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Post by HavaDrPepper Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:12 pm

Here is some positive news that I can get behind... too bad the FDA are being stinkers.

Basically, a company in Ohio has come up with a way to clean and reuse essential PPE items. They have tested it locally and are ready to send units to NYC and other areas in dire need.  FDA says they can only do it at their Ohio facility.  I just watched the Ohio press conference and the CEO of the company was there to talk about the process and answer questions.  One question was about if the PPE could hold up to the process.  He said that after about 50 cleanings, it will break down and that they are able to track how many times each piece is cleaned.

A technology that is available now if only governmental red tape would get out of the way.


I hear you about the rant about Florida.  I have felt that way as well. The worst thing about it is that many of the cases in other states are from people that got it when they were in Florida.  I know of one case in Ohio that came from there.  A 20-something was in Florida during the beginning of March and showed symptoms/tested positive after he returned home.  So if all those cases were actually found in Florida, their stats would be much, much worse.

And, I'm such a nerd that I set up a spreadsheet today to track the percentage of cases in all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico!  No surprise that New York has the highest percent. Followed by New Jersey, Louisiana, Massachusetts and Washington.  Thankfully Ohio is in 31st but we haven't hit the surge yet.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:16 pm


Some of those are yesterday's numbers. I know Ohio's are and so are New York's. I just updated my spreadsheet using the John Hopkins research map. Ohio jumped 247 cases over night.

But, interesting to look at even in this constantly changing scenario we live in!


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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:59 pm

My region jumped from 14 to 21.

A man in his 20's confirmed Mar 26th two women in their 20's both confirmed Mar 25th and a man in his 40's Mar 24th all returning from the U.S. I have no doubt they were in Florida because March break ended March 21 and I expect more. They don't publish exactly where but I'm certain because we have a lot of people who go to Florida during March break. That's an assumption on my part but I stated upthread, we will see more after March break ends.

A family member left Sat March 14th, husband and two children even though there were warnings, then returned on Tues March 16th because of PM Trudeau's warnings for all Canadians including snowbirds to return. I could not believe they actually went.

@Astrobach 33 mil was a typo. Thanks for the correction. I can't fix the chart, it won't work and it's too large to grab a s/shot. The link takes me right to the chart so that's ok.


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Post by Astrobach Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:24 pm

@GuardianAngel Thanks. As far as the Florida element, I cannot agree with you more. And as you probably know a lot of ‘snow birds’ go down there from Quebec each winter. And as they came back, the number of cases literally exploded, making it the hardest hit province now, a record that is not good news at all. sad
There are 2840 cases as of today on a population of 8 1/2 millions.

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Post by HavaDrPepper Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:59 pm

My parents became good friends with several couples from Ontario when they were snowbirds in Florida in the early 90's. Even went to visit them during the summer one year. Florida has been a popular destination for many years. We always joked about knowing where drivers on I-75 were from by the way they drove.... Ontario and Michigan never seemed to follow the speed limits in Ohio because they were used to higher speeds. The good old days... miss 'em.

That's what I don't get about DeSantis. The people living in his state during the months of January through April explode with older individuals who at the beginning were the most susceptible to this virus. Then the explosion during the month of March for "spring break" of people that would come in for a week, then leave to go elsewhere taking whatever they picked up with them. His state should have been in lock down immediately. I mean, when WDW closes down (and other theme parks in the state), you know it is bad! Instead he leaves it up to the individual municipalities. deadhorse


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Post by Sprite Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:45 pm

London and Middlesex are now up to 31 cases. That is 6 more than yesterday. Four of those are people coming back from travel. One is from Mexico and one from Spain. They don't list from where for the other two are. One case is traced back to the person being in contact with someone who had it and one is listed as community. They range from the 30's to 80's.

I had to go to the Superstore yesterday and I had to wait in line...with tape outlining where to get in the store because they want to limit contact as much as possible. Then I had to wait in line to get to the check out. All in all, approximately 20 minutes in each line which I didn't think was all that bad.

