Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

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Post by suzq Fri May 19, 2017 5:29 pm

You are right. I think the landscape just reminded me of those pictures that were posted before, so it maybe in a fairly close area.


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Fri May 19, 2017 8:28 pm

I am watching now and took some s/caps. One thing I noticed is Anthony said his lease was up at the end of the month, so he definitely didn't keep his place. They mentioned subletting Ashley's place, so that tells me she still had more time on her lease. They sort of skimmed over it so it's not clear how many more months are left in the lease.

There is one PI that she has a green? top on, the end table has the same TBIYTC cube. (The best is yet to come) I want to match the lamp, but I'm in the middle of watching. I'm wondering if that's the same area they both did PI's and I want to check what was she wearing. Seems to me a floral top? Thought I'd post these to sleuth along with all the other IG's that were brought over. Since the beginning they have been very understanding, polite, funny and just a lot of fun to watch. I seem to think whatever issues they may run into they can work it out. They made a big deal about the one parking spot, over and over, and in a matter of seconds they both decide to get a new place. laugh out loud  

Both counters in both places are similiar but different.

Anthony's Counter

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Anthon11

Anthony's place

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Anthon12

Ashley's place

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Ashley11

Ashley PI TBIYTC cube

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Piashl10

Married at First Sight-s05e06-Move-Ins-YKJack-2017-05-18.mp4 - 431.7 MB

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Fri May 19, 2017 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Fri May 19, 2017 9:45 pm

Ok folks, I'm getting confused. I just watched Moving In. Their new place is not the same as the railings place, or the xmas tree place. I wonder if they moved to yet another place. We know from sleuthing that PI's (Private interviews) are often done after filming is done. This is the place they went to look at with the realtor which is the same place Ashley is doing her PI, but not the same place that Anthony is doing the PI. Here are some s/caps for discussion.

Married at First Sight-s05e06-Move-Ins-YKJack-2017-05-18.mp4 - 431.7 MB

Same lamps Same building background. Looks like the same green framed picture of the child in the pic upthread.

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Ashpin10

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Ashant10

Balcony looks like glass sheet railing

Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Ash_ba10

Anthony PI Different balcony

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Post by RTT300 Fri May 19, 2017 10:18 pm

The moment we think we're heading In the right direction . Lol its like the deeper we look n poke the more confusing


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by facelessblood Sat May 20, 2017 2:56 pm

So maybe they did move into another place because I don't think this TV/stand matches either of their old places


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by Newto Sat May 20, 2017 5:42 pm

IIRC some couples move into a residence that neither of them has lived in.  The show pays the rent for the time they live there together....I guess until the show is over. 

Re this couple:  I hope she does not wear him out with her incessant talk about having children.  It is beginning to annoy me just listening to her.  JMHO.

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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Sat May 20, 2017 8:56 pm

@Newto the last episode was about finding a new place to live together. For this couple, we have pics of their places before they got married, then there are other pics after the wedding of a different condo, which does not look like the place they got that aired this past week.


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by hoosiergiraffe Sun May 21, 2017 2:12 am

Hi, everybody! I haven't posted this season but I have been following along. I appreciate everyone's SM sleuthing as I really enjoy it as well. I have been paying close attention and have a few thoughts.

Ashley's pic in her wedding shoes was likely taken before the wedding while watching an early episode of Season 4. This would also line up with the suspected early August weddings for this season which has been mentioned on another thread I believe. She didn't post the pic until the season started airing.

The pic referred to as a viewing party is labeled with #bacheloretteparty so again likely taken at her building before the wedding.

Ashley's ring or lack there of is a mystery. I always wonder if someone asks them about wearing the ring during or after filming how much they are allowed to say. Do you think they are allowed to say they got married but just not give any details?

Anthony's video of the viewing party venue is definitely the same location as the picture of him and Nate as well as pics of all three brides. So that's a good sign that Nate and Sheila as well as Anthony and Ashley are at the very least on good terms. This appears to be a different bar than the one run by Ashley's family.

And finally I believe the pic of Anthony drinking his coffee was taken at Ashley's parents' house. I can't prove it because the real evidence was on his Snapchat the same day. It was just a video of Anthony saying hi to a man I didn't recognize. But the chair he was sitting in was the same ones you can see in the preview of the season when Ashley is talking to her family around a big dining room table. Obviously that video is gone but I swear they fabric and chairs were the same.

They both have been posting pics of each other after nearly every episode, another really good sign that they made it.

All this leads me to believe they are still together today and I really hope this is the case. They are my favorite couple this season and I thought they looked like they belonged together since before we even saw them meet. I just find all the sleuthing to be one of the best parts of watching the episodes week to week. It's a fun game to try to figure out who is still together. I hope they don't get too creeped out if they ever read these things. I am enjoying this season and enjoy reading everybody's sleuthing thoughts.

