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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by anders Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:36 am

they always speak as if they decided - they never decide. Remember Chris H telling the group that he and Ash decided it was time to leave the mans - Ashley had nothing to do with that decision.

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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by cfck2222 Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:39 am

anders wrote:they always speak as if they decided - they never decide. Remember Chris H telling the group that he and Ash decided it was time to leave the mans - Ashley had nothing to do with that decision.

I agree with this. This was just another one of those things the producers did for drama's sake.

Question: JP's VO about how it's difficult because she's probably not in love with him. Is it possible it was taken from next week and him talking about the ex who broke his heart? I don't know if they'll show it if it was, it's just a thought I had.

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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by agentcurls Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:47 am

cfck2222 wrote:
anders wrote:they always speak as if they decided - they never decide. Remember Chris H telling the group that he and Ash decided it was time to leave the mans - Ashley had nothing to do with that decision.

I agree with this. This was just another one of those things the producers did for drama's sake.

Question: JP's VO about how it's difficult because she's probably not in love with him. Is it possible it was taken from next week and him talking about the ex who broke his heart? I don't know if they'll show it if it was, it's just a thought I had.

It could be....I can see them taking that soundbyte out of context.

Or maybe JP is assuming Ashley is probably not in love with him if she was so uncertain about Ryan's departure & then Ryan comes back to Fiji. It's JP's "Whoa is me!" moment? no idea There's also a VO of him saying "She's gotta know I'm flustered..."

Last edited by agentcurls on Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:48 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : addition)

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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by anders Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:50 am

I wonder if the other guys find out that Ryan is in Fiji.

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:53 am

anders wrote:I wonder if the other guys find out that Ryan is in Fiji.

Don't you figure if they don't know......honest Ashley will tell them!! Boy, I can just see this now!! (going by the whole Bentley thing)


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Post by anders Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:54 am

I wonder at what point he comes to Namale - before or after the FDs. It will be interesting indeedio.

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:55 am

This may be Fleiss's OMG moment he tweeted about.


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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by agentcurls Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:58 am

All of the twists are so producer-driven & if JP had never seen this show before, I don't think he had any clue as to what he signed up for...

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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:40 pm

agentcurls wrote:All of the twists are so producer-driven & if JP had never seen this show before, I don't think he had any clue as to what he signed up for...

I also don't think he, like anyone else who signs up, planned to like the lead and then fall in love with her. He basically admitted that he came on for adventure and to do something new.

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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by Love_Me Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:16 pm

anders wrote:I wonder if the other guys find out that Ryan is in Fiji.

I wonder if Ryan's arrival is shown before or after she has her FD's with the other three guys? Furthermore, I want to know if he actually showed up before the FD's took place.

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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by JBF Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:26 pm

Beeleever wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:
JBF wrote:We shall see if anybody gets these quotes...
Episode #6: I’ve been so excited all day just cause I know I have a date with JP tonight. To be honest [sounds better than "honestly" to me] this is the most excited I’ve been for a date since I’ve been here. (Let's just hope she's talking about Hong Kong and not since she started this show. Of course, if it is since she started the show, then her first date with Jordan wasn't as good... "The last date that we had was right after Bentley left and I had so much going on that I wasn’t really able to focus on our date so I feel like tonight is the first chance for me to lay everything out there and open up and really take steps forward in our relationship.")

Is that what you are getting at?

I actually would not be surprised if "since I've been here" meant since starting the show. The first date with Jordan was important and strategic but pales in comparison to the significance of this date with Jordan in Hong Kong.

Try as I might I just can't disconnect Emily's reaction to actually seeing the show air and Brad's "performances" with the other women and the impact I think this had on Ashley and how she "ran" her own show. I keep thinking that Ashley had her eye on the ball about everything that happened and how she would be able to explain it to her F1 - she does not want to repeat the last season. The Hong Kong 1-1 with Jordan was hugely significant because it explains anything that Jordan would see about Bentley to him as soon as it could possibly be explained.

Emotionally you can't start something new until you've stopped something old. We saw how Jordan was comfortable enough with his closure to talk about it easily and openly with Ashley which suggests it really is in his past and he's not hanging on to it. By explaining to Jordan what he will inevitably see when this show airs, Ashley puts it behind both them both.

This is a very good post, Lucas. I have been thinking a lot about Ashley's conversation with JP on the Hong Kong date and what she said in her blog of this episode and how it relates to what you have stated above.

