Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by ironcat Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:29 pm

Alexxxx wrote:
Starshine_16 wrote:Based on the editing that I am seeing,they are definitely giving Ben the F2 edit.I just don't know what edits JP,Ryan,Ames and Constantine are getting.

F2. They're all F2. We'll just have an eeny meeny miney moe scenario at the FRC. That Fleiss, he'll do anything to outfox RS.

(sorry, my serious side didn't wake up today!) :awesome:

I agree that everyone is getting some version of a F2 edit, but that's because of Bentley. Average viewers are supposed to suspect he is the F1 in spite of having just an 8 day relationship with Ashley. And most of them are buying it from what I'm seeing among the unspoiled. I won't be surprised if even after Ashley gets her "closure" next week, some talk/speculation remains that Bentley will somehow come back to FRC, or Ashley will go after him. The shocker will come when it is revealed that there was another F1 all along.


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by moonchild Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:13 pm

CHO wrote:Question -- no one sees anything between Ashley and Ben ?

Ben tells Ashley he likes the way things are progressing. She agrees.

They all say that.

He has seen her dance - and her passion for dancing (first group date). Ben makes her laugh - haven't seen JP make her laugh. She says she wants someone who makes her laugh.

Watch her SQT with JP on the beach, when he tries to pick her up and falls down.

JP was not on the dance group date. She fell asleep on her first date with him - yes comfortable - but wouldn't you want to be with him - getting to know more about him?

Trista said she fell asleep with Ryan on their SeaWorld date. The place that Ashley was on that date, she just needed comfort and understanding,

What does JP know about Ashley - he seemed to fall instantly for her - which is possible, I know.

They have many, many conversations that we never get to see or know about.

Ben tells us he is ready to find love - so no hurdle there. Perhaps she just fell for JP and that was the end of it - but she says she likes surprises... and she seems in such a turmoil about her feelings for Bentley.

I don't think she is in as much turmoil as they would have us believe.

The screencaps of Ashley and JP kissing and holding each other - could be posed. As could the kissing of Ben with Ashley.
I am not saying she did not fall for JP the first night (she in fact says I don't think Jp will be calling me Cupcake - but you never know ...)

This has been addressed, but one word changes the whole context.
- but I am not seeing anyone else posting that there may be some wiggle room here ... Isn't there any doubt at all ?

There's always room for doubt. This is MF we're talking about here.

I don't know what Ashley needs - if it is comforting and somewhat of a strong hand - I think JP would be the better one for her. Ben seems to want to live and grow side by side - and respects her abilities to figure things out.

Ben doesn't seem to have a hang up about falling in love - he sounds like he's jumpng right in. I thought it was cute at theDance Show performance when Ben said "I'm not leaving !"

I don't think this is a done deal yet ...

I like Ben a lot, especially after this last episode, when we finally got to see some depth to him. Just watch the body language with Ben in comparison to JP. At dinner, they sat far apart. She pulled away from his kisses at the dinner table. The kisses that they did have were short and did not look the least bit passionate to me. When she is with JP, she is always close to him, sits in his lap and kisses that go on forever. (Fanning myself while typing) You will hear her say things throughout the season about all of them. About how she can see a future with them, how they have everything she is looking for in a husband, how she wants to see them again and see how this progresses.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:13 pm

JP totally had Ashley laughing many times. When tried to pick her up and they fell, she threw her head back hysterically laughing and they both laughed. When he told her the cupcake story, she laughed, holding on to his leg when he's painting, laughing. I could go on, not being argumentive, but I think both JP and Ben have made Ashley laugh.


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by CHO Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:30 pm

I appreciate the insights. The one thing I did notice was that although Ben was able to articulate his feelings for Ashley - the hand holding and the kissing did not seem very passionate ... And Ben seemed distracted with the sights of their date - rather than concentrating on Ashley. He sure sounded sincere in his feelings - but her face does not light up when talking about him. I still am holding out a little though !
I guess I was interpreting Ashley's comment that she wanted someone who made her laugh - ie someone that made funny statements - not the laughing that comes from almost being dropped on the ground or the commonality they have about the cupcake story - but yes she does seem happy with JP.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Love_Me Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:34 pm

And Ben seemed distracted with the sights of their date - rather than concentrating on Ashley

I just watched Ben and Ashley's date a few times and IMO it seemed Ashley was more into the fire dancers then getting intimate with Ben. She seemed really distracted on the night portion of their date. Maybe she was just tired from traveling so much. .

