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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:55 pm

AEF wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:
The mother of The Bachelor Blake Garvey has revealed her son endured relentless bullying throughout his childhood because of his skin colour.

We did know this although not the horrible extent. I don't know how I feel about this coming out now, you have to assume Max has created a campaign.

It's actually very easy to give evidence that this is the case. Just do a Non-PR-Blake vs. PR-Blake and you will see there is a huge difference in his responses:
PR-Blake = face it head on, tell your story/confirm rumours, victim of life and not just love/show, take the reins of the media instead of letting them 'speak for you', etc...
Non-PR-Blake = hide away, evade rumours and allude to them not being true, victim of love/show, lets media/others speak for him, etc...

- This doesn't necessarily mean Blake is lying either way, or telling the truth either way, it could very well be just not knowing how to navigate the public arena of the media circus/spin machine.... I still stand by my claim that he fell in love with Sam. 
- But I think he was more in love with her than she with him (vulnerable, raw, insecure). His insecurities led to doubts, not being supported (he said this in his speech to Sam getting her to stay in Ep8 and he said this to her in his proposal 'someone to support me'). 
- I think when he was getting slammed by the media/public while the show was airing Sam wasn't reaching out the way he wanted to be supported. Louise did. If there is a bach-baby that throws everything out but that is my reasoning. 
- Immature, what-have-you, I think he was more invested in Sam than she was in him (from the perspective of reassurance) and I don't think his switching off was related to her as much as exhaustion from the length of the show and being raw/vulnerable/insecure and Sam let him withdraw from her rather than reaching out to comfort him (physical closeness rather than sex is true intimacy), basically pulling him closer to her instead of letting him withdraw (not that she is at fault, it is probably what he needed/wanted based on what we know about his emphasis on support - support from a distance when one can be close is not really support). 
- He was like a needy boy around Sam all the time, constantly reassuring her (we have Screen Caps to prove his facial expressions, how he looked like a needy boy whenever he was around her... with Louise, and others, he appeared way more masculine). 
- I also think that as much as her mum/aunt liked Sam they didn't see her as marriage material. In the final episode Blake said 'But Sam??" when they were saying both Lisa and Sam were wonderful. He looked disappointed that they were not preferring Sam and I think he let that go but it may have come back out later on post-show, not having family support as well can play a role. Plus, his best mates, from what Blake alludes to in post-breakup interviews seemed to not have liked Sam. If most of the viewers were saying Sam was immature/not marriage material ready (and she does come off girly rather than womanly), it makes sense then that outside influence combined with not being around Sam could have sealed the deal and Louise contacting him to support him made him want to establish a relationship with her instead as she gave him the support he craved.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:37 am

AEF wrote:Laurina: ‘I think he’s more compatible with Louise.’
‘It’s unfortunate for Sam that it turned out this way but if he’s not going to cherish her we don’t want him to be with her anyway.’

I said before that for Blake, being supported is the most important thing to him in a relationship. 
- He kept saying it from the get go, reiterated in Ep8, and all the way to his proposal to Sam.
Sam and Blake's dynamic in their relationship was always him supporting her. Kind of a one way street if you look at it from Blake's perspective (support means the most to him).
Louise is someone that has shown she is willing to give support, initiate it. Blake is someone that needs support more than anything else. So, it makes sense for them to be compatible. Blake needs support and Louise wants to give support. A win-win for them without the need to be emotionally raw/vulnerable/insecure as we saw with Blake and Sam.

When you watch the show you can see how both Blake and Sam spent most of their time in tears/incredibly vulnerable/raw around one another. Too raw, both insecure/vulnerable (their backgrounds being so similar probably the cause of this) and so they were barely had a moment where it was not reassuring, reassuring, reassuring. That is exhausting. Sam doubted he really loved her and Blake had to keep reassuring all the time.

Falling in love or not, I think that it is emotionally exhausting to be in a relationship where there is constant need on both sides to validate one another. With Louise, Blake didn't need to do that. Louise had/has confidence and no need to be constantly reassured and for Blake it probably is easier to be with someone whom he can build with (Louise) instead of constantly try to lay a foundation down (Sam).

