may not be seeing the alone time between them but her comments are very F1 in terms of the chemistry IMO.  Interesting though someone stated Jake and Matty are following each other on Insta, F2 & F1 don't usually follow each other, something to watch.  

As for Courtney, apparently "intriguing" is the new word for "they're just not that into you" with this franchise. melbournefashion - Bachelorette Australia - Georgia Love - Season 2 - SM Media -  *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 45 3806527698 I'm having Olena flashbacks.  There is a real possibility she didn't take Jake for a 2SD because she was really into Courtney and Jake or Lee may have gone at F4 but Courtney jumped the gun IMO.

I have given no direct answers and crap load more questions I have just realised I apologise for that. Rolling Eyes melbournefashion - Bachelorette Australia - Georgia Love - Season 2 - SM Media -  *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 45 3806527698


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Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:15 pm

I find this comment interesting on the bottom of the article:

Me here, Sydney, Australia, about an hour ago

'Watching my story with my guy is amazing", "Seeing it progress" - there's a big hint right there. The only guy in the whole season who has had a real story arc and has had their relationship with Georgia progress is Matty J. He's story is the dark horse, the guy she never noticed in the beginning because she thought she had to have an instant connection with them or fireworks like with Lee and Jake. Watch the show and the progression is right in front of your eyes: he has liked her from the very beginning, does everything to make her notice him, that works, gets some time with her, she realises he's a great guy, he makes her laugh, she wants to see him again and the friendship turns to love. He's the winner.


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Post by Bobette Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:16 pm

Fifty wrote:Interesting though someone stated Jake and Matty are following each other on Insta, F2 & F1 don't usually follow each other, something to watch.  

To me this suggests Jake makes it further than Matty. He's shown himself to be a jealous type with the intruders etc so if Matty & G were together I doubt he'd want photos of them rubbed in his face. Matty I think would be more chill about the whole thing. JMO.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:19 pm

^^ That part in the article about Georgia watching her guy on the show makes me think G is referring to Jake since she said in her Elle Magazine article that she watched the part of her first SD of her and Jake

Bringing over my post about the Elle magazine interview from a week ago
AllAboutLove wrote:Georgia talking about Jake. She seems to be emphasizing chemistry?

One thing that stood out to me is Georgia talks about watching her date at home... so she rewatched her SD of herself with Jake and talking about it in interview?

Part of me wonders if Jake may be F1 and that's why Georgia was in the Gold Coast giving a radio interview in person because I don't recall a past lead doing that (in person at least)?
How about your connection with Jake?

It feels like forever ago now! I had this really, really intense chemistry with him straight away on that red carpet. He had this intense eye contact, which in that nervous situation was really comforting. There’s just something there for him, this real chemistry—that’s just the word for it. And you could see after that first date I was… It was so embarrassing, sitting watching it at home—I was bright red, I was so blushy and nervous and giggly. There’s just this real butterfly feeling with him, and this nervous energy and excitement when I’m with him.

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Post by Bobette Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:22 pm

in_denial wrote:
I find this comment interesting on the bottom of the article:

Me here, Sydney, Australia, about an hour ago

'Watching my story with my guy is amazing", "Seeing it progress" - there's a big hint right there. The only guy in the whole season who has had a real story arc and has had their relationship with Georgia progress is Matty J. He's story is the dark horse, the guy she never noticed in the beginning because she thought she had to have an instant connection with them or fireworks like with Lee and Jake. Watch the show and the progression is right in front of your eyes: he has liked her from the very beginning, does everything to make her notice him, that works, gets some time with her, she realises he's a great guy, he makes her laugh, she wants to see him again and the friendship turns to love. He's the winner.

I have Jake as F1 but would much rather see G end up with Matty.  If Jake is F1 maybe they can re-film it with your ending melbournefashion - Bachelorette Australia - Georgia Love - Season 2 - SM Media -  *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 45 3806527698

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:29 pm

I love your avi @Fifty beatingheart

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Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Bobette Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:29 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:^^ That part in the article about Georgia watching her guy on the show makes me think G is referring to Jake since she said in her Elle Magazine article that she watched the part of her first SD of her and Jake

Bringing over my post about the Elle magazine interview from a week ago
AllAboutLove wrote:Georgia talking about Jake. She seems to be emphasizing chemistry?

One thing that stood out to me is Georgia talks about watching her date at home... so she rewatched her SD of herself with Jake and talking about it in interview?

Part of me wonders if Jake may be F1 and that's why Georgia was in the Gold Coast giving a radio interview in person because I don't recall a past lead doing that (in person at least)?
How about your connection with Jake?

It feels like forever ago now! I had this really, really intense chemistry with him straight away on that red carpet. He had this intense eye contact, which in that nervous situation was really comforting. There’s just something there for him, this real chemistry—that’s just the word for it. And you could see after that first date I was… It was so embarrassing, sitting watching it at home—I was bright red, I was so blushy and nervous and giggly. There’s just this real butterfly feeling with him, and this nervous energy and excitement when I’m with him.

OMG I think you've nailed it!  She's admitted to watching the show with her man.  If she's watching with anyone other than Jake she wouldn't be blushy and giggly, she'd be awkward and embarrassed, surely?  Top sleuthing bringing those snippets together thumbsup

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