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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:49 am

Sundy wrote:Anyone else notice how quiet the other girls are on social media over the last day or so?

Yes they are quiet because they are stunned l think. Zoe has revealed this herself. She commented on her twitter on how she is stunned about Blake and Louise. I think all the girls are stunned considering how they were united in sisters before misters. They most likely won't say anything negative about Louise but their silence says it all. They are not jumping out to congratulate her. They can't really. It's bizarre to them.

ETA: Lisa on Louise and Blake
Hyde said the reported Blake/Louise romance took everybody by surprise.
"It did come out of nowhere for everyone, I think even the whole crew behind the scenes were shocked as well," she said.

It seems that Lisa and everyone else is shocked by the turn of events and contradicts any pre-pact rumours we've heard and adds to evidence this was not a switcheroo as much as falling out of love by not being supported by the one he loves when he was being criticised about his behavior kissing all the girls/stripper rnuours... but falling in love with Louise by getting support from Louise which made him develop his feelings for her.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by ideas_ideas Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:37 am

Hi all -
I too have been enjoying all the posts here the last couple of weeks, discovered the forum whilst trying to find out what on earth has happened with TBAU this season! Thanks for all your sleuthing and insights, has been very interesting.

I just had a thought, one that I'm not convinced of but it seems to potentially answer some of the more puzzling elements of this strange saga-
In the Women's Day snippet of video, Louise says 'We have something very exciting to tell you.' This could be simply the announcement that they are together, or, perhaps Louise IS, or maybe was, pregnant?

- Like some others here, I never saw the chemistry between Blake and Louise, the whole season I just never saw it and his lack of (visible) emotion when he let her go as F3 was not a shock at all/ seemed in line with the lack of deep connection/chemistry with Louise (at least compared to several of the others).
- Perhaps Louise fell pregnant and announced it to Blake at some point after the show ended, which caused a shift in Blake / their relationship and, while it sounds like he was confused/had doubts about Sam pretty much as soon as the camera's were switched off, perhaps this news 'sealed the deal' that a) he definitely did need to break things off with Sam and b) was the catalyst to open up a deeper relationship with Louise?
- This would draw some relevance to the radio caller who dialed in to say the F2 was pregnant, however they just got their girl mixed up? i.e. it wasn't Lisa but Louise?
- Might perhaps explain some of Louise's total silence on it all until now i.e. it was such a big deal and such important news that she really could not comment until things had settled

This seems too 'scandalous' of a theory for me to believe yet (things in real life are rarely as dramatic as this), and the fact that he doesn't seem to have slept with any of the girls also doesn't support this theory, however it popped in to my head as I tried to find a link between the puzzle pieces that still don't add up to me i.e. the lack of chemistry and deep connection with Louise but then suddenly they're together, and why pursuing the F3 after all this, not even the F2 (unless he did try to with Lisa but was turned down)?

I think it probably is more likely that he did find the support/mothering/nurturing with Louise post-show as they continued their friendship, and that Louise clearly still had tender feelings for him which then blossomed in the aftermath, OR the editing just never really showed the true connection between them through the whole journey (don't think so, never saw it in his eyes once with Louise) ... but still ... maybe?!


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:05 am

yvi123 wrote:Allaboutlove, you've mentioned before that you think Blake and Louise's relationship developed more so after the conclusion of the show. It seems you are right, according to Blake's mom..

'She [Louise] gave him support and was a shoulder for him to lean on when everyone else was attacking him.'

She added: 'She felt bad for him and they have been speaking alot since. They have been seeing each other when they can, not much because she's in Brisbane and he's in Perth.

** Post-show romance:
- It seems I may be correct in this being a total post-show ronance between Blake and Louise and thus it was not an obvious Mesnick where he just chose the wrong girl but rather developing feelings post-show for another.
- l hope for Louise's sake she is not a rebound/buffer or just a support system that he's fallen for in his time of need...but rather than just a support system he has fallen for Louise herself... and not the support she is giving him during the post-show bubble so to speak (doing it in hiding, etc).
- lt seems it's purely a change of heart post-show as l suspected based on Blake's behavior to Louise when she left: he was not heartbroken/no tears .. he even smiled (he cried when Jess and Lisa left).
- He truly seemed in love with Sam but switched off from exhaustion of the whole show. I know I would be if l was on the show that long and took things very very emotionally as Blake did. He was exhausted in every way and needed support, not distance (even if he didn't vocalise this to Sam he had done so in Episode 8).
- He probably began to doubt Sam since he never got that support in the way he needed it (closeness not space) which leads me to...