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The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 1413627075620_wps_22_Please_link_to_http_www_w
I think that Blake needs a woman who leads, who kind of says this is what we are going to do, rather than him leading (as he did with Sam). It doesn't mean he is weak/immature (though I'm sure one can argue that) but I think, based on how he was raised being only child with women, that he fits better into the mold of having someone like Louise who will lead him a bit, give him some direction. I can see how Louise could have taken the reins in getting the PR for Blake, she is an events planner and followed Max Markson long before all this and will help him navigate all this. 

I am sure that, if my gut is correct, we will see on their interview that she is more sure than him, leading him so to speak and he is leaning on her more, emotionally. He is definitely someone that is more comfortable following the lead of women rather than leading them and being a role model. I think it is what made him so insecure with Sam because he had to be the leader in their relationship (something unfamiliar to him with women) when in fact what it is more natural for him to have someone lead him like Louise does.

Everyone has different personalities, so even though one can say 'mothering/nurturing/leading' or whatever, I think it is just a case of him feeling more suited to being with a woman whom he needs/depends on more than a woman who needs/depends on him and he realised this after the show...


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:54 am

Blake's Twitter favourites as of 1hr before my posting this on here.

The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Mesnic10
Important to note: Alana Ng is a new account, has zero followers, follows mostly TB franchise including Jason and Molly Mesnick, does not follow any real people (only celebrity/business), has only made 3 tweets... and these to Blake and Louise about the 'Mesnick' comparison. This may or may not be a PR-tactic, it has been done before that is for sure, to put in place positive feedback from 'the public'. 

Blake definitely has Max and his PR spinning this as nothing new to TB franchise. Since Max Markson has been hired on, Blake:
- deleted his 'not with Louise' tweet 
- blocked anyone that asks about why he deleted the 'not with Louise' tweet
- blocked anyone that says anything about him owning Alpha Male 
- only tweets and favourites posts that show him in a positive light 
- has his mother, Andrea's public approval in interviews
- has other bettes (Zoe and Laurina) saying they wish them happiness (in Laurina's case it seemed tongue-in-cheek that they are suited for each other, same type of people, Sam needs someone to cherish her)
- favourited a Mesnick reference (and if we see more of this in the news or added to any articles then it will give the public something to compare to and perhaps more easily accept (though I think Louise is his best form of getting his reputation repaired. She is a PR dream, in a positive way).

To me, this is nottraditional Mesnick... Jason never pursued/dated Molly behind the scenes post-show. He waited until ATFR to talk to Molly. He didn't do it 'behind the scenes' as Blake has done with Louise and this is the reason it seems *off* and for me, distasteful on both Blake and Louise's parts. I have zero problem with Blake breaking things off with Sam and being with Louise if that is where his heart lies, I do however, have a problem with sneaking around and pursuing Louise behind the scenes. If Blake had done what Jason did, break it off post-show and then just wait until after the final episode (Jason waited 3+ months! to talk to Molly about his feelings and that he made a mistake) I could understand that intentions were good and Blake just made a mistake rather than choosing to propose knowing he would be pursuing someone else... if that is what he did it just doesn't compute.   question If anything, he was told about the Mesnick and that he is not the first or only one, and that gave him confidence to make it 'just another Mesnick' situation (and look they have children) and do interviews (magz/tv). I think it will still be spun as a Mesnick purely based on Louise being one of the girls from the show... Heck, if it was Jess, or even Laurina  giggling it would still be  spun as a Mesnick because there is precedent for it in this franchise. If he claims he let Louise go on purpose to spare her the media or because he was forced to propose then Sam should have been in on that otherwise that is just bad-taste from both of them. We will never know the *truth*... no idea Ah well, wish them all the best. 

P.S. I find it interesting, very, very interesting that both Tim and Anna did not choose Sam as F1 and they would never have a proposal (Anna saying she would have said no and the F1 should too). Tim chose Louise as F1 and then when the media blackout happened he said "switcheroo" on his Twitter. Then he and Anna go on a (Shine/Channel10 paid?) honeymoon-like holiday to relax with many photos shown. Tim then follows Blake on Twitter post-TheProject interview. They just may have been 'in' on all this the week prior to the final episode when production knew of the breakup.  scratch

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Post by Sundy Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:12 am

^ great analysis. I myself am waiting for Blake to block me on Twitter. Hasn't happened yet, but I'm guessing it's not too far off. Gosh Channel 9 should be reading this thread, they would have a field day.

