Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:18 pm

BlondieGal wrote:Incredible jobs Love_Me and Coastal! blowkiss

This is a sleuthing site, not a "believe your favorite blogger" site. I appreciate that San and Love_Me have opened up this site and dedicated their time to ensure that we had a fun, happy and enjoyable site in which to do what we have done since the show began ~ sleuth and discover spoilers ~ along with all our friends. group hug

Thankyou very much BlondieGal and others...........the work that everyone does on this site to sleuth and have an enjoyable time doing it is why I keep coming here. Like others have said, being human does lend to mistakes. As a sleuther, you try to go with the info you have, whether that agrees with the blogger site or not. Thanks again for all the support I have received here!! high five


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by chaslom4 Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:19 pm

jurystillout wrote:
Love_Me wrote:

Wow!!!! Why did she have no other option. Did something happen with Ben F at the FRC?? Could that be why Fleiss said it was OMG moment at FRC? Could Ben F reject her before she could reject him??? That has never happened before and that would make for a very dramatic ending.... Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Affraid

Good Points. I am wondering about this myself. Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 2711063196

This goes along with the tweet from Fleiss:

fleissmeister Mike Fleiss

Just shot the finale... OMG!!!!

11 May

But wouldn't that cast an awful lot of doubt on the F1? or are you saying it depends on the reason Ben rejects her?

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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:21 pm

Love_Me wrote:

At the end of the day I am proud of the work members here have put into figuring out this season. They still continue to seek the truth and have done so with grace.

I don't look at this as being about winning/losing or right/wrong. It is a chance to be among friends who enjoy discussing a show just as much as I do.

I appreciate the information RS has provided over the years. He very well might be right this season, but he is human and by no means perfect.

The bolded, IMO is the most important difference between here and RS.
I also believe sleuthing is more than having someone contact you and tell you the season. It's looking at the prize ABC offers to match up hotels, it's looking at those hotels and finding activities that go with them. Its looking at various social media sites to figure where people were on certain dates. The people here are amazing at gathering all of this info!!
Thanks Love Me and San for setting up this site. bowdown


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by TrustxLove Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:22 pm

Trueloveforever wrote:
babymama wrote:
Love_Me wrote:

I don't look at this as being about winning/losing or right/wrong. It is a chance to be among friends who enjoy discussing a show just as much as I do.

Love_Me go back and look at the posts. look how many people were patting you on the back congratulating you on beating RS to the punch. you may not think it's about winning/losing or right/wrong, but pretty much the rest of them do.

us RS supporters don't need to spin anything. when you posted about Ben being the f1, remember I pm'ed you and told you to be careful. i knew it wasn't ben when i wrote you that. i didn't know it was JP yet, i just knew it wasn't ben. and yes, you did put that disclaimer. but that's my point. disclaimer or no disclaimer, you knew by putting that out there, you were loving all the pats on the back and congratulations for basically doing nothing. i'm still not sure what's considered sleuthing vs what isn't, but all you did was look on a fan page then email a guy who barely spoke english. that's sleuthing? i guess i have a different definition. you had a tip, you followed up on it, and it ended up being wrong. now you correct yourself a month later and you're being congratulated for it. if RS did it, you know and i know nobody on this board would congratulate him. they'd harp on the fact that he was wrong. i guess i'll just harp on the fact that you were wrong and ran with info from a barely english speaking man in hopes that you were right and could beat RS. you didn't, and it should be pointed out.

now, let the whole board come and attack me. i'm a big girl. i can handle it

Love_Me created this site for all of us to sleuth since FORT wouldn't let us on their site anymore. I agree that we all have different opinions, and yours happens to be that you believe RS, and that's fine. He's got a good track record, but please don't attack love_me.. It's not her fault and she is just going by what her source says. She even put out a disclaimer too when he said that Ben was F1 and this was way before RS released his info.


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Pattycake92 Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:24 pm

Bens not going to get the chance to reject her at the FRC. The lead always speaks first. So the only way he could do it would be day before on LCD or something like that but that doesn't explain the OMG from fleiss. He probably just enjoyed the proposal. I can see JP making it very special fir Ashley!

