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Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2

Post by Samantharose Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:37 pm

Lucas15 wrote:
Samantharose wrote:I've notice that with some of the guys when she sits down with them for 1 on 1 time she wraps herself up in a blanket. She doesn't share the blanket. Like she's putting a barrier between herself and some of the men. She doesn't do it with JP.

I'm really glad to see that someone else has noticed this. Her dresses are so short anyway that I can understand why modesty would make the blanket almost necessary. But it's also obvious that she doesn't use a blanket when she's with JP.

One of those things that makes you go Hmmm ...

Brad said it was hard for Emily to watch how physical he was with the other gals and all the kissing. If JP is her F1, that won't be issue. LOL! She controls most of the kissing and keeps that blanket wrapped tight. Of course if Ben turns out to be her F1...she might have some explaining to do about why her lips keep attaching themselves to JP. giggling

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Post by Diana Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:59 pm

Samantharose wrote: Brad said it was hard for Emily to watch how physical he was with the other gals and all the kissing. If JP is her F1, that won't be issue. LOL! She controls most of the kissing and keeps that blanket wrapped tight. Of course if Ben turns out to be her F1...she might have some explaining to do about why her lips keep attaching themselves to JP. giggling

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Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2

Post by ryvetted Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:07 pm

Hooray San, thanks for posting those HTD pics! Ben and JP are going to love them AND get Extreme Couponing lessons too!! giggling

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Post by JBF Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:34 pm

Bloomers wrote:
She laughs and laughs, and she has so much fun with Ben. She has fun and probably some of the "time of her life" type experiences that she isn't going to forget, but JP makes her hot and bothered. She "feels" JP, and I mean literally, so, which one does she pick?
There you have it in a nutshell. Forget all that gobble-de-gook about "makes he feel safe and comfortable" - my hind foot :gotcha:

I joked about it before. She really, really LOVES Ben... a LOT. They are like two peas in a pod. Even if so many of us don't see "it" (the "chemistry") they are still very comfortable with each other.

She would also LOVE to take him on her honeymoon for lots of laughs and great talk. Just that he'll have to sleep on the couch. She already has her husband and lover pegged. Ben will be invited to the wedding and can be Best Man, but that's as far as it goes. Like Trista's Charlie.

Maybe if Ben becomes next Bachelor, she can visit Meet & Greet and help him decide on some frontrunners, since she knows what types of brunettes with "things going on" would be his best matches. She could also try weeding out the female Bentleys from the batch.

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Post by Diana Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:35 pm

I didn't even see the caps at first. AWW such a happy family. It's gonna be really sweet. I'm excited for the whole rest of the season but espically the finale. Smiley

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Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2

Post by Love_Me Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:42 am

ryvetted wrote:
Love_Me wrote:
Thanks Ryvetted for sharing your thoughts about the season with us. I kept going back and forth about who the F1. I tried even though I was a spoiled viewer to keep an opened mind about the way this season would play out.

What did you think about TPTB keeping Ames, Constantine, and Ben so hidden the first couple of episodes? Did you ever think Bentley was her true F1 or more filler? Also, have they ever not shown the F1 and leads first kiss? Ben eluded to JP and Blake he and Ashley had kissed, but we never got to see that.

Thanks for all your insight. Smiley

Love_Me, I had insight like a virgin on Christmas morning. Such good clean fun Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 2389799331 🐰 Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 3497602689

Yeah, the fact that she called Constantine first at the RC was so surprising! I would've liked to seen why that first night. But nooooooo we were privileged to see The Mask and The Drunk for 45 minutes. And I wonder who got the boot on the same episode she kept Ames, because didn't she say she picked Ames for the 1:1 fully intending to send him home?

My first impression was that she was going to pick guys exactly like HER, balls of energy, smart and successful. Her interest in Bentley came out of left field, made her look dumb and didn't "fit" her previous image on Brad's season, which made me think right away he was cast for the part to drive her insane in more ways than what we saw on our tv my mind anyway. Despite what most people thought on the nonspoiler boards, I saw her being thrown under the bus way before she even started.

As far as them hiding the frontrunners first kiss, I thought Tessa eluded to romance way before we even saw it. Why in the world would they hide Ben's kiss? Weird.

Thanks Ryvetted for sharing your thoughts about this season so far. Smiley

-I would have liked to have seen her 1-1 time with Ames during the M & G as well
-What do you think about the coin flip date? Do you think they didn't show us the actual coin because Mickey would have gotten that date anyway?
-Do you think JP getting a 1-1 date in episode 3 means anything about him being a F1?

