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Post by Linds911 Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:48 pm

sdmom wrote:Today, 3/23, is my son’s 23th birthday.

I am so glad he’s home even though we won’t be able to do anything to celebrate. My husband wanted to get a cake and I said NO. Just stay inside.

Happy Birthday to your son! It's my brother's 24 birthday today and he usually goes out to eat/drink with his friends so he's a little disappointed he has to postpone it for a few months this year.

LA county is closing schools here until May 1st. Prayers for everyone affected. 2 - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 10 3552228123

I know we can reach the stars, You've already hung the moon  PINKHEART
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Post by Kels0012 Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:04 pm

3 people at my workplace out of 20 have tested positive and others feel sick. Luckily, because I was immuno-compromised, I've been working remotely the last few months. The owner got it at a bar and passed it around to his brother and girlfriend who also work there. And this is just confirmed cases.

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Post by Sprite Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:10 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:@HavaDrPepper glad your friend got a flight.

Airlines are working to get as many Canadians home as possible unless the country that their in closed their borders.

Our Premier just announced closing of all non essential business's to close as of midnight. A list of non essential to come. Totally expected and I'm sure further restrictions to come from the Federal government. Those selfish people that don't  understand the meaning of go home and stay home! 2 - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 10 2292733854

ETA: looking at lists of non essential business's, we've already done that so I don't think there will be any difference at this point.

I really don't understand why beer and liquor stores are considered essential services, but paramedics and people like me who take care of vulnerable people are not? I'm sure it's because they get so much $$$ in taxes from them. hissyfit

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Astrobach Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:14 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:They initially said children won't get the virus, there are children who have been infected, they said only those who travel get infected, there have been many who have not travelled and got infected. They confirmed it is now community spreading meaning there is no association with travel or anyone who was infected. They said only the elderly are vulnerable, there are teens, 20's 30's 40's 50's being infected and dying. They said you can get it from someone who cough's and sneezes and particles are airborne. Now they say those droplets can remain in the air for 3 hours and on surfaces two to three days.

Most people in other countries live a very healthy life style. Italians eat fresh food daily, no additives, it's not allowed in their country. They eat what they grow. The Mediterranean diet is famous not because it's a diet to loose weight in Italy, it's a way of living. A marathon runner who I would think is very healthy, believed to be patient one got infected and infected many more before he was tested. We all know what the death toll is in that country.

It's much simpler to say home.

Italy Source

I have been staying home and following the information and statistics that are issued by several countries, and sites. Canada has excellent daily situation reports that include percentages and now epidemiology breakdown. for the cases reported. I think that the confusion comes from the conclusion we or some draw from reading that a very small - at first - non- existant- percentage are sick, means that they are not affected. Which is the danger of reading and jumping to conclusions based on these numbers. I have a report from March 16th that shows that more than 80 % of cases WERE related to travel, or proximity to travelers. Today, the numbers are 51% for travelers and 44 % community exposure. 4 % pending completes the data.
So what happens is clear, this virus was first brought in by travelers in Italy and other places too. 100% caused by travel. Then, as they continue their trip they came in contact with people, in all kinds of public places, before they were aware of the contagious nature of what they had. 2 weeks before ‘ patient 0’ in Italy, that couple was NOT tested because of ‘ fear of xenophobia’ and they went on to roam around Italy, where they left their traces in many other regions - all traditional tourists spots- that took a few weeks to show any sign of infection.
In the meantime, restaurants who were potentially contaminated and other public places were visited by hundreds of other residents, workers or other tourists and it starts a trail of contagion. The elapsed time it took to people to start noticing symptoms was already way behind the real level of contagion, hence thats why the curve goes UP exponentially and surprises everyone. Add to that, the economic pressure and the lack of knowledge and proper communication throughout the country, it’s leaders and it’s border control, and we have a pandemic. It’s spread from Italy to other European countries, and more Chinese ‘ source ‘ infected people were found to have traveled or be in contact in various big cities like Paris and London.

