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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:14 am

IA. I think K&S just bring out the worst in each other, instead of making each other better, more mature people, they thrive on their drama and attention seeking behavior.

Both self-centered with low self-esteem that requires daily ego stroking, imo. It's no wonder they have an incessant need to live their relationship out through their SM instead of being with each other, three's a crowd and they love it, imo.


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Post by beader Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:50 am

isittrue wrote:
beader wrote:It seems K made sure that S only watched "their parts" of the show.  According to S, he didn't watch the parts with others.  The meathead should probably smarten up and watch some of these other parts.  He might really get his eyes opened watching all K.'s "come with me" looks and statements to Nick and hearing her "I love you's" to Nick as well.  I believe his eyes, ears, and mind are closed to reality--good luck S--you're going to need it--along with a J.O.B.

Chris S. did not watch any of the Des/Brooks ILY Brooks nonsense either and nobody criticized him for it.  

To me, the big difference is that Chris S. did not make snarky comments about Brooks on TV and in his interviews.  Chris S. is a totally different man than Shawn--thank goodness.  Chris knows his own value and doesn't need to stroke his own ego by putting down other people.

Also, Chris S. was not engaged to a woman who was ragging on and denying feelings for her F2. Big difference this season.


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:57 am

chasingpavements wrote: snipped
I've never been more wrong about someone in this franchise and I'm really embarrassed about my post history from March-June, where I continued to defend and support this girl. One of the most immature and selfish leads we've ever had.

I know how you feel. When we first sleuthed her out and saw all the pics on SM and that disgusting vid, my opinion only, I really didn't like her at all. The more we saw of her, I warmed up a bit more. When sleuthers discovered the pre SM flirting, I thought it was cute and might make for a good love story. When she was eliminated on CS's season it was obvious to me she thought she had it in the bag since they slept together. Of course we didn't know at that time but IMO CS was really feeling bad letting her go because he knew and that's why I was pretty sure they did the deed.  No way would he have that opportunity with Becca and she would never be a good fit for the 'ette (in their eyes)  I'm not a fan of the free spirit lets have sex, so I started disliking her again.

And here we are. She did the same thing to her F2. She always said she didn't regret it, just the timing. It seems now considering her F1 does not like Nick, she now felt guilty and "didn't feel right", but went back for more.

Their behaviour post show is a big disappointment for me as I don't envision the Bachelorette to be displaying her life on snapchat, drunk, in bed, waking up from naps and dissing the guy she had no problem dropping her pants for. Whatever she got paid for this gig, I can see them blowing it all. Who can afford to take 6 months off, with no plans for work, that we know of, no previous high paying job where they would have money socked away and if they did why would you blow it on entertainment, travelling and booze. Vancouver is one of the most expensive places to live in Canada, if not the most expensive. A 700 sq foot condo will cost you $800,000 if not more.

I wish them well. They are well matched, however I hope one of them grows up soon, to provide guidance to the other in order to make some good sound decisions.  JMHO


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Post by Guest Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:29 am

Sprite wrote:
reason wrote:IC he has not contacted Kaitlyn since the show no contact at all until the after.  I believe SWNSNBS 1 was mad because he ask that one question and was trying to contact her, but SWNSNBS 2 is following her so call man bully.  Nothing to suggest he have done anything other than he knew her before the show.  Shawn is a jealous person and small minded if you asked me and turning kaitlyn into that too.

I don't think that Shawn is turning Kaitlyn into anything that she wasn't already. He is just reinforcing already existing traits. He is her type and usually we pair up with like minded people, so...two peas in a pod. Not to mention that Kaitlyn is now all cosy with Nick's previous paramour...another petty, self absorbed brat. Again, who you keep company with says something about you. People like Sharleen are the anomaly because they can be friends with anyone without stooping low. I would love to hang with that woman!

Speaking of Sharleen, I wonder what she thinks of all of this? I know she is friends with both K and N, I'd love to know what she thinks of Kaitlyn and Shawn's digs at Nick. Sharleen is such a class act, I can't imagine she's happy with Kaitlyn's childish behavior.


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Post by kimberlyg Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:34 am

Max64 wrote:Speaking of Sharleen, I wonder what she thinks of all of this?  I know she is friends with both K and N, I'd love to know what she thinks of Kaitlyn and Shawn's digs at Nick.  Sharleen is such a class act, I can't imagine she's happy with Kaitlyn's childish behavior.

Sharleen doesn't police her friends and I doubt she's paying attention to any of it. She's also BFF with Andi, who has probably said worse things in private.


