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Post by crunchycheeto Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:44 pm

notarose wrote:"Polished Gent" is the name of the new in partnership business Nick is launching sometime in February.

Thanks for sharing that article. Here's the link to his business partner's IG post pertaining to the Polished Gent: Interesting that this guy has a fair share of pictures with Michael Jordan. :detective

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Post by SueSt Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:29 pm

Sorry, can I get something off my chest?

I hate this season. I hate nasal Nick. Did he always talk through his nose? Is this something he picked up in LA? It just reeks of affectation.

If the rumors that CH read him the riot act are true… well good for production. His slogging through the motions is BORING. Are the women less attractive or just not as compelling as in the past? I don’t feel much chemistry with Nick and anyone but Vanessa.

In his defense, however, if I see another staged performance by an unknown and forgettable band, with the couple dancing in front of an audience, I’m going to retch. Seriously Bach production staff, is this the best you’ve got???

The only thing that had interest ‘potential’ this past week was the scripted meeting with Nick’s ex.   But the clumsy execution, with Nick inviting her to the table and her inability, given the circumstances, to be truly honest about their breakup really exposed the contrived nature of the show. 'Ex-gate' certainly didn’t do the episode any favors.

And Corrinne. OMG. She is so OTT I have been fast forwarding. I understand the need to bring SOME excitement to the season, but production has played this ‘bad girl promiscuous’ story line so many times it’s embarrassing.

Even his parents seem bored. Best line of the night: I don’t want to see you on tv anymore.

ETA: Sorry mods, if this belongs somewhere else, please feel free to move it!

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Post by Sprite Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:48 pm

SueSt wrote:Sorry, can I get something off my chest?

I hate this season. I hate nasal Nick. Did he always talk through his nose? Is this something he picked up in LA? It just reeks of affectation.

If the rumors that CH read him the riot act are true… well good for production. His slogging through the motions is BORING. Are the women less attractive or just not as compelling as in the past? I don’t feel much chemistry with Nick and anyone but Vanessa.

In his defense, however, if I see another staged performance by an unknown and forgettable band, with the couple dancing in front of an audience, I’m going to retch. Seriously Bach production staff, is this the best you’ve got???

The only thing that had interest ‘potential’ this past week was the scripted meeting with Nick’s ex.   But the clumsy execution, with Nick inviting her to the table and her inability, given the circumstances, to be truly honest about their breakup really exposed the contrived nature of the show. 'Ex-gate' certainly didn’t do the episode any favors.

And Corrinne. OMG. She is so OTT I have been fast forwarding. I understand the need to bring SOME excitement to the season, but production has played this ‘bad girl promiscuous’ story line so many times it’s embarrassing.

Even his parents seem bored. Best line of the night: I don’t want to see you on tv anymore.

ETA: Sorry mods, if this belongs somewhere else, please feel free to move it!

I don't think it has anything to do with how attractive the women are. He is not the only person to zero in on his F1 right from the start, but he is probably the worst actor. I think it may just be that he is kind of a one woman man and once he finds someone he is really interested in, he focuses on them and can't really help himself. I can see that he finds some other women there interesting (Rachel and Raven), he finds Alexis fun and I think he respects Dani, but Vanessa is the trifecta...attractive, fun and she challenges him.

It will be interesting to see if Nick can get more invested in his other top girls as he gets to know them better. I think he will become more emotionally invested because he knows he may have to hurt some of them, but I don't know if it will happen because he sees any possibilities with them.

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Post by OnePromise Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:05 pm


I can see your point regarding the boring nature of the show if you are looking for a novel show wih a lead that is truely torn between 30 compelling, engaging and beautiful women. But let's face it, the show is very formulaic and predictable. They make contrived situations into the "most dramatic moment in bachelor history" week after week.  And I agree with you, this season is no different in that respect.

I, on the other hand, am enjoying the season immensely more than most past seasons because I am invested in seeing this lead find one special woman and share a requited love story with us. On this point, Nick has not let us down. IMO of course.


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Post by crunchycheeto Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:25 pm

I actually think it's been the best season I've seen in recent memory. I know I'm probably biased because I like the lead, but a lot of people I know have already said they're more entertained this season than Jojo's or Ben's. As formulaic and predictable as the show can be, I think people appreciate the different layers of drama -- we had Liz, we have Corinne, and now the tide is turning and people are not taking well to Taylor being condescending. A lot of people have also said that they appreciate the variety of conversations -- from Nick playing off Alexis' quirkiness, to breaking the fourth wall and talking about the weirdness of being on the show, to the usual 'vulnerability' focused conversations with his frontrunners. I think this season, everyone has a degree of self-awareness, so even when it's overly produced, I feel like everyone is in on the joke. It's super meta, and that's why I'm enjoying it. But I can see how, if you're a traditional Bachelor viewer who takes the show and the quest to find love seriously, you wouldn't enjoy it.