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Post by AEF Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:38 am

AllAboutLove wrote:Blake's Twitter favourites as of 1hr before my posting this on here.

The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Mesnic10
Important to note: Alana Ng is a new account, has zero followers, follows mostly TB franchise including Jason and Molly Mesnick, does not follow any real people (only celebrity/business), has only made 3 tweets... and these to Blake and Louise about the 'Mesnick' comparison. This may or may not be a PR-tactic, it has been done before that is for sure, to put in place positive feedback from 'the public'. 

Blake definitely has Max and his PR spinning this as nothing new to TB franchise. Since Max Markson has been hired on, Blake:
- deleted his 'not with Louise' tweet 
- blocked anyone that asks about why he deleted the 'not with Louise' tweet
- blocked anyone that says anything about him owning Alpha Male 
- only tweets and favourites posts that show him in a positive light 
- has his mother, Andrea's public approval in interviews
- has other bettes (Zoe and Laurina) saying they wish them happiness (in Laurina's case it seemed tongue-in-cheek that they are suited for each other, same type of people, Sam needs someone to cherish her)
- favourited a Mesnick reference (and if we see more of this in the news or added to any articles then it will give the public something to compare to and perhaps more easily accept (though I think Louise is his best form of getting his reputation repaired. She is a PR dream, in a positive way).

To me, this is nottraditional Mesnick... Jason never pursued/dated Molly behind the scenes post-show. He waited until ATFR to talk to Molly. He didn't do it 'behind the scenes' as Blake has done with Louise and this is the reason it seems *off* and for me, distasteful on both Blake and Louise's parts. I have zero problem with Blake breaking things off with Sam and being with Louise if that is where his heart lies, I do however, have a problem with sneaking around and pursuing Louise behind the scenes. If Blake had done what Jason did, break it off post-show and then just wait until after the final episode (Jason waited 3+ months! to talk to Molly about his feelings and that he made a mistake) I could understand that intentions were good and Blake just made a mistake rather than choosing to propose knowing he would be pursuing someone else... if that is what he did it just doesn't compute.   question If anything, he was told about the Mesnick and that he is not the first or only one, and that gave him confidence to make it 'just another Mesnick' situation (and look they have children) and do interviews (magz/tv). I think it will still be spun as a Mesnick purely based on Louise being one of the girls from the show... Heck, if it was Jess, or even Laurina  giggling it would still be  spun as a Mesnick because there is precedent for it in this franchise. If he claims he let Louise go on purpose to spare her the media or because he was forced to propose then Sam should have been in on that otherwise that is just bad-taste from both of them. We will never know the *truth*... no idea Ah well, wish them all the best. 

Others will be able to clarify but think Jason's ATFR was brought forward and filmed on a closed set. He had some conversation with Molly prior to that. Melissa and he had broken up prior to the ATFR but she did not know he would be dating Molly.

P.S. I find it interesting, very, very interesting that both Tim and Anna did not choose Sam as F1 and they would never have a proposal (Anna saying she would have said no and the F1 should too). Tim chose Louise as F1 and then when the media blackout happened he said "switcheroo" on his Twitter. Then he and Anna go on a (Shine/Channel10 paid?) honeymoon-like holiday to relax with many photos shown. Tim then follows Blake on Twitter post-TheProject interview. They just may have been 'in' on all this the week prior to the final episode when production knew of the breakup.  scratch


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:57 am

AEF: 3+ months is much longer than 6 weeks so closed set makes a lot of sense timewise. But I don't get why Blake wasn't even devastated in the least that Louise left? He was a wreck when Lisa left. If anything, I would have bet Lisa for a switcheroo (he did contact her), not Louise. Louise would be a post-show thing based on his reaction to her leaving. I am sure he will spin it that he did it for her benefit (letting her go F3) or that he didn't think she would pick him (Louise was the only one of the F3 he didn't feel good enough for...he kept asking Louise on their final date if she really knew the non-rolls-royce Blake without the glitz and glamour). It would make sense to spin it as he loved her even then even though he told Sam she was the only one he was in love with (lipservice or not, that is stretching the limits if you know you want someone else). Either way, unless Sam and Lisa were in on the whole thing then it makes little sense for him not to be in tears like he was with Jess, Lisa, and even a tear shed for Sam on his Project interview when he called her 'just a beautiful person'. Zero tears for Louise. Not a glisten in the eye when she left? 

