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Post by ReneeM Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:48 pm

HEA wrote:ETA: However I am not 100% like most who is F1.... I am only speculating and sharing my gut feelings. I see a certain story and that is all. I was not there.
I change my mind every single day. Sometimes multiple times a day. No outcome is out of the question to me. Lyndsey F1, still together, Lyndsey F1 & they've broken up, Mikaela F1, still together, Mikaela F1 & they've broken up. All viable possibilities imo. Personally I'm not seeing anything extremely obvious, I see and argument and storyline within the edit for both girls being F1. Jmo.


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Post by jojo47 Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:04 pm

ReneeM wrote:
HEA wrote:ETA: However I am not 100% like most who is F1.... I am only speculating and sharing my gut feelings. I see a certain story and that is all. I was not there.
I change my mind every single day. Sometimes multiple times a day. No outcome is out of the question to me. Lyndsey F1, still together, Lyndsey F1 & they've broken up, Mikaela F1, still together, Mikaela F1 & they've broken up. All viable possibilities imo. Personally I'm not seeing anything extremely obvious, I see and argument and storyline within the edit for both girls being F1. Jmo.

One other option, he left Mexico single.

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Post by Aunties_Love Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:12 pm

Sprite wrote:
HEA wrote:I truly believe mikaela was second hometown and he was very shaken after lindsey hometown. We can see it when he did the PI.

IMO he thought he made his mind with Lindsey but everything changed again when he visited her parents.

IMO he was very confused and upset and warry to meet another family. I saw him scared and he even said it to mikaela. "I'm scared. I am not gonna lie, it is stressful".

Something that I notice is mikaela saying: I am glad that we are on the same page (not verbatim). We know they spoke way more than the few minutes we saw. What was discussed, I wonder.

I dunno, but when I am stressed or upset, I do not cuddle. But maybe it is me? Hugesmile I am sure that because Mikaela was not on top of him does not mean anything

However, if we make a comparison with the PI he did late that day... it is truly day and night. He is smiling huge which is rare, he looks really happy.

He also said something that striked me: I am happy that Mikaela and I could spend the day with you................. it is her family, but he phrased it as if they were visiting as a couple. That was my immediate reaction on top of the hug and the eye to eye exchange. And for a guy who made up his mind with Lindsey, I found him very affectionate in front of her family during the goodbyes.  

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and yes I know he hugged catie too, but for me it was a different hug

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so for me it is not conclusive. I did not see him pulling away from her but pulling away from meeting her parents and afraid to be rejected as much as lindsey's parents.

I will also add that this impression is reinforced because mikaela was on her horse and could not run to him for a monkey hug.... versus lindsey who was waiting for him on this path... so of course we compare oranges and lemons here IMO


I think at this point we all seem to have agreed that Mik's HTD occurred after Lyndsay1. However, I don't necessarily agree that the reason Chris was nervous on Mik's date was because of what happened on Lyndsay's date. How many men meet several women's families within the span of a week? How many men have to lie during said first family meetings? He could be nervous because he knows he is going to be less than truthful with them. He could be nervous because he knows that he will have to meet two fathers instead of just one. Twice the chance of getting caught out.

Secondly, I don't really get what you think that they are on the same page about? Lying to her family? The state of their relationship...which could go either way? What they want to do during the date? What they want to do in the future...with or without each other? So many possible interpretations.

While you may 2not cuddle when you are stressed, but I know people who do. Similarly, since this is a show, they cuddle/make out all the time because they have a job to do. Even Kaitlyn said on the after show last week, when you don't have anything to say or don't know what to do on the make out. 

I'm sorry, but I'm going to repeat myself again. 3I don't see much difference between the hugs with Catie and Mik. Your screen caps are slightly different, that's true, but they were never going to be exactly alike...that would be almost impossible...and yet they are very similar. He is a nice guy and thanked them for a nice visit. I don't really understand why it has to have a huge meaning. I say the same stuff to people when I go visit them. Maybe he was just relieved it was all over and went fairly well without him getting caught out in any fibs.

As for the different greetings between Lyndsay and Mik, I get that they are hard to compare, but I found it interesting4 that a woman who claims to be so in love with him, didn't get off her horse as soon as he arrived or didn't have another horse for him so they could ride together. Instead she carried on riding and he watched her. While I understand that she wanted to show him something that is important to her, it just seemed odd to me. He seemed almost excluded. JMO

I just wanted to respond to a few because I think @Sprite has made some great points.

