Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by LeapofFaith Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:55 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:The right decision would have been Nick not going on the show in the first place since he clearly doesn't and never wanted to be in a relationship in the first place imo. I don't believe any celeb is interested in dating someone when they sign on the dotted line for this show. Not for Soph and not for Nick. Only difference is that Nick was granted the no choice by TPTB imo.

I totally believe TPTB's were fine with him picking no one and loved it. Hence his edit which benefited him and gave him an out with the ol Brooke spin and the post-media as well as Ten deliberately airing Nick's season later. All for his benefit. Even his media spin now is for his benefit. It's all planned imo.

Celebrities will always get their way with this show and be protected for this show no matter what their choices approved by TPTB. jmo

:yes: I wish i could like this x100..

i feel sorry for the girls having to waste their time with him as bach..everything makes sense now, even Dash said he looked like he wasn't interested in finding a relationship...he obvs went on the show with that mind set that he wasn't going to pick anyone....jmo

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:15 pm

Instead of celebrities for ratings, how about the old fashion lead who is genuinely looking for love? If they are scrambling for ratings and feel celebrities will do the trick, viewers will only take so much of that if there isn't some sort of love story at the end of the day.

I don't have an issue when the lead doesn't choose anyone, but in this case, IMO he was never looking for a life partner.


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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by Idlemess Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:24 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:Instead of celebrities for ratings, how about the old fashion lead who is genuinely looking for love? If they are scrambling for ratings and feel celebrities will do the trick, viewers will only take so much of that if there isn't some sort of love story at the end of the day.

I don't have an issue when the lead doesn't choose anyone, but in this case, IMO he was never looking for a life partner.


There’s a story out about The Bachelor: Vietnam where two of the female contestants left the show and are now dating each other. Sensational over there I guess. If you or anyone can find the story and put in the correct thread. Thank you.

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:30 pm

Bobette wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:I definitely think TPTB will have celeb leads again and the same results will happen like with Nick and Sophie (celeb never interested in any relationship). The ratings they get are too enticing. But, before TPTB go with a celeb Bach though imo they will go with a returnee as that will make the audience think TPTB care. Then when they've lulled the audience back it will be back to celeb leads and rinse and repeat. jmo

I disagree.  IMO celebrity Leads is an experiment which has failed.  I think overall Nick's finale would have lost them more viewers/ratings than his celebrity status gained.  IMO we will see a return to re-using people from within the franchise.  

Not saying they won't have celebrities ever again but IMO they'll want to save themselves the headache and go back to using people who are more compliant/dependent on the show for fame, and will give them an ending viewers will be satisfied with.

It depends how one looks at it - ratings or success of relationship. At the end of the day, this is a business of ratings and ad revenue, not about love or relationships. Ratings (ad revenue) are what matters most. 

There's a reason TEN never had two celeb leads in the same year (Bach then Bette) or back to back (Bach to Bach, Bette to Bette). Instead, they are smart to alternate them each year now for the same show (last year celeb Bette, this year Bette returnee) and I predict after this year celeb Nick as Bach next year's will be a returnee Bach (with possibly a celeb Bette). Then following year a celeb Bach. 

I used to think they'd want no celeb leads after Soph and Nick but now I've no doubt in my mind there will be future celeb leads. They pay them enough and when Nick gets over this wee bump (honestly he's had the least backlash ever imo considering it's not even 2 weeks since it ended) it will only show it's not that bad a thing (heck, he has MORE followers than ever so that will work for him down the road). Sophie revived her career with this show and while Nick has a bit of "aw shucks I am just real ya know" spin he'll be back on his celeb status swing of things imo. 

With this many seasons now for Australia it is inevitable that the show will have less successful endings and more drama focused (that's happened already). With the Bach AU in particular, viewers will tune in regardless and more so with a celeb down the road. Getting desensitized to these endings will make it so it doesn't even matter. So many of the celeb leads for European countries are expected to not last. Viewers still tune in. Same with only returnee Bachelor leads like the US and they have 1/22 leads with F1 3/22 total lasting. Those are low odds with that many seasons. 

TEN is just smart because they play the celeb, unknown, returnee lead options so it keeps the forefront image changing and pretend like they actually care about a happy ending. Only ones getting trolled are by TEN imo.

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by Bobette Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:13 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:Instead of celebrities for ratings, how about the old fashion lead who is genuinely looking for love? If they are scrambling for ratings and feel celebrities will do the trick, viewers will only take so much of that if there isn't some sort of love story at the end of the day.

I totally agree @GuardianAngel.  The audience is not as gullible as TPTB seem to think.  They're not going to watch season after season of a celebrity rejecting normal people no matter how famous the Lead is, IMO.  It leaves a bad taste in people's mouth and and confirms what most people already think - that they'd never have a shot with someone like that.  

If they actually did have a famous Lead who fell in love with a normal person it would be hailed as a Cinderella story and no doubt be a ratings boom.  But we've had one Lead who chose a millionaire (and IMO only stayed with him for 3 months because of her contract, otherwise it would have been over even sooner) and another who chose no one.  Experiment failed, IMO.

IMO the problem is that celebrities already have their "pick of the bunch" IRL.  And with TPTB casting mainly for storyline / drama / BiP, and maybe 1- 2 people for the Lead, the chance of those few people being "the one" is just far too remote, IMO.  Nick's girls were OK but nothing special IMO, except Cass who I think was best suited but he had obviously already decided against.

