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Post by Maddy Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:44 am

Norcalgal wrote:So I disagree with most of you regarding Greg. I actually felt sorry for him tonight. He opened up to the woman he could see being his wife and didn't get the warm fuzzies in return. Katie could have been far more sensitive to him when he told her he loved her and saw her as his wife.
Maybe she had her own reasons why she was like that, she still had 2 more guys and was suppose to meet  with their families and as she told him it was very difficult for her. Like Nick Vial said in podcast with her, that he went through rejection on the show 2x and though what could be worse than that? And then he becomes TB and realizes that what they have to do is very tough too.

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Post by Amethyst Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:46 am

Norcalgal wrote:@Sprite I actually thought Greg was pretty clear in communicating to Katie that he didn't get what he needed - mainly some warmth in response to his opening up.

He mentioned to her that he felt like she had put up a wall between them. To me, her lack of eloquence in her reply was more a reflection of the fact that the cameras were on them, and she was still conscious of the fact that she had a show to put on. I got the feeling that a number of off-camera conversations had occurred. To me it was interesting that Greg commented that it was "not about the rose," and not about something else show-related. It seemed to me that Greg was pushing for a commitment ahead of the point where (by the show's calendar,) Katie felt she could make one.

The thing is, if she didn't make what he felt was the perfect reply on that occasion, when else would he pull that on her? It was like he flipped a switch. IMO you don't claim to "love" someone, and then abruptly give up on them like that. It's like a quarterback giving up on a receiver who fumbled a pass. You regroup, and then go back and try again at a later time.

To me, what Greg was doing reeked of a toddler tantrum. Me, me, me. Do I think he's a horrible human being? No. But neither do I think he's ready for a serious relationship.

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Post by Billysmom Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:25 am

I just think he had begun to doubt what he'd thought they had, between seeing her with Blake and then her almost nonreaction to his declaration of love. It's such an unnatural setting....and he knew himself well enough to know he didn't have what it took to get through FD s et al, with just her "I love looking at you" to go on. I could see myself replaying that scene in my head and getting myself sick over that. It's a huge leap of faith for a contestant to hang in there, it's not an equal situation. I think we forget that sometimes jmo.

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Post by gurlbrit Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:18 am

Just watched the Greg "debacle" in his thread. @Maddy you are right, it was all about me, me, me. He could not see that it was difficult for her, she told him in no uncertain terms that she wasn't going to tell any of them that she loved them until the end. If he doesn't have the cojones to stick it out for a television show what's going to happen if something really tough happens in their lives. Going to be an interesting finale!

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Post by Norcalgal Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:33 am

pavalygurl wrote:snipped ...
I also think the producers did neither of them any favors in the edit.  The "in memoriam" at the end was very odd.

It reminded me of the movie "The Way We Were"!

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by jojo47 Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:54 am

I’ve enjoyed reading what everyone thought about the fight. My opinion is a bit different. I think Greg was F1 until just before HTD’s. I think Katie started to waffle on him & the evening of his HTD something happened that we didn’t see. She was cooler towards him & he was starting to lose his composure. By the time they had the sit down the next day, I think he wanted out & she no longer wanted to end up with him. He had an agenda when he went to her room & she was upset, but I still don’t think she wanted him as F1 at this point. It’s the only scenario that makes sense to me in terms of her being able to end up with Blake in the end.

Any “spin” they film for storyline purposes, like bring Des in & even the conversation with Kaitlyn in the bathroom, is just to build suspense & drama for a proposal from Blake.

I don’t think we even saw footage of another possible date from Justin.

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Post by iamreal2u Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:04 am


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Post by bluwavz Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:27 am

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Post by Billysmom Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:31 am

Not buying it.

To my eyes they just don't speak the same language. He was saying how her nonreaction had made him feel, and that it caused him to mistrust everything. Even as an observer I can see how that might be his reality. He wasn't doing something wrong and then telling her it was her fault.

I don't thi k she really understood what he was saying....hence his seeming frustration and impatience. And it was past the point of retrieval, because anything she tried to say would seem like he dragged it out of her.

I kinda get the sense she has to be right all the time. Oddly enough when she is calling ppl out she can be very articulate. Last night not so much. And her face was a total blank. Even what she was saying to Kaitlyn in the bathroom was abt her process not about Greg. Des was more forthcoming abt Brooks. Jmo

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Post by jojo47 Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:36 am

Billysmom wrote:Not buying it.

To my eyes they just don't speak the same language. He was saying how her nonreaction had made him feel, and that it caused him to mistrust everything. Even as an observer I can see how that might be his reality. He wasn't doing something wrong and then telling her it was her fault.

I don't thi k she really understood what he was saying....hence his seeming frustration and impatience. And it was past the point of retrieval, because anything she tried to say would seem like he dragged it out of her.

I kinda get the sense she has to be right all the time. Oddly enough when she is calling ppl out she can be very articulate. Last night not so much. And her face was a total blank. Even what she was saying to Kaitlyn in the bathroom was abt her process not about Greg. Des was more forthcoming abt Brooks.  Jmo

Re the bolded, I’ve wondered this about her myself. I’m curious if she’ll use ATFR to get the last word.

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Post by pbmax Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:38 am

gurlbrit wrote:Just watched the Greg "debacle" in his thread.  @Maddy you are right, it was all about me, me, me.  He could not see that it was difficult for her, she told him in no uncertain terms that she wasn't going to tell any of them that she loved them until the end.  If he doesn't have the cojones to stick it out for a television show what's going to happen if something really tough happens in their lives.  Going to be an interesting finale!

You would think now would be a good time to ditch that plan:yes: if he calmed now (all's well) if he didn't then he was just full of crock. Greg is not the first to have a hard time with this process and he won't be the last. Heck Emily was clowning after she had been picked and engaged. These people don't know if they're truly the F1 until the end, although Greg was always her F1. She plainly layed that out last night. She said she didn't know what would happen if Greg wasn't there, that tells me she didn't feel anything for the other guys. She truly fell in love and she's still having a time with it now.

Is there evidence that Desiree talks to her because I read one of her interviews and she said Kaitlyn and Tayshia talked her out of quitting, didn't hear her say nothing about third person helping her. That lingerie photo reeks single to me.


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Post by notarose Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:37 pm

bluwavz wrote:

IMO this is a wonderful recap that dissects all the nuance.

from an empty moment something arrives

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