As an example of quick leadership, Canada reported this history:

On January 22, 2020, Canada implements screening requirements related to COVID-19 for travellers returning from China to major airports in Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver.
On January 15, 2020, the Public Health Agency of Canada activates the Emergency Operation Centre to support Canada's response to COVID-19.
On January 7, 2020, China confirmed COVID-19.
On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization was alerted to several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China. The virus did not match any other known virus.
* source:

The US did not have ANY control or screening before ??? It is virtually impossible to know for sure because no real data seems available.
All I found is this:
The first known case of COVID-19 in the U.S. was confirmed on January 20, 2020, in a 35-year-old man who had returned from Wuhan, China five days earlier.[1] The White House Coronavirus Task Force was established on January 29.[6] Two days later, the Trump administration declared a public health emergency and announced restrictions on travelers arriving from China.[7]” source : Wikipedia

It took 9 days- plus the 5 days of actual arrival date- for the White House to react after a possible week with a known case of Covid-19 . And that DIDNT include ANY screenings at airport, just ‘ restrictions’ on the 31 st. Trump himself had several personal meetings with Chinese businessmen in January. These critical weeks were instrumental in propagating the virus. And it continued until MARCH when more measures - but not complete- were taken.

In conclusion and IMO, it’s a normal statistical curve that MORE contagion will come from unknown or ‘ community’ contact, as many are unaware, ignorant or defying the symptoms and it’s consequences they carry around.

At the same time, we can’t continue expecting containment when the major source is not addressed, which is entry in the country by plane, boat or car.

I have chosen to stay home as much as possible, with very limited time out for essentials only AND I always wear a N-95 mask, because I am protecting myself and others by doing so in public places. In the meantime I am taking several immune boosters and clean up my house in places that are needing it.

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Post by Linds911 Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:31 pm

The last time I went out was last Monday to my local pharmacy to get my medicine. Have been eating food at home for the past week so may venture out for fast food but that's a big maybe!

I know we can reach the stars, You've already hung the moon  PINKHEART
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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:31 pm

IA I'm very happy the way not only Canada is acting but locally as well. There are updates several times a day from various sources for my whole Region.

Further to my post upthread

Number of tests in Canada: 100,333 (as of March 22)
Number of tests in Ontario:28,506

I look at those stats and wonder how many more were not tested around the world because of lack of availability (and picking and chooses who's fortunate to get tested) and how high the true numbers are.

For example, Italy, sorry I keep referencing them but I'm 2nd generation Italian so I follow them, there are numerous deaths in the home who were never tested therefore those numbers are much higher.


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Post by Astrobach Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:37 pm

@GuardianAngel Yes, I also read the Italian sites, - I can read it- and it’s gut wrenching! sad
They kept saying WEEKS AGO, to the WORLD, ‘ please learn from OUR mistakes and situation’ . But powers are fixed in their agenda and greed, it’s not good for the regular citizen of some countries, like here - US- IMO
I’m afraid, Canada stats will be jumping higher tomorrow, I just read in the Quebec government site that the total is now 628 total cases. It’s almost double from yesterday iiIRC. ( more testing = more positive results)
So sad.

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Post by sdmom Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:57 pm

I still go out for a run in my neighborhood when it’s sunny
I think it’s still allowed in CA? Sun is good and I always maintain a distance from others.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:58 pm

This just gets worse every minute. Now they know the virus lasted up to 17 days on surfaces. Good article in the link.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:16 am

During the 3/18/20 Ohio press briefing, Dr Amy gave a timeline of the virus and what Ohio Department of Health was doing.
At approximately 40:00 to 48:00 in this video:

12/31: Wuhan case became public... note Ohio is a sister "state" to Hubei where Wuhan is located and many industries in our state have ties to Hubei and Wuhan
Dr. Amy heard about it on a call with global CDC health folks first week of January. She also is a professor in global health.
1/13: US Case #2 returned to USA.
1/15: Symptoms shown case #1. ODH Pandemic planning began
1/16: First case in Japan
1/17: CDC Health Advisory published with very strict definitions of virus
1/20: Washington state confirmed Case #1, Case #2 identified/confirmed by CDC Chicago, first case in South Korea
Late January: First cases in France, Australia, Canada
1/27: First case in Germany
Late January, 2 students from Miami University were under investigation for the virus per the CDC definition. Specimens were sent to CDC.
2/1: Definition (PUI) of virus was extended to include people with severe symptoms, hospitalization after travel to Hubei Province, China
2/2: Test results returned for Miami U students, negative
During February 8 others under investigation were tested with negative results
2/3: Travel restrictions were implemented
2/7: Received test kits from CDC that were not usable. 2 of the 3 reagents in the kit did not work. Ohio was one of the handful of states to receive these kits. No testing could be handled by labs in Ohio because of it so had to rely on CDC testing.
February: Ohio monitored during this time because of everything going on with the various cruise ships, etc.
2/27: First press conference
2/28: CDC changed PUI again
3/3 & 3/4: Decisions started being made such as number of people in mass gatherings
3/5: Test kits received. Takes 2 days to validate. Kits were set up on 3/6 and validated by the 8th.
3/9: First positives.