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Post by ironcat Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:46 am

While I seriously doubt the producers encouraged Kaitlyn to say ILY to Nick (or to have sex with him at least twice), I have no doubt that they wanted her to bring him along to F2 and then let him propose, especially to contrast with Andi rejecting him in advance. This deja vu factor was just too "delicious" for them to walk away from, and regardless of what Kaitlyn wanted, or got away with prior, once that story line was set (once it became clear that Kaitlyn was only interested in Shawn and Nick, and was favoring Shawn), it was set in stone, IMO, and nothing was going to stop it from happening. We know the handlers are MASTERS in the art of psychological manipulation, and since, IMO, Kaitlyn is no deep thinker, I suspect it wasn't difficult to convince her that dragging Nick along to the end (if she actually had made up her mind earlier and wanted to drag Ben H along instead), and then letting him speak his mind was actually in the poor guy's best interests. They have done this same thing MANY times before, to smarter people than Kaitlyn. If she has now figured out it was a mistake to do so, sadly, it's also the non-admirable part of human nature to now blame the person she has injured for that mistake, which she seems to be doing.

Nick had the choice to really take the high road, be noble and not vent or say what's on his mind, which would be really hard to do for anybody, because Kaitlyn, IMO, screwed him over worse than Andi did, and he has every right to resent and criticize her behavior (living "in the moment" and "flying by the seat of your pants" can sometimes have negative consequences, especially when you end up hurting others as a result, and there's a price to pay for that) on his media tour. It's also clear from some of what he's said that he's now subtly campaigning to be the next Bachelor. Maybe that's based on some inside info that the producers have shared with him, or maybe it's based on receiving more sympathy from the media and the viewers than he did last time, but mark my words, the guy wants the gig.


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:38 pm

There are a lot of contestants that go into this with the sole purpose of wanting the next gig. There are some who at some point realize they haven't got a hope in heck at becoming the F1 and start campaigning themselves for that gig. We've seen in may times. Chris Soules Jake Pavelka Andi Dorfman Ali F.

IMO I can confidently say Nick was not one of them. He may now, at this point in time after all is said and done, the seed may have been planted by TPTB after filming and is being offered the lead or is in talks, may be thinking about it. They want drama ratings sex and scandal. I don't think either Ben's will give them that, and it appears Josh is no where near in the running.

I wouldn't be surprised if we hear in a couple of weeks or so.


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Post by happygolucky Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:17 pm

ironcat wrote:While I seriously doubt the producers encouraged Kaitlyn to say ILY to Nick (or to have sex with him at least twice), I have no doubt that they wanted her to bring him along to F2 and then let him propose, especially to contrast with Andi rejecting him in advance.  This deja vu factor was just too "delicious" for them to walk away from, and regardless of what Kaitlyn wanted, or got away with prior, once that story line was set (once it became clear that Kaitlyn was only interested in Shawn and Nick, and was favoring Shawn), it was set in stone, IMO, and nothing was going to stop it from happening. *snipped*
If she has now figured out it was a mistake to do so, sadly, it's also the non-admirable part of human nature to now blame the person she has injured for that mistake, which she seems to be doing.

Nick had the choice to really take the high road, be noble and not vent or say what's on his mind, which would be really hard to do for anybody, because Kaitlyn, IMO, screwed him over worse than Andi did, and he has every right to resent and criticize her behavior (living "in the moment" and "flying by the seat of your pants" can sometimes have negative consequences, especially when you end up hurting others as a result, and there's a price to pay for that) on his media tour.  It's also clear from some of what he's said that he's now subtly campaigning to be the next Bachelor.  Maybe that's based on some inside info that the producers have shared with him, or maybe it's based on receiving more sympathy from the media and the viewers than he did last time, but mark my words, the guy wants the gig.
Ironcat, I've missed your postings ... glad to see a good reflection. Kimmel -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th - Thread#3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 35 2498057887 Quote you completely as I agree from start to finish.


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Post by happygolucky Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:23 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:I wish them well. They are well matched, however I hope one of them grows up soon, to provide guidance to the other in order to make some good sound decisions.  JMHO
:yes: yes giggling well said.


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Post by happygolucky Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:28 pm

beader wrote:
isittrue wrote:Chris S. did not watch any of the Des/Brooks ILY Brooks nonsense either and nobody criticized him for it.
To me, the big difference is that Chris S. did not make snarky comments about Brooks on TV and in his interviews.  Chris S. is a totally different man than Shawn--thank goodness.  Chris knows his own value and doesn't need to stroke his own ego by putting down other people.

Also, Chris S. was not engaged to a woman who was ragging on and denying feelings for her F2.  Big difference this season.
:yes: :claphands there's a reason Chris Sieg. deserves his own emoticon ... he is just the outstanding guy with no comparison :Chris:


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Post by iamreal2u Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:05 pm

^^ But then again Chris Sieg did not have to deal with his now wife being intimate with her F2. HE dealt with her telling the world she was in love with Brooks. Chris then appreciate the fact that Brooks was not in love with Des and gracefully withdrew and even told her that Chris was the better guy for her. Don't see why Chris would not be Brooks BFF. Two totally different stories.

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Post by wandb Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:29 pm

Does anyone know where I can watch the K&N segment of the ATFR? There was an amber alert at that time, so the whole segment was beeped out. Grrr....


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