Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

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Post by Kas_256 Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:14 am

cheriee wrote:
Kas_256 wrote:
cheriee wrote:With all of this they’ll either feel like it's just too much, or it’s going to make them even stronger. Time will tell. I really do wish everyone the best and I hope they all find happiness whatever that means for them. All JMO.

I am hoping it is just going to make them even stronger and more determined to make it work. I think they are both going to give it their everything and hopefully prove his mum wrong.
I think barb did the opposite of what she was hoping and pushed them even further into each other’s arms 🙏🏼🤞🏼

Yes I think there's a good chance it will have the opposite affect than Barb intended. IMO it really depends whether Peter has seen enough now watching his Mother's behavior to finally realize just how manipulative she can be. He obviously loves his family a lot, but for him to ever build a healthy relationship and life outside of his parent's control he needs to create some distance. That'll be a big decision. The fact that he broke up with HA in the first place was a step in choosing to follow his own heart. And that he still wanted to work things out with Madi knowing he was going against his Mother's wishes points to Barb's lessening control already. It might be why she threw such a big tantrum.

When controlling people start to lose their grip they begin to panic, what we saw is Barb going nuclear in the hopes it'd make Peter stop. But if Madi and he remain close to each other and are supported by their friends and her family, then it would actually push him to go forward and be even more bonded with her. This is really the time for him to break-free of Barb's control. I don't know yet if he'll do it fully, but there's at least a chance, and for his future ability to ever find happiness, I really hope he takes the leap (tbh it's going to have to happen eventually, it might as well be alongside the woman he loves). All JMO.

100% agree with all of this and love everything you’ve said.


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Post by ReneeM Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:27 am

Peter’s brother chiming in. He replied to a bunch of comments on his IG. My screenshots

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Last edited by ReneeM on Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by cheriee Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:47 am

Thanks @Kas_256. I also just want to add, the thing I wish Peter's family could understand is that even if Madi and Peter don't work out, relationships can be a source of growth and learning. IMO there are people you are meant to meet in your life, and you have an inexplicable bond that can't be denied. It's okay for her to have concerns, but for Barb to talk about God's plans but then ignore the relationship Madi and Peter formed and their conversations about strengthening their faith together seems like she's ignoring something simply because it wasn't what SHE wanted. It's their relationship. Peter said it himself during the ITM after Madi's MTP. He's the one who'll be spending a lifetime with her.

Peter spent months with Madi and he loves her. He's seen her on tv and met her in person, and he still loves her. Her family and friends love her. Peter's family appears to just want to character assassinate Madi until she's broken and Peter leaves her? I truly have never seen a family feel so entitled to choose someone's partner or go to such lengths. It's not your life or your decision. They have their opinion and they've repeatedly expressed it to Peter. He disagrees. Now let Peter live his own life. All JMO.

Last edited by cheriee on Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Diana Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:48 am

Kinda sad to me to see Madison take all the heat from Peter's family like he's a grown azz man and like Hannah Ann said GROW UP. His family throwing Madison under the bus and acting like she's manipulating poor Peter is pathetic. 

No wonder this man still lives at home and has no accountability.

HA you dodged a huge bullet


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Post by Kas_256 Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:10 am

Wow Peters brother jumping on the hate on Madison train and slamming her in a public space  😲 his family are all horrific. 

The facts are Peter knows Madi on and off camera and this is who he has now chosen and who he loves.  If his family love him then they should support him with his decision - even if they don’t agree with it. 
They are so convinced it’s going to fail they can be there to pick up the pieces
And help him learn and grow if it comes to that. 

The concerns they have they are entitled to raise but surely everything now should be behind closed doors, and once they have raised them to peter that’s it- you’ve said your peace. Slamming his partner publicly is not at all going to help. Saying we, as the viewers, don’t really know madi from editing - Ok that’s valid - but Peter does and this is what he wants so 🤷‍�

As far as I’m concerned life is all about being there for your family and supporting them, regardless of if you like or agree with decisions.

I can’t believe how angry this has made me but I’m just so shocked by his terrible family.
And 100% agree @diana they are blind if they don’t hold peter any bit accountable for this mess of a season. The blame for how everything happened is not at all on Madi.


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Post by cheriee Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:28 am

Exactly @Kas_256. It's just extraordinary to me that they can't see how they should just allow Peter to live his own life. Either Peter and Madi work, or they break up. That's life, let it play out how it will. They don't like Madi, well Peter does and it's his decision. He's seen her on and off screen, he loves her. Peter did what his family wanted, he got engaged to HA, and he wasn't happy. He still loved Madi. Now they want him to give up a second chance with Madi and follow what they want for him again. It's so incredibly entitled and such a toxic family dynamic. It's essentially saying: "we don't like what you're doing so we'll bully you into submission."