I also agree with @Sprite - which celebrities are even going to want to do it now? IMO they need to go back to drawing from their own archives, other Ch 10 shows, or actually go out and scout for normal people who do want a relationship and also just happen to be single and a total catch (and be willing to go on TV).  The AU franchise desperately needs a success story and fast IMO.

*EDIT* What we need for 2019 are POPULAR Leads and successful relationships.

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:48 pm

By the responses that the majority of the audience see him as being authentic and honest and he didn't find someone so not his fault and not that he wasn't going to pick regardless. That's what TPTB have sold as the reason for Nick and audiences have lapped it up. 

The audiences overall believes it so I don't see where the experiment has failed when they got amazing ratings for celebs and their Celeb leads both have the highest ratings in the history of their show. Couples don't last even if not celebs so I think it's only looking at it more closely that see it as a failure and a bad setup when it was a success for ratings and audiences are even praising him for his 'honesty' and choice (that's what the recent Project was all about).

For me personally, I've never wanted celeb leads and was the first to say that Nick won't last with his F1 ( was underestimating that laugh out loud ) when it was said how much more genuine he is and ready for a relationship than Sophie. I never believed it and always thought Nick had zero interest in being in a relationship. I don't want celeb leads and never have but don't believe that TPTB will never have celeb leads again when they are a ratings hit!

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:04 pm

@Idlemess that was mentioned and discussed briefly somewhere, I'll look for it.

Re the ratings. You sleuther's saw the change and speculated this would happen, a couple of years ago, and as usual you were all correct.

The only good thing about a bad season, is we still get to sleuth! yes


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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by Bobette Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:09 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:@Idlemess that was mentioned and discussed briefly somewhere, I'll look for it.

Re the ratings. You sleuther's saw the change and speculated this would happen, a couple of years ago, and as usual you were all correct.

The only good thing about a bad season, is we still get to sleuth! yes

Very true @GuardianAngel.  Hopefully the show survives otherwise I'll have to find a new hobby laugh out loud

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:15 pm

What we need for 2019 are POPULAR Leads and successful relationships.

I want this so badly. But so far though only the celebs have brought in the highest ratings. 

Popular leads like MattyJ got a HEA ending and successful relationship but still didn't bring in ratings like celebs Nick and Sophie. 

I really really really want non-celebs. But the ratings show me that the majority watch for celebs so I have resigned myself to that happening again. 

Anyone wanting to sleuth possible next leads from Ali's season (no spoilers in this thread) please join here  yes

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by Bobette Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:25 pm

@AllAboutLove I hear you.  

I wouldn't even mind another celebrity provided they were (if you'll pardon the massive Bach cliche) there for the right reasons (ie not just to revive a flagging career) and if the contestants were absolutely top notch, such that the Lead might actually want to date them IRL.  

IMO a major issue with Nick's season was that the girls were pretty ordinary, and equally, Nick was a very "unique" character who IMO none of the girls were actually attracted to aside from Cass.  We'd need a HOT, genuine celeb and girls who would stand out in a crowd.

Not too much to ask, surely?  laugh out loud

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by Idlemess Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:47 pm

Does anyone remember the short lived show call Outback Jack? Well, that was a guy who was truly there for the right reasons. Not sure about 3/4 of the contestants but he found his princess and made her his queen. They’ve been married for 13 years and have three daughters. The lead, Vadim Dale, is living in the US with his family. 

I’m of the belief that if someone truly intend something and open their heart to the possibility and think logically rather than too lusty of thoughts, finding the right one is entirely possible.

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Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:52 pm

Bobette wrote:@AllAboutLove I hear you.  

I wouldn't even mind another celebrity provided they were (if you'll pardon the massive Bach cliche) there for the right reasons (ie not just to revive a flagging career) and if the contestants were absolutely top notch, such that the Lead might actually want to date them IRL.  

IMO a major issue with Nick's season was that the girls were pretty ordinary, and equally, Nick was a very "unique" character who IMO none of the girls were actually attracted to aside from Cass.  We'd need a HOT, genuine celeb and girls who would stand out in a crowd.

Not too much to ask, surely?  laugh out loud
I am trying, really trying to wish that TPTB won't go with a celeb lead again laugh out loud I just don't see the downsides. Best ratings ever with celeb leads because they come with huge built in audiences (larger than recycled contestants). 

Tbh I am convinced the reason TEN gave Nick such an out and soft edit, delaying his premiere so he didn't have to face media straight away is so they can have more celebs later. It's not so much VIP treatment because of the lead but so they can get celebs later on. Otherwise have the show start earlier, give him no out, treat him like Blake and shun him completely, instead it's all kid gloves even the final two were soft on him "he's just lost"  Nick Cummins - Bachelor Australia - Season 6 - Discussion - Page 4 2622943811

The cast... I'm convinced that casting played a huge role in being able to defend and paint his ending like the girls were just not right for him or they made sure it would not work and not his fault.... Hmmm... almost reminds me of another celeb lead who had a cast who weren't right either Suspect (Sophie who said she wished she could have chosen no one). Totally intentional imo. 

The whole thing feels like a setup from the start.... but I'm not their general audience who buys what TPTB sell me. So I get how it can work on the majority of audiences. They can blame casting. Blame producing. Blame the cast themselves, or whatever, but it still gives TEN an out to protect their celeb leads so they can go with them again.

Makes me frustrated just having to even consider TEN going with celebs like this again  Redfacemad because I want to be wrong and while I don't expect a celeb Bach next year but I do expect one the following or for Bette.

My dream of a hot genuine celeb would be great. But who am I kidding, that type of man won't go on this show laugh out loud

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