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Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2

Post by Lucas15 Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:33 am

Love_Me wrote:
-What do you think about the coin flip date? Do you think they didn't show us the actual coin because Mickey would have gotten that date anyway?

I know you were asking this of ryvetted but my two cents is:

I think she wanted that date to be with JP - I think it was at the Ep 1 RC when she gave the rose to JP that it sort of jumped off my screen that while we had seen zero time spent together they already were showing a friendship and connection with no "explanation" for it. But - that date was simply too early to show Ashley and JP spending that much time together.

I think the coin toss was rigged and Ashley knew it. Later on, when JP suggested a coin toss for a kiss (and one the toss) Ashley said that he was getting the kiss even if he lost the coin toss.

I think it's JBF who has pointed out how many themes repeat and that the second time around they are always about JP.


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Post by bing2262 Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:00 am

Lucas15 wrote:
Love_Me wrote:
-What do you think about the coin flip date? Do you think they didn't show us the actual coin because Mickey would have gotten that date anyway?

I know you were asking this of ryvetted but my two cents is:

I think she wanted that date to be with JP - I think it was at the Ep 1 RC when she gave the rose to JP that it sort of jumped off my screen that while we had seen zero time spent together they already were showing a friendship and connection with no "explanation" for it. But - that date was simply too early to show Ashley and JP spending that much time together.

I think the coin toss was rigged and Ashley knew it. Later on, when JP suggested a coin toss for a kiss (and one the toss) Ashley said that he was getting the kiss even if he lost the coin toss.

I think it's JBF who has pointed out how many themes repeat and that the second time around they are always about JP.

JP did not really grab my attention on episode 1 but he certainly did after that ballsy "coin toss for a kiss" request with Ashley.I loved his personality and go getter attitude. He liked Ashley a lot and figured out a way to find alone time with her and be intimate with a kiss.The first kiss is usually a good gauge of a couple's physical chemistry and attraction ,which in turn is key ingredient for love to develop . As of Episode 2, IMO, Ashley liked BENTLEY-1, WILLIAM-2 and JP-3.

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Post by JBF Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:06 am

Lucas15 wrote:
Love_Me wrote:
-What do you think about the coin flip date? Do you think they didn't show us the actual coin because Mickey would have gotten that date anyway?

I know you were asking this of ryvetted but my two cents is:

I think she wanted that date to be with JP - I think it was at the Ep 1 RC when she gave the rose to JP that it sort of jumped off my screen that while we had seen zero time spent together they already were showing a friendship and connection with no "explanation" for it. But - that date was simply too early to show Ashley and JP spending that much time together.

I think the coin toss was rigged and Ashley knew it. Later on, when JP suggested a coin toss for a kiss (and one the toss) Ashley said that he was getting the kiss even if he lost the coin toss.

I think it's JBF who has pointed out how many themes repeat and that the second time around they are always about JP.

Latest examples of the above, just in episode #6:

1.) Mickey asks Ash the last time she cried (ep #2) and she brings up people criticizing and judging her (like in Brad's season)... something Mickey does this episode. Ash asks Jordan the last time he cried and he mentions his heartbreak, which brings about all of the Bentley reveals. (Lucas is not asked the last time he cried, just the “hardest” time he had. He mentions his divorce. Nonetheless he is red-eyed and crying when he PIs post Bentley discussion: You put every @$%@ing minute in her and this happens.)

2.) Erhu music is heard at the start of Ben’s date in Thailand and both heard and seen towards the end of Jordan’s date in Hong Kong.

3.) Another Ben/Jordan repeat:
Ash asks Ben if he’s proposing already after their talk about mantle pieces. He has to think to himself about it.
Jordan tells Ash he sees himself proposing in a month. No thinking here… she is surprised at his confidence.

4.) THIRD Ben/Jordan follow-up... Ben to Ash: I wasn’t ready when I got here.
This line flashbacks to episode #1: Jordan states "I know I'm ready. If I met the right girl, if I fell in love, if she was it, I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do for her."

5.) A minor (OK... it isn't a big one) FOURTH Ben/Jordan reference, in addition to the "Cloud 9" comment they both share with Lucas.
Ben (ep #1): Ashley is stunningly beautiful. Really, I was... I was really kinda blown away.
Jordan: I am now more emotionally attached than I’ve ever been. Things are perfect. She and I are on the right track. I’m completely blown away with how I’m feeling. Crazy about her.

