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Post by jen689 Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:41 am

AllAboutLove wrote:...So Jade and Tanner will be married on ABC but not Shawn and Kaitlyn...
Tanner/Jade have had a sweet, very normal, no drama courtship. Shawn/Kaitlyn belong on Dr Phil. They have personal issues that need to be resolved before they're ready to settle down JMO


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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:51 am

jen689 wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:...So Jade and Tanner will be married on ABC but not Shawn and Kaitlyn...
Tanner/Jade have had a sweet, very normal, no drama courtship. Shawn/Kaitlyn belong on Dr Phil. They have personal issues that need to be resolved before they're ready to settle down JMO
I totally agree about K&S having issues. There's no doubt about that, IMO.
But I also think that even if they wanted to get married ASAP that ABC would never film their wedding.

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Post by rhondam Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:32 am

megaa wrote:I do like that Lauren's reaction was real, saying she'd be fine & have no regrets if she left, which you don't often hear from contestants. They're usually saying heavy things, even if they don't truly believe them or are too wrapped up to realize it. Lauren is for sure confident. It was a direct contrast to Olivia claiming Ben, and also how some of the others were acting at this point. At least we get to see their dynamic better next week. So excited.

Watching it over again, I find it even less harmful. And on a shallow note, she looked gorgeous. Her legs are freaking amazing.

She is very confident and playing hard to get, keep him interested so all he'll be able to do is think of her! Hahaha smart girl! Next week she'll fall for him though—the peek at their connection on their 1 on 1 looks adorable!! :inlove

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Post by Guest Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:42 am

Why the hell does Ben always look so melancholy and fidgety and out of it on Bachelor Live..? That's two weeks in a row. Lol


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Post by rhondam Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:53 am

GuardianAngel wrote:CS still can't put a sentence together.

Omgosh there were a few thoughts that he managed to get across but oh man that guy does have trouble! I'm surprised he hasn't taken Dale Carnegie training or joined Toastmasters or something.  hmmm

I rewound when Becca was brought up and watched him closely and I think he still has some unresolved feelings for her. I also did the same when Jade was on and he didn't have the same pensive look on his face. That is nteresting to me. And when Kris (or was it CH) said that everyone was getting married and having babies (paraphrasing), he said jealous. :Nod: I don't dislike the guy at all (but did dislike his hair) and I hope he can find true love too someday. I cannot help but feel a little sorry for him.

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Post by Guest Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:54 am

Linds911 wrote:Kait & Shawn haven't set a date yet & aren't rushing things which seems what Tanner & Jade are doing IMO. I mean they've only been engaged for what 7 months that's like the shortest engagement until wedding in Bach nation right?? And why do they get a TV wedding and not Des and Chris? Guess Chris Harisson has to officiate all Bach weddings now in order to get on TV!! He acted surprised when they asked him please he so knew already Suspect Gosh at least hope it's better then Marcus & Lacy's.
It's very rushed! I can't imagine getting married to someone I've only known for 7 months! Especially after seeing the possible issues Marcus/Lacy are having after also rushing it. At least give it a full year. What's the hurry? 

I don't really know what the TV wedding means yet - M/L had a TV wedding that was seemed to have a budget of $25, so I wouldn't be suprised if they got something similar.


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Post by rhondam Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:58 am

mizzoufan wrote:
mindless wrote:Showing Ben's package to make up for the lack of shirtless shots in the premiere. Nice one.
 A very small package at that laugh out loud

I was very surprised by this ^!! He is 6'4" and he has big hands. I've always ah thought :gotcha: that the length from end of palm to end of index finger was the true representation?! He didn't seem embarrassed though. no idea

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Post by jen689 Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:01 am

AllAboutLove wrote:I totally agree about K&S having issues...even if they wanted to get married ASAP ABC would never film their wedding.
I agree they could get some money/publicity from a magazine if/when they get married.


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Post by jen689 Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:07 am

eversotrue wrote:Why the hell does Ben always look so melancholy and fidgety and out of it on Bachelor Live..? That's two weeks in a row. Lol
Maybe he's going through the motions wanting the season to be over so he can publicly move on with his F1. If it's Lauren B at least he's in LA every week so they can see each other :Nod:


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Post by rhondam Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:12 am

soccermom333 wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:The after show is only going then January right? so they could show it in February .JMO

This makes sense because they did say a "few weeks."  That is pretty quick.  

I wonder if they're pregnant? no idea Why else rush the wedding other than for an ABC time slot. Hugesmile  But seriously, I'm very happy for these two, they seem very happy and very much in love. :wedding

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Post by Guest Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:53 am

just watched the show and here are my thoughts!

- Caila is gorgeous. I still don't love her, because she comes overly polished and very child-like. But, I did like her explaination for "wanting to match the perfect story" in her previous relationship. 
- definitely got Courtney vibes from Olivia. I feel like she's going to be using the "they just didn't get my sense of humor!" excuse afterwards. She's also so sexually aggressive! That was the first time I really saw Ben have sexual, passionate chemistry with someone. 
- Amanda still reminds me a lot of Emily. She's also gorgeous. She seems super nice and likable, just a bit over-sensitive. 
- after seeing all of the girls, I feel like Jojo seems the most "bachelorette material" - she seems outspoken, charismatic, sexy, self-deprecating, etc. She also fell into the bubble quick, which I guess is something they would want 
- Ben's "wassup" to Olivia was so cute! They seemed to have a very natural, easy going dynamic. I bet she was supposed to be f1/f2 originally. 
- Okay, didn't Lauren and Ben meet like 4 days ago? What was with giving her a pic already? That was such a strange gift. Anyways, I agree that she seems the most normal out of everyone. Someone said she has a "quiet confidence" about her and I agree - it's very impressive. It's also nice to see Ben do the chasing and self-doubting. Shows how invested he is already. 
- all in all, I feel like Ben is an easy read. Seems like he really only had romantic chemistry with Jojo, Olivia, and Lauren. Maybe Lauren H and Jubilee as well, although their time with him was really brief. I'm excited for next week and more Lauren/Ben!


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Post by Alanna Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:52 am

nothatgirl wrote:
It's very rushed! I can't imagine getting married to someone I've only known for 7 months! Especially after seeing the possible issues Marcus/Lacy are having after also rushing it. At least give it a full year. What's the hurry? 

I don't really know what the TV wedding means yet - M/L had a TV wedding that was seemed to have a budget of $25, so I wouldn't be suprised if they got something similar.
How absurd would it be if they got married on Bachelor Live in the next two weeks with randos in bikinis walking around unassuming in the background of the set? I don't get the hurry either considering it's not they've been engaged for 7 months but have known each other for 7 months but to each their own. They're cute and seem happy together Smiley

Regarding Lauren and her non-excitement, she's only talked to him once at the m&g, so I don't think any normal person would be in love with him yet. So no qualms about that from me. I think/hope she'll quickly realize what a great, loving, soft-hearted man he is and fall for him too and the relationship will eventually balance more or less. Can you tell I'm totally in love with him myself or nahh? laugh out loud

Seriously, unless he has the same Brad Womack-y issues, I don't think he'll choose an ice queen who looks at him like something the naughty dog dragged in to the house once again. We'll see.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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