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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:18 pm

Alanna wrote:Noob, perfectly said. The only way this could all work is if F1 slays the Bentley dragon, and the only one going head to head with him on a constant basis in JP.

Also, it's classic romcom. Girl falls for a jerk, ignores the comforting best friend, and then has an epiphany about what she really wants- the slow burn Ash already wrote about in her blog. At first I thought it meant Ben because he's the slower one in relation to JP, but it's Bentley and not JP that is the measuring stick. They started with the cupcake connection at M&G, had a sweet kiss at the cocktail party in ep2, then he comforted her when she needed it post-roast and Bentley, and them things started getting steamy in ep4. By their next 1:1 and into the rest of the season, I expect his arc to grow, even if we don't see too much screentime.

They need to start showing more than just heat between these two if JP is to be believed as a genuine F1. I can buy the JP/Bentley conflict for F1, but so far Bentley is still winning that duel, even after all this heat with JP. I think to a lot of casual viewers, that leaves JP decidedly not F1. We need to see a strong emotional connection with JP, and last epi he was talking about being hesitant to go there. If JP is F1, and he probably is considering we have two independent spoilers saying so, that's a lot to wrap up starting with episode 7. In a show where we're constantly asked to believe the unbelievable, that's stretching it a little far, even for this farce of a show.


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by nd4reality Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:19 pm

Fascinator11 wrote:
noobsleuth wrote:

The problem with editing is that people see things differently and sometimes see what they want to see. Some people claim they never saw the Ali and Roberto love story, but I thought Roberto was F1 from the beginning, same thing with Brad and Emily. To me JP is getting a F2 edit, but then I don't really see anyone getting a F1 edit either. At the end of this season some will say they never saw a love story because of Bentley or whoever while others will say it was front and center!

I understand what you are saying. I am totally confused by the edit and how Bentley is supposed to play into it. I want to clarify though that I have no clue if anyone else (like Coastal suggested) might come into play. My post was based on an F1/F2 as Ben F. and JP. Based on that I clearly see the JP finish. Now, if someone else is involved in the F1/F2 like Ryan perhaps that all goes out the window.

I truly believe that if Ben F. is F1 we would have seen him on the Roast date. We would have seen him comfort her or at the very least any time of them together. I wish JP had been on that date for editing sake.... it would be been interesting to see. However, Ryan did comfort her on that date and got the rose. I am starting to think that maybe Ryan plays more of a part in the ending then Ben F. does.

Thank you for saying that. Here is what the EDIT showed us. They showed us that after the roast that Ashley got upset about - none of the guys were able to comfort Ashley. She said this in a PI where she was clearly in the clothes she wore prior to JPs date. But they used that one sentence and edited it into the Group date scene just before Ryan had his 1 on 1.
The story they are telling us is that Ryan comforted her, whether he did in reality or not is immaterial. (though he did she said it in the middle of their kiss). Plus she gave him the rose that episode. Ben F was on that date so the rose could easily have gone to him instead but they didn't even show us her convo. with Ben 🇳🇴 .
I think Ryan is a viable opponent for the ending too.

I want to see if the "enthusiastic bachelor who comforted her" from the episode description of episode 5 is Ryan. If not then my theory goes out the window. If it is, the Editors and PR folk are consistantly showing the Ryan is there for the right reasons, has the ability to comfort her AND has the ability to make her feel good about herself (her PI from the pre-RC party episode 4). A slow building of a case for Ryan.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Alanna Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:28 pm

Alexxxx wrote:
Alanna wrote:Noob, perfectly said. The only way this could all work is if F1 slays the Bentley dragon, and the only one going head to head with him on a constant basis in JP.

Also, it's classic romcom. Girl falls for a jerk, ignores the comforting best friend, and then has an epiphany about what she really wants- the slow burn Ash already wrote about in her blog. At first I thought it meant Ben because he's the slower one in relation to JP, but it's Bentley and not JP that is the measuring stick. They started with the cupcake connection at M&G, had a sweet kiss at the cocktail party in ep2, then he comforted her when she needed it post-roast and Bentley, and them things started getting steamy in ep4. By their next 1:1 and into the rest of the season, I expect his arc to grow, even if we don't see too much screentime.