One of my co-workers has a cousin who is working security at the testing center behind my house. She said that the first day they opened they had over a hundred cars per hour going through. (They are open from 11am - 7pm.) Currently they have about a hundred cars going through each day. So people seemed to have calmed down somewhat and most seem to be following instructions to self isolate and maintain social distancing. There are of course still those a**holes who refuse to listen but now we have a snitch line to report them. One of my friends did just that when he and his husband saw some guy ripping down the police tape surrounding a playground that had been closed down. They took a video of the guy and his girlfriend and passed it on. They showed the video on the local news where the idiot clearly shows his face as he is telling them that he is a free man and can do whatever he likes. I hope they arrest his a**!

Last edited by Sprite on Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:49 pm

@HavaDrPepper winteriscoming - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 16 3806527698 the problem is converting Kilometers to Miles when driving. My friends that go south every winter have friends in many different parts of the US. During the summer months, they all visit each other.

I knew this was going to happen. hmmm Now to try and find out what area's they are in will be like pulling teeth.

Updated March 29, 2020 5:54 pm
Ontario confirms 211 coronavirus cases in biggest single-day spike yet, 4 new deaths

Ontario reported 211 new cases of novel coronavirus on Sunday, marking the biggest single-day increase in cases since the pandemic began.

The total number of active cases in the province stands at 1,324.

The death toll also rose by four, to 23.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:54 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:@HavaDrPepper winteriscoming - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 16 3806527698 the problem is converting Kilometers to Miles when driving. My friends that go south every winter have friends in many different parts of the US. During the summer months, they all visit each other.

Michiganders don't have that excuse winteriscoming - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 16 3806527698


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Post by Astrobach Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:16 am

Great visual for the state of things in ALL AMERICAS. Not just USA. Worth a million words.

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:50 am

I find this thread has been a great informative place where we can share information coming from our own communities.

We do have rules with regards to politics. I have let some posts go because they were almost crossing the line of our rules, however we are at times in complete violation of the rules. Please remember, we do not voice our personal opinions on a anyone involved in politics.

There is nothing wrong with questioning decisions being made, example why does Florida continue to keep some of their beaches open. This opens up discussion and good dialogue and may invite others from that area to give us the facts.

Thanks to all who are contributing to this thread.

Politics- Discussions involving politics are not allowed. Soliciting a particular party, mentioning a particular party in a positive or negative manner, advertising or trying to sway ones opinions between any parties is not allowed. BachandBachetteFans does not support any particular party.


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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:58 am

I think this is a great idea and would like to see all grocery stores do this. We are being constantly told don't hoard, there is plenty to go around, and when you want just one loaf of bread or just one package of toilet paper you can't find any because people are buying so much at one time.

Also I mentioned up thread there was a security guard outside the grocery store when I was there and didn't know why. I just read an article about grocery store workers who are frustrated with "families" coming in to shop when we are constantly told just one member of the family should shop once per week. Groups of family members or friends shopping and not following the distancing rule is making workers very nervous. The security guard is out front of the store to manage group shopping and allowing only 1 person to shop. yes


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Post by HavaDrPepper Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:30 am

We've got the problems of families wandering both our Wal-Mart and Lowe's stores here in town. I personally haven't seen it. I have avoided Lowe's even though I'd like new cushions for my patio furniture. The 2 times I was at Wal-Mart were in the mornings and were mostly older people. Evidently it happens in the afternoons and evenings. More than likely when the kids are driving the parents nuts at home.

It has also been reported that teenagers are wandering the streets in large groups in the afternoons around town. And, not practicing social distancing while doing it. deadhorse

Even before all of this happened, I would do my shopping in the morning. Stores aren't as crowded and I'm out of there before the people come in after work. Avoided them on weekends as well. Glad I got into that habit when I retired. It has served me well even during these difficult times.


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