Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

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Post by Billysmom Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:01 am

I'd love to have been a fly on the wall in their house when the possibility of being on the show was first brought up. Can't imagine Matt was a huge fan of the idea, jmo. (Tbh I wouldn't have been either.) Wonder what his thoughts had been about YO....?

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Post by SFoster Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:22 am

Billysmom wrote:I'd love to have been a fly on the wall in their house when the possibility of being on the show was first brought up. Can't imagine Matt was a huge fan of the idea, jmo. (Tbh I wouldn't have been either.) Wonder what his thoughts had been about YO....?

Well, Matt had 2 years to talk her out of ever going on the Bachelor, since she applied in 2016.


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Post by Billysmom Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:47 am

Yes that kinda boggles the mind....

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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by tiger Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:25 pm

IMO Cassie went on this show to become instafamous and/or become The Bachelorette, and her family knew that. She applied for this show two years ago. Was she still in a relationship with Caelan at that time? I think she wanted and expected to be cut at hometowns, which would leave her on the show long enough to have a legitimate shot at Bachelorette and guarantee a spot on Paradise if that didn't work out. IMO, it was very clear to her family that she wasn't that into Colton and that she had gotten in over her head because he was going to pick her. Her dad scapegoated himself to give her an out and keep her from looking like the bad guy. This way, she can act like it's not really HER wanting to leave, but she's just soooo confused because of her dad's opposition to the whole situation. When Colton said he didn't get the dad's blessing, she was asking "Doesn't that bother you?" with a smirk on her face and trying to get him riled up, egging him on no matter how much he assured her that he wanted to date her even if engagement wasn't on the table. It was very apparent to me that she wanted him to eliminate her so she didn't have to eliminate herself. Now she was in a dilemma, because she had badmouthed the girls who claimed (correctly) that she wasn't ready to get engaged and was leading Colton on. Ending the relationship would confirm that she was, in fact, lying when she completely denied the rumors which have proven to be true. By half-assedly staying in this relationship but not committing to an engagement she keeps the door open for a future Paradise or Bachelorette stint ("I want love so badly and I tried to get there with Colton but was heartbroken that he just wasn't the one for me, no matter how hard I tried!! Now I'm ready to find MY person!") while still getting all the publicity of being the "winner." It's kind of a win/win for Cassie, and unfortunately for Colton, he was dumb enough to let her get away with it.

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Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:32 pm

Imho a big plan from Cassie, and solely relying on the show actually flying Cassie's dad to Portugal or wherever the show was supposed to be filmed, and big assumptions, that Colton would keep her until home town visits. Basically the whole family and production were working together to get her the gig, and still they all failed. Jmo.

Last edited by Cocoasneeze on Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Diana Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:33 pm

Imo but they all do. I don't think anyone goes on this show for love anymore.

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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Relalou Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:42 pm

tiger wrote:IMO Cassie went on this show to become instafamous and/or become The Bachelorette, and her family knew that. She applied for this show two years ago. Was she still in a relationship with Caelan at that time? I think she wanted and expected to be cut at hometowns, which would leave her on the show long enough to have a legitimate shot at Bachelorette and guarantee a spot on Paradise if that didn't work out. IMO, it was very clear to her family that she wasn't that into Colton and that she had gotten in over her head because he was going to pick her. Her dad scapegoated himself to give her an out and keep her from looking like the bad guy. This way, she can act like it's not really HER wanting to leave, but she's just soooo confused because of her dad's opposition to the whole situation. When Colton said he didn't get the dad's blessing, she was asking "Doesn't that bother you?" with a smirk on her face and trying to get him riled up, egging him on no matter how much he assured her that he wanted to date her even if engagement wasn't on the table. It was very apparent to me that she wanted him to eliminate her so she didn't have to eliminate herself. Now she was in a dilemma, because she had badmouthed the girls who claimed (correctly) that she wasn't ready to get engaged and was leading Colton on. Ending the relationship would confirm that she was, in fact, lying when she completely denied the rumors which have proven to be true. By half-assedly staying in this relationship but not committing to an engagement she keeps the door open for a future Paradise or Bachelorette stint ("I want love so badly and I tried to get there with Colton but was heartbroken that he just wasn't the one for me, no matter how hard I tried!! Now I'm ready to find MY person!") while still getting all the publicity of being the "winner." It's kind of a win/win for Cassie, and unfortunately for Colton, he was dumb enough to let her get away with it.

I think that, unlike in the earlier "more naive" years of the bachelor/ette, many (most) people go on there for some combination of adventure, celebrity, the travel, etc together with a small hope that they just might meet "the one". In this I don't believe Cassie is any different or is to be blamed for it. Very rarely does someone go on solely committed to pursuing that season's bach/ette and often when they do it doesn't end well. I think that way too much shade is being thrown at Cassie at this point. Whether she never thought she would fall and did and then was freaked out by her dad (understandably after the "if you have doubts it's not our kind of love" speech), or whether she realized she wasn't falling for him and left are both understandable. So often it is a lot more straightforward than all the devious motivations and scenarios put forward.


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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:54 pm


I completely agree. Who was it, who went on the show for the adventure, and is now long married with the lead (bette) and they have two children. Imho it would be a bit unhealthy to even obsess over the lead even before meeting them, you have to have some other motivation to do the show as well. Jmo.