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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by suzq Sun May 21, 2017 4:34 am

I do know that the picture that Ashley posted of her and her niece on Easter --Ashley was wearing her wedding ring. This caused people to comment about it--why she was still wearing it and asking her if she was still married. They are under contract to not reveal it until the show is over. I know the network and the production company monitor their SM --what they post and the comments that they get on their posts. I would have to think that they ask them to post things that may throw people off sometimes. I know that a couple of cast members posted pictures around 6 weeks ago with the 3 women pictured together. I believe it was Danielle that responded with a comment in the comments section that they had gone bowling and she had a hashtag #girlsvsguys which I thought was interesting. I also saw on twitter today since Anthony and Nate both enjoy cooking that they are going to have a cooking competition with each other. Sheila volunteered to be a judge and she asked Ashley and Danielle if they want to be judges as well--which they do. The women cast members on Season 5 seem to be very close and Nate and Anthony seem to be hooked into that as well. I am sure that this can be a very bonding experience for the cast members. However, I have also observed that they have other things in common as well. The three women all love country music and are the same age while Anthony and Nate are both originally from the state of Michigan.

I want to say great sleuthing to everyone! It must be a real challenge for all the cast members to have to pretend whether they are still married or . By the time this season is over--it will be almost a year after their wedding. That is a long time to wait.


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by jlccaz Sun May 21, 2017 11:25 am

They have fake (Production Subsidized, or often I think comp'd to Production by the homeowner who gets staging and publicity) housing during filming / pre- decision day.  Then, real world after decision, if they can't afford that house, and stay together (rare, but there's precedent!), I believe that they have to figure out a new housing situation.  Removal of the subsidy could cause financial hardship.  Among the fakest conversations on this show, are the ones where we are meant to believe strangers are making long term housing plans together.  They are sort of doing a Mock Budgeting / Geography chat at best.  

So, I'm not following the rationale for sleuthing.  The time frame (pre decision day) would not match the time frame of interest (post decision day to present day).

Even if some "stay put", it's so unlikely, I wouldn't draw a strong inference.

I am probably missing something.

Separate topic ... another fakest of fake / simply ridiculous component of every expert interview.  "We matched [these two] because they are Italian and like family"  or "have faith".
How absurd -- as if every single guy in the pew at a church on Sunday or at the table next door at the Italian restaurant on Sunday night could be a match.  I always think to myself -- well, there must be more than that, but they are just not taking the time to say it / air it.  But as the weeks unfold and you see how horribly they are matched in obvious aspects, you start to wonder!

Make sense?  What am I missing?  

These people came together to film a reality show, which contributes the sets if you will as well, as a means of removing a barrier to (a) casting feasibility, and (b) staying together.

Last edited by jlccaz on Sun May 21, 2017 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by suzq Sun May 21, 2017 2:13 pm

I personally feel like some couples they cast because they may actually have some real compatibility and others because they know that they will bring the drama. Many people watch because they want to see a train wreck (personally that is not me). There have also been times that an original couple chosen has backed out and they had to come up with a replacement couple. That has happened with S3 Sam and Neil and S4 Heather and Derek. I believe that Heather and Derek have been the only couple that actually showed that they split right away. I think that is why production was so mad at her. There have been several couples that didn't really live together much during filming--they just showed up when filming was being done. How can people possibly get to know each other when they really aren't even spending time together? I do think for some people on the show--they must match them for more than what this stated to the audience--others not so much.

This is definitely a reality show-- Anthony even tweeted about there being Frankenbites in the episode. They do ITMs and take things out of context. They don't show full conversations. It is like any other show that they cast for, but once in awhile they actually do get a relationship that sticks. Season 2 and Season 3-- I was not very hopeful. I do have a little hope for some couples this season, though. I sometimes feel like the show wants to create more drama with the few couples that are well-matched , too. I am enjoying this season more than I have others since Season 1.


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Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Anthony D'Amico & Ashley Petta - MAFS - Season 5 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Sun May 21, 2017 4:56 pm

suzq wrote:snipped

This is definitely a reality show-- Anthony even tweeted about there being Frankenbites in the episode.   They do ITMs and take things out of context.   They don't show full conversations.   It is like any other show that they cast for, but once in awhile they actually do get a relationship that sticks.  Season 2 and Season 3-- I was not very hopeful.  I do have a little hope for some couples this season, though.  I sometimes feel like the show wants to create more drama with the few couples that are well-matched , too.  I am enjoying this season more than I have others since Season 1.

IA with your whole post but want to comment on this part. For those who sleuth, it's common knowledge of what TPTB are up to with casting, editing, and putting a Reality TV show together. MAFS intrigues me, because it's a strange concept, even though I know the behind the scene antics. As far as successful couples, even if there were one, or none, I would still watch.


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