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Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:39 pm

Well, the funny part about that was that she asked JP if he could pick her up and he said confidently yes, and then the soggy wet sand gave him unsure footing, so they plopped down was hilarious. But, JP kept a firm hold and she was in his lap on the ground, she never was on the ground, he was. laugh out loud And second attempt was successful. One of my favorite scenes from this show so far. Too cute. heartbeat


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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by albean99 Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:02 pm

I'm just not seeing JP as f1 in edit as of now but that could change of course with their 1 on 1 date. I also am not seeing anything that tells me she only has eyes for him as many suggest. I saw a spark with Ben and definite flirting going on. Unfortunately I'm not convinced that either have gotten ahead of Bentley in Ashley's heart unbelievable as it seems. Maybe she's one of those people who wants what they can't or shouldn't have. 😕

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by anders Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:49 am

CHO wrote:I appreciate the insights. The one thing I did notice was that although Ben was able to articulate his feelings for Ashley - the hand holding and the kissing did not seem very passionate ... And Ben seemed distracted with the sights of their date - rather than concentrating on Ashley. He sure sounded sincere in his feelings - but her face does not light up when talking about him. I still am holding out a little though !
I guess I was interpreting Ashley's comment that she wanted someone who made her laugh - ie someone that made funny statements - not the laughing that comes from almost being dropped on the ground or the commonality they have about the cupcake story - but yes she does seem happy with JP.

Although there were obvious F2 editing tricks for Ben (I’ve listed them somewhere on this board) I did miss one – Ben talks about taking things slowly, this never works for a F1. The only things that would make Ben F as it relates to Brad’s Emily, is the tragic loss of a loved one and the babysteps. Beyond that, I don’t think it’s possible for him to be F1. The late date in epi 5, Ames’ comment about their chemistry, Ashley talking about their passion and how she can see an everyday life with him – are almost always F2 edit points.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by nd4reality Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:01 am

anders wrote:
CHO wrote:I appreciate the insights. The one thing I did notice was that although Ben was able to articulate his feelings for Ashley - the hand holding and the kissing did not seem very passionate ... And Ben seemed distracted with the sights of their date - rather than concentrating on Ashley. He sure sounded sincere in his feelings - but her face does not light up when talking about him. I still am holding out a little though !
I guess I was interpreting Ashley's comment that she wanted someone who made her laugh - ie someone that made funny statements - not the laughing that comes from almost being dropped on the ground or the commonality they have about the cupcake story - but yes she does seem happy with JP.

Although there were obvious F2 editing tricks for Ben (I’ve listed them somewhere on this board) I did miss one – Ben talks about taking things slowly, this never works for a F1. The only things that would make Ben F as it relates to Brad’s Emily, is the tragic loss of a loved one and the babysteps. Beyond that, I don’t think it’s possible for him to be F1. The late date in epi 5, Ames’ comment about their chemistry, Ashley talking about their passion and how she can see an everyday life with him – are almost always F2 edit points.

So do you think that no one getting the F1 edit as of now ? I guess the closest I can see is JP BUT only IF they start throwing in PIs relataed to an emotional connection. Right now with so many physical references it seems like a classic F2 as well. That (emotional) will probably come once Bentley is gone.

So I think the end picture will be clearer after episode 6. I hope at least Rolling Eyes .

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by anders Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:10 am

I think we have the exact same scenario as we had in Brad's season - we have the lead who has said she's afraid she's going to leave empty handed (just as Brad did), and we have our F2 both getting F2 edits. That should start to change after Bentley leaves - it started to change for Emily after the NASCAR date (we never saw THE ring after this date) and in Costa Rica when Brad said his connection with Chantal was electric and yet we had the springs convo about Em sabotaging her relationships, and the intimate moments in the hammock. that was absolutely the turning point where Em became F1 and Chantal became F2 in the edits.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by nd4reality Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:16 am

anders wrote:I think we have the exact same scenario as we had in Brad's season - we have the lead who has said she's afraid she's going to leave empty handed (just as Brad did), and we have our F2 both getting F2 edits. That should start to change after Bentley leaves - it started to change for Emily after the NASCAR date (we never saw THE ring after this date) and in Costa Rica when Brad said his connection with Chantal was electric and yet we had the springs convo about Em sabotaging her relationships, and the intimate moments in the hammock. that was absolutely the turning point where Em became F1 and Chantal became F2 in the edits.

Yeah this makes sense to me and ties in with what I have been thinking.

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Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Bachelorette 7 - THE EDIT - Thread #2

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:11 pm

cfck2222 wrote:Thanks anders and Bloomers for explaining about Michelle Money. I thought she'd gotten the "here for wrong reasons" edit and was the troublemaker in the house but that's probably what I get for only reading online headlines.

Nah... the majority of the ladies defended her and said that she was very friendly. :D I never thought she was a villian... I thought Michelle was over the top hysterical. I knew she wasn't being serious. giggling


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