These are Ashley's words to JP when she told him that Bentley came to Hong Kong and she got closure:
I want to be 100% honest with you. I don't want you to look back and say 'well, why didn't she tell me this was going on?'. And the reason I'm telling you is I feel so strongly for you. I want you to know about the whole journey. I want to not leave here feeling regret and I don't want to leave here feeling like I have unfinished business.
These are Ashley's words in a PI they showed at Victoria's Peak,
I started out this week putting closure to something that was very emotional for me. It was difficult but also it needed to happen and tonight is the reason it needed to happen.
These are Ashley's words in her episode 6 blog:
Truth is the only way to build a real love. And in more ways than one, this episode marks the beginning of my beautiful, truthful, honest, genuine love story.
The above listed quotes from Ashley are the most significant reasons why I am still convinced JP is F1.

I do need to get my head out of the gutter and analyze the word usage better...

Again, those above lines remind me of the fact that she has yet to use the word "honestly" with him, despite using that word with everybody else. It is either "honest" or "100% honest".

This also played into the jealousy "problem". He needed to talk to her about it in order to get back on Cloud 9. He couldn't keep it to himself.

The whole Jordan versus Bentley saga is based on episode #2's pre-RC lines: "We got to talk" versus "Let's not talk." He also stated "I don’t want you to feel like you can’t tell me because you are afraid to or afraid I might judge or react in a way that’s, like… that will make you feel bad. I want you to tell me whatever is on your mind."

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VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1 - Page 30 Empty Re: VO & PI's - Discussion - Thread #1

Post by Princess81320 Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:30 pm

JBF wrote:
Beeleever wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:
JBF wrote:We shall see if anybody gets these quotes...
Episode #6: I’ve been so excited all day just cause I know I have a date with JP tonight. To be honest [sounds better than "honestly" to me] this is the most excited I’ve been for a date since I’ve been here. (Let's just hope she's talking about Hong Kong and not since she started this show. Of course, if it is since she started the show, then her first date with Jordan wasn't as good... "The last date that we had was right after Bentley left and I had so much going on that I wasn’t really able to focus on our date so I feel like tonight is the first chance for me to lay everything out there and open up and really take steps forward in our relationship.")

Is that what you are getting at?

I actually would not be surprised if "since I've been here" meant since starting the show. The first date with Jordan was important and strategic but pales in comparison to the significance of this date with Jordan in Hong Kong.

Try as I might I just can't disconnect Emily's reaction to actually seeing the show air and Brad's "performances" with the other women and the impact I think this had on Ashley and how she "ran" her own show. I keep thinking that Ashley had her eye on the ball about everything that happened and how she would be able to explain it to her F1 - she does not want to repeat the last season. The Hong Kong 1-1 with Jordan was hugely significant because it explains anything that Jordan would see about Bentley to him as soon as it could possibly be explained.

Emotionally you can't start something new until you've stopped something old. We saw how Jordan was comfortable enough with his closure to talk about it easily and openly with Ashley which suggests it really is in his past and he's not hanging on to it. By explaining to Jordan what he will inevitably see when this show airs, Ashley puts it behind both them both.

This is a very good post, Lucas. I have been thinking a lot about Ashley's conversation with JP on the Hong Kong date and what she said in her blog of this episode and how it relates to what you have stated above.

These are Ashley's words to JP when she told him that Bentley came to Hong Kong and she got closure:
I want to be 100% honest with you. I don't want you to look back and say 'well, why didn't she tell me this was going on?'. And the reason I'm telling you is I feel so strongly for you. I want you to know about the whole journey. I want to not leave here feeling regret and I don't want to leave here feeling like I have unfinished business.
These are Ashley's words in a PI they showed at Victoria's Peak,
I started out this week putting closure to something that was very emotional for me. It was difficult but also it needed to happen and tonight is the reason it needed to happen.
These are Ashley's words in her episode 6 blog:
Truth is the only way to build a real love. And in more ways than one, this episode marks the beginning of my beautiful, truthful, honest, genuine love story.
The above listed quotes from Ashley are the most significant reasons why I am still convinced JP is F1.

I do need to get my head out of the gutter and analyze the word usage better...

Again, those above lines remind me of the fact that she has yet to use the word "honestly" with him, despite using that word with everybody else. It is either "honest" or "100% honest".

This also played into the jealousy "problem". He needed to talk to her about it in order to get back on Cloud 9. He couldn't keep it to himself.

The whole Jordan versus Bentley saga is based on episode #2's pre-RC lines: "We got to talk" versus "Let's not talk." He also stated "I don’t want you to feel like you can’t tell me because you are afraid to or afraid I might judge or react in a way that’s, like… that will make you feel bad. I want you to tell me whatever is on your mind."

I also heard her say "of all the guys here" with JP.

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