They need to start showing more than just heat between these two if JP is to be believed as a genuine F1. I can buy the JP/Bentley conflict for F1, but so far Bentley is still winning that duel, even after all this heat with JP. I think to a lot of casual viewers, that leaves JP decidedly not F1. We need to see a strong emotional connection with JP, and last epi he was talking about being hesitant to go there. If JP is F1, and he probably is considering we have two independent spoilers saying so, that's a lot to wrap up starting with episode 7. In a show where we're constantly asked to believe the unbelievable, that's stretching it a little far, even for this farce of a show.

I understand what you mean but that's how this goes. It's never the right love story told, just look at Ali and Roberto who did nothing but fight over who's hotter and grope each other. Also, we never know anything real about the F1 versus F2. The F1 is always a cardboard cutout when compared to F2. Oh and let's not forget that the F1 always brings out the lead's worst qualities while F2 makes her better and more likeable. I'm guessing Ashley will be normal and relaxed with Ben and a whiny, insecure mess with JP.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:02 pm

I'm trying to get caught up.... I know RS is saying JP.... but haven't yet figured out what the second source is calling for a JP F1....??
Can anyone enlighten me?? TIA!!

Last edited by alsoaktchr on Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:15 pm

Alanna wrote:
Alexxxx wrote:
Alanna wrote:Noob, perfectly said. The only way this could all work is if F1 slays the Bentley dragon, and the only one going head to head with him on a constant basis in JP.

Also, it's classic romcom. Girl falls for a jerk, ignores the comforting best friend, and then has an epiphany about what she really wants- the slow burn Ash already wrote about in her blog. At first I thought it meant Ben because he's the slower one in relation to JP, but it's Bentley and not JP that is the measuring stick. They started with the cupcake connection at M&G, had a sweet kiss at the cocktail party in ep2, then he comforted her when she needed it post-roast and Bentley, and them things started getting steamy in ep4. By their next 1:1 and into the rest of the season, I expect his arc to grow, even if we don't see too much screentime.

They need to start showing more than just heat between these two if JP is to be believed as a genuine F1. I can buy the JP/Bentley conflict for F1, but so far Bentley is still winning that duel, even after all this heat with JP. I think to a lot of casual viewers, that leaves JP decidedly not F1. We need to see a strong emotional connection with JP, and last epi he was talking about being hesitant to go there. If JP is F1, and he probably is considering we have two independent spoilers saying so, that's a lot to wrap up starting with episode 7. In a show where we're constantly asked to believe the unbelievable, that's stretching it a little far, even for this farce of a show.

I understand what you mean but that's how this goes. It's never the right love story told, just look at Ali and Roberto who did nothing but fight over who's hotter and grope each other. Also, we never know anything real about the F1 versus F2. The F1 is always a cardboard cutout when compared to F2. Oh and let's not forget that the F1 always brings out the lead's worst qualities while F2 makes her better and more likeable. I'm guessing Ashley will be normal and relaxed with Ben and a whiny, insecure mess with JP.

All true statements. I guess what I'm looking for is a reason to care about Jordash as the final couple. So far, 🇳🇴 . If I have to wait until the ATFR to see 'it', it's gonna be too late. I don't think I've ever watched a whole season before with absolutely nobody to root for. I'm ready for next season already.


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by nd4reality Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:45 pm

Alexxxx wrote:

All true statements. I guess what I'm looking for is a reason to care about Jordash as the final couple. So far, 🇳🇴 . If I have to wait until the ATFR to see 'it', it's gonna be too late. I don't think I've ever watched a whole season before with absolutely nobody to root for. I'm ready for next season already.

I too but I'm definitely in the minority. In fact there are just 1 or two here that are not sold.
I normally watch fan vids and get really into it. Plus except for the last season, I'm always always wrong and watching fan vids of a non-existent love story laugh out loud. This time nada.

I do however have the hope that something incredible swings and I see Ashley turn in the right direction but so far have yet to see evidence of this taking place.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by pavalygurl Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:55 pm

Alexxxx wrote:
Alanna wrote:Noob, perfectly said. The only way this could all work is if F1 slays the Bentley dragon, and the only one going head to head with him on a constant basis in JP.

Also, it's classic romcom. Girl falls for a jerk, ignores the comforting best friend, and then has an epiphany about what she really wants- the slow burn Ash already wrote about in her blog. At first I thought it meant Ben because he's the slower one in relation to JP, but it's Bentley and not JP that is the measuring stick. They started with the cupcake connection at M&G, had a sweet kiss at the cocktail party in ep2, then he comforted her when she needed it post-roast and Bentley, and them things started getting steamy in ep4. By their next 1:1 and into the rest of the season, I expect his arc to grow, even if we don't see too much screentime.

