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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - Discussion  - Page 14 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:46 pm

This is part one of a two parts and it's very good imho!


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Post by Norcalgal Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:27 pm

@GuardianAngel Good listen! Jason is amazing with his business acumen! Didn't know he founded and co-manages

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Post by albean99 Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:44 pm

I didn't know that either, @Norcalgal. I took a look at their site and Instagram and it looks like they're doing well.

The Podcast was really interesting! I didn't know how well Kaitlyn's podcast was doing so I was surprised that she picked it as the biggest paycheck. Good for her! Jason chose Influencing and that surprised me also because I didn't know that he does a lot of it. Apparently they're both doing very well financially. Good for them! yes

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:01 pm

Here's part 2 and more about K's business's. I'm at a loss for words. She was not my favourite person but the last few years she has grown into a successful business woman and very smart.

She doesn't have any debt, is very frugal but the reason's she does it all is for self worth. So very interesting especially the part about negotiating to be the ette. I love Jason and his approach.


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Post by crunchette Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:20 am

jojo47 wrote:
crunchette wrote:^^ She basically admitted she's in another fake engagement just like she was w Shawn.  (My words....not hers.)  She's wearing a ring, but there is zero talk about planning a wedding or getting married.  Zip.  Ziltch...even after being together for four years and her being nearly 38 years old.  The poor girl never learns.  Sigh.  I can't decide whether I want to hug her or shake some sense into her.  

Interesting! Do you get the impression she doesn’t want to get married, Jason doesn’t or both?

I'm sorry I'm replying to this so late. J is the one who backed away from getting married. They did a podcast w Shawn Johnson and her husband in the middle of last year, and it was easy to see that Jason and Kaitlyn were miserable. J said K going on the DWTS tour delayed their wedding planning by 9 months. They said they didn't feel connected anymore. Personally, I think J was upset that K was away from him and having the time of her life without him. I think he was very hurt that she wasn't as clingy as he was used to, and it scared him. He said something about how he's afraid of people changing, realizing you don't have what you thought you had, getting divorced, having kids that get screwed up and need therapy, etc. He was freaking out.

And poor K said she'd marry him anytime, anywhere, and she wanted J to feel the same way about her. But instead, J demanded having a huge, expensive wedding that he didn't want to pay for. He kept complaining about how expensive everything was while K would be happy w a courthouse wedding. It was terribly sad and upsetting for me to listen to.

And a few months ago on J's podcast, he was asked if he had life insurance. He said no, but IF he and Kaitlyn got married, he'd buy some. IF. He said IF. Not WHEN. So he wasn't even seeing K as his fiance anymore.

It's very sad because she wants babies so badly.

Oh...before I forget...on her recent podcast w Jillian, K said she's good at being depressed because she isn't happy. She was laughing about it, but there's a lot of truth imo. Her smile hasn't reached her eyes in a long time. I think she believed she was w a good guy who would honor his engagement promises to her, but he freaked out about basically nothing and suddenly didn't want to get married anymore even though K came home from the dwts tour and was exciting to start planning a wedding. She had a vision board and everything.


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Post by Norcalgal Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:39 pm

@crunchette When you say Jason 'freaked out about basically nothing', I'm taking that as your opinion. We've always been very careful on this site to make sure we are quoting someone correctly or else use IMO or IMHO. Not saying that things may have changed between these two - they did move pretty fast. As my late mother always told me, you can't have your cake and eat it too!

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Post by Jolena Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:30 am

crunchette wrote:
jojo47 wrote:
crunchette wrote:^^ She basically admitted she's in another fake engagement just like she was w Shawn.  (My words....not hers.)  She's wearing a ring, but there is zero talk about planning a wedding or getting married.  Zip.  Ziltch...even after being together for four years and her being nearly 38 years old.  The poor girl never learns.  Sigh.  I can't decide whether I want to hug her or shake some sense into her.  

Interesting! Do you get the impression she doesn’t want to get married, Jason doesn’t or both?

I'm sorry I'm replying to this so late.  J is the one who backed away from getting married.  They did a podcast w Shawn Johnson and her husband in the middle of last year, and it was easy to see that Jason and Kaitlyn were miserable.  J said K going on the DWTS tour delayed their wedding planning by 9 months.  They said they didn't feel connected anymore.  Personally, I think J was upset that K was away from him and having the time of her life without him.  I think he was very hurt that she wasn't as clingy as he was used to, and it scared him.  He said something about how he's afraid of people changing, realizing you don't have what you thought you had, getting divorced, having kids that get screwed up and need therapy, etc.  He was freaking out.  