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Post by blueblues Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:00 pm

Diana wrote:Imo but they all do. I don't think anyone goes on this show for love anymore.
IMO no one ever did either, except from a few delusional nuts. Even St. Sean himself has said he went for a free vacation and to get away from a boring job. I think most people through the years went for some variation of what Cassie said last week.
Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Cassie13

Of course nowadays there is the chance for a big IG following and the money that comes with it, and that has changed things a bit, but IMO it’s still a minority that go on the show only for that reason. In fact I think it is a bigger risk that the Insta fame will change the contestants in a bad way later on.


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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Julie81 Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:23 pm

I don’t care what Cassie said or did, no one, none of the girls on that stage last night, or anyone else deserves the hate being brought upon them on social media. It is evil and not ok in anyway. Bullying is the worst and it doesn’t matter how confident you may be in yourself, you can still be affected by such terrible words and actions.

I feel terrible for Cassie that she has to basically ignore Sm for fear of what she will see just because she followed her heart. Who cares that she went on this show called the bachelor. Who cares that that is the premise of the show to get into an unhealthy relationship because that’s what the viewers want to see. Who cares about any of that. This is a human being who just wasn’t in love at the time and that is more than ok.

I knew my parents had a kinda similar story to I talked to my mom last night without trying to sound like a fool for asking about it. Lol my dad was all in. She, on the other hand was not. They dated for a long time, even broke up and got back together. It took her a while and she knew she loved him but she didn’t fall head over heals at first. I think it’s like that for a lot of people.

Anyways, I just wanted to get on here and vent my frustrations about what I’ve seen on this poor girls Sm.

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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by GinaRose Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:41 pm

just me wrote:
just me wrote:
GinaRose wrote:
just me wrote:(JMO) Cassie had several dates with a guy she really liked. This guy was dating other girls the entire time she knew him. She saw some of these girls when they came back from their dates and they shared how excited they were. Her family made it clear they thought things were going too fast and she is close to her family and respects their opinion. Also, hard telling what the show was telling her at this point. She does not get any impression rose on group dates and never was called on first to receive a rose at the Rose Ceremonies. So on their second "alone date"- except for the camera crew- he tells her she is the one he would like to end up with. Thing is, there are still 2 other girls left he is seeing and she knows it. She makes it clear that she" does love" him and "does not" want to not ever see him again. She is not yet "in love" though. ( I find it harder to believe the ones that said they were "in love" in this small space of time).She can not be alone with him to talk further but has cameras following in her face everywhere. How can she be called immature for being honest. She could have went along with him- accepted the ring and fame and went with it. Instead she (JMO) was trying to be honest and is condemned for it. To me this shows maturity not the other way around. (JMO) I see them together- dating without a camera crew and trying to work out their relationship. Not the shows way but their way.

:yes:   Her closest friend came back from a date with a load of gifts from Colton.  
There was that too. I forgot about that one.  How could she trust the feelings he said he had for her -when so many other girls were involved with him? Not only that but she had heard about their dates with him. Also, most of their conversations seem to have been with a camera focused on them or at least close by.  Cassie and Colton have something in common that really has not been said much about. Both have Scripture verses posted on their Instagram or twitter page. So IMO they have a spiritual side in common. IMO I believe we will find they are dating exclusively with both of their families approval when all the speculations are replaced with the truth. Then in privacy they can sort out where they stand.

Smiley I looked up both of those verses when I started reading their instragram.   Colton quoted a Bible verse on Twitter, March 3rd - "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."   I looked it up and it's from Jeremiah 29:11  Colton talked about his Christian upbringing.   Wasn't that college Cassie attended a Christian college focused on finding a mate?   I watched a few episodes of "Young Once" and that's the impression I have.  

Cassie's 1 on 1 date wasn't until five weeks into the season.    I hope I would be guarding my heart in the same situation.


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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 50 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by blueblues Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:08 pm

Julie81 wrote:I don’t care what Cassie said or did, no one, none of the girls on that stage last night, or anyone else deserves the hate being brought upon them on social media. It is evil and not ok in anyway. Bullying is the worst and it doesn’t matter how confident you may be in yourself, you can still be affected by such terrible words and actions.

I feel terrible for Cassie that she has to basically ignore Sm for fear of what she will see just because she followed her heart. Who cares that she went on this show called the bachelor. Who cares that that is the premise of the show to get into an unhealthy relationship because that’s what the viewers want to see. Who cares about any of that. This is a human being who just wasn’t in love at the time and that is more than ok.

I knew my parents had a kinda similar story to I talked to my mom last night without trying to sound like a fool for asking about it. Lol my dad was all in. She, on the other hand was not. They dated for a long time, even broke up and got back together. It took her a while and she knew she loved him but she didn’t fall head over heals at first. I think it’s like that for a lot of people.

Anyways, I just wanted to get on here and vent my frustrations about what I’ve seen on this poor girls Sm.
Good Post
Poor Cassie! I wish she had an SM savvy thick-skinned boyfriend who could run her accounts for her until next week. Oh wait… Smiley

On another note, Cailynn, Demi and Katie have all defended Cassie against haters on Twitter. Cassie defended Tayshia and Kirpa when they got hate after tattling on her. Maybe it’s time for them to do the same for her now.


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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

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