They need to start showing more than just heat between these two if JP is to be believed as a genuine F1. I can buy the JP/Bentley conflict for F1, but so far Bentley is still winning that duel, even after all this heat with JP. I think to a lot of casual viewers, that leaves JP decidedly not F1. We need to see a strong emotional connection with JP, and last epi he was talking about being hesitant to go there. If JP is F1, and he probably is considering we have two independent spoilers saying so, that's a lot to wrap up starting with episode 7. In a show where we're constantly asked to believe the unbelievable, that's stretching it a little far, even for this farce of a show.

I know the spoilers are saying JP is F1, but this paragraph is the basis for my thought that maybe Ben is F1.

I don't think Ben was on her radar initially. He is shown to us in PIs etc and there are some intereting VO from Ashley out there where Ben and Ash are shown together. The edit seems to change at Episode 4. This is the only date JP and Ben both have together with Ashley. Ben gets the rose. I agree and do see Ashley look at JP in the group, so this bodes well for him. But look as someone, I think Anders, says at Ashley's eyes when looking at Ben when they kiss during the 1:1 in Episode 4 and when they don't kiss in Episode 5. JP's date edit was cut short due to the Bentley dramarama. Let's see tonight if Ash S' comment about the romantic date shows Ben and Ash as being more romantic. Episode 6 has JP with another 1:1 but I fear the main edit is again gonna be Bentley. So on Episode 7 we have Ben with a 1:1 and JP getting the GD rose. The story arc for Ben is growing and I don't know that is the case for JP. I see them leveling out coming into HTDs. Those will be very interesting to me.

Last edited by pavalygurl on Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:58 pm

Cari wrote:
Alexxxx wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
anders wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
anders wrote:
Coastal wrote: ITA with The fact that JP is shown as being waaaay into Ash DOES NOT FIT F1 edit and criteria. More like a F2 edit.

that's what I can't shake either. Even Roberto's chemistry was downplayed. Jesse was the darkhorse who came out nowhere. Granted those seasons had their distractions (Frank and Graham respectively) but TPTB went to great lengths to hide the connection the lead had with each for quite a few episodes.

It does seem to me to be an f2 edit similar to Chantals edit last season IMO. But as of now, I cannot see anyone with an F1 edit. In fact, the rest of this case is basically not getting any sort of edit pattern at all.
JPs f2 'ish edit may change to F1 once the whole Bentley thing is done. They will leave in more PIs etc re the emotional connection and less on their very obvious physical connection.
Otherwise I'm going to think that JP f2 and the ghost of Bentley is f1 = no pick.

that's the rub - Emily wasn't getting a F1 edit either - she had the tragic F2/3 Edit. That's why it was not so hard to believe Chantal could've been F1, since there didn't seem to be an edit that fit F1.

I'm looking forward to the Ben date tonight. And hopefully some more previews for the rest of the season.

Ok so you are seeing this the same as I am. Good I thought I was the only one Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 771730417 .
Here is the thing, Emily has some sort of interaction shown in every episode (both Chantal and Emily did as did both CL and Rob in the previous season). Jesse C had interactions with D in every episode but their relationship started way later. Basically the F2 are shown something with the lead whether it is romantic or not.
But not this season. Ben F had 1 on 1 /interaction time shown in ep1 and ep 4. When from SC evidence we know he did have 1 on 1 time in ep 3 and probably something in ep 2 since he was on that winning group date at vegas. But it hasn't been shown. Thats what is so confusing.

I'm seeing the same thing you all are. A very obvious F2 edit for JP, and no F1 edit for anyone. It's as if when Bentley leaves again in Hong Kong we're going to turn a corner (I hope) and the edits will begin to make sense. Tonight's 1:1 date with Ben will hopefully provide some clues, but from the preview shown I see very tentative body language still for Ben/Ash (similar to Brad/Emily?).

I'm trying to hang in there and look for clues, but so far this is the biggest dud of a season I can remember.