** To Blake, Love=Support & Support=Love:
- Blake's own doubts on Sam being marriage material were echoed by most of the viewers and he probably took this to heart.
- The overall consensus was that Sam was immature and not marriage material. Blake had doubts about marriage and Sam being asked about babies babies babies and ready for marriage by his Aunt Dee shows he was getting his aunt to ask the questions he had doubts about.
- He probably felt reassured but then post-show when he heard partying rumours and Sam being seen as not ready for marriage/immature those doubts came back.
- Adding in Blake's reputation getting hammered in the press and he was in need of support more than Sam was.
- It all comes down to that: Blake needing support but not getting it from Sam in the way he needed it when he was getting a bad rap in the press about kissing all the girls (this was before the breakup).
- Sam probably never reached out to him to reassure him because their relationship dynamic was always Blake reassuring Sam.
- His whole speech to Sam in needing someone to support him in Episode 8 probably became a reality and ultimately what made him realise things weren't right (his 'general feeling') that Sam had a different way of viewing a relationship from him.
- No matter what, we all value things differently and for Blake, unconditional and uncoerced support is crucial (it is what he has with those closest to him, his mum/aunty/gran).
- Blake didn't want to beg for support (not again after Ep 8), he craves it to be given freely (and for me, I concur with that) should come naturally to reach out and comfort/reassure/support the one you love. He did this with Sam the whole way through,  beginning to end of show, yet it seems she couldn't do the same when he was low.
- For him, the most important thing is support, love is defined as support.
- Blake needed support at the lowest time of his life when he was getting a beating in the press about kissing/stipping and instead of Sam supporting him Louise was the one reaching out to him.
- Sam in South Africa just gave Blake space when he was down/low when she probably should have drawn closer to him and told him to lean on her... comforted him...been physically close, holding his hand (intimacy at its deepest and most meaningful level is human contact/closeness ...not sex) ... but instead Sam gave him space and let him withdraw and isolate himself from her. Maybe he made it seem like he wanted to be left alone but his speech and response to Louise's supporting  him post-show (pre and post breakup) indicates that for Blake, being supported is the most important part of a relationship.

** Blake and Sam's greatest fears were realised:
1) Sam's fear: that Blake never really knew her and he would be disappointed in the end if he chose her believing her to be someone she was not.
2) Blake's fear: that the person he would be with in the end wouldn't be able to support him in the way he needed to be supported.
....  These things are core differences between them. I don't think they could be what each other wanted them to be in a lasting relationship. Falling in love or not... it was bound to end based on these two fears highlighting their differing views on what matters most to then in a relationship (being fully understood/accepted versus being fully supported).

P.S. These are my thoughts but for me they make the most sense of everything that has transpired

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Post by Sundy Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:16 am

Sundy wrote:

So I think we can now consider this as the date Blake flew to Thailand?

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Post by Sundy Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:21 am

Last edited by Sundy on Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Error)

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:09 pm

Welcome1 ideas_ideas ! Thanks for joining us!


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Post by Guest Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:57 pm

Didn't Blake call Lisa as well? hmmmnn it seems anyone would do but Sam.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:41 pm

The mother of The Bachelor Blake Garvey has revealed her son endured relentless bullying throughout his childhood because of his skin colour.

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Post by Norcalgal Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:46 pm

Been gone 4 days and all hell breaks loose! Not that we didn't suspect something, of course. Looks more and more to me that Blake did this for the money. Anytime you sell your soul for money, you usually get what you deserve - backlash, attacks. Not saying he's a bad person. Just that he did what he was told and now has s*** to pay for it.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by AEF Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:32 pm

Norcalgal wrote:Been gone 4 days and all hell breaks loose!  Not that we didn't suspect something, of course.  Looks more and more to me that Blake did this for the money.  Anytime you sell your soul for money, you usually get what you deserve - backlash, attacks.  Not saying he's a bad person.  Just that he did what he was told and now has s*** to pay for it.

I do see how you could hold either point of view - either he bumbled his way through the season end and did not make good decisions or as we have talked about there was a script that started with the Life Of Sam movie, saw Blake push Sam for love a number of times, the fairy-tale date trying on rings, Sam only one to receive three dates culminating in 10 needing a proposal. I'm not sure there is any evidence to say the aftermath has been scripted but I know others hold this view but the franchise now looks well embedded in Australia.


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Post by AEF Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:36 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:
The mother of The Bachelor Blake Garvey has revealed her son endured relentless bullying throughout his childhood because of his skin colour.

We did know this although not the horrible extent. I don't know how I feel about this coming out now, you have to assume Max has created a campaign.


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Post by AEF Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:40 pm


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