1)I established a while back the filming order of the HTD's based on a few things, the weather, the logistics of getting somewhere, and common sense to a degree and IMO the filming order was in fact Lyndsey, Mikaela, Catie. For Lyndsey's it happened on May 22, according to the weather network and accuweather, Sunday the 21st was cloudy with rainy periods and high of 23.(being from the island, I know that could feel colder than that and IMO the family wouldn't of been dressed that way if it was) on May 22 though, the high that day was 28 and sunny. For Mikaela, she would of had hers on the 24th, a respectable 22, which IMO would account for the reserved attire the family had. For Catie it was the 26th as it was rainy and cool that day at 19 - that would account for their clothing and rain that day of filming.

IMO the order of filming had nothing to do with how "somber" Chris was but more to do with maybe that he was realizing that his relationship with Mikaela just isn't as strong as might be assumed by watching the edited version of the show.

2) Yea, people do cuddle when they are stressed. That is a coping mechanism.

3) IMO there wasn't really much difference between the goodbye hugs that he gave both Mikaela and Catie. It was a sense of detachment that I had felt from both of their dates. Chris was already distancing himself and IMO it was apparent with the body language with both of them on BOTH of their visits.

4) If you are so in like or love with the guy, why the hay don't you get off your horse and greet him properly. That made no sense whatsoever. I completely agree..... Chris sitting on that bench/hay was really excluded as he seemed to be watching someone carry on with her day.

Sprite wrote:
EA wrote:I am still also convinced that he asked mikaela,s both dads blessing but that was not seen....

it is very intimidating..... again I immediately thought that for the first time in his life he asked not only one dad but 2 dads their blessing and for him it was very intimidating

because i did not see him intimidated when they were talking at the table, they were very friendly and both dads on PI said that they found him genuine.

On top of dad clive said: if my little girl comes back with a ring at her finger and i look at her in the eyes and she is happy, that all that matters to me.....

that is my gut feeling here

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Now... this does not mean we shall see a proposal with Mikaela. Although all the Michael Hill ads makes me think otherwise.

I am thinking that prods wanted to amplify the one way street with Lindsey. They wanted us to believe that Lindsey was the sole finale option.... and from my experience with this franchise this is rarely what happens. If we know that Lindsey is the finale girl he decided to propose, what's the point watching the finale? What is the finale dramatic punch they favor? the ultimate punch would be to override the reception from hell from lindsey's parents and propose? That,s the obstacle on top of age and distance and not fitting her lifestyle (camping and hiking)?

Lindsey: I do not want to be engaged with Chris. I have to tell him. I need to go away (not verbatim)

Then what?  a long distance girfriend/boyfriend relationship (I recall I mentioned this already on this board long ago). He cannot deny to want her in his life but how? He bought a house in Toronto (@ReneeM said so)... she does not want to move in Toronto... so what? a skype relationship?

sorry but it does not make sense.

my opinion here

This whole show doesn't make sense. 1)That Lyndsay quote you are referring to is spliced and diced. When was it said? In reference to what? That kind of teaser rarely actually works out to be the way that it is presented.

As for what is the point of watching the final if it is a one way street with Lyndsay, well they have already set that up. He has a good connection with Mik...chemistry, conversation, accepting family, he clearly cares for her. 2)On the other hand he has Lyndsay who he is very attracted to and wants, but she is young, lives on the opposite side of the country and has a family that seems to have trashed him on the HTD. Who will he choose? Did the family disapproval make him change his mind? No doubt there will be even more doubt created during FDs and the meeting with his parents. Pretty typical quandary.

I just want to clarify about the house in Toronto. Did @ReneeM actually sleuth out that he bought a house or was that just a conclusion based on the way Chris was introduced? TYIA

Once again, @Sprite, I think we are on the same wavelength with a lot of this.

1) The Lyndsey quote....yea, extremely spliced and diced. Guess they(the producers)have all those syllables that she spoke in their repritrar. IMO, there is so much that can be dissected with that. It all sounds from different times, places in the season.