6.) A minor one of curiosity... Two "cheese" references by Constantine talking about Ryan's connection with her, then Jordan claiming it sounds "cheezy" but he feels it is "meant to be"

7.) Here's a BIGGIE: Ames takes Ashley to the top of the hotel to view the skyline (“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life”), kissing along route in the elevator but getting interrupted. Ashley (after seeing it for the first time with Ames) takes Jordan to view the Hong Kong skyline (“OMG… This is ridiculous.”), kissing at top and ignoring any interruptions

8.) SECOND Ames/Jordan repeat: On Ames' date in ep #4, she brought up the word "family" at least three times... I have to recheck. Most of these dates, including Ames', use the word "potential husband" and Ben's date not only uses the H word, but also "boyfriend", "girlfriend" "wife" and "fiancé".
On Jordan, there is no mention of ANY of these words, but we get this line: "He’s going to be a great family man. He is the total package for me."

9.) Repeat lines carried over from episode #3
About Bentley: I feel comfortable. I feel secure. I feel protected. I feel like I can trust him forever.
About Jordan: I’m comfortable around him. I feel secure. I feel relaxed. I feel like I don’t have a care in the world.

10.) Jordan (episode #2): We got to talk
Bentley (episode #2): Let’s not talk.
Ashley to Bentley (ep #6): So, you came all the way here because you couldn’t talk to me on the phone?
Jordan to Ashley (ep #6): Thank you for telling me.

11.) This one is only indirectly related to Jordan... or rather, Ashley getting her closure so she can move forward with the relationship
Much earlier, we saw hawks edited into footage with Masked Jeff claiming he could see things (i.e. hawk eyes) others couldn't from his advantage. This was also the period when Ashley started to "fall for" Bentley. However, Jeff was blindsighted, after he removed and burned the mask, by Bentley's sudden departure. (“Out of all the guys, you had the most time with her and you’ve gone out with her the most. She likes you the most.”... even though the two roomed together, Jeff was the one who was the least aware of Bentley's motives.)

The second time we see a hawk is flying over Hong Kong, just before her meeting with Bentley: when Ashley's "mask" would be removed and she saw him for who he was.

12.) OK, this one is a bit weak, but there is so much foreshadowing in ALL of William's scenes.
Ash on William (ep #3): All I wanted him to do was just comfort me but instead he wants to leave.
Ash on Jordan: He’s such a loyal guy. He’s determined. He’s committed.

13.) The reason they cut the Titanic scene with Jordash on the train was twofold:
1- It didn't fit the "eroticism" of the moment... you can see how the playful romp on the train didn't fit Jordan's "blown away" comments
2- The two previous references were questionable... At the roast outtake, Ashley compares her boat date with William to it. Ash in Phuket tells Ames: “I feel like we are on the Titanic.” and Ames responds: “I hope not.”

14.) I do think the engagement on the beach and the "who's next?" comment is foreshadowing.

15.) I will even toss a wild card here and see what happens...

Ashley's very FIRST date with William may VERY well have been the most important one apart from the Jordan dates. So much of William's Story is playing into Jordan's Story (his run-off after the roast versus Jordan sticking it out and not leaving, his comment about all of the women he dated now being married and using him as a "stepping stone to happiness", etc.) The "almost" marriage to William just might be a MAJOR sign of "things to come" for her LAST date...

I bet somebody here could easily add more...

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Post by LuvnIt Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:07 am

Samantharose wrote:I've notice that with some of the guys when she sits down with them for 1 on 1 time she wraps herself up in a blanket. She doesn't share the blanket. Like she's putting a barrier between herself and some of the men. She doesn't do it with JP.

By wrapping herself up like a cocoon she is distancing herself from the guy it's keeping him from getting to close to her ,my friend Samiesmom and i have discussed just that topic we also noticed she did this on her 1/1 time with Ben on group date party plus watch how at times when she is kissing she holds their hands in an odd way she has her palms upward and their hands are palms down( hard to explain) to keep them from putting them around her , there is a good screen cap somewhere and it's the 1/1 time with Ben on GD party but have no idea where to find it now.

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Post by Hotmomma Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:14 am I am so impressed..bowdown

But do you remember the Titanic scene that her and Ames tried to do? It went no where..LOL

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Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 General Discussion - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:30 am

I am sincerely hoping Ben dont win. I wanted him to win but have change my mind. I know he will get hurt but he seems to be doing fine on his twitter although it is for work.


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