In the Stay At Home order by the Ohio Department of Health on 3/22/20, this timeline is documented for steps taken by the Ohio Department of Health:

1/23/20: ODH issued Director's Journal Entry making COVID-19 a Class A reportable disease in Ohio.
1/28/20: ODH hosted the first statewide call with local health departments and healthcare providers regarding COVID-19.
1/30/20: the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern.
1/31/20: HHS Sec Azar declared a public health emergency for the US to aid the nation's healthcare community in responding to COVID-19.
2/1/20: ODH issued a statewide Health Alert Network to provide the local health departments and healthcare providers with updated guidance for COVID-19 and revised Person Under Investigation (PUI) criteria.
2/3/20: ODH trained over 140 personnel to staff a call center of COVID-19, in the event it was needed.
2/5/20: ODH began updating and notifying the media of the number of PUIs in Ohio every Tuesday and Thursday
2/6/20: ODH updated all agency assistant directors and chiefs of staff on COVID-19 preparedness and status during the Governor's cabinet meeting.
2/7/20: ODH and Ohio Emergency Management Agency met to conduct advance planning for COVID-19
2/13/20: ODH conducted a Pandemic Tabletop Exercise with State agencies to review responsive actions should there be a pandemic in Ohio.
2/14/20: ODH held a conference call with health professionals across the state. The purpose of the call was to inform and engage the healthcare community in Ohio. Presentations were provided by ODH, Hamilton County Public Health, and the Ohio State University.
2/27/20: ODH and OEMA briefed the directors of State agencies during the Governor's cabinet meeting regarding preparedness and the potential activation of the Emergency Operations Center.
2/28/20: the "Governor DeWine, Health Director Update COVID-19 Prevention and Preparedness Plan" was sent to a broad range of associations representing healthcare, dental, long-term care, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, business, public transit, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations, and local governments.
3/2/20: ODH activated a Joint Information Center to coordinate COVID-19 communications.
3/5/20: ODH hosted the Governor's Summit on COVID-19 Preparedness, a meeting with the Governor, cabinet agency directors, local health department commissioners, and their staff.
3/6/20: ODH opened a call center to answer questions from the public regarding COVID-19.
3/9/20: testing by ODH confirmed that 3 patients were positive for COVID-19 in Ohio. This confirms the presence of a potentially dangerous conditioni which may affect the health, safety and welfare of citizens of Ohio.
3/9/20: Ohio EMA activated the Emergency Operations Center.
3/9/20: Governor declared a State of Emergency in Executive Order 2020-01D.
3/11/20: WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

... and there is more but I'll quit with that.

This is why I am glad I live in Ohio. My state has been pro-active not reactive like some others. We still have cases but not in the numbers that some other areas do.


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Post by Astrobach Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:46 am

@HavaDrPepper Man ! I’d say! Looks to me like your State was WAY ahead of the White House and the CDC!!!
Good for you ! Thanks for the - very Libra-laugh out loud great and exhaustive timeline !

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Post by Dutchy23 Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:44 am

Astrobach wrote:@HavaDrPepper Man ! I’d say! Looks to me like your State was WAY ahead of the White House and the CDC!!!
Good for you ! Thanks for the - very Libra-laugh out loud  great and exhaustive timeline !

Clever thing to take action in time. We are ahead of you in battling this virus.
We got stricter rules as of last night till June 1!
No total lockdown, but now all gatherings with 3 or more people are forbidden and are going to be fined! Beaches are closed. We have to stay at home as much as possible and no more than 3 visitors, only if there is enough space!  Only urgent matters and going to work. We are allowed to go walking, but preferred alone and no contact. Shops can only be open if they have enough space for people to keep their distance. All businesses that involve physical contact are closed.

Funerals are the only exception, but only family members in the first degree are allowed.

We are nearing our ICU capacity. It is going to be scary this week. Patients are being transferred to hospitals all over the country, to lower the pressure on the hospitals in the most affected area.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but what an terrible president you have to deal with. Not only is he risking the lives of you Americans, but also of us Europeans!

First he wanted to buy the firm that is producing a medicine/vaccine (In Germany), to make it only available for the USA. Now he is claiming all breathing machines that are produced by a Dutch factory in the USA, meant for Europe!

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