IF by chance and it was all spoken at one time(which I seriously doubt), then wouldn't it follow along the lines of April's VO from her season that was run through the mill on that one too where she says
I am done, I don't know what to do, I just want to go home
(I just rewatched the season preview and the finale where she said that to make sure I had it right) Anyways, What I am geting at is that the season teaser or preview always casts doubt on the F1 getting to the finale. It happened with S1, S2, Bette 1 and now this. IMO, we will see a happy ever after on finale day between Chris and Lyndsey

2) Isn't this usually the case. cast doubt on the F1 making it to the end. In every season of the canadian franchise, there has been doubt cast in one way or another through storyline that is constant throughout the season from night 1 or via tidbits like the family not accepting him and it showed at the EDITED version of HTD. THis is no different, IMO.

3) The house in Toronto......IMO that was a setup with Chris saying that is what he wants. IMO, he doesn't have one as of yet as if memory serves, he was waiting for his future wife to have a say in things.

As far as Lyndsey moving.....we don't KNOW if she will or not. That never came out of her mouth, but only the sister's mouth when they seem to KNOW what she was wanting or going to do. Lyndsey even said that they had talked about that in their future and the possibility of it going either way.

BlackHalo wrote:Until it is proven otherwise, for me, Chris' strange reactions to Mikaela (in particular when she questions him about meeting her parents) are the result of a prior HTD gone wrong.

It was a complete difference from "I'm was concerned that your family wouldn't accept me" (what he said to Mikaela last week).

And I don't care how good the editors are, they can't make you look bad if they have nothing to work with (Lyndsey's sisters).

The prior HTD gone wrong thing....IMO that's not really been proven. I say that because we know from the blog and her sister filling in the gaps, he spent 10 hrs with the family, he had a tour around the lake with her dad, the brother and him hit it off, he and the family had a bbq together, the time with the sisters was so spliced and diced from several conversations. Why in the world would he spend 10 hours with a family from "hell" as it's been said here? IMO that makes no sense. wrote:Addendum: Lyndsey’s sister Katryna has reached out to the Star since the recap was posted saying she wanted to lighten my view of her family and that some of the comments hurt. We all know shows like The Bachelor are heavily produced and Katryna says scenes of her family with Chris were edited to make the encounter seem worse than it was. For instance, “When Kelsey calls the fantasy suite ‘disgusting’ - that was a clip from a different conversation where she pointed to a spider on the table and said ‘that’s disgusting.’ Also, when I yell at Chris to ‘walk away’ that was taken from another part of our conversation, where he was clearly uncomfortable, so I thought I’d lighten the mood by telling him about a crow I saw on YouTube that could talk, and it would say “walka walka walka . . . walk away.” . . . My dad had an awesome convo with Chris about hockey and his baseball career, and later took him for a tour of the lake on our boat. We joked around with him, played with the dog, ate a BBQ and had a really good time. They had over 10 hours of footage, and just copy-pasted little bits together to make it look like something it wasn’t.”

I’m not altering my original recap because I wrote it based on what I saw on TV. I cannot rewrite it based on footage that I didn’t see and conversations that I didn’t hear, but I wanted to give Katryna a chance to defend her family.
The point is that even on Lyndsey's IG on a recent post she said wrote:Remember: not everything is exactly as it seems. Let’s spread a little love. The world needs more of that.
IMO, what Lyndsey had was an extremely EDITED version that we as the viewer saw. but we as the sleuthers, etc found a different version based on the above quotes.

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Post by Aunties_Love Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:15 pm

Sprite wrote:@HEA I guess we will have to agree to disagree since this is  deadhorse .

And an FYI...despite the fact that I spend a great deal of time...too much...on my computer and specifically here...I have a library. I enjoy the feel of having a book in my hand and turning the pages...and it's not as hard on my eyes.
I agree. The finale is in a few weeks, wed we can discect things again. But IMO, the ending is already cast in stone and IMO, we are going to see Lyndsey and Chris very happy.

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Post by northernviewer Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:22 pm

Last night I posted about Lindsey wearing a heart or Apple necklace since June and in every pic since .... I bet Chris bought her this a remembrance of their HTD in orchard ... I hadn’t made the Apple connection until I read a post up thread about them having picnic in orchard.