The brother just wants to justify Barb's behavior, well IMO nothing can justify it. Disliking your siblings or child's partner isn't an excuse to humiliate and manipulate them.

I really hope Peter has moved out and preferably somewhere out of LA. I think Madi being someone they can't control terrifies his family. They are so used to their set power dynamics that they don't know what to do now because Peter has been asserting himself more and more. Madi isn't beholden to them. And that's the healthiest thing. I would never treat my family the way they've treated Peter. I think it's actually very disturbing. All JMO.


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Post by Kas_256 Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:35 am

cheriee wrote:Exactly @Kas_256. It's just extraordinary to me that they can't see how they should just allow Peter to live his own life. Either Peter and Madi work, or they break up. That's life, let it play out how it will. They don't like Madi, well Peter does and it's his decision. He's seen her on and off screen, he loves her. Peter did what his family wanted, he got engaged to HA, and he wasn't happy. He still loved Madi. Now they want him to give up a second chance with Madi and follow what they want for him again. It's so incredibly entitled and such a toxic family dynamic. It's essentially saying: "we don't like what you're doing so we'll bully you into submission."

The brother just wants to justify Barb's behavior, well IMO nothing can justify it. Disliking your siblings or child's partner isn't an excuse to humiliate and manipulate them.

I really hope Peter has moved out and preferably somewhere out of LA. I think Madi being someone they can't control terrifies his family. They are so used to their set power dynamics that they don't know what to do now because Peter has been asserting himself more and more. Madi isn't beholden to them. And that's the healthiest thing. I would never treat my family the way they've treated Peter. I think it's actually very disturbing. All JMO.

Well said @cheriee I again 100% agree.
I am honestly just in shock and disbelief at his family. They have well and truely let Peter down with all of this and it’s heartbreaking for him I’m sure. What should be the happiest Time for him is tarnished now.


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Post by cheriee Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:42 am

Yes @Kas_256. It's such a shame that Peter's family couldn't just see the bigger picture, understand that it's Peter's life, and be there for him regardless.

BTW it seems that after the first part of the finale on Monday, Jack (Peter's brother) replied to an Instagram comment asking what was wrong with Madi and he said Madi's a great person, nothing is wrong with her, but then deleted it on Tuesday after Barb's subsequent statement because it contradicted her saying Jack was against them. The power dynamic in that family is truly toxic, everyone is expected to fall in line. I hope that family can heal one day. All JMO.


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Post by smg2587 Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:49 am

Listening to Hannah Ann interview on the Bachelor Happy Hour Podcast. She says that Peter told her about reaching out to Hannah B the first week of January and they broke up around the end of the month. Its a pretty insightful interview.

Also from Becca's Instagram story she says some people where missing that they where suppose to interview. Since Hannah Ann's interview and has a part two to it coming out Friday it sounds like Peter and Madi may have skipped out on the interview.

Last edited by smg2587 on Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:54 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by appiah01 Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:01 am

I don't like one of my sister in laws. My parents have never liked one of my sister in laws. You know what they did- expressed concern to my brother and then supported whatever decision he made. And then we chose to love her because she is who my brother chose. That's called love and respect. Even if Madi is the wicked witch of the west, Peter has the right to make his own choices and his family should support him since they love him. I think it's very possible they aren't used to Peter going against the family's wishes and now he is doing what he wants. So, rather than believing that Peter is doing what he wants, they're blaming Madison. Bad form that's going to alienate and push Peter away.


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Post by Kas_256 Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:57 am

smg2587 wrote:Listening to Hannah Ann interview on the Bachelor Happy Hour Podcast. She says that Peter told her about reaching out to Hannah B the first week of January and they broke up around the end of the month. Its a pretty insightful interview.

Also from Becca's Instagram story she says some people where missing that they where suppose to interview. Since Hannah Ann's interview and has a part two to it coming out Friday it sounds like Peter and Madi may have skipped out on the interview.

I just listened to the podcast and found it very interesting - thanks for the heads up. 
Sounds like becca and Rachel aren’t huge fans of madi or peter 😬


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Post by timfan Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:01 am

If madi was so bad or said or did something why did his mother not say what it was she said madi said she did not love Peter but it was more like madi was not gushing about how much she loves Peter like Hannah Ann was doing jmo

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