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:49 pm

It is the best season for me since Brad's last season. That's me.
I would still like to see better dates, especially once they begin traveling from LA area. However, to be fair to LA area, there are lots of great ideas and locals there, too--even if they stay at the mansion.

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Post by mindless Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:12 pm

I think it's a better season than most as well. How many leads really have sizzling chemistry with more than one or two women? IMO many have it with none, maybe because they're so wooden themselves, so even one realistic match is a bonus. How many women did Ben have a real spark with? I never saw anything with Caila despite all the making out and even less so with Amanda, so that leaves two.

I can't help feeling like I'm reading the same complaints at the start of each season. They always focus way too much on the villain for the first few episodes and even if they didn't there's no time to get to know even half the women properly, since there are just so many. The group dates with 10 women are always boring to me. Things only get interesting around F6 or so, when the lead has had a proper date or two with all/almost all of the women. JMOAA.

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:35 pm

This season is by far the best season I have watched and I've watched them all - all 21 of them! (send help). The main reason I am enjoying this season is because I am actually invested in the lead for the first time and feel like, even with the predictability of this show, I am getting to see more multi-dimensional, real and raw moments in these first few episodes than I have in entire past seasons -- especially between the lead and F1. That I already feel like I have seen the beginning of a multi-dimensional love story between Nick and Vanessa? Sold! Love it! All the other stuff I don't take seriously at all and just laugh at it because I feel I am totally in on the joke as well (I think the contestants are too, more than any season prior) and so I'm just enjoying the ride.


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Post by SueSt Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:08 pm

Thanks for all of the responses, girls.
I haven't watched The Bach since (and I had to look it up!!) Jake Pavelka! OMG, that's a lifetime ago. I have a hard time with the premise of Bach. Much prefer the 'ette. 25 guys competing for a girl - a fantasy. 25 girls competing for a guy - a nightmare!! And of course, even if I don't like the F1.... there are plenty of other goodies to drool over (Nick, Chris L, Drew, Ari, Luke - swoon.....)
I see the love between Nick and Vanessa. I'll try and take all your advice and focus on that!!

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Post by MonicaJM2001 Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:49 pm

mindless and AAL I am 100% with both of you. I have so far loved this season as far as what I see so far between Nick and the projected contenders Vanessa, Rachel and Raven. The beating the horse with Corinne thing is exhausting to watch but I know it is part of the show fodder which as mindless mentioned is just something that is part of each season.

I was going to (insert any productive activity) but then well...........Nick

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:49 pm

We have seasons where the lead can't stop tongue kissing everyone, Farmer Chris who kissed when he couldn't put two sentences together, or leads that put up an Oscar performance leading the F2 on to no end. I like watching a lead who isn't faking it. Some of the SM pics/Scaps we have Nick is kissing, his back is straight up his arms are wandering in his pocket or at his side.

IMO he was pretty sure night one that some of those women were never going to be F1, like most leads, but for him to say he finally had hope when he had his 1 on 1 with Vanessa, tells me he was thinking WTH did I get myself into. He probably didn't see it with any other contestant. The ones that are left, he has to give them a chance, but it sure looks like he's just going through the motions as far as chemistry. I think he enjoys some of the conversations but the lack of chemistry is evident, and I like that.


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Post by luvstx Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:51 pm

I just finished watching last night's episode and have to agree with others here who say it's one of their favorite seasons. I've watched almost all (missed Matt Grant, Deanna, Brad1, and couldn't stomach Juan Pablo so took a pass) of the franchise and do find the we are seeing much more substance in the conversations Nick has with the women than usual. I think it's because Nick is a more complex guy but it's probably also because they chose to show us those convos instead of leaving them on the cutting room floor. And when you don't see an in-depth conversation with a women, it really shows how disinterested Nick is in contrast.

One thing I find interesting is that Vanessa, having watched previous seasons, would chose to confront Nick pretty early on about the villain Corrine. Usually it's the kiss of death to 'tattle' so I am surprised that so many of the women have. And usually the forum blows up about the person who tattles but everyone here (mostly) is very supportive of Vanessa. As am I.

There are a ton of MOT women here. I really only see a true spark and connection with Raven and Vanessa. Or at least that's what the producers want us to see. And clearly the women are enjoying each other's company as they were excited to travel together and seem to be having a blast even during down times.

Corinne is ratings gold and is keeping the drama alive which is making TPTB's job easier. Imagine if Corinne weren't there and Nick was only into a few women. Complete snoozefest then. TPTB are clearly making Nick keep Corinne. Did you catch where Nick said to Vanessa (in the pool party steps scene) something like, "I'm glad you are challenging me and asking so many questions. But I ask you to be patient with me with Corinne."? To me, it basically said "my hands are tied. I have to keep her and I can't tell you that."

Corinne is a piece of work and tough to continue to listen to. Where's her grace and self-respect? Guess the nanny didn't pack it for her. And if she flips her hair forward one more time, I will throw a stiletto (which I don't own) at the t.v.!!

Just my random thoughts. Thanks for listening.

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