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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:25 pm

realityfan26 wrote:
I also believe sleuthing is more than having someone contact you and tell you the season.

Isn't that exactly what the fiji guy did with Love_Me though? that wasn't sleuthing. he told what he saw or what he thinks he saw, yet everyone took it as "Love_Me beat RS to the punch". Love_Me gave you info that was wrong, corrected herself today, and everyones happy. if RS did the same thing, no one would be happy for him. that's all i'm saying is how hypocritical it looks.

sure the info Love_Me gave came with a disclaimer. but who cares? judging by the reaction from 90% of this board, they didn't listen to it and took ben as f1 as gospel. if you dont' beleive me go read the posts back when she posted. they couldnt' have been happier. then RS posts shes engaged to JP a few days later and it turns to "well, maybe ben isn't the f1. keep sleuthing!" see what i'm saying?


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by chicagoowl Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:26 pm

babymama wrote:
Love_Me go back and look at the posts. look how many people were patting you on the back congratulating you on beating RS to the punch. you may not think it's about winning/losing or right/wrong, but pretty much the rest of them do.

us RS supporters don't need to spin anything. when you posted about Ben being the f1, remember I pm'ed you and told you to be careful. i knew it wasn't ben when i wrote you that. i didn't know it was JP yet, i just knew it wasn't ben. and yes, you did put that disclaimer. but that's my point. disclaimer or no disclaimer, you knew by putting that out there, you were loving all the pats on the back and congratulations for basically doing nothing. i'm still not sure what's considered sleuthing vs what isn't, but all you did was look on a fan page then email a guy who barely spoke english. that's sleuthing? i guess i have a different definition. you had a tip, you followed up on it, and it ended up being wrong. now you correct yourself a month later and you're being congratulated for it. if RS did it, you know and i know nobody on this board would congratulate him. they'd harp on the fact that he was wrong. i guess i'll just harp on the fact that you were wrong and ran with info from a barely english speaking man in hopes that you were right and could beat RS. you didn't, and it should be pointed out.

now, let the whole board come and attack me. i'm a big girl. i can handle it

It's all good babymamma. Relax. Do you know RS? A lot of what he says comes out true and is valid. This is a sleuthing site.... so of course we're going to dissect everything and be doubtful. It's all part of the game. At the end of the day it's all good. :Lovecupcakes:

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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:28 pm

chicagoowl wrote:

It's all good babymamma. Relax. Do you know RS?

do i KNOW him? no. i've never met him. but i have emailed and texted with him numerous times.


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:28 pm

babymama wrote:
Gina wrote:babymama Everything Love_me does is impressive, so back off criticizing her. She never criticizes anyone and is one of the nicest people on the face of the earth. No need to slam Love_me to prove your point. Thanks.

I happen to agree that RS has been spot on with info on RC eliminations, dates, etc. And yes, he did correct himself with the Chantal and Ali stuff BEFORE the FC aired. So his track record is good.

gina...i'm not saying the work she does for the site is impressive, because it is. but a lot of people on here were so excited and think Love_Me beat RS to the punch when she posted that news of the fiji guy. you can even ask her, i pm'ed her and said don't put so much confidence into what a person who speaks broken English and posts on a fan page says. of coure no one else on here wanted to listen. they jsut wanted to dance and celebrate that someone beat RS to the punch.

then RS posts ashley is engaged to JP, and everyone is STILL on Love_Mes side thinking that she knows more than him. now the fiji guy changes his tune...real surrprise there....and now people are thanking Love_Me? for what?

if it were the other way around, and RS did this, you would all be saying how wrong he was, and he changed his ending again, and he loses credibility. basically Love_Me ran with completely wrong information that you all believed. now she's correcting it and you're thanking her. i'm just saying if this was RS, you wouldn't be thanking him, you'd be laughing. it's very hypocritical
babymama, Thanks for answering me in a nice way without the snark. I appreciate that. I see what you mean, but you have a misconception of what Love_me and most on this site do.