By now it is rather obvious which Team i side on (no? 8) ) however your edit analysis is exactly what i've in mind, too.I was Team Emily but i doubted her as F1,The chemistry of Brad and Chantal was sizzling! (which fizzled at the last stretch Rolling Eyes ). My JP (emphasis on the 'my') and Ashley's chemistry is so fiery no bunch of
firemen can put out! Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 2400465566 Very Rob-Ali-esque, indeed. Unlike JP,though, Roberto had little screentime. JP's edit (re showing of connection/chemistry) reminds me of Chantal's whereas Ben F's with Emily's. Even if RS and Fijiman say JP is the F1, i cannot unleash my confetti and uncork my wine, just yet. Because it is with immense trepidation that my JP is getting an F2 edit

Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 1688477617
cari, you read my mind. I keep thinking it's all too obvious with JP and they want the heart break factor of him leaving as F2. I need to see the date with Ben F tonight to compare in all fairness. If Ben's date is not as hot as the time she's been shown with JP, then I feel sorry for Ben if he's F1 with the Bentley drama and having to watch Ash and JP sizzle and look very intimate (not sex-their connection) on the screen. It will be a tough pill for Ben. This is be one heck of an FRC and moreso, a hell of a AFRC. Buckle up.

Last edited by Gina on Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Love_Me Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:01 pm

Not that this is a bad thing, but maybe there were only a few guys truly invested in getting to know Ashley on a deeply emotional level. I feel there is one guy there at this point that is head over heels in love with her. Of course the guy I am talking about is JP.

When Ali was the lead the edit made it seem like there were several guys really into her on an emotional and physical level. I am not sure if that had more to do with the edit or if the guys on her season were really good at acting.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:01 pm

Alexxxx wrote:
anders wrote:I don't see a happily ever after, no matter who she picks.

Maybe happily ever after for Ashley is a 2-3 month fling, a stint on DWTS, and starting her dental practice wherever she darned well pleases.

That would be a fine ending AFAIC - as long as we don't have a Vienna-Jake breakup special or a Brad-Emily downer of an ATFR, I would consider the bolded outcome a success, particularly considering the Bentley Bull we've had to endure for half a season. :awesome:

ETA: That said, I would be absolutely thrilled if she has made a real, long-term connection with her F1, whomever he may be heartbeat


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by moonchild Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:13 pm

nd4reality wrote:
Alexxxx wrote:

All true statements. I guess what I'm looking for is a reason to care about Jordash as the final couple. So far, 🇳🇴 . If I have to wait until the ATFR to see 'it', it's gonna be too late. I don't think I've ever watched a whole season before with absolutely nobody to root for. I'm ready for next season already.

I too but I'm definitely in the minority. In fact there are just 1 or two here that are not sold.
I normally watch fan vids and get really into it. Plus except for the last season, I'm always always wrong and watching fan vids of a non-existent love story laugh out loud. This time nada.

I do however have the hope that something incredible swings and I see Ashley turn in the right direction but so far have yet to see evidence of this taking place.

I think that they might be working on next season more than on Ashley's season. Maybe there weren't any other guys that were truly interested in her. But, the question is why would Ryan be brought back at or near the finale if he was let go fairly early on to be considered a true contender in the end? There have been comparisons made to Jill's season. The difference in Jill's season was that filming was still going on when the season aired. TPTB had a pulse on who was a fan favorite, etc. and had a chance to pull Reid back at the FRC to garner more heartbreak for the possible next B. I have thought from the very beginning that Ryan was being set up as the next B. What I don't understand is why they have edited him the way they have and not kept him in the F4. I say this because if anything MF learns from his mistakes. They edited and planned all around ChrisL as the next B, then were caught with their pants down when Chris refused and they didn't have a plan B. They will always have a plan B in the future. I think that Ryan and BenF are the candidates for the next B and they are planning the next season as much as showing us Ashely's season.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 32 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Nativenewyorker Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:12 pm

Alanna wrote:Noob, perfectly said. The only way this could all work is if F1 slays the Bentley dragon, and the only one going head to head with him on a constant basis in JP.

Also, it's classic romcom. Girl falls for a jerk, ignores the comforting best friend, and then has an epiphany about what she really wants- the slow burn Ash already wrote about in her blog. At first I thought it meant Ben because he's the slower one in relation to JP, but it's Bentley and not JP that is the measuring stick. They started with the cupcake connection at M&G, had a sweet kiss at the cocktail party in ep2, then he comforted her when she needed it post-roast and Bentley, and them things started getting steamy in ep4. By their next 1:1 and into the rest of the season, I expect his arc to grow, even if we don't see too much screentime.

I agree totally with everything you said! This is the story we are going to see this season!

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