And poor K said she'd marry him anytime, anywhere, and she wanted J to feel the same way about her.  But instead, J demanded having a huge, expensive wedding that he didn't want to pay for.  He kept complaining about how expensive everything was while K would be happy w a courthouse wedding.  It was terribly sad and upsetting for me to listen to.

And a few months ago on J's podcast, he was asked if he had life insurance.  He said no, but IF he and Kaitlyn got married, he'd buy some.  IF.  He said IF.  Not WHEN.  So he wasn't even seeing K as his fiance anymore.  

It's very sad because she wants babies so badly.

Oh...before I forget...on her recent podcast w Jillian, K said she's good at being depressed because she isn't happy.  She was laughing about it, but there's a lot of truth imo.  Her smile hasn't reached her eyes in a long time.  I think she believed she was w a good guy who would honor his engagement promises to her, but he freaked out about basically nothing and suddenly didn't want to get married anymore even though K came home from the dwts tour and was exciting to start planning a wedding.  She had a vision board and everything.

How do you know that she wants babies badly? Did she say that on the podcast ? Just wondering, (I haven't listened to any of them) because to me it seems more like she's more interested in her businesses, DWTS & her Podcast at this time in her life, (which of course is her choice and is fine if that's the case) then she is in planning a wedding and having a baby. Sometimes I feel she is still into the twenties scenes of drinking, & partying then actually settling down. (then again I could be way off, I don't know her personally and can only go on what I see on social media which can be very different from their actual life) . Could be what has turned J off JMHO. I'm sure there is more that we don't know and probably will never know but from what I saw J was alongside her through everything and was a supportive boyfriend for years . Success can change people and not always in a good way so their needs and wants could be very different now. I remember when Kaitlyn was first on the bachelor, she was naturally pretty, sweet and seemed so innocent and now what 10-15 yrs and she has grown, reached some of her goals , changed in looks alot and maybe her expectations of a boyfriend/fiance is different too. no idea I guess it remains to be seen what will be for both of them either together or apart. I wish them both well ! JMHO

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Post by Linds911 Mon Jul 31, 2023 3:25 am

@crunchette Hey hey!! Miss you!! Your posts yes

@Jolena I think she froze her eggs awhile back and had mentions waiting them a few times in her IG stories when she's around her friend's babies/kids. Like mentioned above Kaitlyn has a vision board of her wedding plans and wedding dresses shopping a few times.

Who knows why it's taking them so long but I'm sorta on crunchette side. hmmm

I know we can reach the stars, You've already hung the moon  PINKHEART
No, I never knew a love like this, Now we're picking purple irises  Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - Discussion  - Page 14 1f49c

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Post by crunchette Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:30 am

@Jolena - She did a bunch of interviews and podcasts where she talked about her wedding vision board that she created w her stylist and wanting babies, turning 37 (and then 38) soon.  Read her Christmas post from 2021.  She wanted to go on tour and then come home and make babies.  And after the tour she wanted to start wedding planning.  I listen to nearly everything she puts out there, so this is where her head was after the tour.  Jason was the exact opposite.  He was fine and happy before the tour, but he completely turned away from her after the tour.

They did an interview in LA in early 2022 asking what was next for them, and K said BABIES!!!!  Jasons answer was work and dogs....not marriage or babies.

When they did podcast for his book launch, he came out and didn't kiss her.  She had to ask him for a kiss.  When she asked him about babies, he changed the subject.  When she asked him to rate how connected they were on a scale of 1-10, he wouldn't answer her.  He was super cold and dismissive towards her.  And this is when all of the trouble started.  She was excited and ready to move forward, but something was stopping him.

He supported all of big jobs that took her away, but maybe he didn't want her to do the tour, I don't know.  But it was during the tour when he talked about texts not being answered fast enough and worrying that your partner isn't interested anymore, which matches what he said during the Shawn Johnson podcast about seeing your partner change, worrying about divorce, and having kids that end up in therapy.  And he talked about how much he loved the pandemic because they were locked in a house together and completely focused on nothing but each other.  He loved it!!!  So IMO something about her being super busy on tour and not in contact w him like she used to scared him.