Also, Jason and Molly did not meet to bake together and whatnot (Blake let that slip and his mother confirmed they got together, we also had someone in here talk of a sighting of Blake in Brisbane). I just don't see this as a traditional Mesnick in any way. Like I said, a Mesnick can be applied to any girl, even Holly the netballer if the shoe fit (hey, she got the white rose after all), just by choosing someone from the show to date now.  
ETA: Anyway, I am waiting for Louise to realise that she favourited this tweet. (She already de-favourited another tweet that called Blake a douche)

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Post by AEF Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:09 am

I think the explanations that will paint in him the best possible light is to stick to his story and say he broke off with Sam because after the show he could not see himself marrying her and the relationship with Louise begun after the break up (I don't believe that is right given what he was saying about moving in interviews).

When Molly left Jason did what is now called 'the Mesnick' where he could stop sobbing over the balcony so definitely a massive difference there.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:27 am

AEF wrote:I think the explanations that will paint in him the best possible light is to stick to his story and say he broke off with Sam because after the show he could not see himself marrying her and the relationship with Louise begun after the break up (I don't believe that is right given what he was saying about moving in interviews).

When Molly left Jason did what is now called 'the Mesnick' where he could stop sobbing over the balcony so definitely a massive difference there.  
I agree... but sadly for him and Louise it seems that this is not what he is going to say... In this preview for the upcoming The Project interview, Carrie asks Blake why, if he already knew that he loved Louise in Cape Town, South Africa, did he dump her and then propose to Sam?

To watch the preview go here:

The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Bl11

Oh boy. Would have been better to just say a post-show thing or have shown some sadness instead of smiling when he let her go as F3. (Poor Louise has seen Blake crying over the other F4 except for her!) But really, how else would Louise come back to him (again, she favourited the douche and waay better than Blake tweets recently, still favouriting the latter). For her to believe him after seeing Blake propose and say 'you are the only person I have been in love with' to Sam he would have to spin it as producers made him do it or he really felt duped by Sam (she is 'not who I thought she was') to get Louise to accept him. Otherwise Louise was in it from South Africa. Why not be F1 then and get the positive media spin instead of being F3 and now be his true love? Just strange...  scratch

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Post by Sundy Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:30 am

Even from that little snippet I'm sensing a bit of attitude from Louise. She is definately in control here, her hands on top of Blakes, it's definately a power thing. I'm guessing we are going to see a different side to Louise now. Not the demure little thing from the house. I recall Sam saying that when she made contact will Louise originally that Louise complained about something that she had read and Sam told her that she should have called her and not believed it, from memory it was around this time that Sam and Lisa stopped following Louise. Could it be that Louise told Sam in this call that she was also in contact with Blake, hence the unfollowing on IG?  Poor Sam. Laurina is right when she says its sh!t the way it's happened. Zoe too has just had a swipe on Twitter. Going to be an interesting day tomorrow

Last edited by Sundy on Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:33 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Error)

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:36 am

Wow! In response to Louise tweeting the Woman's Day "Out of Hiding" tweet, Zoe definitely is letting it be known that she thinks Louise has been duped by Blake. 

The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Lo10

The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Wow10

I feel bad for Zoe when she sees the interview.. because from what I see and reading their body language, Louise is 100% in PR-mode and Blake is following her lead for sure. 

Sundy: I agree that Louise is in control here. (Read my post upthread about how I believe that is exactly what Blake prefers, to be led by women, not to lead them as he did with Sam. Some may take this as criticism, but I think it is just part of his being an only child, no dad, and only women whom he follows)...

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:56 am

Meanwhile, Sam is with Lisa and Diana ....

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:18 am

I understand favouriting positive tweets about love and happiness, but favouriting tweets about buying the magazine, with Sam's @fro_001 twitter handle in the post and #Drama?? I dunno... question scratch

The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Hmm10
The Bachelor Australia - Season 2 - Blake Garvey - ATFR - *Spoilers* - Media & Social Media Discussion #2 - Page 61 Ohboy10

Oh boy, I really hope this is not about the money,money,money...   sad
I am at the point where I am wishing this whole thing, show and post-show, is just part of a script/plot to try save a sinking Channel 10 ship. The alternative is not good at all... hmmm

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