Also, rewatched their initial greeting out of limo .... she asked him where he was from .... he said Toronto...
She said .... I’ll fix that .....maybe that was foreshadowing what will happen soon giggling

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Post by Aunties_Love Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:26 pm

northernviewer wrote:Last night I posted about Lindsey wearing a heart or Apple necklace since June and in every pic since .... I bet Chris bought her this a remembrance of their HTD in orchard ... I hadn’t made the Apple connection until I read a post up thread about them having picnic in orchard.  

Also, rewatched  their initial greeting out of limo .... she asked him where he was from .... he said Toronto...
She said .... I’ll fix that .....maybe that was foreshadowing what will happen soon giggling
Love the way you are thinking @northernviewer. I also noticed and I think it's been talked about here but on Lyndsey's birthday, Chris made a post on IG about grandfathers. He tailored it to his, but IMO since she was likely with hers, I thought it was a shout out to her and the family. Especially when you take into account, the next day was remembrance day and the one he posted was of his grandfather in war time. Why wouldn't he post it on remmebrance day instead of posting an old baseball jersey on that day?? Just things that make you go hmmm. IMO, there's been a lot of suspect posts made by Chris and Lyndsey that can reflect on the other.

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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:55 pm

northernviewer wrote:Last night I posted about Lindsey wearing a heart or Apple necklace since June and in every pic since .... I bet Chris bought her this a remembrance of their HTD in orchard ... I hadn’t made the Apple connection until I read a post up thread about them having picnic in orchard.  

Also, rewatched  their initial greeting out of limo .... she asked him where he was from .... he said Toronto...
She said .... I’ll fix that .....maybe that was foreshadowing what will happen soon giggling

I am having a delayed reaction. What picnic in the orchard and what type of orchard? Can someone direct me to the s/cap? TYIA

I remember speculating a s/cap being in an apple orchard. Pretty much my only contribution to sleuthing this season.


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Post by TheWrongReasons Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:43 am

Omg I completely forgot about the WTA and thought that this coming Wed would be the full finale until I saw otherwise on IG hmmm It's going to be a long few weeks. I don't care at all about the WTA and I hate having to wait for Part 2 of the finale. I just want to get a final answer already laugh out loud

See this? This is you. It's not showy or gaudy. It's simple. Elegant. Beautiful.
It's my mom's bracelet.
I know.
How do you know?
Well, because you told me. Six months ago. You were wearing that blue sweater with the snowflakes that you have. You were walking down the hallway at school. I was annoying you as per usual. You said, "Look, Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet this morning, so why don't you cut me some slack?"
You remember that?
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Post by Aunties_Love Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:44 am

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Post by tatladylu Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:56 am

Hi everyone!

I was watched the preview last night and I thought this was odd.

When Chris and Lyndsey are discussing the fantasy suite, it's daytime. I wonder why? I recall that during Jasmine's season, it was evening.

What did they do in previous Bachelor shows?


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Post by northernviewer Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:13 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
northernviewer wrote:Last night I posted about Lindsey wearing a heart or Apple necklace since June and in every pic since .... I bet Chris bought her this a remembrance of their HTD in orchard ... I hadn’t made the Apple connection until I read a post up thread about them having picnic in orchard.  

Also, rewatched  their initial greeting out of limo .... she asked him where he was from .... he said Toronto...
She said .... I’ll fix that .....maybe that was foreshadowing what will happen soon giggling

I am having a delayed reaction. What picnic in the orchard and what type of orchard? Can someone direct me to the s/cap? TYIA

I remember speculating a s/cap being in an apple orchard. Pretty much my only contribution to sleuthing this season.

Thanks Auntie for providing the sc.

The other night I was browsing through Lindsey’s Instagram and noticed that shortly after she returned home from filming she started wearing a necklace that she is seen wearing in very pic since then. I couldn’t quite tell what it was but I said it could be a heart or Apple. An Apple didn’t hold any significance to me until I read a post by I think HEA who mentioned them having a picnic in Apple orchard when visiting her grandpa. That’s when a lightbulb went off. This could have been a gift from Chris that represented a significant time in their relationship ... having that talk in the orchard about her grandparents... that’s also the time he said in a PI that he loved her.

Maybe this season we have an Apple-gate laugh out loud

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Post by LynnTa Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:57 pm

So from the preview , Mik gets a pirate ship and dinner/dance on the beach and Lyn's date seems more intimate. Just from the ambiance & considering that the girls who had dinner on the beach have been sent home (Brittany M, Jesse), I would say Mik is next to go! AJMO


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