As for her partying, I think she's been letting him go little by little because she realized he wasn't going to marry her.  They've been doing a ton of therapy together and individually for many months, but it seemingly hasn't worked..  She stopped showing him on regularly on her IG in Dec.  And she's been traveling a lot....the same thing she did before the Shawn breakup.  She told Jillian she's always depressed because she's unhappy, so IMO she's trying to block out a broken heart by keeping herself busy w travel and partying.

eta:  Everything was fine between them before the tour.  afterward, she was excited about marriage and babies, but then she started saying they felt disconnected.  She never said that before, so I'm pretty sure that came from Jason possibly feeling neglected while she was on tour.  And sadly, I don't think they were able to get the spark back once it was gone. As for her drinking and partying, J parties and drinks as much as she does.  He's said he's not happy unless he has a drink every day.  I worry that they're both alcoholics.  sad


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Post by crunchette Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:20 pm

@Linds911 I forgot to say hi to you. So hello!!! Smiley I wish I was posting under better circumstances, but here we are....again. laugh out loud


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - Discussion  - Page 14 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - Discussion

Post by Jolena Mon Jul 31, 2023 5:56 pm

crunchette wrote:@Jolena - She did a bunch of interviews and podcasts where she talked about her wedding vision board that she created w her stylist and wanting babies, turning 37 (and then 38) soon.  Read her Christmas post from 2021.  She wanted to go on tour and then come home and make babies.  And after the tour she wanted to start wedding planning.  I listen to nearly everything she puts out there, so this is where her head was after the tour.  Jason was the exact opposite.  He was fine and happy before the tour, but he completely turned away from her after the tour.

They did an interview in LA in early 2022 asking what was next for them, and K said BABIES!!!!  Jasons answer was work and dogs....not marriage or babies.

When they did podcast for his book launch, he came out and didn't kiss her.  She had to ask him for a kiss.  When she asked him about babies, he changed the subject.  When she asked him to rate how connected they were on a scale of 1-10, he wouldn't answer her.  He was super cold and dismissive towards her.  And this is when all of the trouble started.  She was excited and ready to move forward, but something was stopping him.

He supported all of big jobs that took her away, but maybe he didn't want her to do the tour, I don't know.  But it was during the tour when he talked about texts not being answered fast enough and worrying that your partner isn't interested anymore, which matches what he said during the Shawn Johnson podcast about seeing your partner change, worrying about divorce, and having kids that end up in therapy.  And he talked about how much he loved the pandemic because they were locked in a house together and completely focused on nothing but each other.  He loved it!!!  So IMO something about her being super busy on tour and not in contact w him like she used to scared him.

As for her partying, I think she's been letting him go little by little because she realized he wasn't going to marry her.  They've been doing a ton of therapy together and professionally for many months, but it seemingly hasn't worked..  She stopped showing him on regularly on her IG in Dec.  And she's been traveling a lot....the same thing she did before the Shawn breakup.  She told Jillian she's always depressed because she's unhappy, so IMO she's trying to block out a broken heart by keeping herself busy w travel and partying.

eta:  Everything was fine between them before the tour.  afterward, she was excited about marriage and babies, but then she started saying they felt disconnected.  She never said that before, so I'm pretty sure that came from Jason possibly feeling neglected while she was on tour.  And sadly, I don't think they were able to get the spark back once it was gone. As for her drinking and partying, J parties and drinks as much as she does.  He's said he's not happy unless he has a drink every day.  I worry that they're both alcoholics.  sad

Something tore them apart and started the distance between them., maybe it was the DWTS tour like you said and she wasen't in much contact with him maybe he did feel neglected and he started to reassess his life and having babies with K. Maybe her priorities were changing and it's not what he envisioned as a wife and mother to his children.  No one knows what went on behind closed doors . JMHO
@linds911 , Yes I remember a few of the women freezing their eggs at Whitney's place of business , I believe Andi Dorfman did it as well. @crunchette As far as K's vision boards IMO it's one things to say or write things down that you envision but focusing on bringing them to fruition with your partner is what matters. Guess time will tell duh JMO
Do you know the links to these interviews , if i get time I would like to listen to them. I recently just heard that there was trouble in paradise. TIA

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Post by Linds911 Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:55 pm

crunchette wrote:@Linds911  I forgot to say hi to you.  So hello!!!  Smiley  I wish I was posting under better circumstances, but here we are....again.  laugh out loud

Yet again and we are used to it by now laugh out loud

I know we can reach the stars, You've already hung the moon  PINKHEART
No, I never knew a love like this, Now we're picking purple irises  Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - Discussion  - Page 14 1f49c

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