We do get info from RS, and it's just fun to see if all the screencaps, promo's, locations, etc. etc all add up to what RS said are the F4's and other show info. It's not to 'beat him out' or anything like that for most of us (we do have some that feel the other way and want him proven wrong) ~ I, and many of these members, are not like that. We are looking for confirmation of what RS blogged, and we are big fans of the show.

On the FORT site, smart sleuthing saw the pictures that lil Ricki painted for Brad on his refrig. Those who believed Chantal was F1, from not only RS blog, but the onscreen chemistry, just laughed it off. In the end that was a huge clue before RS changed from Chantal to Emily. See this is what we do on here. I'm not a sleuther, but there are some of the finest real sleuthers on here of any board for any show. Some know insiders, too, some just analyze and are great at it. It amazes me how they do it and all the work involved.

So, I think if you understand the purpose of this site and all the many hours and work put in by Love_me and San, our Admins, and also many members, you might see, the majority are not out to disprove RS, but to solidify what he posted.

So pull up those big girl panties and see the's all good fun. yes


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:30 pm

babymama wrote:
realityfan26 wrote:
I also believe sleuthing is more than having someone contact you and tell you the season.

Isn't that exactly what the fiji guy did with Love_Me though? that wasn't sleuthing. he told what he saw or what he thinks he saw, yet everyone took it as "Love_Me beat RS to the punch". Love_Me gave you info that was wrong, corrected herself today, and everyones happy. if RS did the same thing, no one would be happy for him. that's all i'm saying is how hypocritical it looks.

sure the info Love_Me gave came with a disclaimer. but who cares? judging by the reaction from 90% of this board, they didn't listen to it and took ben as f1 as gospel. if you dont' beleive me go read the posts back when she posted. they couldnt' have been happier. then RS posts shes engaged to JP a few days later and it turns to "well, maybe ben isn't the f1. keep sleuthing!" see what i'm saying?

OK we get it...

Reality Steve is the spoiling god...

Even when he gives the wrong ending, it wasn't his mistake, Mike Fleiss obviously filmed it wrong...

We mere mortals can only wallow in our flawed sources, sleuthing, and misinformation...


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by Bronwyn Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:31 pm

I think we can all admit RS is pretty good at what he does. But I disagree with the statement he is where you all (I'm not including myself, because I'm not a sleuther, just nosy) get your information. The sleuthing on this show has been going on for many, many seasons, on Fort, way back when RS was just writing a funny blog about it every week. This site, made up of many of those same sleuthers from Fort, has now become the standard bearer for sleuthing.

The big difference in RS spoiling and the sleuthing, is he is handed the info by his sources, he admits that. The sleuthers dig, and study, and research, and analyze, and dig again, until they can get the answers on their own. They had a pretty darn good track record in spoiling this show, before RS ever got into the spoiling aspect of it.


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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

Post by jelle Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:31 pm

I dont think anything at all happens to Ben other than the usual FRC. Constantine supposedly leaves by joint agreement. I doubt that Ben does also. I think we are dealing with a language issue in that after Ben went back to the Westin after his elimination, she chose JP. I dont think it is going to be very complex. Hopefully they dont make it hokey and screw it up.

Jillian's FRC was weird with Reid coming back. Amost as dumb as Trish coming back on one of Jesse fantasy dates. They have done enough stupid things this series already - hopefully they wont ruin the finale.

I cannot remember if anyone has confirmation whether Ames has a HTD or what their travel routing was for those dates. Did someone have travel dates for Ben F and Constantine?

I dont understand why someone would come to a sleuthing site, tell everyone they were stupid and they should spend their time praising some blogger. Certainly isnt a means to make friends or be part of the group. :puke: Makes me feel like these poor emoticons :pinkcry:
I also dont understand is why it is so important that we think RS is correct and why no one should ever question him? Why do you or he care? Really?
So far there have been differing opinions here, but no ill will. Please dont bring that here. We dont want the bad karma. One thing we shouldnt argue about is Reality Steve. :missclap: :missclap:

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Update on the *Possible* F1/F2 - Thread #2

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